Salvador Lledó
Vertical Banded Gastroplasty Converted to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Little Impact on Nutritional Status after 5-Year Follow-up
Background: Conversion to a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has been advocated after the failure of vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG). The aim of this study was to analyze the differences in anthropometric and nutritional parameters between patients with VBG and those converted to RYGBP. Methods: 45 patients initially underwent VBG. 22 of these patients have maintained this operation for more than 5 years (Group A) and 23 have been converted to RYGBP (Group B), after 2 years of follow-up. We analyzed anthropometric and nutritional parameters (macronutrients,micronutrients and lipid profile), and postoperative morbidity after both procedures. Data were recorded before the first operation a…
Relationship of curative surgery on natural killer cell activity in colorectal cancer.
Aim of this study has been to evaluate natural killer (NK) activity in patients with colorectal tumors before and after curative surgery.Forty colorectal cancer patients without distant metastases were stratified according to American Joint Committee on Cancer/International Union Against Cancer staging system into three categories: Stage I (n = 12), Stage II (n = 15), and Stage III (n = 13). All of them underwent curative resection, and there were no major postoperative complications. Venous blood samples were obtained preoperatively, at surgical wound closure, and on the 1st, 7th, and 21st postoperative days. Mononuclear cells were isolated over Ficoll-Hypaque (Lymphoprep, Nycomed Pharma A…
Therapeutic effects of different doses of botulinum toxin in chronic anal fissure
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and manometric results of three different doses of botulinum toxin and two methods of injection for the treatment of chronic idiopathic anal fissure. METHODS: Sixty-nine patients with chronic anal fissure were included in a nonrandomized, prospective trial of intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin. All patients reported postdefecatory anal pain lasting more than two months. Scoring systems were developed for anal pain, bleeding, and defecatory difficulty. Maximum resting and squeeze anal pressures were determined before and one month after treatment. Twenty-three patients undergoing a 5-U injection of diluted botulinum toxin…
The ideal lateral internal sphincterotomy: clinical and endosonographic evaluation following open and closed internal anal sphincterotomy
To evaluate the relationship between extent of internal sphincter division following open and closed sphincterotomy, as assessed by anal endosonography, with fissure persistence/recurrence and faecal incontinence.A total of 140 consecutive patients undergoing lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) for idiopathic chronic anal fissure were prospectively studied. Preoperative clinical assessment was performed together with a postoperative clinical and endosonographic examination. Three zones of the internal sphincter, identifiable by endosonography, were used to describe the uppermost extent of LIS. Primary end-points were fissure persistence/recurrence and faecal incontinence.A total of 140 pa…
Ultralow Anterior Resection for Prolapsed Giant Solitary Rectal Polyp of Peutz-Jeghers Type
Neoplasias de páncreas y periampulares: morbimortalidad, resultados funcionales y supervivencia a largo plazo
Resumen Objetivos Evaluar la morbimortalidad postoperatoria, el estado funcional y la supervivencia a largo plazo de pacientes con tumores de pancreas o periampulares a los que se intervino quirurgicamente. Pacientes y metodos Cohorte de 160 pacientes a los que se intervino consecutivamente: 80 duodenopancreatectomias cefalicas (DPC), 30 resecciones corporocaudales (RCC), 7 duodenopancreatectomias totales, 4 resecciones centrales y 3 ampulectomias; en 36 pacientes no se realizo reseccion. La funcion pancreatica se evaluo mediante test de sobrecarga oral a la glucosa, grasas en heces y elastasa fecal. Resultados La tasa de resecabilidad fue del 77,5%. En los pacientes resecados (n = 124) la …
Tratamientos terapéutica de la fisura anal crónica
Current treatment of chronic anal fissure continues to be based on conventional conservative measures in a high percentage of cases. What is known as chemical sphincterotomy aims to achieve a temporary decrease of anal pressures that allows fissures to heal. There are various alternatives such as nitroglycerine or diltiazem ointment and botulinum toxin injections. However, because of collateral effects and recurrences in the medium term, the definitive role of these treatments remains to be elucidated. Nevertheless, chemical sphincterotomy should be the first option in patients with a high risk of incontinence. "Open" or "closed" lateral internal sphincterotomy performed in the ambulatory s…
Arterial hypertension due to primary adrenal hydatid cyst.
Prognostic Heterogeneity of Endosonographic T3 Rectal Cancer
PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the prognostic implications of uT3 rectal carcinomas according to the tumor thickness and to analyze the correlation between this ultrasound-based parameter and other prognostic factors. METHODS: Seventy-four patients with uT3(pM0) rectal tumors underwent primary surgery from 1996 to 2003. Preoperative endorectal ultrasound was used to assess uN stage, maximum tumor perimeter, and maximum tumor thickness. An ultrasound maximum tumor thickness cutoff point for local recurrence subdividing T3 tumors into uT3a and uT3b was established. RESULTS: Median follow-up was 41 months (range, 24-59). The 5-year actuarial local and overall recurrence rates were 9.82 pe…
Outcome of esophageal function and 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring after vertical banded gastroplasty and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Background: One of the co-morbidities frequently associated with morbid obesity is gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), present in >50 % of morbidly obese individuals. We compared the anti-reflux effect of vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), and their effect on esophageal function. Methods: 10 patients underwent VBG and 40 patients underwent RYGBP. Anthropometric parameters, symptomatology of GERD, esophageal manometry (EM), isotopic esophageal emptying (IEE) and 24hr esophageal pH monitoring were recorded in all patients preoperatively, and at 3 months and 1 year postoperatively. Results: Preoperatively, there was a high prevalence of GERD, symptoma…
Use of photoplethysmography to determine gastrointestinal perfusion pressure: an experimental canine model.
<i>Objectives:</i> To develop an experimental model to assess the parietal perfusion pressure (PPP) of the digestive tract using photoplethysmography. <i>Materials and Methods:</i> Twenty-two mongrel dogs were used. Progressive external compression was applied to the intestinal wall and the PPP was assessed with photoplethysmography. The study group was divided into two groups. In group 1 PPP was measured at the levels of the stomach, duodenum, jejunum and transverse colon. In group 2 PPP was measured after temporary occlusion of the truncal and marginal circulation of the jejunum to provide further variables. <i>Results:</i> The PPP decreased significant…
Naked DNA delivery to whole pig cardiac tissue by coronary sinus retrograde injection employing non-invasive catheterization.
Background Hydrodynamic injection has demonstrated to be very efficient in the liver of small animals, although this procedure must be translated to the clinical practice in a milder but no less efficient way. The present study evaluates the capacity of non-invasive interventional catheterization as a procedure for naked DNA delivery to the heart in large animals. Methods Two catheters were placed in the coronary sinus: one of them to block blood circulation and the other to retrogradely inject 50 ml of a saline solution of DNA (20 µg/ml) containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene, at a flow rate of 5 ml/s. Results The results obtained show that EGFP protein, identified b…
Antisense gene therapy using anti-k-ras and antitelomerase oligonucleotides in colorectal cancer
Aim: to test the efficacy of anti-k-ras and antitelomerase oligonucleotides for disabling colorectal cancer cell growth. Material and methods: an established human colorectal cancer cell line (SW 480, ATTC ® ) was used. Oligodeoxiribonucleotides (ODNs) have a phosphorotioate modification to ensure intracellular intake. We used an antitelomerase ODN (Telp5) and two anti-k-ras ODNs (AS-KRAS and ISIS). AS-KRAS is designed to join the k-ras oncogene’s exon 1. ISIS links to the terminal transcription unit 5’ of k-ras. Telp5 joins the template region of the hTR telomerase subunit. ODNs have been tested in different concentrations (1, 5, 10, 20 micromolar). Cell viability has been tested at 48 and…
Management of intersphincteric abscesses.
Objective Intersphincteric abscesses are relatively rare, and in some cases of upward extensions in the supralevator plane, can be difficult to manage. The aim of this study was to analyse the type of treatment used in these abscesses. Methods Twenty-one intersphincteric abscesses treated by endoanal drainage in our colorectal unit between 1992 and 2004 were reviewed from our database; location and extension of the abscess, type of treatment and recurrence rates and the use of endoanal ultrasound were studied. Results Ninety per cent of patients were male; 10 had a previous history of surgery for perianal abscess and suppuration (48%); 16 (76%) had a posterior location and five were ante…
Long-term follow-up (42 months) of chronic anal fissure after healing with botulinum toxin.
Abstract Background & Aims: Botulinum toxin is an effective treatment in idiopathic chronic anal fissure, but the long-term outcome after healing is not well documented. We analyzed the long-term outcome of patients in whom an anal fissure had healed after botulinum toxin injection and the factors contributing to recurrence. Methods: Fifty-seven patients who had completely healed 6 months after injection of botulinum toxin were reassessed every 6 months. The follow-up was 42 months in all patients. Clinical and manometric differences between the permanently healed and the relapsed group were statistically analyzed. Results: Four patients were lost to follow-up. A fissure recurrence was show…
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the UltraCision harmonic scalpel in thyroid surgery: an analysis of 200 cases in a randomized trial.
Thyroid surgery technique has undergone very few changes in the last century. The UltraCision harmonic scalpel (UHS) (Smithfield, RI) has been widely used in laparoscopic surgery and is documented to be safe and fast for cutting and coagulating tissue. We studied whether the use of the UHS could have advantages in thyroid surgery in terms of operative time, length of hospitalization, morbidity, and general costs.Our study was a prospective randomized trial of thyroidectomies and lobectomies performed for benign thyroid diseases in an endocrine surgery unit between February 2001 and July 2002. Patients were randomized in two groups: group A (n=100) underwent thyroidectomy using UHS and group…
Effect of epidural anesthesia on colorectal anastomosis: a tonometric assessment.
PURPOSE: Epidural anesthesia is believed to benefit colorectal anastomotic blood flow because of the sympathetic blockade it produces. Our purpose is to measure with tonometry the effect of epidural anesthesia on colorectal anastomotic oxygenation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients operated on for rectal cancer (radical anterior resection) were monitored postoperatively using tonometers placed in the stomach (celiac trunk), transverse colon (superior mesenteric artery), and the anastomotic area during the operation. An epidural catheter was placed at L1-2, and on the first postoperative day, 8 ml of bupivacaine (0.25 percent) was administered. The anesthetic effect extended up to T-4. …
Impact of surgeon organization and specialization in rectal cancer outcome.
Purpose The present study was designed to assess the differences in the outcome of patients with rectal cancer treated by a group of surgeons before and after being organized as a Coloproctology Unit at the same University Department of Surgery. Methods Comparison of two periods of rectal cancer surgery: I (1986–91) and II (1992–95). Period I: 94 patients were operated on by 14 general surgeons. Period II: 108 patients were operated on by only 4 surgeons of the same group organized as a Colorectal Surgery Unit after visiting referral centres abroad, adopting techniques such as total mesorectal excision (TME) for middle and low rectal cancer and washout of rectal stump. Mean follow-up during…
A Prospective Audit of the Complications of Loop Ileostomy Construction and Takedown
<i>Aim:</i> A prospective review of the complications of ileostomy construction and takedown. <i>Materials and Methods:</i> One hundred twenty-seven consecutive patients undergoing construction of a loop ileostomy were included in a prospective nonrandomized computer database. Complications of the loop ileostomy were assessed prior to and after closure. Three closure techniques were performed [enterotomy suture (25.7%), resection and hand sewn (31.2%) or stapled anastomosis (43.1%)] and compared. <i>Results:</i> One hundred twenty-seven (73 male, 54 female) patients, mean age 54 years were included from 1992 to 2002. Seventy-two patients underwent anterio…
Biotransformation in vitro of the 22R and 22S epimers of budesonide by human liver, bronchus, colonic mucosa and skin.
The pharmacological effects of glucocorticoids are greatly influenced by their pharmacokinetic properties. In the present report, the in vitro biotransformation of the 22R and 22S epimers of the topical steroid budesonide was studied in the S-9 fraction of human liver, bronchus, skin and colonic mucosa. The disappearance of unchanged epimers of budesonide was measured during 90 min of incubation by high performance liquid chromatography. The rate of disappearance was high in human liver while little biotransformation occurred in bronchial tissue and colonic mucosa, and none was detected in the skin. A marked decay of the initial concentration of unchanged budesonide epimers was noticed afte…
Anal endosonographic evaluation after closed lateral subcutaneous sphincterotomy
PURPOSE: The present study was undertaken to evaluate anal endosonographic results of the transverse and longitudinal extent of internal anal sphincter division after closed lateral subcutaneous sphincterotomy and its relationship to outcome with respect to anal fissure recurrence and postoperative anal incontinence. METHODS: Ten patients selected for symptomatic anal fissure recurrence (mean follow-up, 10.9 months) and 41 asymptomatic control patients (mean follow-up, 15.5 months) were reviewed by anal endosonography after closed lateral subcutaneous sphincterotomy. Clinical evaluation was focused on anal fissure recurrence and postoperative anal incontinence. The anal endosonographic stud…
Lumbar osteomyelitis and epidural abscess complicating recurrent pilonidal cyst: report of a case.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to report the rare presentation of lumbar osteomyelitis and epidural abscess as a complication of a pilonidal cyst. METHODS: A case report is presented. RESULTS: We describe the rare case of a male patient with diabetes with a recurring pilonidal cyst who developed a lumbar osteomyelitis and epidural abscess three weeks after pilonidal cyst excision with epidural anesthesia, with a fatal outcome despite emergency treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Life-threatening complications should be kept in mind in high-risk patients with repetitive surgery and neurologic involvement.
Effect of simultaneous inhibition of TNF-α production and xanthine oxidase in experimental acute pancreatitis: The role of mitogen activated protein kinases
Javier Pereda et al.
Rotura hepática espontánea en el síndrome HELLP: tratamiento mediante packing
Resumen La rotura hepatica espontanea asociada a sindrome de HELLP (hemolisis, elevacion de enzimas hepaticas y plaquetopenia) es extremadamente rara y se acompana de una elevada tasa de complicaciones y mortalidad maternofetal. Es necesario un tratamiento urgente basado en la finalizacion del embarazo, reposicion de hemoderivados y hemostasia hepatica. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con sindrome HELLP y rotura hepatica espontanea tratada mediante cesarea urgente y packing hepatico.
Pancreatic and periampullary tumours: morbidity, mortality, functional results, and long-term survival
Abstract Aims To evaluate postoperative morbidity and mortality, pancreatic function and long-term survival in patients with surgically treated pancreatic or periampullar tumours. Patients and methods Cohort study including 160 patients consecutively operated on: 80 pancreaticoduodenectomies (PD), 30 distal pancreatectomies (DP), 7 total pancreatectomies, 4 central pancreatic resections, and 3 ampullectomies. The tumour was not resected in 36 patients. Pancreatic function was evaluated by oral glucose tolerance test, faecal fat excretion, and elastase. Results Resectability rate was 77.5%. In resected patients (n = 124), 38.7% had complications with a pancreatic fistula rate of 6.4% and a m…
Requirement and postoperative outcomes of abdominal panniculectomy alone or in combination with other procedures in a bariatric surgery unit.
Abstract Background A high percentage of patients present with redundant skin folds after bariatric surgery. This study aims to quantify the need for panniculectomy after open bariatric surgery and to analyze the postoperative outcomes. Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group DLP, patients who underwent an abdominal panniculectomy alone and group DLP+, those who underwent panniculectomy in association with another surgical procedure. Results Four hundred forty-six patients underwent open bariatric surgery and 130 patients (29%) subsequently required an abdominal dermolipectomy. Seventy-six percent presented also incisional hernia an…
Multiple intrahepatic pseudocysts in acute pancreatitis
Liver pseudocysts are a very rare complication in acute pancreatitis with only a few cases previously described. The lack of experience and literature on this condition leads to difficulties in the differential diagnosis and management. We report herein a case of acute pancreatitis who developed multiple intrahepatic pseudocysts. After complete imaging evaluation, the diagnosis was still unclear and the patient was operated on. The presence of liver lesions in patients with acute pancreatitis should raise the possibility of intrahepatic pseudocysts.
The occlusive tourniquet: a simple method for rectal stump washout during open and laparoscopic surgery.
Rectal stump washout with cytolytic agents is recommended and usually performed during anterior rectal or rectosigmoid resection. The use of a linear stapler instrument during ultralow anterior resection makes the placement of pelvic clamps difficult for rectal stump washout prior to resection. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the use of a simple procedure, the occlusive tourniquet for rectal stump washout. Occlusive tourniquet applied to open technique: after complete dissection of the rectum and sigmoid colon according to the usual technique, a simple piece of tubing from an intravenous line is passed behind and around the rectum/sigmoid colon at some point distal to the tumor…
Pancreatitis autoinmune: pseudotumor inflamatorio, afectación multifocal, hipertensión portal y evolución a largo plazo
Autoimmune pancreatitis is a recently characterized disease that still constitutes a diagnostic challenge, especially regarding differential diagnosis from neoplasia. Long-term outcome is poorly known. We herein report a case of a patient with autoimmune pancreatitis and 14 years of follow-up, and show its clinical, biochemical, and morphological characteristics. A 54-year-old female presented with obstructive jaundice and abdominal tenderness, as well as a mass at the pancreatic head on a CT scan, suggestive of pancreatic neoplasia. Surgery showed an increase of the whole pancreas, malignancy was intraoperatively ruled out, and a cholecystectomy and choledochoduodenostomy were carried out.…
Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effects of perioperative supplemental oxygen administration on the colorectal anastomosis
Abstract Background Perioperative supplemental oxygen therapy may have beneficial effects on wound healing following colorectal surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of such therapy on colorectal anastomotic pH and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2) gap. Methods Forty-five patients undergoing anterior resection for rectal or sigmoid cancer were randomized to receive 30 or 80 per cent perioperative oxygen. Administration was commenced after induction of anaesthesia and maintained for 6 h after surgery. Intragastric and anastomotic tonometric catheters were placed in each patient and intramucosal pH (pHi) was measured immediately after operation, and 6 and 24 h lat…
Relaxation of the isolated human internal anal sphincter by sildenafil.
Abstract Background Hypertonicity of the internal anal sphincter (IAS) appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of anal fissure. The relaxant effects of sildenafil, a selective phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, on isolated human IAS were investigated. Methods The efficacy (maximal effect, Emax) and potency (−log IC50, where IC50 is half-maximal inhibitory concentration) of the PDE5 inhibitors, sildenafil and zaprinast, and of nitric oxide donors, sodium nitroprusside and glyceryl trinitrate, as relaxants of histamine (0·1 mmol/l)-induced tone were examined in IAS strips under isometric contraction. The presence of PDE5 isoenzymes and changes in intracellular calcium and cyclic nucleot…
Review of the anatomic concepts in relation to the retrorectal space and endopelvic fascia: Waldeyer’s fascia and the rectosacral fascia
Objective A precise anatomical study of the fascias within the retrorectal space is reported, analyzing and clarifying the anatomical concepts previously employed to describe Waldeyer’s and the rectosacral fascia. Method The pelvis was dissected in 15 cadavers (10 males and five females). All specimens were divided in the median sagittal plane including the middle axis of the anal canal, to allow a correct visualization of and access to the retrorectal space. Results The retrorectal space was limited anteriorly by the rectum and posterior mesorectum covered by a fine visceral fascia, and posteriorly by the sacrum covered by the parietal presacral fascia. The rectosacral fascia divided th…
Estomas de protección en cirugía colorrectal. ¿Cuándo y cómo realizarlos?
Resumen En los ultimos anos, el empleo de estomas de proteccion en cirugia colorrectal se ha incrementado, y tiene fundamentalmente tres grandes indicaciones: 1) traumatismos ano-recto-colicos graves; 2) enfermedad de Crohn con importante afectacion anorrectal y perineal, y 3) prevencion de complicaciones derivadas del fracaso anastomotico, fundamentalmente tras reseccion anterior baja por neoplasia de recto y tras proctocolectomia restauradora por colitis ulcerosa o poliposis colica familiar. En cuanto al tipo de estoma a realizar, en los casos de enfermedad o traumatismo anorrectal, lo habitual sera realizar una sigmoidostomia en asa, por lo que la derivacion se situa inmediatamente proxi…
El uso precoz de la tomografía computarizada en el manejo de la diverticulitis aguda
Objetivo: valorar el uso precoz de la tomografía computarizada (TC) para el diagnóstico, estadificación y manejo de la diverticulitis aguda. Material y métodos: realizamos un estudio prospectivo de 102 pacientes con el diagnóstico clínico de diverticulitis aguda de colon izquierdo. La diverticulitis aguda fue inicialmente dividida en tres estadios. Los pacientes fueron reestadiados en los estadios I, IIa, IIb y III de acuerdo a los hallazgos encontrados en la TC. El diagnóstico se confirmó después intraoperatoriamente, por colonoscopia o estudio con bario. Resultados: fueron incluidos 102 pacientes (52 mujeres y 50 hombres) con una edad media de 59,4 (DS ± 14,96). En 84 (82,35%) paci…
Real-Time Quantification in Plasma of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA: A Simple Blood Test to Monitor Disease in Cancer Patients
Real-Time Quantification in Plasma of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA: A Simple Blood Test to Monitor Disease in Cancer Patients
Simple technique for the intraoperative detection of Crohn's strictures with a calibration sphere.
Several methods have been used to detect and evaluate small-bowel strictures in Crohn's disease. We describe a simple technique for the calibration of strictures using a 2.5-cm medical plastic sphere. This method provides an aseptic, safe, and effective calibration of the entire small bowel.
Prospective study of morphologic and functional changes with time in the mucosa of the ileoanal pouch: functional appraisal using transmucosal potential differences.
PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to investigate the morphologic and functional changes with time in the mucosa of the ileoanal pouch. METHODS: A morphologic study by histopathologic analysis, mucosal morphometry, and mucin histochemistry and a functional study by analysis of transmucosal potential difference were performed in 27 patients with an ileoanal J-pouch after restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis. In 19 patients with a normal ileoanal pouch, two prospective follow-up analyses were performed after median functional pouch times of 14 and 39 months. We also evaluated eight patients with the diagnosis of pouchitis (median follow-up, 52.5 months). RESULTS: In the normal i…
Risk factors for recurrence and incontinence after anal fistula surgery
Objective: Fistula-in-ano continues to raise problems that require important therapeutic decisions. Our aim was to evaluate its recurrence and incontinence risk factors. Method: We analysed a series of 279 patients who had undergone anal fistula surgery with long-term follow-up. Results: 42.7% of the fistulae were considered complex and 46% had been referred from other institutions. There was delayed healing or recurrence in 7.2% patients, which appeared at a median of 4 months. The factors associated with recurrence were the type of fistula (extrasphincteric/suprasphincteric), nonidentification of internal opening (IO), recurrent or complex fistulae (CF), and associated chronic abscess. On…
Macroscopic assessment of mesorectal excision in rectal cancer
BACKGROUND: High quality of surgical technique and the use of descriptive measures to assess and report surgical proficiency have been shown to influence locoregional tumor control in patients with rectal cancer. In this study, the authors have aimed to audit the implementation of a macroscopic assessment of mesorectal excision (MAME) and to investigate factors that influenced surgical quality and disease recurrence. METHODS: All curative resections for rectal cancer were prospectively evaluated for MAME between 1998 and 2007. Mesorectal specimens were graded into 3 types: complete, nearly complete, and incomplete categories. Univariate and multivariate analyses identified independent risk …
Relaxation by β3-adrenoceptor agonists of the isolated human internal anal sphincter
In this study, responses of beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonists were examined on human isolated internal anal sphincter (IAS) in order to explore their relaxant effects on hypertonicity of IAS.The relaxant efficacy (E(max)) and potency (-logIC(50)) of BRL37344 and SR58611A, beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonists, were examined in contracted IAS muscle strips. The presence of beta(3)-adrenoceptors, and changes in intracellular calcium and cyclic nucleotide levels in IAS muscle were tested by Western blotting, epifluorescence microscopy and enzyme immunoassay, respectively.BRL37344 and SR58611A relaxed contracted IAS muscle (E(max)=27+/-3% and 35+/-3%; -logIC(50)=6.26+/-0.24 and 4.87+/-0.13; respectively). …