showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Llanto, consuelo, y alabanza, en la muerte de ... Luis de Borbòn, Delfin de Francia, hijo primogenito de Luis XIV el Grande ... en las exequias que c…

Port. amb orla tip Caplletres ornades, fris Sign.: [ ]4, A-B4, C1 Text amb postil·les marginals Reclams

Oracions fúnebres Comunitat Valenciana 1711 Obres anteriors al 1800Lluís Delfí de França 1661-1711 Mort i enterrament Obres anteriors al 1800

Interazioni tra nanotubi e molecole organiche

Nell'ampio scenario dei nanomateriali, i sistemi nanotubolari godono di un consolidato e crescente interesse sia nell'ambito scientifico che industriale. Fra la miriade di sistemi tubolari, i più utilizzati sono i nanotubi a base di carbonio e carbon nanohorns e più recentemente, vista l'elevata biocompatibilità e il loro basso costo, nanotubi inorganici quali i nanotubi di allosite. la funzionalizzazione di questi materiali con diverse tipologie di molecole organiche, ha permesso la sintesi di materiali che potrebbero o hanno trovato applicazione come filler polimerici, come supporti eterogenei in catalisi e nel campo del drug carrier e delivery. Inoltre, nel caso di nanotubi di allosite, …

nanotubi allosite funzionalizzazione catalisi filler polimerici drug carrier e deliverySettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica

Liquid biopsy in colorectal carcinoma: the search for potential prognostic and predictive biomarkers

Background: Liquid biopsy is considered a repeatable, non-invasive and dynamic tool. It could be able to recover from liquid samples (expecially blood)) cancer-specific informations (miRNAs, circulating-free DNA (cfDNA), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and exosomes) by overcoming the limitations associated with traditional tissue biopsy. Aim: to investigate the potential prognostic and predictive role of blood cancer-related biomarkers such as cfDNA or ctDNA and exosomal DNA in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Results: cfDNA or ctDNA and exosomal DNA could have a potential applicability in CRC management. New generation technologies are able to identify clinically relevant genomic alteration…

metastatic colorectal cancer liquid biopsy diagnostic accuracy RAS circulating tumor DNA Meta-analysis


Synthesis, catalytic activity and recovery of Ionic liquid modified and un-modified catalysts have mainly been focused in this thesis. Particularly, our attention has been given to 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPO) catalyst for its unique redox behavior in alcohol oxidation to carbonyl compounds. In order to tag appropriate number of IL moieties, [60]Fullerene as well as benzylic linker units were employed as a molecular support. However, covalently supported catalysts were recovered by a short silica pad while, ionic liquid-tagged TEMPO catalysts were recovered by a non-covalent “Release and Catch” approach using silica grafted polymeric multilayered covalently supported ionic …

Ionic Liquids TEMPO Oxidation Organo Catalysis Release and Catch.Settore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica


Coronary artery disease (CAD) in dyslipidemic and diabetic subjects remains the leading cause of death in the Western society. Current therapeutic strategies to prevent cardiovascular diseases are primarily based on the use of statins, which inhibit key enzyme in the cholesterol synthesis, HMG-CoA reductase. Another prominent risk factor for developing premature atherosclerosis is the low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Despite documented benefits of statins a good proportion of individuals still remain at a higher risk of developing CAD. Therefore, focus has shifted on HDL-raising therapeutics to further improve the CV outcome. While Niacin and fenofibrate have not …

HDL functionalityInflammationSettore MED/09 - Medicina InternaDiabetesAnimal model

seven case studies selected for funding

results of the call published seven case studies selected for funding

Inside Front Cover - Editorial Board

health care facilities manpower and serviceseducationhealth care economics and organizationsArabian Journal of Chemistry



Crida, 1610, 10

Sense port. Com a tít. el començament del text Caplletra ornada Plantilla amb espais en blanc per a omplir a mà, amb diferents dates i llocs Reclams

Moneda Dret i legislació Comunitat valenciana S.XVII Obres anteriors al 1800

Biophysical investigation on therapeutic proteins (Chaperonins, Hsp60 and CCT/TRiC) involved in human diseases

Molecular chaperones are indispensable cellular components that assist folding and assembly of newly synthesized proteins, translocation of proteins across membranes, as well as refolding and degrading of misfolded and aggregated proteins. In the last few years, innovative therapeutic strategies targeting stability and functionality of chaperones have received great attention, particularly in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, the growing number of diseases found linked to chaperone mutations, testifies to the importance of their role in the cellular protein-quality control mechanism. The investigation of the biophysical interactions between chaperones and specific proteins …

Molecolar chaperones HSP CCT TRiC DSC ITC FS HPLC-SEC Circular DichroismSettore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)

Vita religiosa e autonomia filosofica. L’apporto luterano allo sviluppo della filosofia del giovane Heidegger come fenomenologia della vita fattizia

Heidegger Lutero Luther Filosofia Fenomenologia Phänomenologie

Archivi interattivi ed arte. Per un’estetica della memoria collettiva nell’era della cultura partecipativa

La tesi di Angela Maiello Archivi interattivi ed arte. Per un’estetica della memoria collettiva nell’era della cultura partecipativa ha come oggetto di studio le forme di partecipazione che hanno luogo in rete. Il lavoro ha due obiettivi: fornire gli strumenti metodologici e concettuali necessari ad una comprensione critica dei fenomeni partecipativi della rete e inquadrare tali fenomeni nell’ambito di una riflessione sulle modalità contemporanee di configurazione della memoria collettiva e rinnovamento delle pratiche artistiche. 
La tesi si articola in cinque capitoli. Nei capitoli 1 e 2 vengono discussi i presupposti teorici su cui è stato impiantato il lavoro di ricerca: la messa in ques…

Settore M-FIL/04 - Esteticaestetica arte nuovi media memoria collettiva archivio


The thesis addresses the topics of investigating teachers' declared choices of practices concerning real numbers and the continuum in the high school in Italy, evaluating their didactical suitability and the impact of a deep reflexion about some historical and didactical issues on the teachers' decision-making process. Our research hypothesis was that teachers' choices of teaching sequences concerning real numbers, with particular attention to the representations of real numbers, could be very relevant in order to interpret some of the well-known students' difficulties. After a pilot study in form of a teaching experiment and a literature review concerning students' and teachers' difficulti…

Onto-semiotic approachTeachers' change of orientationsDidactical suitabilityTeachers' choicesContinuumHigh schoolTeachers' choices ; Real numbers; High school; Continuum; Onto-semiotic approach; Didactical suitability; Teachers' change of orientationsSettore MAT/04 - Matematiche ComplementariReal number

Sicilian Chinese art collections and Chinoiserie

L'Europa ha creato uno stile unico di design decorativo nei secoli XVII-XVIII che è stato profondamente ispirato allo stile orientale di Cina, Giappone e India. Lo stile europeo è rimasto sconosciuto alla Cina in quel momento, ed è anche raramente menzionato nella storia dell'arte moderna e del design cinese. Tuttavia, la Chinoiserie ha rappresentato un tema ricorrente all'interno degli stili artistici europei, che non si presenta come una moda regionale, ma bensì come un movimento d'arte complesso e variabile in tutta Europa. La significativa ricerca sul design Chinoiserie è stata intrapresa nei XX-XXI secoli, con centinaia di monografie e articoli pubblicati in inglese, francese, tedesco …

Chinoiserie Sicily Chinese art collections

Авик Валерий. Конец Света в 2012 году? Нет, не раньше, чем через 2 млрд. лет. (Valērijs Aviks. Pasaules gals 2012 gadā? Nē, ne agrāk, kā pēc 2. milja…

Соединим факты Библии с научными данными. В данной работе представлена гипотеза о времени Славного Второго Пришествия Господа(критикующая спекуляции на тему конца света), вытекающая из попытки совмещения космологической шкалы времени с фактами Библии.

Q Science (General)BS The Bible

TGD Inspired Model for Freezing in Nano Scales

Freezing is a phase transition, which challenges the existing view of condensed matter in nanoscales. In the TGD framework, quantum coherence is possible in all scales and gravitational quantum coherence should characterize hydrodynamics in astrophysical and even shorter scales. The hydrodynamics at the surface of the planet such as Earth the mass of the planet and even that of the Sun should characterize gravitational Planck constant $h_{gr}$ assignable to gravitational flux tubes mediating gravitational interactions. In this framework, quantum criticality involving $h_{eff}=nh_0>h$ phases of ordinary matter located at the magnetic body (MB) and possibly controlling ordinary matter, could …

QC PhysicsQC01 Quantum mechanics

Carta metrica : que por el extraordinario de una aprehension remite D. Genaro el Afligido, Napolitano, à un sugeto de esta Corte, pintandole el exces…

Precedeix al tít.: [Creu de Malta Banda Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2

Carles III rei d'Espanya 1716-1788 Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800

Exhortación que dirige el Arzobispo de Valencia á los Vocales congregados en esta capital, para el nombramiento de Diputados de las Cortes que van a …

Nom de l'autor pres de la signatura a la fi de la exhortació

Cartes pastorals Comunitat Valenciana Història 1810

Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée : faites dans l'Océan Atlantique, dans l'intérieur du nouveau continent et dans la Mer du S…

ZoologiaAnatomia comparadaExpedicions científiques Amèrica del Sud S.XIX

Inbentario de todos los libros é impresos q[ue] se han hallado en la casa morturia del S. Dn. Juan del Castillo y Carroz


Universitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica InventarisCastillo y Carroz Juan Donacions i llegats

Loores al divino y Buen Pastor, venerado en su Capilla del Convento de San Francisco de Valencia por su ilustre Esclavitud.

Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda

Jesucrist Bon Pastor GoigsConvent de Sant Francesc (O.F.M.) (València)Devocions populars Comunitat Valenciana

Conferencias pedagógicas, Madrid, julio de 1911. Tema II, Intervención del médico en las escuelas, compenetración de las funciones del médico y del m…

Higiene escolar


Com a tít. l'acròstic de l'epitafi satític a Napoleó, el primer vers del qual és: "Nada Mortal te admire que aquí yace" Grav. xil. "Sepulcro de Napoleon". al·lusiu al contingut de l'epitafi. A la part superior un dimoni amb la frase "Soy tu Angel Tutelar, soy quien tu sepulcro cierra" Full impr. per una sola cara

Poesia castellana 1808-1814Napoleó I emperador dels francesos 1769-1821 Poesia lemac

Carta de Pio VII a Fernando VII congratulándose de que fuese bien acogida la resolución de restablecer la Compañia de Jesus, puesta en execución por …

Text bilingüe en llatí i castellà. - Text datat en Roma a 15 de dic. de 1814 Text a dos col

Jesuïtes Espanya S. XIX

Esplicasió de la falla del carrer de Guillem de Castro (cantó á la de Lepanto) : añ 1895.

Dades preses de la coberta

Falles (Folklore) Comunitat Valenciana València

Epistolae ad familiares : cum commentario Hubertini Clerici.

Ciceró Marc Tul·li 106-43 aC Epistolaris lemac


Ms. il·luminat Primer títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 1r) ; el títol de la segona obra donat pel catalogador ; el títol de Somnium Scipionis obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 240r) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 164, 81 (en blanc els f. 164, 244v i 245) + i (pergamí actual) ; reclams horitzontals cada huit fulls ; doble numeració moderna a llapis ; el f. 84 ha estat tallat ; falta un tros en la part superior de f. 206 ; alguns buits deixats pel copista que corresponen a frases en grec ; títol en roig "De Somni" en cada bifoli (f. 166r-239r) Composició: Escrit a línia tirada a 28 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua. Copiat per Giovanni Rinaldo Mennio segons consta en el colofó (f.…

Role of endocannabinoids and TRPV1 channels in the bioelectric activity of hippocampal neurons

It has been reported that endocannabinoid system is an important player in the regulation of neuronal bioelectrical activity, relying on receptor-mediated mechanisms. Amongst these, Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1r) and Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) are both modulated by endocannabinoids, involved in the transduction of stimuli in the pre-synaptic neuron and prompt downstream pathways in the post-synaptic neuron. To investigate the role of CB1r/TRPV1 interplay, we applied whole-cell patch clamp technique to visualize the eventual variations in terms of membrane current and action potentials induced by pharmacological manipulation in rat hippocampal neurons. We modul…

endocannabinoids TRPV1 hippocampal neuronsSettore BIO/09 - Fisiologia

Activation, transfer, distribution, composition, evolution and characterization of the lactic acid bacterial biofilms for the valorization of Sicilia…

Biofilm Lactic acid bacteria wooden vatsSettore AGR/16 - Microbiologia Agraria

Riflessioni in margine ad un Convegno su figure della differenza: corpi, generi, culture: è la scrittura che ci ricorda la nostra differenza. Comunic…

corpi generi culture

Natural bioactive molecules induce a reduction of surface alpha-enolase in breast cancer cells

Cell surface expression of alpha-enolase, a glycolytic enzyme displaying moonlighting activities, has been shown to contribute to cancer cell invasion and metastasis formation. Although the functional role of surface alpha-enolase in cancer spreading has been clearly linked to the protein non-enzymatic function of binding plasminogen and enhancing plasmin formation, the cellular pathways underlying cell surface transport remain largely elusive. We have previously demonstrated that pro-invasive stimuli promote the surface expression of alpha-enolase in breast cancer cells. To further investigate alpha-enolase translocation to the plasma membrane and to identify the signaling involved in this…

breast cancer alpha-enolase natural small inhibitors

Studio dei parametri dello stress ossidativo e della reologia eritrocitaria in soggetti affetti da sindrome delle apnee ostruttive nel sonno (OSAS)

stress ossidativoSettore MED/09 - Medicina InternaOSASreologia eritrocitaria


Il lavoro di ricerca svolto è stato incentrato sulla preparazione e caratterizzazione di diversi ocular drug carriers nanostrutturati in grado di veicolare molecole bioattive per il trattamento delle retinopatie. Tali sistemi sono stati preparati utilizzando differenti derivati polimerici, ottenuti a partire dall’acido ialuronico (HA) a differente peso molecolare (10-240 kDa). Allo scopo di ottenere micelle polimeriche per la veicolazione di corticosteroidi, sono stati sintetizzati diversi derivati polimerici partendo dall’HA con MW di 10 kDa. Il derivato siglato HAC16b ha mostrato delle caratteristiche vantaggiose, in termini di dimensione, proprietà mucoadesive, valori di drug loading e p…

acido ialuronico micelle polimeriche nanoparticelle polimeriche corticosteroidi imatinib patologie retinicheSettore CHIM/09 - Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

Volume and number average sizes of Mg(OH)2 particles from concentrated Mg2+ containing solutions

Magnesium hydroxideSettore ING-IND/26 - Teoria Dello Sviluppo Dei Processi ChimiciPrecipitation

Development of conservation methods for the restoration of paper materials

Paper, one of the most common materials of Cultural Heritage, undergoes serious deterioration caused by physical, chemical and biological factors. One of the main causes of deterioration is the acidic and/or oxidative environment. The studies of deterioration and conservation of paper have been increasing and require further development of methods and treatments that can stabilize and strengthen the paper. Various conservation treatments are being applied to model and to historical paper by using different chemicals methods. Their effectiveness for conservation and restoration are under study. Internal and external factors degrade the paper by promoting various reaction pathways. The two mo…

Papernanolimetert-butyl amine borane complexnanoparticles synthesisdeacidificationPaper; deacidification; reduction; nanolime; tert-butyl amine borane complex; nanoparticles synthesisreduction

Vita beati Brunonis.

Autor pres de ICCU Tít. pres de p. [3], a2 Sign.: a-i6 Tipus gòtics, fins la p. 51. - Tex a 1 col Caplletres ornades