

Determination of the first ionization potential of nine actinide elements by resonance ionization mass spectroscopy (RIMS)

Günter HerrmannN. ErdmannJ. V. KratzA. WaldekKlaus EberhardtM. NunnemannGerd PasslerG. HuberS. KöhlerNorbert TrautmannJ.r. Peterson


ChemistryMechanical EngineeringMetals and AlloysThermal ionizationPhotoionizationMolar ionization energies of the elementsIon sourceAtmospheric-pressure laser ionizationMechanics of MaterialsIonizationMaterials ChemistryAtomic physicsElectron ionizationAmbient ionization


The high sensitivity of RIMS enables the precise determination of the first ionization potential of actinide elements with a sample size of ≤1012 atoms. By multiple resonant laser excitation, the actinide atoms under investigation are ionized in the presence of an electric field, and the ions are mass-selectively detected in a time-of-flight spectrometer. The first ionization potential is obtained by scanning the wavelength of the laser used for the last excitation step across the ionization threshold Wth—indicated by a sudden increase of the ion count rate—at various electric field strengths. Extrapolation of Wth to electric field strength zero leads directly to the first ionization potential. The first ionization potentials (IP) of Am, Cm, Bk, Cf and Es were determined for the first time as IPAm=5.9736(3) eV, IPCm=5.9914(2) eV, IPBk=6.1979(2) eV, IPCf=6.2817(2) eV, IPEs=6.3676(5) eV with samples of 1012 atoms. Furthermore, the ionization potentials of Th, U, Np and Pu were remeasured.
