showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Info-communicationnal approach of medical cannabis self-medication : analysis of figures mobilized in knowledge legitimation within a community dedic…


This thesis proposes an infocommunicational approach to self-medication with medical cannabis. We question the logic of knowledge legitimization in a context where the coercive power of the French state is exercised. We seek to understand how the use of cannabis is determined in a radically constrained legislative framework, for users in a recreational or self-medication approach, but also for doctors and patients in a medical approach. To do this, we analyze the processes of knowledge legitimization that allow the development of practical know-how allowing individuals to consume cannabis in a self-medication approach within clandestine health communities of practice, supported by participa…

Santé en ligneSavoir-FaireCommunautésCommunitiesKnow howExpertiseOnline HealthLegitimationLégitimation[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesCannabis

¿Intervenir sin método?


El método en Trabajo Social tiene una larga tradición. Incluso se ha llegado a creer que las trabajadoras sociales eran capaces de trabajar sin método y sin modelos. Con numerosos autores reivindicamos la deconstrucción de estas creencias que, por muy repetidas, no se convierten en verdad. Las trabajadoras sociales, como muchos profesionales, trabajan con métodos y modelos que adaptan a sus realidades. Por tanto, las trabajadoras sociales trabajan con método y modelos, con orden y conciencia, dentro de la realidad en la que se inserta su intervención. En esta realidad median las propias creencias, la formación y/o supervisión, la experiencia, pero también el contexto, el momento histórico, …

Treball social

Additional file 1 of Meet���Test���Treat for HCV management: patients��� and clinicians��� preferences in hospital and drug addiction services in Ita…


Additional file 1. List S3.


Martin Thierry, an intellectuel humanist from Beauvais during the Renaissance.


Our thesis aims to make known Martin Thierry, a forgotten writer from Beauvais during the Renaissance, his life, his environment, his work, his ideas and his culture.This lawyer, a professor of civil law, devotes himself to writing, exclusively in Latin, and uses his immense culture, both secular and religious, to celebrate certain local figures or those close to the king, such as Bernardin de Valdrey and Anne de Montmorency, or to evoke, in a commited manner, certain major subjects that occupied many minds at the time, such as the question of peace between Spain and France, the Protestant reform, and the legitimacy and sanctity of the Church.In a collection of poems published in 1532, he p…

[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureRenaissanceLatinHumanismBeauvaisHumanisme

Contratos de suministro de contenidos y servicios digitales: cuando el precio son tus datos personales


Hoy en día, la mayoría de los servicios de redes sociales o mensajería instantánea se ofrecen sin que los usuarios paguen ningún precio gracias a la monetización de sus datos personales. La Directiva 2019/770 ha sido la primera norma de la UE que ha regulado expresamente la utilización de los datos personales como moneda de cambio para el suministro de contenidos y servicios digitales. Esta Directiva ha sido transpuesta recientemente al ordenamiento jurídico español mediante el Real Decreto-ley 7/2021, de 27 de abril, donde se incluyen una serie de modificaciones en el Texto Refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias (TRLGDCU). E…


La gestione dell’inadempimento contrattuale negli smart contract


Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di prospettare soluzioni giuridiche alla gestione delle sopravvenienze contrattuali negli smart contract, ipotesi che sembra in contrasto con la loro rigida struttura, che dà luogo all’automatica esecuzione degli stessi. Strumentale è anche il confronto con il sistema giuridico tedesco, grazie al quale si avvalora la tesi che gli smart contract non sono una nuova tipologia contrattuale, ma una formazione digitale dello stesso, al quale però vanno applicati sia i principi generali del contratto sia soluzioni giuridiche già esistenti, benchè adattati all’ultima evoluzione tecnologica, sempre più incline alla dematerializzazione del contratto.


Русская и Польская теолингвистицеская термино¬логия: функционально-семанти¬ческое описание


This article is devoted to the functional and semantic description of the Russian and Polish terminology of theolinguistics. Russian and Polish lexicographic sources were used to analyze the interpretation of words that a priori can perform the function of theolinguistic terms; the features of their functioning in Russian- and Polish-language theolinguistic texts were studied; the selection and seminal analysis of Russian and Polish terms included in the conceptual and terminological field “theolinguistics” was carried out.

Slavic theolinguisticsconceptual and terminological field “theolinguistics»Russian and Polish terminology of theolinguisticstheolinguisticsPrzegląd Rusycystyczny

Doing Research for and With Others : A Researcher's Relationship With Research Content


The chapter discusses the question of social justice in social science research by problematizing the researcher-research content relationship and its guiding principle framework Science-Society-Me. With a focus on early career researchers, the author draws on her own PhD research experience to highlight the social justice tension inherent in the normative approaches and methods for selecting research topic, collecting data and relating with research participants, and analyzing and interpreting data especially in empirical research with fellow human beings. Drawing on the theory of affect, the chapter centralizes the position, biography and experience of the researcher, and the relationship…

reflexivitymetodologiayhteiskuntatieteettutkimuskohteetsosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuusScience-society-mepowerosallistaminensocial justicecompassionate researchinclusive researchvaltarakenteetinkluusioreflektio

Pologne : une réception attendue


Des coupelles pour les morts en Gaule romaine ? Quand la céramique renseigne les cérémonies funéraires : nouveaux exemples en Bourgogne-Champagne et …


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory

Microplastics in water, from treatment process to drinking water: analytical methods and potential health effects


[Aim]: The commonly used analytical methods for microplastic (MPs) detection in drinking water and the threat of MP pollution in water intended for human consumption to human beings are presented through a systematic review. Furthermore, MP occurrence, transport, and fate from raw to treated drinking water, tap water, and bottled water, as well as the possible health impacts of MPs on human beings, are also evaluated. [Methods]: Systematic review included articles published in scientific journals that contain specific keywords in the title and were searched in Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus. The literature was selected and extracted by two reviewers based on the PRISMA-A guidelines, which …

Bottled waterTap waterRaw waterDrinking water treatment plantsMaterialsPlasticsRisk assessment

Landscape type and floral resources modify plant-pollinator network structure and stability: implications for pathogen exchange


Pollinators face multiple, potentially interacting threats from human activities. The Biodiversa VOODOO project ( seeks to understand how land-use, through its impact on floral resources, affects plant pollinator communities and the transmission of viruses between pollinator species. Land-use can modify plant-pollinator network structure (e.g. connectance, nestedness, modularity) in ways that modulate the vulnerability of communities to coextinctions propagated through losses of interspecific links between mutualist partners.Using a Stochastic Co-extinction Model (SCM) we correlated plant-pollinator coextinction cascades with network structure in agricultural, rur…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Opportunities, Risks, and Failures of the Retail System After COVID-19


Covid-19 has had an impact on world food systems and has in some ways in the short term resulted in changing consumer habits. The research analyzed how the food distribution system reacted to the impact of Covid-19. The research highlights that the food distribution system has been able to react to the impact of Covid-19 by leading to security in the aprovigioment of purchasing

Covid-19 Retail SystemSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo Rurale

Des moutons et de l’or. Treize habitats d’éleveurs du XIVe siècle dans les forêts de la Montagne dijonnaise. Saint-Martin-du-Mont, Saint-Seine l’Abba…


À une vingtaine de kilomètres au nord-ouest de Dijon, de part et d’autre du cours du Suzon en amont du village éponyme, s’étendent environ 4000 hectares de forêt aux marges des finages de Saint-Martin-du-Mont, Saint-Seine-l’Abbaye, Val-Suzon et Pasques. Entre 2003 et 2019, une enquête pluridisciplinaire, associant prospections et fouilles archéologiques, analyses des sols et des couvertures végétales, études des cartes et des images LiDAR, dépouillements bibliographiques et archivistiques, y découvrait ou redécouvrait pas moins de 26 sites d’habitats désertés et, parmi eux, 13 établissements fondés, exploités et désertés au XIVe siècle. Tout montre que ces établissements étaient ceux d’élev…

[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryMoyen-Agehabitat déserté

University students’ (dis)engagement experiences in synchronous sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic


In the past two years, student engagement in online learning situations has become a mutual concern for educators all over the world. The impact of working in online environments and using video and other communication channels on students’ learning experiences is still not fully understood. The present study addresses this question by drawing on students’ written reflections and interviews from the Finnish higher education context collected during the COVID-19 pandemic. It uses the qualitative method of thematic analysis to investigate students’ experiences of interacting in synchronous sessions and their perceptions on (dis)engagement. The analysis shows the importance of versatile teachi…

vuorovaikutusopiskelijatsynchronous sessionsCOVID-19interviewtudent engagementsitoutuminenthematic analysisemergency remote teaching (ERT)distributed learning environmentsverkko-opiskeluetäopetusstudent engagementkorkeakouluopiskeluComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONopetusmenetelmätverkko-opetus

Virtual reality supported simulation training for healthcare personnel


Sørlandet sykehus helseforetak suggested a thesis to design a virtual reality (VR) application with 360-degree videos to be used as an educational tool for training psychiatric healthcare personnel in handling aggressive and suicidal patients. This study aims to find the advantages of using interactive VR scenarios as a supplement to simulation training by developing an application using humancentred design. The article explores how an educational VR application can be designed using human-centred design, the advantages and challenges of using it as a tool for learning, and nurses’ satisfaction with the application. Simulation training is used in healthcare education and training because it…

Eficacia de un programa de musicoterapia como tratamiento complementario a la intervención psicosocial en la recuperación de la esquizofrenia y otras…


Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objeto de estudio evaluar la eficacia de un programa de musicoterapia grupal en personas diagnosticadas de esquizofrenia y otras psicosis que se aplica de manera complementaria al tratamiento usual en este grupo de personas para promover su recuperación. La esquizofrenia es el trastorno psicótico con mayor prevalencia y el más grave en términos de consecuencias para la persona que lo padece y su entorno. El tratamiento de los síntomas, la rehabilitación de los déficits cognitivos, la mejora del funcionamiento social y la calidad de vida en la esquizofrenia y otras psicosis se abordan mediante una estrategia integral que combina la psicofarmacología con las int…

psicosisterapia complementariarehabilitación psicosocialesquizofreniamusicoterapiaUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍArecuperación

Déclaration et vérification des créances. Discussion sur la régularité de la déclaration de créance. Délai de 30 jours


(Com. 29 juin 2022, no 21-11.652, F-D, Sté Logistic Park Garons et a. c/ Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel d'Aquitaine)

CréancierSauvegarde Des Entreprises[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawContestationDéclaration des créancesLettre de contestation

Atturēšana Baltijas valstu ilgtermiņa aizsardzības politikā


Darba nosaukums: Atturēšana Baltijas valstu ilgtermiņa aizsardzības politikā. Darba mērķis: noskaidrot, kā Baltijas valstis realizē ilgtermiņa atturēšanu, un sniegt ieteikumus par to, kas Baltijas valstīm būtu jādara, lai realizētu veiksmīgu atturēšanas politiku ilgtermiņā. Izpētes jautājums: Kādi ir Baltijas valstu vājie punkti ilgtermiņa atturēšanā? Darba struktūra: Teorētiskā daļa: Veikt ieskatu atturēšanas politikas koncepta un atturēšanas kā rituāla darbībā, veiksmīgas atturēšanas priekšnoteikumos un definēt atturēšanas politiku ilgtermiņā. Empīriskā daļa: Analizēt Krievijas militārās spējas un nodomus, izpētīt Baltijas valstu atturēšanu no trim dimensijām un caurlūkot ilgtermiņa progn…

NATOKrievijaBaltijas valstisilgtermiņa atturēšanaPolitikas zinātne

Rare cell capture platforms based on antibody-conjugated electrospun nanofiber mats for noninvasive prenatal diagnostics


The chance of surviving to a disease often depends on early diagnosis and effective therapy. In the field of early prenatal diagnosis, micromanipulation is a reliable technique for manual selection and isolation of rare fetal cells in maternal biological fluids for molecular or cytogenetic analysis. This technique allows obtaining pure cell populations for analysis, but it is expensive and time consuming, as it requires qualified and experienced staff and specific equipment [1]. The aim of this study is to make the prenatal diagnosis more economical and reproducible in the hospital environment, by creating a device that allows selecting rare cells from biological samples in a semi-automated…

Cell capture prenatal diagnosis rare cells precision medicine medical devices

Goethen Heimat : ajanmukainen kotiseutu : tieteellinen pakina


nationalismikotimaaromantiikkakotikotiseutuisänmaallisuussaksankielinen kirjallisuuskirjallisuudenhistoriakansallisromantiikkaGoethe Johann Wolfgang von

Optical hybrid nanocomposite sensors for selective explosive detection


Durant l'última dècada, la detecció d'artefactes explosius improvisats (IEDs) tant en l'àmbit militar com civil s'ha convertit en una prioritat estratègica en la seguretat nacional a causa de la creixent amenaça terrorista. Encara que les tècniques convencionals, com la cromatografia de gasos acoblada a espectrometria de masses o la difracció de raigs X mostren notables avantatges degut a la seua elevada sensibilitat i selectivitat, una gran part d’aquestes presenten inconvenients, com per exemple processos de mesura lents, instrumentació cara, complexa i voluminosa, que limiten el mostreig en continu i en temps real. Per aquesta raó, existeix una recerca constant per trobar una plataforma …

silver nanoparticlesUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Química analítica::Espectroscopía de infrarrojosnanocompositeperovskite nanocrystalsUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Química inorgánicatemplate moleculequantum dotsmolecularly imprinted polymergas sensor3-nitrotoluenemultichannelsensorexplosive taggantlsprfluorescenceUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Química analítica::Análisis cromatográficoUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Química analítica::Espectroscopía de emisiónUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Química analítica::Análisis de polímeros

Kun kaikki menee pieleen


Arvio teoksesta Keskisarja, Teemu. Hattujen sota. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Siltala. 2022. 271 s. ISBN 978-952-388-054-2. nonPeerReviewed

kirja-arvostelutsotahistoriahattujen sota1700-luku

Benchmarking open data efforts through indices and rankings: Assessing development and contexts of use


Abstract This paper aims to provide a broad perspective on the development of benchmarking open data efforts through indices and rankings over the years, both at the level of countries and allowing for a cross-country comparison. The methodology follows a systematic search for the relevant resources, their classification and identification of six open data benchmarks to be further analyzed, the identification of their key components through decomposition, their description, and identifying the similarities and differences. Three major groups of indices and four periods that characterize the efforts to benchmark and measure the development of open data are identified, where the first measure…

Identification (information)Measure (data warehouse)Open dataIndex (economics)Computer Networks and CommunicationsComputer scienceBenchmark (surveying)Rank (computer programming)Openness to experienceBenchmarkingElectrical and Electronic EngineeringData scienceTelematics and Informatics

La fabrique d’une stratégie nationale viti-vinicole d’adaptation au changement climatique


[SDV.SA] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences[SDV.SA.AEP] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences/Agriculture economy and politics[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

How to get things done in social virtual reality : A study of team cohesion in social virtual reality–enabled teams


Social virtual reality (SVR) enables teams to operate in a virtual environment that simulates and enhances real-world interactions. However, there is an absence of empirical analysis of how SVR can affect the performance of virtual teams. This paper documents how SVR affects the formation of team cohesion (i.e., task cohesion and social cohesion), which is a critical success factor for team performance. To address this gap in the research, we conducted a qualitative study by interviewing 20 members from virtual teams assigned to perform a challenging collaborative task in SVR. As a contribution, our study identifies five primary affordances and 11 sub-affordances for team cohesion in SVR. W…

social cohesionsocial virtual reality512 Business and managementteam cohesion113 Computer and information sciencessosiaalinen vuorovaikutustiimityövirtuaalitodellisuustiimitsuoriutuminenyhteenkuuluvuusDesign Development and Evaluation of Collaboration Technologiessosiaalinen koheesioteam performancetask cohesion

La longue histoire des ponts de la Charité-sur-Loire


Loirearchéologie fluviale[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryArchéologie[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historyarchéologie subaquatiquepontarchitecture médiévalearchéologie du bâti[SHS.ARCHI] Humanities and Social Sciences/Architecture space managementgéoarchéologie

Marsala. Studi preliminari per la pianificazione del centro storico


Il saggio restituisce un sintetico estratto del lavoro di ricerca compiuto sul centro storico di Marsala per la preparazione dello studio con “effetti costitutivi” previsto dalla legge della Regione Siciliana n. 13 del 2015. Il lavoro illustra l’evoluzione della struttura urbana e la lettura tipo-morfologica dei tessuti presenti nel centro storico, nonché alcune delle priorità per il futuro piano risultanti dall’analisi dello stato di fatto.

Marsala centro storico pianificazione comunaleSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Multilingualism in the Banat : A Focus on Intellectual Perspectives through the Analysis of Literary Works


The Banat has been one of Europe’s most multilingual regions since the 18th century. From the 19th century European intellectuals have been engaged in building nations, which has resulted in the marginalization of multilingualism in many forms. The monolingual literary novel has been described as one of the important instruments in this process. Phenomena remaining resistant to this idea are brought into focus through the analysis of multilingualism in four novels written by authors from the Banat. In this manner, the chances of multilingualism in the context of national cultures and intellectuals are examined. As a conclusion, it is argued that the multiplicity of languages in literature p…

koodinvaihtoBaanaattiAnderson BenedictThe Banatliterary code-switchinglanguage ideologykielipolyglot novelmonikielisyyskielellinen identiteetti

Importance of psychological factors in adrenocortical functioning and subjective memory complaints


El estrés ha sido considerado uno de los principales problemas de la sociedad actual, ya que se ha relacionado con diversas condiciones de salud mental y física, así como con enfermedades propias de la edad y problemas de memoria. Sin embargo, existen diferencias individuales en la forma en que las personas enfrentan situaciones estresantes. En este sentido, algunas personas, a pesar de estar expuestas a los mismos niveles de estrés, no desarrollan patologías, lo que sugiere que ciertos factores psicológicos podrían actuar como protectores de los efectos del estrés. La resiliencia, que engloba pensamientos positivos y optimistas, ha sido entendida como la capacidad de afrontar la adversidad…

resilienciaquejas subjetivas de memoriacortisolUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍA

Metaboliitit voivat selittää liikuntaharrastuksen verisuonivaikutuksia


ateroskleroosikuntoliikuntaterveysvaikutuksetsydän- ja verisuonitauditaineenvaihduntatuotteetaineenvaihduntafyysinen aktiivisuus

La pratica riflessiva nell’esperienza di tirocinio come strumento di formazione e orientamento alla professione di insegnante di sostegno di scuola s…


A partire dall’approccio metodologico della Narrative Inquiry, è stata realizzata la raccolta e l’analisi di 418 relazioni di tirocinio di altrettanti tirocinanti in formazione che hanno frequentato nel periodo compreso tra gennaio e giugno 2021 il percorso di Specializzazione per le attività di sostegno per la Scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. La ricerca intende mettere in risalto l’importanza della pratica riflessiva come dispositivo innovativo di sviluppo profes-sionale e orientamento sul proprio agire didattico, in una dimensione che coniuga le conoscenze teoriche e l’applicazione pratica delle stesse. L’analisi dei risultati conferma l’a…

Agire didattico insegnante di sostegno tirocinio narrative inquiry pratica riflessivaSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentaleSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Real-world impact of rotavirus vaccination in European healthcare settings: a systematic literature review


INTRODUCTION: Rotavirus is one of the most common pathogens causing diarrhea in children <5 years and has a major impact on childhood morbidity and mortality. Since the implementation of rotavirus vaccines into childhood immunization programs across Europe, there has been a reduction in rotavirus burden, including hospitalizations, outpatient cases, costs, and deaths. AREAS COVERED: A systematic literature review identified publications describing the clinical and economic impact of rotavirus vaccinations across Europe, from their introduction in 2006 to the end of 2020. A total of 3,137 articles were identified, of which 46 were included in the review. Included articles reported the impact…

ImmunologydiarrheaRotavirus InfectionsDrug DiscoveryHumansChildren; diarrhea; gastroenteritis; rotavirus; systematic literature review; vaccinesChildChildrenAgedPharmacologySettore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale e Specialisticarotaviruvaccines.Immunization ProgramsVaccinationRotavirus Vaccinessystematic literature reviewInfantvaccinesHospitalizationrotavirusMolecular MedicinegastroenteritiDelivery of Health Caregastroenteritis

Pamatlīdzekļi un to grāmatvedības uzskaite un analīze pašvaldības SIA “VANGAŽU AVOTS”


Maģistra darba temats ir “Pamatlīdzekļi un to grāmatvedības uzskaite un analīze Pašvaldības SIA “Vangažu avots””. Pamatlīdzekļu uzskaitei un analīzei ir būtiska nozīme uzņēmuma saimnieciskajā darbībā, jo no pareizas uzskaites un grāmatvedības politikas ir atkarīgs uzņēmuma finanšu rezultāts. PSIA “Vangažu avots” pastāv vairākas nepilnības pamatlīdzekļu uzskaitē. Maģistra darba mērķis ir pamatojoties uz pamatlīdzekļu uzskaites un analīzes teorētisko atziņu izpēti, izvērtēt PSIA “Vangažu avots” pamatlīdzekļu uzskaiti un izmantošanas efektivitāti un izstrādāt priekšlikumus pamatlīdzekļu uzskaites pilnveidošanai un nepilnību novēršanai. Maģistra darba izstrādes rezultātā autore konstatēja nepil…

GrāmatvedībaPamatlīdzekļiEkonomika un uzņēmējdarbībaPamatlīdzekļu analīzePamatlīdzekļu uzskaite

Connection between Design and Nature Reflections and Projects for the future of the Planet


Humanity’s delayed reaction to the consequences of the climate crisis is the result of multiple interests and strategies caused by denialist policies and piloted information. It is also true, however, that there is a strictly cultural responsibility, in the form of a lack of dialogue between sources of knowledge. Restoring the balance between humanity and nature is the most important issue that contemporary design must address. Design has the task of highlighting objects and strategies in re-establishing the relationship between Man and the context in which he lives by re-integrating the social and natural ecosystems. In this context, thanks to the evolution of natural sciences and technolo…

Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno IndustrialeEcosystem sharing transition sustainability connection inclusion ecology



ReligionSettore IUS/19 - Storia Del Diritto Medievale E ModernoEuroean HistoryPoliticSettore IUS/18 - Diritto Romano E Diritti Dell'Antichita'Legal HistorySettore IUS/11 - Diritto Canonico E Diritto EcclesiasticoIdoelogyLaw