showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Partial Information Decomposition of Brain-Heart Interactions in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in the Childhood

We apply information decomposition methods to elicit unique, redundant and synergistic causal contributions of ipsilateral and contralateral EEG activity to heart rate dynamics in epileptic children. We find that information flows from brain to heart according to opposite lateralization effects for the delta and alpha rhythms, suggesting that different neuroautonomic mechanisms take place in the pre- and post-ictal phases of temporal lobe seizures.

partial information decompositionSettore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica E InformaticaepilepsyEEGheart rate variability (HRV)

Uomo,cittadino, personalità, persona umana: dal lessico costituzionale al lessico della giurisprudenza sul danno esistenziale


Pixel sizeGiampilieriSettore GEO/04 - Geografia Fisica E GeomorfologiaDebris flowLandslide susceptibilityStochastic modelling

Biological minimization of excess sludge in a membrane bioreactor: Effect of plant configuration on sludge production, nutrient removal efficiency an…

Excess sludge reduction Membrane bioreactors Membrane fouling Nitrogen removal Uncoupling metabolism


Crowdsourcing Solvers’ performance Community functionalities Signaling TheorySettore ING-IND/35 - Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale


Additive Manufacturing; Reverse Engineering; algoritmi generativi; ortesi di gomito.Additive ManufacturingReverse Engineeringortesi di gomito.Settore ING-IND/15 - Disegno E Metodi Dell'Ingegneria Industrialealgoritmi generativi

Computational study of the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the DEMO Divertor cooling system

thermal-hydraulic CFD DEMO divertorSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti Nucleari

Contestación a la incontestación de la carta del ciudadano de Alicante.

Letrilla devota al Niño Jesus.

El full orlat Dos grav. xil. enmarcats al·lusius a la Nativitat Text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes

Jesús infant Goigs


Text a 1 col Sign.: [ ]2

Gozos en alabanza del glorioso Martyr San Daniel, que se cantan en la Iglesia del Santo Espiritu de la Ciudad de Barcelona, à donde está colocada su …

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, situat entre les paraules del tít. i flanquejat per ornaments tip Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Daniel Sant (O.F.M.) Goigs lemacDevocions populars Catalunya BarcelonaEsglésia del Sant Esperit (Barcelona) lemac

Cruz que dispuso el angelico doctor S. Thomas para defensa de los raios, de que era mui temeroso.

El full orlat Els grav. xil

Pregàries medievalsDevocions populars

Gozos a Santa Lucia, abogada de la vista, para sus Cofadres, y Devotos.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda

Llúcia Santa Goigs lemac

Gozos a la gloriosa Santa Ana.

El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat de Santa Anna amb la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors. Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets.

Anna Santa Goigs Obres anteriors al 1800.

Gozos, y prodigios del G. P. y Patriarca S. Pedro Nolasco, Fundador del Real, y Militar Orden de N. Sra. de la Merced, Redencion de Cautivos.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per escuts dels mercedaris El text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes

Pere Nolasco Sant Goigs

Español mas amante, y Desgraciado Mazias, El

Sig. [ ]3, Aa-Bb8. - En: Comedias nuevas, Parte quarenta y ocho, escogidas de los mejores Ingenios de España ... - En Madrid : Por Francisco Martinez Abad ... : A costa de Isidro Colomo ..., 1704. - P. 363-399 Bances Candamo és uno dels autors Text a dues col. - Reclams

Teatre castellà S.XVII Obres anteriors al 1800

Gozos al glorioso San Pedro Armengol martyr catalàn, del Real, y Militar Orden de nuestra Señora de la Merced, Redempcion de Cautivos.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Pere Ermengol Sant 1238-1304 Goigs

Falla del carrer del Puerto : añ 1899.

Dades preses de la coberta

Falles (Folklore) Comunitat Valenciana València


Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 1r) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. iii (pergamí actual) + 172 + f. iii (les dos primeres pergamí, la tercera, pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada deu fulls, alguns d'ells parcialment guillotinats Composició: Escrit a línia tirada a 35 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua. Copiat per Antonio Sinibaldi segons consta en el colofó. Notes marginals Decoració: Orla arquitectònica a l'estil paduà, miniada en colors, composta de quatre cossos: fusta de perfil mixtilíni, en les esteles centrales dues parelles de "putti" subjectant a la manera d'escut la mata de mill i la muntanya de diamants; banc compost; als pedestals d…

Dissertacion chirurgico-mecanica de la supuracion en las partes blandas y dos observaciones

Sign.: a4, b2, A-F4 Port. amb orla tip

Cirurgia S.XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800Infeccions Tractament S.XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800

Bíblia. Llatí. Seleccions

Ms Títol donat pel catalogador Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. iii (paper) + 105 (en blanc els ff. 3-4, 60 i 105v) + iii (paper) ; numeració moderna a llapis Composició: Text de la Bíblia i dels comentaris en dues o tres columnes, amb nombre de línies variable i alguns fulls a línea tirada. Pautat amb mina de plom Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica Decoració: Caplletres decorades, calderons, titolets i majúscules alternant tintes de color blau i vermell Enquadernació: Original, pell marró sobre fusta, de rodes amb ferros freds. En la coberta anterior, amb ferros daurats, l'escut d'armes del duc de Calàbria entre florons; restes dels fermalls originals. Cantells acolorits en porpra. Al llom, a…

Bíblia. Tobit ComentarisBíblia. Judit ComentarisBíblia. Lamentacions ComentarisBíblia. Esdres ComentarisBíblia. Ester Comentaris

Vida del venerable sacerdote mosen Francisco Geronymo Simon, valenciano y beneficiado en la real iglesia parroquial del apostol San Andres de esta ci…

Els 2 ejemplars de la biblioteca són idèntics, potser que l'ed. de l'obra no finalitzara Frisos, vinyetes, caplletres ornades, filets Tex a 2 i a una col. - Reclams Sign.: ?, A-G6, H-L4, M-Bb6, ?

Simo Vilafranca Francisco Jerónimo Biografía Obres anteriors al 1800

Ensayo sobre las variedades de la vid comun que vegetan en Andalucía : con un índice etimológico y tres listas de plantas en que se caracterizan vari…

Les p. 61-64, impresses per una cara i pleg Notes a peu de p

Viticultura Andalusia

Photocatalytic activity of N-doped TiO2-based materials embedded with gold NPs for applications in antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT)

Antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is a potential treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. It is based on the photosensitization of bacterial cells with exogenous agents that, when exposed to light, produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as OH-, O2-, H2O2. ROS can induce complex oxidative-reductive chains of reactions, resulting in damage of cellular components in target tissues1. Photocatalysts, like inorganic semiconductor oxides, represent an interesting class of materials to design new strategies for aPTD. As exposed to light of proper wavelengths, photocatalysts induce the formation of electron-hole pairs capable of producing a cascade of reactions suitable …

antibacterial photodynamic therapy titanium dioxide photocatalysis gold nanoparticles


FilogeografiaTartarughe palustri


Wastes valorization natural filler biopolymers green composites 3D-printing sustainable packagingSettore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali

Intervenire in periferia oltre l’emergenza: La riattivazione del campo da bocce nel quartiere CEP di Palermo

Questo articolo ripercorre un’esperienza di rigenerazione urbana realizzata nel quartiere CEP di Palermo nell’ambito del progetto Riconnessioni, finanziato dal Mibact e svoltasi da ottobre 2019 a luglio 2020, a cavallo dell’emergenza sanitaria Covid19. L’obiettivo era di riattivare l’area su cui si trova un campo da bocce in abbandono attraverso tre workshop artistici che hanno permesso di creare, così come auspicato da bando di finanziamento, un vero e proprio “Creative living lab” attraverso il quale potere avere accesso alle dinamiche di funzionamento del quartiere, sperimentare soluzioni spaziali e sociali ed ipotizzare traiettorie di cambiamento. Il nostro proposito è quello di sottoli…

rigenerazione urbana spazi pubblici governanceSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Different a-casein association states and their interaction with lipid vesicles to study antibacterial activity

The interactions between caseins and lipid membranes are fundamental for the physiological function of these proteins. Moreover, the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms is of great interest for the development of new casein derived antimicrobial peptides. Indeed, it was already shown that peptides derived from caseins possess antibacterial activity but their mechanisms of action is still debated. Here, we present an experimental study on the interaction between model lipid membranes and a-casein by means of spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy techniques. a-casein is an unfolded protein that due to its amphiphilic nature is known to self-assembly into non-stable micella…

a-casein antibacterial activitySettore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)

Doveri degli amministratori, conflitti interculturali e rischio - il ruolo del giurista

rischioSettore IUS/04 - Diritto Commercialeamministratoridoveri degli amministratori

Direct measurement of the mass difference of As 72 − Ge 72 rules out As 72 as a promising β -decay candidate to determine the neutrino mass

Physical Review C

The doodle of a finitely determined map germ from R2 to R3

AbstractLet f:U⊂R2→R3 be a representative of a finitely determined map germ f:(R2,0)→(R3,0). Consider the curve obtained as the intersection of the image of the mapping f with a sufficiently small sphere Sϵ2 centered at the origin in R3, call this curve the associated doodle of the map germ f. For a large class of map germs the associated doodle has many transversal self-intersections. The topological classification of such map germs is considered from the point of view of the associated doodles.

DoodleTopological classificationDouble point curveAdvances in Mathematics

Study of the decay D s + → K S 0 K S 0 π + and observation of an isovector partner to f 0 ( 1710 )

Physical Review D


This Ph.D. thesis investigates the new financial recovery plans as instruments which aim to avoid the bankruptcy of local governments in difficulties. This tool was approved by the Italian Central Government by Law Decree No. 174 of 2012. The goal of this work is to verify whether a recovery plan is capable of ensuring fiscal discipline and financial sustainability. The literature on the subject focuses mainly on two aspects: the description of legal framework and the static analysis of recovery plans. The present research, instead, explores the drafting process of recovery plans by investigating the local governments’ decision-making process and the involvement of stakeholders in planning …

System DynamicSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia AziendaleDynamic Performance ManagementRecovery Plan; Strategic Planning; System Dynamics; Dynamic Performance Management;Recovery PlanStrategic Planning

Improvement of BEST (Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters) method for soil hydraulic characterization

Interpreting and modeling soil hydrological processes require the determination of the soil hydraulic characteristic curves, i.e. the relationships between volumetric soil water content, pressure head, and hydraulic conductivity. Using traditional methods to determine these properties is expensive and time consuming. Haverkamp et al. (1996) pioneered a specific method for soil hydraulic characterization known as the “Beerkan method”. An improved version of this methodology, called the Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) procedure, was developed by Lassabatère et al. (2006) to simplify soil hydraulic characterization. BEST considers certain analytic formulae for hydraulic c…

Saturated soil hydraulic conductivityBEST (Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters) procedureSettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliSoil hydraulic properties

PHD Thesis: Investigating Perceptual Features For a Natural Human Humanoid Robot Interaction Inside a Spontaneous Setting

Since robots have become part of human life, several studies have been done with the aim of discovering salient social rules at the basis of the collaboration between human beings and humanoid robot (Human Humanoid Interaction - HHI). The purpose is to have a common environment where human and humanoid robot could engage a proficous "dialogue" in order to share the "sense of co-presence" for common empathic tasks and goals. The humanoid robot must be in a position to interact with the human, and learn day by day from external environment, exactly as it occurs in human beings in the real life. In this sense, significant progresses have been reached, having a strong impact in each aspect of e…

Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniTelenoid; Social Robot; Human-Humanoid Interaction; Autistic Children; ALS Patients; Elderly PeopleSocial RobotAutistic ChildrenALS PatientTelenoidHuman-Humanoid InteractionElderly People

Matkailukeskukset ja lappilainen arki

LappiYllästunturiympäristökestävä kehitysalueelliset vaikutuksetLevitunturimaankäyttöluontoilmastonmuutoksetmatkailualakylätmetsätalousporonhoitosuunnittelumatkailumatkailukohteetmatkailukeskuksetesitteetosallisuussosiaalinen kestävyysmaaseutuelinkeinot