showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Carta a Tiberio Gracho : El patriotismo del canónigo Soler.
Oracion a Santa Catarina de Sena, particular Abogada de moribundos, para lograr en la hora de la muerte el recibir los santos Sacramentos.
Grav. xil. enmarcat de "S. Catarina de Sena" El full orlat
Gozos al Niño Jesus del Huerto, venerado en el Palmar.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Jesuset, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Sermones aurei de sanctis
Sig. a-c12, d-y8, [1]-[18]8, [19]-[20]12 L. gòt. - 2 mides. - 2 col. - 38 lín. - Esp. p. inic. - Filigr.: balança en cercle
Villancico y poesias para la solemne profesion que hace en el Real Convento de la Puridad de esta ciudad de Valencia la Sra. S. Rafaela Escoto y Rico…
Només el text, sense la música Text a 1 col Sign.: [ ]6 Esc. xil. dels Franciscans a port Esc. xil. en p. [3 Bandes
Characterization of the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in nanocomposites by means of a non-destructive evaluation technique
An extensive use of CNTs enhanced polymer composites can be boosted by novel NDE techniques able to check the quality of the products made of these nanocomposites in order to guarantee that their specifications are met. It is well known in literature that the parameter that much more than others can affect the enhancing capabilities of the added nanoparticles is their dispersion. All the resulting physical properties of the CNTs based polymer composites depend strongly on level of dispersion of the CNTs throughout the matrix. Here we presented a novel NDE technique based on infrared thermography able to test the dispersion of the added nanoparticles in nanocomposites. Two different procedur…
Research Aim This study uses a systemic approach to explore the dynamics of learning and negative emotion in workplace intraorganisational conflict. Our dynamic hypothesis was that the endogenous dynamics between the level of intraorganisational conflict and the levels of learning and negative emotion, which are accumulating in the organisation as by-products of conflict, are causing the conflict level to oscillate. Methods A systematic literature review identified two problematic, “Undesired” or “Feared” patterns of intraorganisational conflict development over time (Group Disintegration, Groupthink), and one “Desired” pattern of moderate conflict level (Cohesion and Resilience), which com…
The purpose of this thesis is the study of the symmetric algebra 〖Sym〗_S (L) of an interesting class of monomial ideals: the ideals L ⊂S=K[x1,...,xn,y1,...,ym] of mixed products in two sets of variables. Recently, this class is been used in order to test some algebraic conjecture, including the conjecture of Eisenbud -Goto, on the symmetric algebra 〖Sym〗_S (L) .Since such conjecture involves fundamental invariants of Sym (L), such as the Krull dimension, the multiplicity and regularity of Castelnuovo-Mumford, it was necessary to calculate these invariants or their bounds. This problem is difficult, but if L is generated by a s-sequence, you can arrive at a concrete result. In the work Mixed…
Profili di personalità e motivazioni associati all’uso di mobile games di realtà aumentata
In questo lavoro è descritta una revisione sistematica di 26 studi empirici che, negli ultimi 10 anni (2009-2019), hanno esplorato le motivazioni associate all’uso di giochi mobili di realtà aumentata (i.e., Pokèmon GO) e la personalità degli utenti. Considerato il crescente sviluppo tecnologico di giochi che coniugano l’Intelligenza Artificiale con la Realtà Aumentata, i risultati qualitativi presentati nel presente articolo possono configurarsi come utili criteri di segmentazione del mercato potenziale dei clienti di giochi basati su tecnologia mobile.
Studio e sviluppo di innovativi sistemi di misura e di comunicazione per le smart grid
Nanotechnologies for architecture
In architecture and building practise, the development of new materials such as the nanostructured materials, and especially the nanocomposite, will lead to a revolution in the way we think about buildings and living. New materials, new methods, new structures will allow us construct higher and bigger enhanced buildings, structures and infrastructures with new functionalities and new perspectives. In this research we will analyze how these new technologies will change, or are still changing, the construction world.
Towards a multilingual database of sound effects
One of the most significant linguistic and technical challenges applied to subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing persons (SDH) is the linguistic description of sound encapsulated within the space of subtitles. This subtitle typology is crucial to hearing impaired audiences, since its main purpose is to improve the level of comprehension and appreciation of the plot, character development and, in general, of the nuances of audiovisual products. The scope of this study is to investigate the possibilities and the applications of a multilingual database of sound effects. Such database will combine the most recent technologies in Respeaking, viewed as “the production of subtitles by means …
Ionic Liquids Binary Mixtures: Promising Reaction Media for Carbohydrates Conversion in 5-HMF
Data Management Plan
This project aims to produce the following deliverablesD1 a manuscript to Foucault Studies with Angelaki as my second choice month 9D2 popular articles to SirpEstonian National BroadcastingPostimees Poliitikasta and The Guardian month 10D3 a manuscript to Philosophy and Social Criticism with Contemporary Political Theory as my second choice month 18D4 a manuscript to Constellations or Political Theory month 27D5 popular articles to PostimeesEstonian National BroadcastingPostimees Helsinki Sanomat and The Monthly month 28D6 a manuscript to European Journal of Political Theory with Philosophy and Social Criticism as my second choice month 36D7 popular articles to Estonian National Broadcastin…
Gozos en alabanza de la sagrada imagen de nuestra Señora de Monserrate.
El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, flanquejat per ornaments florals. Text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes.
Gozos a la gloriosa Santa Ana.
El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat de Santa Anna amb la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors. El text del goig a dues col. separades per banda.
Breu, 1753, 09, 10
Puntualitzacions relacionades amb el Concordat de 1753, signat el 11 de Gener entre Benet XIV i Ferran VI Sense port. ni colofó. Com a tít. el començament del text Sign.: A4 Reclams Text bilingüe a dues col. separades per filet: llatí i castellà
Gozos al santo Christo de la Fe, que se venera en el Convento de Santa Mónica de Agustinos Descalzos de Valencia, el qual dió el Señor Patriarca D. J…
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Crist, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Un fandanguet en Paiporta : cuadro dominical de costums de l'Horta de Valensia
Las brisas del Cabañal : Periódico de verano.
Segons Tramoyeres. Catálogo de los periódicos de Valencia, va ser redactat per Peiró y Dauder i va cessar a l'agost
Origen de las especies : por medio de la selección natural ó conservación de las razas en su lucha por la existencia
Data obtinguda dels preliminars La primera làm. és un retrat de l'autor en grav. xil Làm. pleg. entre les p. 128 i 129 amb arbre evolutiu
Carta apologetica
Vinyeta a port Banda Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]11
Dissertacion poetica, que de una conversacion casual resultò sobre el Antiguo Problema de los fundamentos de Heraclito, y Democrito en sus contrarios…
Sig. [estel de 5 puntes]4, A-B4, C2 Port. orlada. - Reclams. - Capital grav
Gozos al glorioso San Ramon Nonat.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per escuts dels mercedaris El text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Sebastiani Serlii bononiensis De architectura libri quinque : quibus cuncta fere Architectonicae facultatis mysteria doctè, perspicuè, uberrimeq[ue] …
Sig. *-**6, A-K6, L8, M6, N2, O-Z6, AA-OO6, PP4 Els grav. xil Reclams. - Errates de pag., de la p. 224 passa a la 227
Discurso apologetico : en defensa del venerable, e ilustrisimo señor Don Francisco Reynoso ... Obispo que fue de Cordoba, ó en favor mas bien de la d…
Vinyeta a port Filets Text a 1 col. - Notes a peu de p. - Reclams Sign.: [A]-S4, T2
Falla del carrer de Carabases : añ 1895.
Dades preses de la coberta
Nos D. Fr. Joaquin Company ... Arzobispo de Valencia ... A todos nuestros Curas Párrocos, y demás Diocesanos ... Siendo los Prelados los que tenemos …
Com a tít. el començament del text Sign.: [ ]6
Liber de laudibus gloriosissime Dei genitricis Marie
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 2r) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 253 (els f. 252v i 253 en blanc) + i (pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis Composició: Escrit a 2 columnes i a línia tirada a 28 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua. Copiat per leo de Sancto Laurentio segons consta en el colofó (f. 252r) Decoració: Humanística, el primer full apareix amb una orla sobre fons en blanc ornamentada amb lloros, conills, òbila, papallona, amoretes i emblemes: a la part superior, la seu ardent, en el marge esquerre, ermini amb el lema "probanda", en l'inferior l'escut de Nàpols sostingut per quatre "putti", en el marge dret, una miniatura que representa a un …
Le espressioni idiomatiche legate alle emozioni in italiano e in vietnamita: Un approccio contrastivo in prospettiva linguistico - cognitiva
Il presente lavoro propone un’analisi di tipo comparativo e contrastivo delle espressioni idiomatiche legate alle emozioni in italiano e in vietnamita partendo dalla semantica cognitiva e giungendo alla glottodidattica. La ricerca si concentra, nello specifico, sul meccanismo di costruzione semantica della metafora e della metonimia come dispositivo concettuale e linguistico di pensiero, azione e cultura. I risultati della ricerca mostrano che, nonostante la distanza geografica tra Italia e Vietnam, vi sono numerosi punti di convergenza nella costruzione linguistica dovuti all’universalità nella percezione del mondo oggettivo. Le osservazioni di questo lavoro sul rapporto emozione/cultura d…
Walking through Soft Materials to Join Supramolecular Gels: An Overview about the Properties and Applications
The class of soft materials includes a large variety of species arising from self-assembly processes and held by non-covalent interactions. This confers peculiar features, allowing applications in very different fields.1 Among soft materials, supramolecular gel phases have aroused a surge of interest.2 These materials combine properties of liquid phase with the ones of a semi-solid network and the large number of gelator/solvent combinations can offer answer to issues of different nature.3 This lecture will show on overview about the obtainment and characterization of gel phases, in the attempt to understand the relationship working between gelator and solvent nature and gel phase propertie…
Supramolecular Catalytic Gels [Elsevier Award]
Decentralized Intrusion Detection In Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems
Valutazione delle caratteristiche qualitative e nutrizionali di pani funzionali, arricchiti con Portulaca oleracea L. e Opuntia ficus- indica
Copia veridica, de la grave enfermedad, lamentable muerte y tiernas clausulas del Testamento de ... D. Carlos II ...
Grav. sobre el tít Sign. : [ ]2
Gozos a la Santísima Trinidad.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "La Santisima Trinidad", flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda