

Evidence of Single State Dominance in the Two-Neutrino Double- β Decay of Se82 with CUPID-0

J. KotilaJ. KotilaC. NonesN. CasaliA. PuiuA. PuiuS. Di DomizioLaura CardaniDavide ChiesaDavide ChiesaStefano PozziStefano PozziAngelo CrucianiEzio PrevitaliEzio PrevitaliL. GironiL. GironiM. VignatiL. PattavinaA. GiulianiJeffrey W. BeemanMassimiliano ClemenzaMassimiliano ClemenzaOliviero CremonesiStefano NisiMarco PallaviciniG. PessinaV. PettinacciPaolo CarnitiPaolo CarnitiC. BrofferioC. BrofferioClaudio GottiS. S. NagornyMassimiliano NastasiMassimiliano NastasiC. BucciMiriam Lucio MartinezC. RusconiF. BelliniL. PagnaniniL. PagnaniniSimone CapelliSimone CapelliM. PavanM. PavanA. S. ZolotarovaS. PirroM. BerettaM. BerettaP. GorlaF. FerroniC. TomeiK. SchäffnerI. DafineiO. AzzoliniD. OrlandiG. KeppelM. Biassoni


PhysicsParticle physicsDouble beta decay0103 physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyNeutrino010306 general physics01 natural sciences


We report on the measurement of the two-neutrino double-β decay of ^{82}Se performed for the first time with cryogenic calorimeters, in the framework of the CUPID-0 experiment. With an exposure of 9.95 kg yr of Zn^{82}Se, we determine the two-neutrino double-β decay half-life of ^{82}Se with an unprecedented precision level, T_{1/2}^{2ν}=[8.60±0.03(stat) _{-0.13}^{+0.19}(syst)]×10^{19}  yr. The very high signal-to-background ratio, along with the detailed reconstruction of the background sources allowed us to identify the single state dominance as the underlying mechanism of such a process, demonstrating that the higher state dominance hypothesis is disfavored at the level of 5.5σ.
