showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Näin rakentuu kieliaiheinen pakopeli
Pakopeli tai pakohuonepeli voi tuoda kielten oppimiseen ainutlaatuista viihdettä ja imua. Pakopelin rakentaminen opetuskäyttöön edellyttää toteuttajaltaan jonkin verran vaivannäköä, mutta lopputulos palkitsee. Tässä artikkelissa kolme virtuaalisen, monikielisen pakopelin luonutta Jyväskylän yliopiston Kielikampuksen työntekijää kertoo, mitä kannattaa ottaa huomioon pelin suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. nonPeerReviewed
Separation of track- and shower-like energy deposits in ProtoDUNE-SP using a convolutional neural network
Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric resolutions on the charged particles traversing liquid argon. As a result, the technology has been used in a number of recent neutrino experiments, and is the technology of choice for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). In order to perform high precision measurements of neutrinos in the detector, final state particles need to be effectively identified, and their energy accurately reconstructed. This article proposes an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network to perform the classification of energy deposits and reconstructed particles as track-like or arising from electromag…
Differences in teacher telling according to students' age
Teacher telling can support but also hinder learning. In inquiry activities, telling that removes productive struggle may be problematic. In this study, different aged students experimented in a digital learning environment to build rules for a balance beam. We examined how the amount of teacher telling vary according to students’ age and the sophistication level of the rule. We collected video data from 21 pre-service teachers when each of them guided eight, 10, and 12 year old students. We found that the amount of teacher telling generally was not related to students’ age. However, when considering teacher guidance for more sophisticated rules, teacher telling was related to students’ age…
Pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides programma spēlē balstītas mācīšanās un spēliskošanas metodikas apguvei
Maģistra darbs izstrādāts, lai izprastu pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides programmas izveides un aprobācijas principus, kā arī sekmētu aktīvo mācīšanu izglītībā. Mērķis bija izveidot un aprobēt pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides programmu spēlēs balstītas mācīšanās un spēliskošanas metodikas apguvei. Pētījumam tika lietota secīgā pētījuma dizaina loģika, kurā iekļautas face-validity testēšanas un daļēji strukturēti iesaistītie novērojumi. Tika secināts, ka šāds pētījuma dizains ļauj pētīt un pilnveidot programmu, lai tā būtu dalībniekiem viegli uztverama un sniegtu vadītājam atgriezenisko saiti par nepieciešamajiem labojumiem. Rezultātā tika izstrādāta profesionālās pilnveides programma, kā …
Polyphenols in kombucha: Metabolomic analysis of biotransformations during fermentation
Kombucha is a non-alcoholic beverage made of sugared tea that is transformed by a symbiotic consortium of yeasts and bacteria. This beverage is increasingly produced at industrial scale, but its quality standards remain to be defined. Metabolomics analysis was carried out using FT-ICR-MS (Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance-Mass Spectrometry) to understand the chemical transformations induced by the production phases and the type of tea on the non-volatile compounds of kombucha.
Gli inni a Venere di Troiolo (Filostr. 3.74-89) e di Panfilo (Pamph. 1-70)
Nel saggio in questione viene proposto un inedito parallelo fra l’inno che Troiolo indirizza alla dea Venere, nel «Filostrato» di Giovanni Boccaccio (Filostr. 3.74-89) e l’inno che Panfilo, nella commedia elegiaca «Pamphilus», indirizza alla stessa dea dell’amore (Pamph. 1-70). Oltre a fornire una puntuale analisi dei punti di contatto fra i due testi, vengono inoltre avanzate alcune considerazioni sul valore e il significato che la figura della dea Venere assume nelle opere del Boccaccio. In the essay in question an unprecedented parallel is proposed between the hymn that Troilus addresses to the goddess Venus, in Giovanni Boccaccio's «Filostrato» (Filostr. 3.74-89) and the hymn that Panfi…
Stability of solution for Rao-Nakra sandwich beam model with Kelvin-Voigt damping and time delay
This paper deals with stability of solution for a one-dimensional model of Rao?Nakra sandwich beam with Kelvin?Voigt damping and time delay given by ??1?1?????? ? ??1?1?????? ? ??(??? + ?? + ??????) ? ?????????? ? ??????????( ? , ?? ? ??) = 0, ??3?3?????? ? ??3?3?????? + ??(??? + ?? + ??????) ? ?????????? = 0, ????????? + ?????????????? ? ????(??? + ?? + ??????)?? ? ?????????? = 0. A sandwich beam is an engineering model that consists of three layers: two stiff outer layers, bottom and top faces, and a more compliant inner layer called ?core layer?. Rao?Nakra system consists of three layers and the assumption is that there is no slip at the interface between contacts. The top and bottom lay…
Workplace Learning from the Organizational Point of View
The focus of this chapter is on workplace learning from the organizational point of view. The chapter reviews multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research literature on learning organization starting from the seminal works by Argyris and Schön, and Senge, and continuing with the studies of the development of measuring characteristics of learning organization by Marsick and Watkins. The relationship between individual and organizational learning is discussed. Also concepts other than learning organization have been used in research studies in order to describe learning taking place in organizations. The concepts such as knowledge creation, expansive learning and innovative knowledge co…
Brevi note sui modelli organizzativi della pubblica amministrazione: profili comparativi
The work aims to examine the relationship between the political and administrative spheres in the French, English, US and Italian legal systems with particular regard to the evolution of the organisation of public administration. The research focuses on the waves of reform that occurred during the 20th century aimed at ensuring greater flexibility in administrative organisation. The analysis is also aimed at ascertaining how the peculiarities of individual systems and the legal culture that characterises them influenced the effectiveness of the approved reforms.
Les mauvaises herbes. Un vrai problème ?
Pourchassée par l’agriculteur et le jardinier, la flore naturelle des champs est aujourd’hui reconsidérée face au manque de connaissances quant à son caractère nuisible pour les cultures.
Facing the Pandemic in Italy: Personality Profiles and Their Associations With Adaptive and Maladaptive Outcomes
The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals’ psychosocial functioning was widely attested during the last year. However, the extent to which individual differences are associated with adaptive and maladaptive outcomes during quarantine in Italy remains largely unexplored. Using a person-oriented approach, the present study explored the association of personality profiles, based on three broad individual dispositions (i.e., positivity, irritability, and hostile rumination) and two self-efficacy beliefs in the emotional area (i.e., expressing positive emotions and regulating anger emotion), with adaptive and maladaptive outcomes during the first Italian lockdown (March–June 20…
Europejska Ekipa Katechetyczna (EEC)
Vidéo sur l’abolition de l’esclavage de 1848 en France
L’esclavage avait été aboli par la Ire République, en 1794, sous la Convention nationale, en raison de l’insurrection aux colonies mais, en 1802, Napoléon Bonaparte l’a rétabli ainsi que la traite. Il faudra attendre la naissance de la IIème République et l’action déterminante de Victor Schœlcher pour que l’abolition de l’esclavage soit proclamée définitivement en France en 1848, soit plus d’un demi-siècle après la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789.
Agro-Eco Sol, un outil de diagnostic des fonctions du sol basé sur des bioindicateurs bioindicateurs - Structure et règles générales d’interprétation
Accurate fiber-optic emulator of fundamental four-wave mixing theory
Augu sugu daudzveidība un tās palielināšana piemājas zālienos: Latvijas Dabas fonda akcijas “Iesēj savu kvadrātmetru!” pieredze
Mēs šobrīd dzīvojam bioloģiskās daudzveidības krīzes laikā, kad gan lauksaimniecības ainavās, gan urbānās teritorijās biodaudzveidība samazinās. Dzīvības saliņas zālienos ir nozīmīgas augu sugu izplatīšanās iespējām ainavā. Urbānajām teritorijām izplešoties, cilvēki vairs nepavada tik daudz laika dabā, tāpēc dabas izglītība pilsētvidē ieņem arvien svarīgāku lomu. Akcija “Iesēj savu kvadrātmetru!” aicināja iedzīvotājus piedalīties bioloģiskās daudzveidības saglabāšanā. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir novērtēt augu sugu ieviešanās sekmes zālienos atkarībā no augšanas apstākļiem, kā arī raksturot akcijas dalībnieku iesaistes līmeni. Autore veica lauka pētījumus akcijas dalībnieku iesētajos kvadrātme…
3 minutes pour la planète. Présentation du travail sur le domaine INRAE où près de 120 ha sont cultivés sans aucun pesticide depuis 2018. Radio Class…
Un colloque sur l'agriculture sans pesticides se tient à Dijon. L'INRAE étudie la possibilité de réduire les pesticides de 50% tout en assurant la souveraineté alimentaire. nterview de Stéphane Cordeau, chercheur à l'INREA. Interview de Xavier Reboud, chercheur en agroécologie. Dans la chronique "3 minutes pour la planète", un reportage présente le domaine INRAE où près de 120 ha sont cultivés sans aucun pesticide depuis 2018 : interview de Stéphane Cordeau, chercheur en agronomie, qui pilote le dispositif. 10% des surfaces sont réservées à des bandes enherbées pour favoriser la biodiversité : interview de Xavier Reboud, chercheur en agroécologie. Comparaison de deux systèmes avec et sans t…
Additional file 1 of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgA and IgG in human milk after vaccination is dependent on vaccine type and previous SARS-CoV-2 exposure: a lon…
Additional file 1: Table S1. Reported maternal and infant side-effects after vaccination. Table S2. Results from the longitudinal mixed-effects analysis modeling the changes in IgG and IgA detection in human breast milk after vaccination. Figure S1. Individual trajectories of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG in breast milk samples according to vaccine from baseline (before the 1st dose) to 3-4 weeks post vaccination course (A-C) and grouped by vaccine (D-F). Data is presented as log-transformed arbitrary units (AU) and AU ± 95% CI. Figure S2. Individual trajectories of the SARS-CoV-2 IgA in breast milk samples according to vaccine from baseline transformed arbitrary units (AU) and AU ± 95% CI. Table S3. …
Le premier baiser de Guenièvre et Lancelot, matrice d’une concurrence des cultures affectives, du Moyen Âge à nos jours
Traumebevisst tilnærming i skolen
Skolen rommer et vidt mangfold av barn med svært ulik erfaringsbakgrunn. Dette fører til ulike forutsetninger for både læring og utvikling. Flere studier, blant annet ACE-studien (Adverse childhood experiences), viser at barn som har vært utsatt for barndomstraumer har økt risiko for en rekke vansker som hemmer mulighet for god fungering i skolen. Denne studien handler om traumebevisst tilnærming i skolen, hvor lærere deler sine opplevelser av hvordan kunnskap om tilnærmingen har påvirket deres tenkning og praksis. For å belyse dette har jeg formulert problemstillingen slik: «Hvordan opplever lærere at kunnskap om traumebevisst tilnærming har påvirket deres forståelse av, og praksis i forho…
Nuclear structure studies on quadrupole and octupole correlations in the vicinity of heavy N=Z nuclei with agata and neda
La evolución de la colectividad es esencial para comprender la estructura de los núcleos alejados de la estabilidad. La región que se encuentra justo por encima de la capa cerrada Z=50, en las proximidades de N=Z, presenta interesantes propiedades colectivas de carácter cuadrupolar y octupolar. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la evolución de la colectividad cuadrupolar y octupolar en isótopos ligeros de Xe, al acercarse a la línea N=Z, mediante la medida de la vida media de los estados excitados de baja energía del 112Xe, para las transiciones que desexcitan dichos estados se han determinado las probabilidades de transiciones reducidas. Partiendo del núcleo semimágico 136Xe, a medida …
Appunti sull’orientamento giovanile. A partire dalla pedagogia di Romano Guardini
Alle già consistenti ricerche condotte in Italia sulla condizione giovanile, hanno dato eco una serie di più recenti studi durante il tempo pandemico, i quali hanno attestato l’acuirsi di alcune fragilità pre-esistenti e l’insorgere di nuovi bisogni educativi. A motivo dell’intreccio di molteplici variabili, personali, socio-economiche e storico-culturali, si è andata delineando l’immagine di una gioventù disorientata e difficile da orientare. Per far fronte a tale urgenza, ormai da diversi anni il dibattito pedagogico si dedica a riflettere su quali siano i principi più adeguati e i percorsi più efficaci per pensare e ri-pensare l’orientamento delle nuove generazioni, finalizzato al conseg…
Architettura e agricoltura. Figure simboliche di incorporazione, 1960-1972
Nel secondo dopoguerra, la reazione dell’Architettura ai dogmi modernisti ha avuto come denominatore comune un rinnovato interesse per l’uomo, inteso come origine di un progetto situato. E’ in questo quadro che, negli anni Sessanta del Novecento, l’architettura ha dato nuovo spazio all’agricoltura, individuando in essa l’atto fondativo di ogni civiltà. Letti in ordine cronologico, alcuni esempi di quegli anni mostrano l’estensione della scalarità della disciplina ai territori produttivi e il debito linguistico nei confronti della biologia cellulare organica e della botanica. Il saggio discute alcuni progetti di Kurokawa, Superstudio, 9999, Archizoom, che, oscillando fra ultime utopie, atrof…
Analyse des comportements différentiels selon le sexe chez les 50-74 ans : le cas de la participation électorale (France et Etats-Unis)
La tranche d’âges des 50-74 ans a changé de caractéristiques après la transition démographique dans les pays occidentaux : la mortalité y est maintenant faible et peu différenciée entre les sexes. Pourtant, cette tranche d’âges conserve une caractéristique qui la distingue de celle des 25-49 ans : son infécondité, en raison principalement de l’infertilité des femmes après 45 ans. L’objectif de l’étude est d’abord d’analyser la pertinence d’un découpage par tranches d’âges qui utiliserait ces critères démographiques à la place du découpage socio-économique traditionnel construit notamment autour de l’âge de 60 ou 65 ans qui correspond à l’âge de départ à la retraite. Les différences de compo…
1. tipa cukura diabēta pacientu aprūpes process
Bakalaura darba tēma: 1. tipa cukura diabēta pacientu aprūpes process. Tēmas aktualitāte ir tāda, ka CD ir globāla veselības problēma, kas ievērojami paaugstina slimīgumu un mirstību galvenokārt ielaisto CD komplikāciju (kardiovaskulārās slimības, acu un nieru slimības un ekstremitāšu amputācijas) attīstības dēļ. Darba mērķis: Noskaidrot 1. tipa cukura diabēta pacientu aprūpes procesu. Pētījuma jautājums: Kā tiek realizēts aprūpes process pacientiem ar 1. tipa cukura diabētu? Pētniecības metode: Kvalitatīvā pētniecības metode. Pētījuma instruments: Intervija. Bakalaura darba mērķis tika sasniegts un pētījuma jautājumā noskaidrojās, ka pacienti ir apzinīgi un zinoši par slimības īpatnībām, k…
The Use of CBRN Weapons in Armed Conflict
The contribution deals with the use of CBRN weapons in the context of hostilities.
Smago metālu ietekme uz Armeria maritima augšanu in vitro apstākļos
Antropogēnais smago metālu augsnes piesārņojums ir palielinājis interesi par smago metālu tolerantām sugām. Ir veikti pētījumi par A. maritima smago metālu toleranci un akumulāciju augsnē un hidroponiskajās sistēmās, savukārt trūkst informācijas par smago metālu ietekmi uz A. maritima augšanu in vitro apstākļos. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot smago metālu ietekmi uz A. maritima augšanu in vitro apstākļos. Pētījumā izmantoja iepriekš in vitro audzētas A. maritima kultūras ievāktas no divām dažādām atradnēm – Vecdaugavas un Vakarbuļļiem. A. maritima audzēja in vitro Murashige&Skoog barotnēs ar pievienotiem kadmija, vara, mangāna, svina un cinka sāļiem divās dažādās koncentrācijās. Vizuāli novēroj…
Impacts d’une meilleure description de la végétation urbaine sur des résultats de modélisation du climat urbain
„Hochsztapler, który przy pomocy wydziwiania czaruje ludzi i władze”: Grotowski w Opolu
Artykuł dotyczy działalności Jerzego Grotowskiego w okresie opolskim i historii Teatru 13 Rzędów w latach 1959–1964. Autorka wykorzystuje różnego typu dokumenty zgromadzone w trakcie długoletnich badań nad politycznymi uwarunkowaniami artystycznej działalności Grotowskiego: rozmowy ze świadkami, listy, wspomnienia, akta osobowe, dokumenty cenzury i materiały pochodzące z archiwów Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (w tym raporty organów bezpieczeństwa oparte na donosach), aby naszkicować portret Grotowskiego jako dyrektora teatru. Dzięki zestawieniu i analizie tych dokumentów pokazuje skalę inwigilacji Teatru 13 Rzędów, prezentuje stosowane przez władzę metody niebezpośredniej kontroli artystów i …
Cross-diffusion effects on stationary pattern formation in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model
<p style='text-indent:20px;'>We investigate the formation of stationary patterns in the FitzHugh-Nagumo reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion terms. We focus our analysis on the effects of cross-diffusion on the Turing mechanism. Linear stability analysis indicates that positive values of the inhibitor cross-diffusion enlarge the region in the parameter space where a Turing instability is excited. A sufficiently large cross-diffusion coefficient of the inhibitor removes the requirement imposed by the classical Turing mechanism that the inhibitor must diffuse faster than the activator. In an extended region of the parameter space a new phenomenon occurs, namely the exis…
Compositional Mixing: An exploration into sonic ownership in contemporary music production.
This thesis examines a presumption wherein mixing within contemporary practices exists as a process with compositional implications, a term coined as compositional mixing. This presupposition is examined through two lines of inquiry: 1) Are mixing and composition existing interdependently in contemporary music production? and 2) What implications do mixing ideologies have on contemporary music production? To answer these questions, an extensive literature review, eight interviews, and five detailed compositional mixing examples were conducted. The accumulation of the results concluded that: 1) There is evidence that supports interdependency between composition and mixing in contemporary mus…
Iedzīvotāju līdzestība sirds un asinsvadu slimību primārajā profilaksē
Bakalaura darba tēma - “Iedzīvotāju līdzestība sirds un asinsvadu slimību primārajā profilaksē”. Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka pieaugošais sirds un asinsvadu slimību daudzums, to attīstību ietekmē pacientu līdzestība un dzīvesveids. Mērķis - izzināt X novada iedzīvotāju līdzestību sirds un asinsvadu slimību profilaksē. Hipotēze- X novada iedzīvotāji vairāk seko līdzi veselīga uztura un fizisko aktivitāšu ievērošanai, mazāk – cukura un holesterīna līmenim asinīs. Izmantota kvantitatīvā pētniecības metode, pētniecības instruments – anketa. Rezultāti liecina, ka respondenti visvairāk seko līdzi uztura paradumiem. Tālāk seko optimāla svara uzturēšana un fiziskās aktivitātes, asinsspiediena, pulsa, k…
Prospect Theory: A Bibliometric and Systematic Review in the Categories of Psychology in Web of Science
Prospect Theory (PT) is an alternative, dynamic explanation of the phenomenon of risky decision making. This research presents an overview of PT’s history in health fields, including advancements, limitations, and bibliometric data. A systematic and bibliometric review of the scientific literature included in the psychological categories of Web of Science (WoS) was performed following the PRISMA 2020 statement for systematic reviews. A total of 37 studies (10 non-empirical and 27 empirical) were included in the sample. Bibliometric results showed thematic variability and heterogeneity regarding the production, researchers, and methodologies that are used to study PT. The systematic results …
Uncertainty analysis of 100-year flood maps under climate change scenarios
Floods are natural disastrous hazards that throughout history have had and still have major adverse impacts on people’s life, economy, and the environment. One of the useful tools for flood management are flood maps, which are developed to identify flood prone areas and can be used by insurance companies, local authorities and land planners for rescue and taking proper actions against flood hazards. Developing flood maps is often carried out by flood inundation modeling tools such as 2D hydrodynamic models. However, often flood maps are generated using a single deterministic model outcome without considering the uncertainty that arises from different sources and propagates through the model…
Puasona vienādojuma risināšana ir neatņemama elektronu struktūras aprēķinu sastāvdaļa. Atkarībā no pētāmās sistēmas periodiskuma, elektrostatiskajam potenciālam ir izdevīgi pielietot dažādus robežnosacījumus, taču pievienoto plakano viļņu bāzē Puasona vienādojumu risina, izmantojot periodiskus robežnosacījumus. Šajā darbā es implementēju Puasona vienādojuma risināšanas metodes, kas ir piemērotas arī aprēķinos joniem, molekulām, polimēriem un divdimensiju materiāliem. Šāda pieeja saglabā augstu precizitāti, arī samazinot vienības šūnas izmēru. Demonstrēju lielu ieguvumu nelokālas apmaiņas aprēķinos, izmantojot manu implementēto metodi.
Innføring av algebraisk notasjon
Masteroppgaven dreier seg om innføring av formell algebraisk notasjon gjennom en funksjonstilnærming til algebra. Forskningen er en kvalitativ studie av elever på åttende trinn (13 år), og forskningen er designet som et undervisningseksperiment.