showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Identità territoriale e promozione della destinazione. Il caso studio di Menfi. Un approccio geografico.
Induced smoothing in LASSO regression
The thesis is being carried out with the National research Council at the Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology "Alberto Monroy" of Palermo, where I am a fellow, under the supervision of MD Stefania La Grutta. Our research unit is focused on clinical research in allergic respiratory problems in children. In particular, we are interested in to assess the determinants of impaired lung function in a sample of outpatient asthmatic children aged between 5 and 17 years enrolled from 2011 to 2017. Our dataset is composed by n = 529 children and several covariates regarding host and environmental factors. This thesis focuses on hypothesis testing in lasso regression, when one is interes…
Kustannus-hyötyanalyysin ja monitavoitearvioinnin yhteiskäyttö ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnissa: Esimerkkitapauksena Tampereen Rantaväylä
IMPERIA -hankkeessa valmistuneita opinnäytteitä
Como se vengan los nobles
Sig. A-D4. - Descrit en la sèrie Teatro del Siglo de Oro. Bibliografías y catálogos 4. Kassel, Reichenberger, 1987, nº 164 Precedeix al tít. Num. 281 Text a dos col. - Reclams
Instrucció, 1753, 05, 30
Precedeix al tit.: [creu de Malta Signat al final: "Don Juan Antonio Bringas de la Torre" y rùbrica ms Port. amb orla xil Escut reial xil. a la port Caplletra ornada en la primera p Sign.: [A]-F2 Fules impreses per ambdues cares Reclams
Gozos al Patriarca Santo Domingo.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per escuts dels dominicans Text del goig a tres col., separades per filets
Breves meditaciones sobre los novissimos : repartidas por los dias del mes : con la regla para vivir bien todo el tiempo
Frisos, florons, caplletra ornada Reclams Sign.: A-F8
Gozos a la Purisima Concepcion.
Corren altres ed. amb el mateix tít. però amb característiques diferents El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Immaculada, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Filosofía y arte
Peticiones de los esclavos del Patriarca San Joseph, para lograr su patrocinio en la hora de la muerte.
El full orlat Grav. xil., amb marc ovalat, del sant amb el Jesuset i l'Espirit Sant, flanquejat per creus Text del poema a tres col. separades per filets
Gozos, y loores al dulcissimo nombre de Maria, y Jesus Sacramentado, cuya Cofadria està fundada en la Iglesia Parroquial de S. Estevan de Valencia.
El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, amb legenda en llatí al peu, flanquejat per gravs. amb l'anagrama de Maria. El text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes.
Hispania Damiani a Goes equitis Lusitani.
Sign.: A-F4, G6
Proclamacion tierna y festiva de la fidelissima y siempre augusta imperial ciudad de Zaragoza : en la gloriosa exaltacion de su adorado ... monarca D…
Filets Sign.: A-C4 Text a 1 col. - Postil·les. - Reclams
Alegacion por Don Pedro Ciscar, marido de Doña Rosa Ciscàr, en los autos con Don Andrès Ciscàr, sobre la revocacion y nulidad pretendida por èste del…
Precedeix al tít.: Jesus, Maria, Joseph y San Felip Neri Signat a la fi per Thomàs Ferrandis de Messa Port. amb orla tip Grav. xil. de Sant Felip Neri a port Caplletra ornada Text a 1 col. - Postil·les. - Reclams Sign.: [A]-F2
Ilíada. Llatí
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 1r) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 233 (230v-233 en blanc) + i (pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada deu fulls Composició: Escrit a línia tirada a 28 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua Decoració: Caplletres miniades en or i colors al començament de cadascun dels 24 llibres: el primer full orlat, "bianchi girari" duu entre traceria quatre lloros, conill, "putti" nu i dins d'una corona de llorer escut dels monarques napolitans Enquadernació: Pell llaurada, sobre fusta; resta de fermalls en el plànol superior i amb cants daurats. Restaurada en 1972 Origen: Escrit a Itàlia a la segona meitat del…
Estudios sobre el vinagre, su fabricación, sus enfermedades, medios de prevenirlas : nuevas observaciones sobre la conservación de los vinos por el c…
Inclou Memoria sobre la fermentación acética
Homilia de Nuestro Santissimo Padre y Señor Clemente XI
Text bilingüe: llatí i castellà Caplletres ornades, filets Text a 2 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2
Disticha Catonis
Proclama del Excmo. Señor Marqués del Palacio (Trággia) Capitán General del 1º y 2º Exército.
Gozos de San Antonio de Padua.
El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat del Sant, situat entre les paraules del tít. i flanquejat per gerros amb flors. Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda.
Esclaviut más tirana y libertad más gloriosa, La
Enmarcant en p. 1: "Jornada Primera" els inicials entre parèntesi F. G Precedeix al tít., en l'angle esquerre: Plieg. 4 Filets Text a 2 col. - Reclams Sign.: A-D4
Historias e conquestas dels excellentissims e catholics Reys de Aragó e de lurs anteçessors los comtes de Barçelona
Sign.: a4, b-h8, i6, k3 Las il. son grabs. xil Port. orlada i a dos tintes Errors de fol. - Text a dos col
Principios de gramática general
QUALITÀ DELL’INCLUSIONE & INCLUSIONE DI QUALITÀ La formazione degli insegnanti e le strategie per promuovere la scuola inclusiva
Lo scenario internazionale si sta muovendo rapidamente verso la promozione di una scuola inclusiva. In Italia, questa realtà è affrontata da molti anni, ma le trasformazioni e il confronto internazionale hanno sollevato nuove domande e riflessioni critiche. In particolare l’attenzione oggi è posta su quello che, come affermato nel corso della Conferenza internazionale dell'UNESCO (2013), è considerato il fattore chiave dei processi di integrazione e di inclusione: la formazione degli insegnanti. L’attenzione della ricerca pedagogica viene posta sui fattori chiave dei processi di inclusione: la formazione degli insegnanti, lo sviluppo ed il monitoraggio dei contesti educativi nonché la …
Determinazione di costanti di formazione di coppie ioniche in liquidi ionici
CFD simulation of Electrodialysis channels equipped with profiled membranes
Electrodialysis (ED) is a membrane-based electrochemical process that remove ions from a solution. The main use of ED is for the production of drinking water by brackish water desalination, but there are several other applications. ED is characterized by the coexistence and the interaction of different physical phenomena that affect the stack performance. Among them, fluid dynamics and mass transport are crucial: concentration polarization affects the limiting current density and the non-Ohmic voltage drop due to the chemical potential difference between the two solutions; pressure drop affects the pumping power consumption. Moreover, the total energy consumption depends also on the Ohmic v…
Ionic liquids: a highway with many lanes
Analysis of lipids in pelagic fish of Sicilian Channel and use of fatty acids as bacterial contamination markers
Lipids provide the expendable form of energy in marine ecosystem, and have an important role for the reproductive biology of fish. Also, lipids are important nutrients, versatile markers for marine trophic studies, bacteria markers etc. Among the lipids, several essential fatty acids are determinants for ecosystem health as well as for their known nutritional properties and prevention capacity of chronic diseases. Furan fatty acids (F - acids) are other important lipid bioactive compounds; for these is hypothesized a crucial nutritional role that is synergistic to polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 (PUFA ω 3), also if their mechanism is not yet clear. Source of essential fatty acid is the …
“Colpisci come una ragazza” . Ideologia sportiva, norme di genere e forme di resistenza nella comunità del roller derby
Electrochemically Prepared High-k Thin Films for Resistive Switching Devices
Loores al glorioso Patriarca San Joseph.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per grav. simbòlics amb corona, fletxa i lletra S Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Nanosistemi polimerici con un core di oro colloidale per la veicolazione di farmaci antineoplastici ed imaging di tumori solidi
Semiochemical exploitation by two egg parasitoids,Trissolcus basalis and Trissolcus brochymenae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)
Chemo-orientation in egg parasitoids, a self-controlled movement in time and space, is led by volatile or substrate-borne chemicals distribution in the environment for purposes of locating host, food, mates and other resources. The perception of these chemical stimuli can be either from a distance by exploiting long-range infochemicals in the case of volatile chemoreception and/or upon contact with the cues when wasps are relatively close to the host in the case of contact chemo-reception by perceiving short-range infochemicals. In the present thesis, two different examples of chemo-orientation were treated. The first is an olfactory chemo-reception concerning Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston)…
In this thesis, a digital device for fault and on line partial discharge location is presented. The device employs the traveling wave method for two or multiple ends. The designed prototype shows interesting features connected to the low cost and to the possibility to collect data from different locations thus providing additional functionalities deriving from pre-fault and data analysis, relating the existence of defects to the subsequent fault event. The device also enables the acquisition of the temperature on the cable section where the sensor is installed. Such installation can also support DSO and TSO for carrying out both on-event and condition based maintenance, discovering the caus…
Gozos á la Virgen del Confalon
El full orlat Grav. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, amb el text "Mater omnium. Archiconfraternitas confalonis" Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda
Chronica de la Provincia de S. Pedro de Alcantara, de Religiosos Menores Descalzos de la mas estrecha Regular Observancia de N.P.S. Francisco en los …
Caplletres grav. i altres ornaments tip Sign.: [calderó] 8, A-Kkk6 Port. amb orla tip Text a dues col. separades per filet Reclams