Ettore Barone
Il ruolo delle tecniche colturali nell'olivicoltura da tavola
Effetto di differenti sistemi di impianto sulo sviluppo e produttività del noce da legno in Sicilia
Can the Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Still Be Considered a Difficult-to-Propagate Crop?
As a perennial xerophytic shrub, characterized by plesiomorphic features, the caper (Capparis spinosa L.) is naturally spread throughout the Mediterranean basin and occupies an important ecological role, as well as an economic one, in traditional and specialized systems for commercial production. This species, in spite of its wide diffusion, is currently considered at risk of genetic erosion, mainly due to overgrazing and overharvesting for domestic uses and for trade. This situation is made more serious because of the lack of efficient propagation techniques, determining the caper as a “difficult-to-propagate species”. In this review, we report the main available sexual and vegetative prop…
In Vitro Rooting of Capparis spinosa L. as Affected by Genotype and by the Proliferation Method Adopted During the Multiplication Phase
The in vitro rooting of three caper (Capparis spinosa L.) selected biotypes, grown in a commercial orchard on the Sicilian island of Salina (38°
The pistachio industry in Italy: current situation and prospects
Microbiological and chemical monitoring of Marsala base wine obtained by spontaneous fermentation during large-scale production
The present work was undertaken to evaluate the effect of natural wine making on the microbial and chemical composition of Marsala base wine. To this purpose, a large-scale vinification process of Grillo grape cultivar was monitored from the grape harvest to the final product. Total yeasts (TY) showed a rapid increase after must pressings and reached values that were almost identical to those registered during conventional wine makings. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were registered at the highest levels simultaneous to those of yeast growth at the beginning of the process. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was the species found at the highest concentrations in all samples analysed. Several strains (n =…
Table-Grape Cultivation in Soil-Less Systems: A Review
Table grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is considered to be one of the most popular fruit crops in the world. Italy is the leading table-grape producer in the EU and is the main European exporting country. However, to stay competitive, new solutions and perspectives, including varietal renovation, are now needed in addition to the already well-established Italian table-grape production lines consisting of conventional open-field cultivation and greenhouse cultivation. One of these new perspectives is represented by the development of table-grape soil-less cultivation systems (TGSC) under greenhouse. In fact, TGSC systems are alleged to offer many advantages in terms of the advancement of berry matu…
Effectiveness of incentives for agri-environment measure in Mediterranean degraded and eroded vineyards
The evaluation of the economic damage caused by soil erosion assumes great importance. It serves to increase awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers. Moreover, it can promote the implementation of conservative measures at the field and basin level by spurring the development of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study we have developed a new approach to evaluate the incentive for the adoption of Agri-Environment Measure (AEM) in Mediterranean degraded and eroded vineyards. In order to estimate this incentive, the replacement cost and the loss of income are calculated under two different soil management such as Conventional Tillage (CT) and Cover crop…
Effect of rootstock on trunk growth and foliar mineral content in cv. Bianca pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees
Trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) and mineral content were recorded for 4 years in the major Sicilian pistachio cultivar, Bianca, budded in 1991 onto eight in v/fro-propagated clonal rootstocks (Pistacia atlantica and P. integerrima) and one seedling rootstock (P. terebinthus). The trees were grown using standard cultural practices for Sicilian dry-land farming in a fine sandy soil, located inland in Sicily (20 km SW of Palermo, 350 m a.s.l.). From nine trees per rootstock, samples of 10 leaflets from the mid-section of current year shoots were taken yearly in August and analyzed for the main plant mineral elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B). The TCSA was measured at the end of…
First results on the phenotypic analysis of wild and cultivated species of Pyrus in Sicily
Phenotypic analysis of Pyrus in Sicily using a set of 19 characters on 71 accessions belonging to 7 species is here reported. Results show a high level of morphological variation in this genus. Cluster analysis of the morphological characters allows to identify two groups: the first closely related to wild pears and the latter related to P. communis s. l. and P. sicanorum. It is likely to think that many Ethno-Varieties, usually attributed to P. communis, on the contrary are attributable to wild Sicilian pears and belong to indigenous germplasm.
Sustainability of pistachio production (Pistacia vera L.) under supplemental irrigation in a Mediterranean climate
Abstract The objective of this study was to examine the effects of supplemental micro-irrigation, in a commercial rainfed orchard, on tree water status, gas exchange and productivity of Pistacia vera L. (cv Bianca) grafted on P. terebinthus. Irrigating with 10–15% of estimated full evaporative demand significantly increased average annual productivity by increasing yield in the on-crop year of this alternate bearing species. Irrigation increased yield by 30%, resulting in 1600 kg of in-shell product per ha. Irrigation delayed leaf senescence while flower bud abscission was not reduced until the third year of experiment. Irrigation did not improve gas exchange during Stage I (pericarp growth…
Effects of 1-MCP on post harvest quality and internal browning of white-flesh loquat fruit during cold storage
Introduction – Treatments with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene perception, were investigated on white-flesh loquat fruit to extend its shelf life and to prevent chilling injury. Ma- terials and methods – The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) white-flesh fruits (cv. Claudia) were submitted to applications of 1-MCP at 1 °C for 20 h and at concentrations from 1 to 5 μL L . The treated fruits were stored at 1 °C for 21 days before removal to 20 °C for ripening (shelf life). Fruit quality was analyzed at harvest, at the end of each storage period (7, 14, 21 days at 1 °C). Results and discussion - The 1-MCP treatment slowed fruit softening depending on concentration, and …
I contributi di Minà Palumbo all'agricoltura siciliana
In Vitro Regeneration of Capparis spinosa L. by Using a Temporary Immersion System
Three caper (Capparis spinosa L.) biotypes grown on the Sicilian island of Salina (38°
The effect of complementary irrigation on fruit growth, ripening pattern and oil characteristics of olive (Olea europaea L.) cv. Carolea
SummaryComplementary irrigation, 80 mm, distributed only during the third stage of fruit development, delayed ripening time and increased fruit size and oil content for fruits of the olive cv. Carolea. Prolonged water deficit reduced fruit growth, oil accumulation rate, K content of the fruit and enhanced ripening and pre-harvest fruit drop. Harvest time affected oil characteristics more than the water availability. Fatty acid composition was not affected by the water regime but polyphenol content increased and alcohol content decreased in the oil produced by irrigated trees.
La fertilità delle piante arboree da frutto
Frutti di pistacchio a confronto in fase di conservazione
Toward the definition of a carbon budget model: seasonal variation and temperature effect on respiration rate of vegetative and reproductive organs of pistachio trees (Pistacia vera)
Summary This study, as a preliminary step toward the definition of a carbon budget model for pistachio trees (Pistacia vera L.), aimed at estimating and evaluating the dynamics of respiration of vegetative and reproductive organs of pistachio tree. Trials were performed in 2005 in a commercial orchard located in Sicily (370 m a.s.l.) on five bearing 20-year-old pistachio trees of cv. Bianca grafted onto Pistachio terebinthus L. Growth analyses and respiration measurements were done on vegetative (leaf) and reproductive (infructescence) organs during the entire growing season (April–September) at biweekly intervals. Results suggested that the respiration rates of pistachio reproductive and v…
Ogm: prudenza senza preconcetti.
Assessment of soil fertility variation in an olive orchard and its influence on olive tree nutrition.
Soil fertility variation at olive orchard scale was studied in a rainfed olive orchard located on a topographical sequence in the centre of Tunisia (34.37 N 10.16 E). Soil parameters such as pH, organic matter, gypsum, lime, N, P and K contents and soil electrical conductivity were determined in samples obtained at 1m depth and used to characterize soil fertility. Leaf samples from olive trees (cv Chemlali) 80 yrs old and at squared spacing distance (24x24 m apart) were collected in mid-July 2005 to verify plant nutritional status. A regular 200m x 200m sampling grid was established and the intersection points were georeferenced. Each soil fertility component was analyzed statistically and …
Effect of thinning with NAA onto vegetative and productive behaviour of "Nocellara del Belice" table olive trees
Seasonal effects on mortality rates and resprouting of stems treated with glyphosate in the invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle)
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is regarded as invasive within urban and natural areas worldwide. Efficient methods to control it are significantly needed if we are to limit its well-known environmental and economic impacts. Up to now the use of herbicides has proven necessary since following mechanical damage, Ailanthus vigorously resprouts. However, the seasonal response of Ailanthus stems, treated with herbicides, has never been assessed. We compared the control efficacy recorded in autumn, winter and summer in an abandoned suburban citrus grove in Sicily, under Mediterranean-climate conditions. Glyphosate was injected within drill holes made in knee-high cut trees. Tree mortality a…
Advances in cultivation of almonds: effects of genotypes, environment and cultural techniques
Advances in cultivation of almonds: effects of genotypes, environment and cultural techniques
Cover crop management and water conservation in vineyard and olive orchards
Abstract Sustainability in orchard crops is an important goal for farmers, decision-makers and consumers. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals emphasize the importance of the soils in the Earth System to achieve sustainability and accomplish the Land Degradation Neutrality Challenge. Within the world agriculture land, olive and vineyards are within the eldest crops in the world, and they are also the ones with the highest degree of soil degradation. Cover crops (CC) are widely accepted as sustainable crop management that reduces soil and water losses, restores organic matter, increases biodiversity and fertility in degraded agriculture soils. The agriculture land must shift into…
Towards More Efficient Incentives for Agri-environment Measures in Degraded and Eroded Vineyards
Evaluating the economic damage caused by soil erosion is important. In addition to increasing the awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers, evaluation of the economic damage caused by erosion can promote the implementation of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study, we describe a new approach to evaluate incentives for the adoption of agri-environment measure (AEM) in degraded and eroded vineyards. To estimate this incentive, the replacement cost (RC) and the loss of income are calculated when the vineyard is managed with conventional tillage versus a cover crop (AEM). Our findings show that the incentive could range from the loss of income due to AE…
Olivicoltura da mensa
Cenni storici sulla frutticoltura delle isole della Sicilia.
Controllare l'alternanza per migliorare i pistacchi
Histological studies on pistacio vegetative organs as related to fructification
Histological Studies on Pistachio Vegetative Organs as Related to Fructification Effects of fruiting on histological structure and histochemical characteristics of shoots, leaves and roots of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) were microscopically examined on tissues sampled from trees with different crop-loads and carbohydrate reserves availability (bearing, non-bearing and trees subjected to inflorescence-bud removal twenty days before full bloom for four consecutive years). Differences in cambium activity and xylem and phloem structure in several developmental stages are reported. Starch content was higher in “deblossomed” than in non-bearing and bearing trees.
Il settore dell'olivicoltura da tavola in Italia: situazione e prospettive
The Italian table olive industry is almost completely located in the southern regions: Sicily and Apulia together account for about 2/3 of the entire national production. ‘Nocellara del Belice’,‘Nocellara etnea’, ‘Bella di Cerignola’ and ‘Ascolana tenera’ are the leading cultivars together with a large number of other local traditional varieties, often utilised for a double purpose (table olives and oil production). Although Italy is nowadays largely dependent (for about 60%) onto import from other Countries (mainly Spain, Greece and Morocco) the domestic production has been declining in the last thirty years and currently accounts for about 3-4% of the total world production against a valu…
Control of Alternate Bearing in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Manipulation of the Vegetative and Reproductive Cycle.
Ornacitrus: Citrus plants (Citrus spp.) as ornamentals
Abstract The industrial production of citrus plants for ornamental use (ornacitrus) began in Italy at the end of the 1960s due to the need for many citrus nurseries to adapt their activities in a time of crisis for citriculture. Nowadays, the ornamental citrus nursery sector is a well-established industry in many European countries such as Portugal, Spain, Greece, and southern Italy. In Italy, nursery production of ornamental citrus plants has become prominent due to the gradual shutdown of many commercial citrus orchards. Currently, Italy maintains its leadership with more than 5.5 million ornacitrus plants produced annually. Ornamental citrus production regards mainly different cultivars …
Il pistacchio in Italia: interventi agronomici e tecnici per il miglioramento della coltura
Candida zemplinina for Production of Wines with Less Alcohol and More Glycerol
We developed a new protocol for winery mixed fermentations, using the selected Candida zemplinina yeast strain Cz3. The results of a two-year study, in which red musts (Merlot in 2010; Merlot, Nero d’Avola and Frappato in 2011) were inoculated with Cz3, is discussed. These wines were compared with wines obtained by inoculation with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains (NDA21 and AR06 in 2010; NDA21 in 2011), or with those obtained by spontaneous fermentation (only in 2011). The inoculation of Cz3 always resulted in a two-phase fermentation: the first phase was driven by the C. zemplinina strain, while the second was dominated by the indigenous S. cerevisiae yeasts coming from t…
Fruit qualitive variation in several pistachio cultivars in the time-course of storage
Horticultural management of pistachio orchards to increase productivity and fruit quality under the prevailing conditions of the mediterranean climate
Struttura dell'albero: strutture epigee
Il capitolo descrive le strutture epigee della pianta arborea. Vengono passate in rassegna le caratteristiche morfologiche e descrittive della chioma, della struttura scheletrica (tronco e branche), delle foglie, delle gemme, di germogli e rami, di fiore e infiorescenze, di frutto e seme.
Caratteristiche botaniche.
Variazioni qualitative dei frutti di diverse cultivar di pistacchio nel corso della conservazione
Dietary Patterns at the Individual Level through a Nutritional and Environmental Approach: The Case Study of a School Canteen
The public catering sector has important responsibilities in seeking a change toward more sustainable choices for many aspects related to the environmental impacts of their services. The environmental impact of production processes can be studied through life cycle assessment (LCA), which allows a greater awareness of choices and has rarely been applied to catering. In this work, we studied the impacts of two dishes (braised meat and cauliflower meatballs) in a school canteen, their impacts were studied using the daily energy requirement (expressed in kcal) as a functional unit. Global warming potential (GWP) and nonrenewable energy (NRE) were calculated starting from the supply of raw mate…
Manipulation of the vegetative and reproductive cycle of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)
Nonostante la diffusa presenza dell’ailanto in Sicilia, mancavano sino ad oggi studi specifici a carattere regionale su questa specie arborea esotica invasiva. Allo scopo di colmare alcune di queste lacune, il presente lavoro si è posto cinque obiettivi: 1) ripercorrere la storia della diffusione globale dell’ailanto, prestando particolare attenzione all’Italia ed alla Sicilia; 2) analizzare le cause (antropiche e biologiche) della sua spiccata invasività a livello globale e locale; 3) fornire un primo quadro della sua distribuzione e della sua auto- e sinecologia sul territorio regionale; 4) stabilire i metodi più idonei ed efficaci per contenerne la diffusione e ridurne l’impatto ecologic…
Cover Crop and Pruning Residue Management to Reduce Nitrogen Mineral Fertilization in Mediterranean Vineyards
This paper aimed to study the effect of temporary cover crop and vine pruning residue burial as alternative practices to conventional tillage on soil nitrate (NO3-N) availability and grapevine performance in the short term. The trial was carried out in a rain-fed vineyard (Vitis vinifera L., cv Grecanico dorato/140 Ruggeri) located in a traditional Mediterranean viticultural area (37°
uality Evaluation of “Tardivo di Ciaculli” Mandarins in Post-Harvest Processing on an Industrial Scale Using a Portable Vis/NIR Device
Abstract. Vis/NIR technology is widely used today to quickly and non-destructively evaluate fruit and vegetable qualities, and many applications have been found since the 1990s. However, no industrial-scale applications can further consolidate the use of non-destructive techniques in post-harvest processing. This study aims to test the possibility of applying vis/NIR technology in a modern citrus-processing plant to assess the damage that the fruits eventually suffer when they are processed on an industrial scale and the evolution of their key quality parameters in a period of 10 days after harvest. The spectral acquisitions were performed using a portable vis/NIR device, which operated in …
Use of fortified pied de cuve as an innovative method to start spontaneous alcoholic fermentation for red winemaking
Background and Aims: Some wineries, in order to promote the growth of yeasts able to ferment grape musts, traditionally produce wines using the ‘pied de cuve’ method. The aim of the present work was to study the performance of fortified pied de cuve (FPdC) prepared by addition of wine. Method and Results: Two FPdCs were prepared with the addition of wine at 1.5 and 3% (v/v) of ethanol to the musts and allowed to spontaneously ferment. The FPdCs were then added to fresh bulk musts in order to accelerate the spontaneous alcoholic fermentation (AF). Interestingly, several Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated during the pied de cuve preparation were detected at the highest concentration th…
Effect of rootstock on growth, yield and fruit characteristics in cv 'Bianca' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees
This paper, following preliminary field evaluation trials started in 1993, reports a study on the effect of eight different in vitro-propagated clonal rootstocks (P. atlantica and P. integerrima) and one seedling rootstock (P. terebinthus) on the vegetative and productive behaviour of pistachio cultivar 'Bianca'. The trees, budded in 1991, were grown using standard cultural practices for dry-land farming in a sandy clay loam soil, located inland in Sicily. On average, clones of P. integerrima (I-6 and I-2) were the most vigorous rootstocks. Clones of P. atlantica had intermediate vigour. Rootstock significantly affect yield but not fruit weight, kernel to nut ratio, splitting and blanking p…
Improvement in yield and fruit size and quality of the main Italian table olive cultivar 'Nocellara del Belice'
Olive (Olea europaea L.) shows alternate bearing, with unreliable cropping patterns and inconsistent fruit size and quality every year. In many countries, thinning with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is used to minimise alternate bearing behavior in olives. However, in Italy, growers are reluctant to employ this practice and no detailed knowledge is available for specific cultivars. We evaluated the effects of spraying NAA on various dates on the productive and vegetative characteristics of the main Italian table olive cultivar'Nocellara del Belice'. Trunk cross-sectional area, fruit set, fruit drop, fruit size, pit size, yield per tree, crop density and flesh to pit ratio were analysed. The …
Modeling the seasonal carbon balance of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.): the effect of crop load
Towards More Efficient Incentives for Agri-environment Measures in Degraded and Eroded Vineyards
Evaluating the economic damage caused by soil erosion is important. In addition to increasing the awareness of the problem among farmers and policy makers, evaluation of the economic damage caused by erosion can promote the implementation of more sustainable soil management practices. In the present study, we describe a new approach to evaluate incentives for the adoption of agri-environment measure (AEM) in degraded and eroded vineyards. To estimate this incentive, the replacement cost (RC) and the loss of income are calculated when the vineyard is managed with conventional tillage versus a cover crop (AEM). Our findings show that the incentive could range from the loss of income due to AE…
The Sicilian Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Germplasm: Phenological, Morphological and Horticultural Diversity and Sanitary Status
Use of fortified pied de cuve as an innovative method to start spontaneous alcoholic fermentation for red winemaking
Background and Aims Some wineries, in order to promote the growth of yeasts able to ferment grape musts, traditionally produce wines using the ‘pied de cuve’ method. The aim of the present work was to study the performance of fortified pied de cuve (FPdC) prepared by addition of wine. Method and Results Two FPdCs were prepared with the addition of wine at 1.5 and 3% (v/v) of ethanol to the musts and allowed to spontaneously ferment. The FPdCs were then added to fresh bulk musts in order to accelerate the spontaneous alcoholic fermentation (AF). Interestingly, several Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated during the pied de cuve preparation were detected at the highest concentration thro…
The ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) delayed ripening and improved postharvest fruit quality of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). 1-MCP was used on the white flesh sub-acid loquat cultivars ‘Claudia’ and ‘BRT20’ to evaluate the possible effect on fruit ripening and to prevent negative effects of cold storage, like internal browning and flesh leatheriness. 1-MCP was applied at 2°C for 20 h and concentrations of 1 and 5 μl L-1. After 1-MCP treatment fruit were held at 2°C for 7, 14, and 21 days and then moved to 18°C for 5 days. Fruit flesh firmness, titratable acidity (TA), total soluble content (TSS), weight loss, internal browning and flesh leatheriness were evaluated at …
Effect of foliar nitrogen fertilization onto vegetative and productive behaviour of "Nocellara del Belice" table olive trees
Isolation, identification and oenological characterization of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in a Mediterranean island
UNLABELLED We isolated, identified and characterized yeast strains from grapes, and their fermented musts, sampled in the small island of Linosa, where there are no wineries and therefore the possibility of territory contamination by industrial strains is minimal. By traditional culture-dependent methods, we isolated 3805 colonies, distinguished by molecular methods in 17 different species. Five hundred and forty-four isolates were analysed for the main oenological characteristics such as fermentative vigour with and without sulphites, sugar consumption and production of alcohol, volatile acidity, hydrogen sulphide, glycerol and β-glucosidase. This analysis identified Kluyveromyces marxianu…
L'olivicoltura da tavola in Italia: forte interazione varietà/ambiente
Postharvest quality and sensory attributes of Ficus carica L
The aim of this research was to evaluate the relationship between some physical and chemical characteristics and sensory descriptors of fig fruits ‘Dottato’ and ‘Melanzana’, belonging to the national germplasm bank of fig trees and cultivated in Southern Italy. The sensory principal descriptors used are external appearance, skin color, pulp color, odor, sweetness, stickiness, bitterness, juiciness, firmness, tannic taste and presence of achenes. Fresh weight, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), TSS:TA, firmness, and sensory properties changed with cultivar. SSC was more correlated with sensory attributes than TA, but other factors may also be important in controlling this r…
Misura e modellizzazione del bilancio stagionale di carbonio in rami carichi e scarichi di Pistacchio (Pistacia vera L.)
Esigenze bio-termiche e stima del periodo di sviluppo del frutto in cultivar di pesco a differente epoca di maturazione
In this experiment carried out in Sicily (37.35N 12.58E), fruit growth was studied in relation to thermal time accumulated from bloom to fruit harvest for peach cultivars whose fruit development period ranges from 76 to 170 days. Thermal time was calculated in terms of GDH (base temperature 6.2-10 °C, optimum temperature 23.3-24.5 °C and critical temperature 33.7-39.4 °C) by the use of non-linear models. Climatic and phenological data (bloom and harvest dates) were considered for a minimum of four to a maximum of six years. Taking into account the whole FDP, the accuracy of the GDH model in predicting harvest time ranged from 0.6 day, in the early ripening peach cultivar Anita, to 6.4 days …
Vegetative growth, phenology, yield and fruit quality of "Bianca" pistachio (Pistacia vera L:) trees as affected by the rootstock
Manipolazione del ciclo vegeto-produttivo del pistacchio ( Pistacia vera L.)
Variability of sensory profile and quality characteristics for ‘Pesca di Bivona’ and ‘Pesca di Leonforte’ peach (Prunus persica Batsch) fresh-cut slices during storage
Abstract Peach genotypes in Southern Italy include the white-flesh ‘Pesca di Bivona’ (‘Murtiddara’, ‘Bianca’, ‘Agostina’ and ‘Settembrina’) and the yellow-flesh ‘Pesca di Leonforte’ (‘Settembrina’, ‘Giallone’ and ‘Ottobrina’ ) landraces, with non-melting clingstone fruit, characterized by a persistent aroma and an excellent flavor that is highly appreciated by consumers. The aim of this work was to assess the suitability of these white- and yellow-flesh landraces to be processed as fresh-cut product with regard to the persistence of their quality and sensory profiles. Fruit of ‘Pesca di Bivona’ and ‘Pesca di Leonforte’ landraces were cut into slices and stored at 5 °C for 3, 5, 7, 12 d. Fre…
The Italian Almond Industry: New Perspectives and Ancient Tradition
The almond industry in Italy presents a high degree of structural variability that is determined by the jeopardized coexistence of old, traditional orchards and new plantations that differ each other not only in terms of age but also mainly in terms of orchard system. Apulia and Sicily still remain the most important production areas where the 90% of the almond orchards are concentrated. In this southern part of Italy, almond and its derivatives still remain really important. In the last two decades, the Italian almond industry did not show a regular trend, neither with respect to production nor to acreage. An innovative almond industry revealed its consistency year after year since 2000: s…
Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers.
Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers SSR and RAPD markers were used to identify DNA fingerprints of 100 accessions of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) from the National Olive Variety Assessment (NOVA) collection, located at the University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus (South Australia). The markers were compared for their ability to discriminate between genotypes and their level of polymorphism per marker. The results were similar for both types of markers, and it was shown that several cultivars in the collection had similar genotypes. However, SSRs were more discriminatory as more genotypes were identified with these, than with RAPD markers. The D…
Unlocking Plum Genetic Potential: Where Are We At?
Plums are a large group of closely related stone fruit species and hybrids of worldwide economic importance and diffusion. This review deals with the main aspects concerning plum agrobiodiversity and its relationship with current and potential contributions offered by breeding in enhancing plum varieties. The most recent breeding achievements are revised according to updated information proceeding from relevant scientific reports and official inventories of plum genetic resources. A special emphasis has been given to the potential sources of genetic traits of interest for breeding programs as well as to the need for efficient and coordinated efforts aimed at efficaciously preserving the ric…