showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Strong field phenomena: Atoms, Molecules, Nanostructures.
L’approccio “classico” di difesa dall’inondazione, basato sulla costruzione di opere strutturali in grado di contenere piene di tempo di ritorno sempre maggiore, è stato sostituito da un approccio gestionale del rischio da inondazione, nel quale prende piede sempre più il concetto di “convivere” con la piena accettando un certo livello di inondazione. In quest’ottica, la vulnerabilità diventa la variabile chiave nell’equazione del rischio e gli interventi non strutturali lo strumento principale per mitigarlo: nonostante si creda nella loro efficacia, i metodi per stimarla sono pochi, così come scarsi sono i dati sui loro effetti. Il 22 Novembre 20112, un evento meteorico eccezionale ha colp…
Relation between Psychological Time and Physical Time
Recent physical research on time suggests that time is not a physical reality in which humans perceive changes. Time measured with clocks is merely a numerical sequence of changes that takes place in quantum vacuum. Humans experience this constant flow of numerical sequence of change in the frame of psychological time, i.e. “past-present-future”. In physical reality, the past, present, and future exist only as a mathematical numerical sequence of change taking place in quantum vacuum; time as a numerical sequence of change as measured with clocks is exclusively a mathematical quantity. We humans perceive this mathematical numerical order of change with our senses, then it is processed withi…
Exortacion [sic] de un anciano español : dirigida á los vecinos de su pueblo y á todos los verdaderos patrootas excitandoles á la defensa de la patri…
Text a 1 col Sign.: [*]2, **6
Imagen de la Gloriosa Sª. Polonia, V. y M. benerada en el Conuento de la Esperanza Religiosas Agustinas extra Muros de Valenª.
Grav. calc
[Cartas a Felipe II sobre fortificar los puertos]
Ms Títol pres del llom de l'enquadernació Al f. 2, s'inclou una taula de contingut Numeració antiga: 128 f. ; foliació posterior a llapis asignada pel catalogador: 248 f. ; fulls en blanc (129-228, 229v, 230r) Escrit per diverses mans i algunes anotacions marginals Filigrana Anotacions en el f. 1: "D[o]n Vespasiano Gonzaga, Principe de Sabioneta, Duque de Trageto fue Virrey de Valencia en 1575"; D[o]n Vespasiano Manrique Gonzaga, Conde de Paredes, fue Virrey de Val[enci]a en 1668, abuelo o visabuelo del C[on]de de Parcent actual" Cartes de Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, datades entre els anys 1570 i 1577, informant sobre les fortificacions i defenses en diferents llocs d'Espanya dirigides, la …
Gozos al santisimo Christo que se venera en el lugar de Silla.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de Jesucrist, flanquejat per gerros amb flors El text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Opera Senecae
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de l'índex que hi ha al tondo (f. 2v) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 258 (els f. 1, 2r, 62, 170, 258v en blanc) + i (pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada deu fulls ; alguns quaderns numerats acompanyant al reclams Composició: Text a una columna (f. 3-169v) i a dos columnes (171r-258r). Escrit a línia tirada a 35 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua. Copiat per Piero Strozzi segons consta al colofó (f. 258r) Decoració: Orla circular en or i colors, amb branques, flors, emblemes i escut del rei Fernando. En el f. 3r, preciosa orla, també en or i colors, en que la seva decoración alternen adorns, emblemes, sis min…
De legendis gentilium libris. Llatí
Signatures.: a6, b4 Letra romana - 28 lín. - Esp. p. inic. - Filigr.: mà i estel
Historiae naturalis de quadrupedibus libri : cum aeneis figuris
Port. grav Sign. : A4, A-T4, V6 Text a dues col Postil¨les marginals
Lista de los libros legados en su último testamento por el Dr. D. Francisco Asensi, Catedrático y Vice-Rector que fue de la Vniversidad literaria de …
Americae tertia pars Memorabilem prouinciae Brasiliae historiam contines
Peu d'imp. pres de colofó Port. arquitectònica. - Caplletres
Aurora boreal observada en Valencia en la noche del dia cinco de Marzo de este presente año 1764
Corren exemplars sense la menció de llibrer. El f. de làm. és un grav. calc. Port. amb grav. i ornament tip. Caplletra grav. Sign.: A10. Notes a peu de pàg. separades del text per banda.
Establiments, ordinacions, y capitols fets per lo Concell [sic] General de la ... ciutat de Valencia, pera la bona direccio y gouern politic de la ad…
Frisos, caplletres ornades Sign.: A8 Port. amb esc. xil. de la Ciutat Reclams
Industrias contra finezas
Sig. A-D4 Sig. A-D4. - Sense port. - En l'angle superior dret de la 1ª p."Num. 190". - Text a dues col. - Reclams
Por la Orden de Regular Observancia del Serafico P. S. Francisco. Con la Generalidad del Reino de Valencia
Signat al final per Syluestre Blanco L'any més recent és 1642 Sign.: A-B2, C1
Viaje fantastico del gran piscator de Salamanca : jornadas por vno, y otro mundo, descubrimiento de sus substancias, generaciones, y producciones : C…
Sig. [calderó]8, A-G8 Frontispici amb grav. xil. - Port. orlada. - Reclams
[Miscellanea patristica]
Ms Títol proporcionat pel catalogador Col·lació: Pergamí, f. i (pergamí actual) + ii (paper) + 201+ i (pergamí actual) ; reclams cada deu folis ; foliació original en números àrabs i moderna a llapis Composició: Escrit a dues columnes a 44 línies (f. 1r) Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica. Anotacions marginals d'època posterior Decoració: Caplletres decorades amb tinta de color blau i vermell. Alguns titolets en vermell Enquadernació: Restaurada. Plateresca, pell verda sobre fusta amb ferros freds i l'escut del Duc de Calàbria amb ferros daurats. Capçada amb fils de color vermell i verd. Talls acolorits en vermell. Títol daurat al llom: "Augus[tinus] de octo q[uestionibus]" Origen: Co…
Large number asympotics for dispersed, non regular distributions of inclusions in a fluid
We shall describe the large number asymtpotics for systems consisting in a fluid surrounding a non regular distributions of inclusions. The fluid satisfies a given boundary (or initial-boundary) value problem (involving a second order operator of divergence form) in a perforated domain and the holes in the domain are occupied by the inclusions; fluid and inclusions are coupled by the boundary conditions only. These systems are meant as models at some "microscopic" scale for describing, in a suitable asymptotics, the behaviour at a macroscopic level of composite media. We shall give a general overview of the results about the homogenized limit of such a kind of systems obtained in previous w…
Fruit set and growth is regulated by hormones interaction, gibberellins (GA) being a main part of the process in Citrus. Actually, it is well known the time-course of GA content in the citrus ovary during flowering and its correlation with fruit set in both seeded and seedless species. However, GA endogenous role is uncertain. Is GA in the ovary a direct regulator or an indirect part of the hormonal stimuli that reactivates and maintains cell division triggering fruit set? While in seeded varieties GA synthesis that occurs in fertilized ovules is the primary stimulus controlling early ovary development, is there any specific tissue-dependent regulation of parthenocarpy? While initiation of …
The study proposes the comparisonof the life cycle performances of two different energy systems aimed at covering the needs of a large mixed-mode community, in Calgary (Canada). The two systems investigated are a“conventional” one, using heat pumps for heating, cooling and domestic hot water, and another one widely deploying solar thermal panels as well as a district heating infrastructure and a borehole seasonal thermal storage. The analysis is based on the LifeCycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and includes the stages of raw materials and energy supply, system manufacturing, use stage of the systems, generation and use of energy on-site, maintenance and components’ substitution, and explo…
Nowadays, the scientific community has to face with cogent problems strictly linked to the improvement of quality of live. Among the different tasks to achieve the prefixed objective the focus has been put on the drug administration, i.e., attention has been paid to propose an appropriate solution to improve the performance of a drug delivery system and to eliminate both the side effect and drawbacks. With the aim to achieve the design, synthesis, and characterization of versatile systems, with peculiar characteristics, based on clays and clays modified with a biocompatible surfactant, able to adsorb and release organic substances of pharmaceutical interest the present PhD thesis has been u…
Participation in the Forum of European Universities (FOREU)
Forum of European Universities FOREUat the time of submission all 17 alliances ARQUS CHARMEU CIVICA CIVIS ECIU EDUC EPICUR EUCONEXUS EU4Art EUGLOH EUTOPIA FORTHEM 4EU SEAEU UNAEuropa UNITE and YUFE have agreed that they will ensure joint collaboration across their RI projects by attending together a Forum of European Universities FOREU facetoface if possible or online M 14 at which to discuss and share intelligence resulting from assessment of current practices best practice and progress madesuccess stories implementing longterm strategies identification of legal financial and regulatory barriers local regional or European by the end of the project we expect to develop another shared activi…
Small Molecules Targeting and Modulating Toxic Tau Oligomeric Strains
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of over 18 different disorders known as tauopathies, characterized by the pathological aggregation and accumulation of tau, a microtubule-associated protein. Tau aggregates are heterogeneous and can be divided into two major groups: large metastable neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and oligomers. Recently, it has been shown that tau oligomers are highly toxic in vitro and efficient seeds for the propagation of pathology as compared to NFTs. While the toxicity of recombinant tau oligomers has been studied extensively, within the same aggregation state, tau exhibits conformational differences, termed tau oligomeric strains. Due to the dynamic nature of these stra…
Oratio in obsequio Ferdinandi et Elisabeth, Hispaniarum regis et reginae, Ad Innocentium VIII anno 1486 habita
Sign.: a6. - Data insegura, déu ésser entre 1488 i 1491 L. gòt. - 33 lín. - Capll. grav. - Errates en la sign. - Filigr.: cor
Gozos a nuestra Señora de contra la peste : Venerada en la Iglesia Parroquial de San Nicolás de Valencia.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Rogativa que hacen los niños y niñas para implorar la misericordia de Dios en el tiempo presente : con súplicas á Maria Santísima de Desamparados.
El full orlat Grav. del anagrama de Maria Text del prec a tres col. separades per bandes
Discurso místico-moral, que despues de la mision hacia a los señores sacerdotes confesores el Beato Leonardo de Porto-Mauricio
Sign.: [A]4, B-K4, L2 Notes a peu de pàg
Loores a S. Antonio de Padua.
El f. orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Gozos a la serafica virgen Santa Catarina de Sena, del Sagrado Orden de Predicadores.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per gerros amb flors El text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes
Vida de Lenin : dedicada a los trabajadores del Universo
Lista de los libros dejados a esta Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valencia por D. Vicente Dauder bibliotecario que fue de la misma, remitidos por el…