

Residual stress measurement in innovative friction stir welding processes

Caterina CasavolaAlberto CazzatoCarmine PappalettereLivan FratiniVincenzo MoramarcoDavide Campanella


0209 industrial biotechnologyMaterials scienceFriction Stir Welding; In-process Cooled Friction Stir Welding; Laser assisted Friction Stir Welding; Residual stress; X-ray diffraction; Materials Science (all); Mechanics of Materials; Mechanical EngineeringLaser assisted Friction Stir WeldingFriction Stir WeldingResidual stress02 engineering and technologyWeldinglaw.invention020901 industrial engineering & automationlawResidual stressFriction stir weldingGeneral Materials ScienceFriction weldingComposite materialMechanical EngineeringMetallurgyIn-process Cooled Friction Stir Welding021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyStrength of materialsX-ray diffractionMechanics of MaterialsMaterials Science (all)0210 nano-technologyresidual stress friction stir welding laser assisted friction stir welding in-process cooled friction stir welding x-ray diffraction


In recent years, important innovations have been introduced in Friction Stir Welding (FSW) technology such as, for example, the Laser assisted Friction Stir Welding (LFSW) and in-process Cooled Friction Stir Welding (CFSW). Residual stresses have a fundamental role in welded structures because they affect the way to design the structures, fatigue life, corrosion resistance and many other material properties. Consequently, it is important to investigate the residual stress distribution in FSW where, though the heat input is lower compared to traditional welding techniques, the constraints applied to the parts to weld are more severe. The aim of the present work is to verify the capabilities of both FSW techniques in reduction of the residual stress in aluminium butt joints.
