showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Carta de un ciudadano de Alicante sobre ciertas dudas que le consulta otro de Valencia con motivo del nuevo gobierno español

Acrònim amb el nom de l'autor a la fi de l'escrit

Desafio de dos vecinos madrideños [sic], que acaso se verificara el viernes 24 del corriente mes de abril de este año de 1812 en la plaza de San Anto…

Signat a la fi: G.A.X, inicials de Guillermo Atanasio Jaramillo, deduït d'altres impresos Text a 1 col Sign.: [ ]2

Gallardo Bartolomé José 1776-1852. Diccionario crítico burlesco Crítica i interpretació lemacEsglésia i Estat Espanya S. XIX

Relacion de los libros legados á esta Universidad litª de Valencia por el Sr. Pavordre D. José Mascarós

Ms Lletra de la primera part del S. XIX

Universitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica InventarisMascarós y Segarra José Donacions i llegats

Gran falla de la Plasa de Pertusa : en el 18 de mars del añ 1901.

Dades preses de la coberta

Falles (Folklore) Comunitat Valenciana València

Verso heroico en loor del verdadero heroe en campaña Dn. Pedro Agustin de Echevarría, comandante del batallon franco y sus individuos desde la formac…

Data de publicació obtinguda del text Vinyeta a port Filets Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]8

Guerra Gran 1793-1795 Fonts Obres anteriors al 1800

[Receptari de tintoreria i medicina]

Ms Títol proporcionat pel catalogador. L'autor figura en el colofó (f. 54r) Col·lació: Paper, f. i (paper) + 67 (en blanc els f. 36v, 56v, 58r-60v) + i (paper) ; foliació moderna a llapis Composició: Escrit a línia tirada Escriptura: Humanística cursiva Enquadernació: Pergamí. En les cobertes anterior i posterior, restes de les corretges de cuiro amb les quals es tancava el llibre; on s'hi troben anotacions parcialment llegibles Origen: Escrit l'any 1497 segons consta en el colofó (f. 54r) Signatura actual: València, Universitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica, BH Ms. 1084 Catalogat des del manuscrit original. Lectura i identificació de textos pel Prof. Francisco M. Gimeno Blay El manuscr…

Tints i tenyit S. XV

Manifiesto legal que proponen a los señores de la Real Sala ... Juan Antonio Rumbau [et al.] ... hijos y herederos de Thomàs Rumbau ..., en razon del…

Precedeix al tít.: J. M. J Signat a la fi per Joseph Musoles Caplletra ornada Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: A-F2

Herències i successions Comunitat valenciana S.XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800


Settore BIO/07 - Ecologiadelta13C PanarearesistenzaresilienzaPOSIDONIA OCEANICA


Field studies on egg parasitoid guilds of herbivore stink bugs, serious pests for a wide number of crops, have shown that Trissolcus spp. and Ooencyrtus spp. can naturally co-occur in the same host, and generally the former parasitize more eggs than the latter. In many countries, to control such pests, biological control programs based on egg parasitoids have been used obtaining inconstantly success. Thereby, understanding the competitive interactions among Trissolcus and Ooencyrtus species may be useful in order to improve biological control of such pests but only few researchers have investigated the effects of competitive interactions among these egg parasitoids. The aim of this thesis w…

intrinsic competitionegg parasitoidNezara viridulaOencyrtus telenomicidaTrissolcus basaliextrinsic competiton


terapia anticoagulanteemergenzascore di severitàembolia polmonare


L’inquinamento atmosferico continua a essere un’emergenza e uno dei maggiori fattori di rischio ambientale per la salute umana. L’impiego nel campo della ricerca, in quello della tecnologia dei mezzi di trasporto, la razionalizzazione del modal split nel contesto urbano, l’inasprimento della normativa nell’accettazione di veicoli vetusti o scarsamente soggetti a manutenzione hanno fatto si che le emissioni di molti inquinanti atmosferici siano diminuite in modo sostanziale negli ultimi anni, determinando una migliore qualità dell’aria ambiente. Nonostante questo, per la complessità del fenomeno inquinamento atmosferico che comporta l’ormai ben nota mancanza di relazione lineare tra emission…

Settore ICAR/05 - TrasportiEmissioni inquinanti prodotte dal traffico veicolare Copert.

Cambiamenti climatici e migrazioni forzate. Limiti e prospettive dell'attuale sistema di protezione dei diritti fondamentali.

diritto dell'ambientespostamenti forzatirifugiati ambientalidiritto dell'immigrazioneSettore IUS/14 - Diritto Dell'Unione Europeamigrazioni ambientalimigrazioniSettore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionaleambiente salubrevulnerabilità economicacambiamenti climatici

Comparison of Genome Wide Association Studies for milk production traits in Valle del Belice dairy sheep

The great achievements in livestock species selection during the last 50 years largely relied on quantitative genetic theory and infinitesimal genetic model. In the last 20 years, due to the application of advanced techniques in molecular genetics and statistics, several chromosomal regions that influence quantitative traits have been discovered. Combinations of molecular and classical quantitative information in a composite selection index have been proposed to increase the accuracy of selection. Nowadays, many genotyping arrays for thousands of SNPs are available for several livestock species, such as: cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, goat and chickens. The overall aim of this thesis is the c…

Settore AGR/17 - Zootecnica Generale E Miglioramento GeneticoGWAS Genetic markers Milk production traits Valle del Belice breed

Binary complexes heptakis-(6-amino)-(6-deoxy)-beta-cyclodextrin/fluorophore: structural investigation and chiral recognition

cyclodextrin host-guest complexes chiral recognitionSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica

Oxidative stress, oxidative stress-based diseases and Mediterranean diet. Raman spectroscopy monitoring of skin carotenoids in healthy individuals an…

Abstract Evaluating the level of body antioxidants may reveal a more or less severe oxidative stress condition in either healthy people or subjects with pathologies, and can be suggestive for suitable dietary interventions to possibly affect it. In this work taking advantage from the Raman spectroscopic technology to measure the level of skin carotenoids in a simple and non-invasive manner, healthy people (age 15 to 70, n=155) and women who had surgery for breast cancer (BC) (age 38 to 76, n=71) have been screened to assess to what extent an increased intake of fruit and vegetables (healthy people and patients), associated with diets based on a classical Mediterranean style and that did not…

oxidative strebreast cancerkin carotenoidplatelet aggregabilityMediterranean dietSettore BIO/10 - BiochimicaRaman spectroscopy

Quark–lepton mass relation in a realistic A4 extension of the Standard Model

AbstractWe propose a realistic A4 extension of the Standard Model involving a particular quark–lepton mass relation, namely that the ratio of the third family mass to the geometric mean of the first and second family masses are equal for down-type quarks and charged leptons. This relation, which is approximately renormalization group invariant, is usually regarded as arising from the Georgi–Jarlskog relations, but in the present model there is no unification group or supersymmetry. In the neutrino sector we propose a simple modification of the so-called Zee–Wolfenstein mass matrix pattern which allows an acceptable reactor angle along with a deviation of the atmospheric and solar angles fro…

High Energy Physics::PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentPhysics Letters B

Addressing Patients Mobility through a Dynamic Performance Management perspective: the case of Sicily

Al giorno d'oggi molte regioni italiane sperimentano il fenomeno della mobilità sanitaria passiva, consistente nella tendenza dei loro residenti a rivolgersi ad altri sistemi sanitari regionali, spesso caratterizzati da miglior reputazione, per ricevere assistenza sanitaria. Poiché il Servizio Sanitario Italiano (SSN) è pubblico e regionalizzato, ogni governo regionale ha la responsabilità di prestare assistenza sanitaria ai propri residenti, garantendo al contempo ad ogni cittadino la libertà di essere curato fuori dalla propria giurisdizione, e compensando le regioni di destinazione per i servizi sanitari resi ai non residenti. Nonostante tale diritto di scelta sia un punto di forza del S…

system dynamicSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia Aziendaleregional healthcare systemdynamic performance managementpatients' mobilitypolicy designpatients' mobility; regional healthcare system; dynamic performance management; system dynamics; policy design


Background: Discovery of new biomarker represent the greatest promise for the detection and management of cancer. Although progress in cancer biology has been rapid during the past few years, the complete understanding of molecular basis for cancer initiation, progression and efficacious treatments is still lacking. In this context, the application of proteomic strategies is now holding a focal position. The main reason is that proteins are the functional players that drive cancer phenotypes. Among cancers, breast and colon represent the most frequent forms. The evolution of these type of cancer are not easily predictable since there are several types that behave differently among patients.…

ProteomicsBIOMARKERsilver nanoparticlesBreast cancercolon cancerPROTEOMICCOLON CANCERSettore BIO/06 - Anatomia Comparata E CitologiaBREAST


The synthesis of a series of 27 salts based on 5-(4-(alkyloxy)phenyl)-1,4-dimethyl-3-(perfluoroalkyl)-1,2,4-triazol-4-ium structures, differing in the length of the alkyl and perfluoroalkyl chains, as well as in the counter ions is reported. Some properties of this new family of salts as perspective liquid-crystalline ionic liquids (LC-ILs) are described and the influence of the varying moieties in the modulation of the properties is discussed.

Fluorinated ionic liquids crystalCrystal structurePhysical and thermal propertieFluorinated ionic liquids; Fluorinated ionic liquids crystals; Physical and thermal properties; Crystal structure; Smectic Phase.Smectic Phase.Fluorinated ionic liquid


In this thesis, studies about OPF in islanded MGs have been carried out. First, an original formulation and solution approach for the OPF problem in islanded distribution systems is proposed. The methodology is well suited for AC microgrids and can be envisioned as a new hierarchical control structure comprising only two levels: primary and tertiary regulation, the latter also providing iso-frequency operating points for all units and optimized droop parameters for primary regulation. The OPF provides a minimum losses operating point for which voltage drops are limited and power sharing is carried out according to the most adequate physical properties of the infrastructure thus giving rise …

Optimal power flow three phase systems islanded operation microgrids

Sacrificios de el amor, y finezas de la lealtad en la gloriosa, plausible, y deseada aclamacion de ... Don Carlos III de las Hespañas, executada por …

Caplletra grav., banda, vinyetes Sign.: A-D4, E2 Reclams

Carles III rei d'Espanya 1716-1788 Homenatges Barbastre (Aragó) 1759 Obres anteriors al 1800

Gozos al extatico Doctor San Juan de la Cruz.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per escuts dels carmelitans Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Joan de la Creu sant 1542-1591 Goigs

Constituciones sinodales del Arçobispado de Valencia

Port. grav. calc. arquitectónica: "Iuan Felipe fecit. Año 1657" Caplletres ornades i altra orn Sign.: [ ]1, ❡-❡❡6, A-Z6, Aa-Ff6 Antep.- Postil·les. - Reclams

Concilis i sínodes València 1657 Obres anteriors al 1800

Gozos a Santa Apolonia virgen y martir, Abogada especial del dolor de muelas.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda

Apol·lònia Santa Goigs

Gozos a la inclyta sabia esposa de Christo, Santa Catharina virgen, y martyr.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per símbols, també enmarcats, representatius de la Santa El text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Caterina d'Alexandria santa Goigs

Coplas del Santissimo Rosario para los quince Mysterios.

Text a dues col. - Reclams

Rosari Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800Cobles (Literatura) Obres anteriors al 1800

La civilización

A la port: Estudios sobre Ciencias Naturales y Sociológicas encaminadas a investigar qué es el hombre y cúal es su destino


Pragmàtica. 1596, 11, 02

Sign. A-D2 Escuts xil. reial i de Montesa a la port. - Capital grav Reclams

Orde de Montesa Comunitat Valenciana Dret i legislació Obres anteriors al 1800

Liber de proprietatibus rerum en romance : hystoria natural do se trata las p[ro]piedades d'todas las cosas ...

Sign.: A6, A-Y8, a-x8 Il·lustracions xil Port. grav. a dos tintes. - Text a dos col

Ciències naturals Obres anteriors al 1800

Goigs de Nostra Senyora del Puig, patrona principal de la Ciutat y Regne de Valencia, venerada baix lo títol dels Angels.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "Nª Señora del Puche", flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Puig Mare de Déu del GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana

Gozos a nuestra Señora de la Cabeza, hallada y venerada en la Casa y Hospital de San Antonio Abad, fuera de los muros de la Ciudad de Valencia.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Hospital de San Antonio Abad (València)Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza GoigsMare de Déu GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana

Antecedentes sobre libros de los Conventos suprimidos principian en 30 setiembre 1835 y concluyen en 7 de enero 1837


Universitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica Història Fonts.Universitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica Inventaris.

Trisagio de la Santisima Trinidad.

F. impreés per una sola cara F. amb orla tip Text a 1 col Sign.: [ ]1

Trinitat Devoció

Alegoricos metricos rasgos que se han de cantar en la solemne profession de Sor Maria Joaquina, religiosa en su Convento de San Julian Martir, Orden …

Només el text, sense la música Totes les p. amb text amb orla tip Esc. xil. dels Agustins a port Frisos Text a 1 col. - Notes a peu de p. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]6

Poesia castellana S. XVIII Fonts Obres anteriors al 1800Molina Sierra Joaquina Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800 lemac

Gozos a la milagrosa imagen del SS. Christo de la Agonia, que se venera en el Santuario de Santa Ana de la Villa de Onteniente, sobre las siete Palab…

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Crist Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Jesucrist GoigsErmita de Santa Ana (Ontinyent)Sant Crist de l'Agonia GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana Ontinyent

La educación de la mujer en Valencia

Precedeix el tít.: Institución para la enseñanza de la mujer

Dones Educació Comunitat Valenciana S. XIX-XX