

Bloch functions on the unit ball of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space

Alejandro MirallesOscar BlascoPablo Galindo


Unit sphereBloch spaceBloch sphereBounded functionMathematical analysisBloch functionUniform boundednessBall (mathematics)Infinite dimensional holomorphyAnalysisMathematicsAnalytic functionBloch wave


The Bloch space has been studied on the open unit disk of C and some ho- mogeneous domains of C n . We dene Bloch functions on the open unit ball of a Hilbert space E and prove that the corresponding space B(BE) is invariant under composition with the automorphisms of the ball, leading to a norm that- modulo the constant functions - is automorphism invariant as well. All bounded analytic functions on BE are also Bloch functions. ones, resulting the fact that if for a given n; the restrictions of the function to the n-dimensional subspaces have their Bloch norms uniformly bounded, then the function is a Bloch one and conversely. We also introduce an equivalent norm forB(BE) obtained by replacing the gradient by the radial derivative. We exhibit in Section 3 another equivalent norm forB(BE) which is invariant- modulo the constant functions - under the action of the automorphisms of the ball. This is achieved without appealing to the invariant Laplacian and relying only on properties of automorphisms of BE: Further, we are able to show that the space H 1 (BE) of bounded analytic functions is contractively embedded in B(BE), as it occurs in the nite dimensional case. Examples of unbounded Bloch functions are also shown.
