

Polymers of Limonene Oxide and Carbon Dioxide: Polycarbonates of the Solar Economy

Mario PagliaroLeonardo PalmisanoRosaria CiriminnaLaura M. IlharcoFrancesco ParrinoAlexandra Fidalgo


General Chemical EngineeringOxidepoly(limonene carbonate)Epoxidebiopolymers010402 general chemistry01 natural sciencesCatalysislcsh:Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundLimonene oxideCopolymerOrganic chemistryChemical Engineering (all)Dicarbonateorganic_chemistrybioeconomychemistry.chemical_classificationLimonene010405 organic chemistrylimonene epoxideChemistry (all)General ChemistryPolymer0104 chemical scienceschemistryChemical engineeringlcsh:QD1-999PerspectiveCarbon dioxideSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieChemistry (all); Chemical Engineering (all)


Limonene epoxide (1,2 limonene oxide) readily reacts with carbon dioxide in a ring opening copolymerization reaction with insertion of CO2 and formation of polycarbonates of exceptional chemical and physical properties. Both poly(limonene carbonate) and poly(limonene dicarbonate) can be synthesized using low cost Zn or Al homogeneous catalysts. This study addresses selected relevant questions concerning the technical and economic feasibility of limonene and carbon dioxide polymers en route to the bioeconomy.
