

La disciplina giuridica delle piattaforme online per la ristorazione

Antonio Paolo Seminara


Settore IUS/03 - Diritto AgrarioSettore IUS/01 - Diritto PrivatoOnline Platform Caterin Private Law Food Law Data Protection B2B and B2C Contracts


The paper investigates the legal issues concerning online platform for restaurants. A coherent regulatory framework of these platforms is proposed, considering the P2B and B2C relationships involved in their activities, with a focus on the protection of food choices and personal data entered by users. While for the P2B issues the European legislation lay down by Reg. EU n. 1150/2019 and the previous Dir. 2000/31/EC on electronic commerce is involved; the B2C issues are discussed considering the regulation on unfair commercial practices provided by Dir. n. 2005/29/EC and, specifically, Reg. EU n. 1169/2011 on food information. As regards the privacy issues of the platform customers, the GDPR (Reg. EU n. 679/2016) and the protection of personal data in the digital environment are analyzed, with a focus on the profiling activity carried out by cybermediaries such as food-based online platforms.
