showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Il diritto dell'Unione europea e gli accordi internazionali degli Stati membri
Fine characterization of immunological mechanisms mediated by the major allergens of Parietaria judaica and hypoallergenic hybrid, rPjEDcys.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity disease IgE-mediated, affecting more than 30% of the population living in the industrialized countries. The symptoms of allergic reactions can be transiently ameliorated pharmacologically, but the only curative treatment of allergies is Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (SIT). Recombinant hypoallergenic derivatives with reduced allergenic activity have been engineered to reduce side effects during SIT. Parietaria judaica (Pj) pollen contains two major allergens belonging to the family of non specific-Lipid Transfer Proteins (ns-LTP): Par j 1 and Par j 2. The allergens Par j 1 and Par j 2 are recognized in approximately 95% of allergic patients. By means of DNA re…
Problemi e prospettive della responsabilità da reato degli enti con specifico riguardo ai reati di criminalità organizzata, tra teoria e prassi.
La responsabilità da reato degli enti è stata introdotta nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano dal decreto legislativo 8 giugno 2001, n. 231, a seguito della conclusione di accordi internazionali tesi a prevenire la diffusione di fenomeni corruttivi. Si è segnato, in tal modo, il definitivo abbandono di una prospettiva antropocentrica della responsabilità penale e colpevole, a favore di una nuova colpevolezza organizzativa, peculiarmente disegnata per essere riferita a soggetti collettivi. L’attività di ricerca condotta durante il triennio ha mirato ad evidenziare come il d.lgs. 231 del 2001, lungi dal tradursi in una mera declaratoria dell’ulteriore disvalore che si attribuisce alla commissi…
Rhétorique françoise, a l'usage des jeunes demoiselles : avec des exemples tirés, pour la plupart, de nos meilleurs orateurs & poëtes modernes.
L'autor és Gabriel Henri Gaillard segons Barbier Anteport. Sign.: [ ]2, A-X12, Y3. Notes a peu de pàg.
Primam Secundae S. Thomae Aquinatis XII libris de locis theologicis ... Fr. Melchioris Cani instructam : variisque expositivo-dogmatico-historico-cri…
Banda a la port. i preliminars Sign.: [ ]2, A-Z2, Aa1 Notes a peu de p. a dues col Reclams
Fabricación de quesos y mantecas y medios de desarrollar la industria lechera en España
A la port.: Memoria premiada en el concurso abierto por Real orden de 18 de agosto de 1888
De orbe nouo decades
Sign.: a6, b-g8, h6, i8, A-B8 En f. A1: Incipitur legatio Babylonica ... - Postil·les. - Port. orlada
Gozos al beato Josef Oriol presbitero y beneficiado de la Iglesia Parroquial de Nra. Sra. del Pino de la Ciudad de Barcelona.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, situat entre les paraules del tít. i flanquejat per ornaments florals Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Relacion de la milagrosa y mysteriosa Cruz : que a siete de setiembre desde año de 1600 se vino en el ayre encima de la Iglesia mayor de la ciudad de…
Legislación comparada : derecho de familia
Lliçons impartides durant el curs de 1889-1900 Cuaderno 1º. Cuaderno 2º. Cuaderno 3º
Cotejo de la proclamacion de Josef Napoleon intruso, con la de nuestro amado y legitimo rey Don Fernando VII
Peu d'impremta pres del colofó La proclamació "in absentia" de Ferran VII com a Rei en Madrid va tindre lloc el 24 d'Agost (citat al text) de 1808 Signatures: [ ]2 Text a dues columnes
Exacta, y puntual relacion, de las memorables hazañas de los Españoles de las Islas Filipinas en las Indias Orientales, y como despues de aver derrot…
Caplletra ornada Reclams
Succincta demonstratio ex Verbo Dei et Patribus errorum cuiusdam confessionis Caluinisticae, recens per has inferioris Germaniae regiones sparsae
Sig. A-I8 Text amb postil·les marginals. - Reclams
Descripcion del hundimiento i cortaduras del monte del Baladre, territorio de Alcira, acaecido en el noviembre de 1783, con motivo de las excessivas …
Vinyeta a port Bandes Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2
Sí, El
En p. sense numerar "saynetes" a la venda en la Imprenta y LIbrería de Miguel Domingo Atribuït a Antonio Pacheco i a Francisco Martínez Altres tít.: El sí de Lorenzo, El sí en Lisboa Filets Precedeix al tít., en l'angle esquerre: "Núm.173.". - Text a 1 i a 2 col
Descripcion de las plazas de ambas Vngrias, y la Croacia, conquistadas por las armas cesareas desde el Año de 1683 hasta todo el de 86 ...
Port. amb orla tip Caplletra ornada Sign.: [ ]1, A-B4, C1 Text amb postil·les marginals Reclams
Negra por el honor
Sig. A-E4 Corren exemplars amb diferències tipogràfiques, entre elles, uns amb 17 línies en la p. 40, n. 582 del catàleg, altres amb 15, n. 581 Sig. A-E4. - Sense port. - En l'angle superior esquerre de la 1ª p. "N.31.". - Text a dues col. - Reclams
Lightweight Alloys Recycling and Processing through Innovative Friction Based Direct Technologies
In the last decades, the use of lightweight alloys has been spreading in almost any industrial field thanks to the relevant weight reduction allowed by the use of such materials. On the other hand, aluminium alloys are characterized by high-energy demands primary production cycles that are responsible for a relevant share of the global CO2 emissions. In order to limit and reverse such phenomenon, putting in place strategies to keep the material in the circle over multiple life cycles is mandatory and the concepts of circular economy, closed loop society and industrial symbiosis are progressively gathering more and more pace. Nevertheless, metal scraps are often mainly composed of chips resu…
Smart Plugs for smarter cities
Load control in modern power grids is becoming more and more important. Recently, energy monitoring and load control has gained interest from several actors such as energy utilities, and Demand Response mechanisms allow consumers to respond to signals from energy suppliers in order to reduce their energy consumption during critical periods, in exchange of discounts on electricity bills. Direct Load Control mechanisms allow energy suppliers, through the adoption of Smart Plugs, to automate load switch-o during such periods. These mechanisms have been traditionally applied to industrial customers only, leaving a major part of loads in the grid, e.g. household appliances, uncontrolled. Commerc…
Structural Growth Disengagement and value creation in small and micro-firms. Mapping pathologies and physiologies of business dwarfism in a dynamic r…
This paper focuses growth disengagement, in the perspective of those firms who have been keeping their structures, processes and relational systems unchanged for a very long time. The implicit hypothesis according to which such businesses are affected by a structural disease, are not able to create any significant value, and characterised by similar features, is critically discussed. Through an analysis of the phenomenon in the business growth and dynamic resource-based-view, a first attempt taxonomy, based on case-studies, is sketched. It is demonstrated how the implicit assumption according to which such firms are affected by a pathological condition is false, at least if seen as an a pri…
Il Grande Cretto
A seguito del terremoto del Belìce avvenuto tra la notte del 15 Gennaio ed il 16 dello stesso mese, la cittadina di Gibellina vecchia viene rasa al suolo. Su invito dell'allora sindaco Ludocivo Corrao, geniale ideatore della rinascita all'insegna dell'arte contemporanea di Gibellina Nuova, arriva Alberto Burri.Costui idea il tragico, sconvolgente e drammatico "Grande Cretto" che sarà creato tra il 1985 ed il 1989. In occasione delle celebrazioni della nascita del maestro umbro si realizzeranno un intervento di restauro conservativo ed uno di carattere integrativo.
Arte e architettura nei borghi rurali in Sicilia
The intervention analyzed the artistic aspects of the first eight rural villages built in Sicily in 1940 following the law on the colonisation of the Sicilian rural areas. The artistic decorations present were incorporated into the public architecture of the new villages, especially in churches, "Case del Fascio" and other buildings destined for the common services. They have been identified and classified considering the unpublished photographic documentation in box no. 111 of the Accascina Fund, stored in the Regional Library of Palermo, and the images reproduced by the publications of the time, found through bibliographical researches. Works of art were considered by distinguishing them …
Utilizzo della valutazione della frazione di Ossido Nitrico Esalato (Fe NO) in pediatria.
Introduzione Il FeNO è stato studiato come marcatore di risposta per la terapia con steroidi inalatori (ICS) e come marcatore dell’effetto degli inquinanti sull’infiammazione delle vie aeree. Obiettivi di ricerca Il progetto di ricerca di Dottorato si è articolato in due linee di ricerca: (A) clinica: i) per determinare il valore del FeNO nel controllo dell’asma; ii) per esplorare il ruolo del FeNO come marcatore predittivo nella gestione della malattia; (B) epidemiologica: per esplorare il ruolo di determinanti ambientali sul FeNO. (A) LINEA DI RICERCA CLINICA Popolazione in studio: 56 pazienti con Asma Persistente (AP) valutati con prove allergiche cutanee, test clinico-funzionali, C-ACT/…
Identificazione di nuovi bersagli terapeutici nel microambiente nei Linfomi T Epatosplenici
Molecular approaches in autoimmunity and ageing: potential implications for future therapies.
My researches during my PhD were mainly focused on two aspects. The first one, was to study molecular aspects potentially implicated in autoimmunity pathogenesis, in order to identify new potential risk factors useful as therapeutic target. To this end, we focused on two severe and wasting systemic autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis. Pathogenesis of these diseases has still not clear and early diagnosis is difficult to identify because of complex and heterogeneous presentation of symptoms. A strong genetic association between HLA and disease susceptibility is well accept, nevertheless, other factors as oxidative stress, KIR and inflammatory cytokines ha…
Timing and Spectral properties of Low Mass X-ray Binary Systems hosting Neutron Stars
ATTITUDES TOWARD WOMEN MANAGERS. Characteristics of gender stereotypes and their socialization.
Exosomes analysis in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer: from in vitro models to preclinical application
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The majority of patients are diagnosed in advanced disease stage. Bone metastasis is the most frequent complication in NSCLC resulting in osteolytic lesions. The perfect balance between bone-resorbing osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts activity is lost in bone metastasis, inducing osteoclastogenesis. In NSCLC, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway is constitutively activated. EGFR binds Amphiregulin (AREG) that is overexpressed in several cancers such as colon, breast and lung. Its levels in plasma of NSCLC patients correlate with poor prognosis and AREG was recently found as…
Gozos a la milagrosa imagen del SSmo. Christo de San Salvador.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Crist, flanquejat per gravs. al·lusius al Purgatori Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
El tiburón : Almanaque ilustrado
Dates de publicació preses de Palau y Dulcet. Manual del librero hispanoamericano Descripció basada en any V 1867
Catena aurea
Ms. il·luminat Títol donat pel catalogador Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí modern) + i (pergamí original) + 292 + i (pergamí actual) ; numeració moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada dotze fulls ; signatures i numeració de quaderns Composició: Text de la Bíblia i dels comentaris en dues, tres i quatre columnes amb nombre de línies variable. Pautat amb mina de plom Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica. Anotacions del corrector Decoració: Orles florals i dues miniatures dels evangelistes Joan i Lluc al començament dels respectius evangelis (f. 2r-162v). Dues caplletres miniades i caplletres amb motius geomètrics, calderons i titolets alternant tintes de color blau i vermell Enqu…
Il general trattato de' numeri e misure
Sig. A4, A-H6, I4; [creu llatina]4, A-K6, L4; [creu llatina]4, A-P6; [creu llatina]4, A-F6, G8 V.II. - La terza [-sesta] parte del general trattato, de numeri et misure. - [4], 51 f., [1] f. en bl.; [4], 63 f., [1] f. en bl.; [4], 90 f.; [4], 44 f Retrat de l'autor i escut heràldic al Preliminars de cada part. - Capitals grav. - Els grav. xil., quasi tots figures geomètriques Cada part amb port. i fol. pròpia. - Text amb postil·les marginals. - Reclams. - Registre al final de la Terza i Quarta parte. - Errates de fol
Gozos a la Virgen santisima del Rosario.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "N. S. del Rosario", flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda
Cobles nouelles de la passio de jesu christ complides.
Port. orlada. - Tipus gòt