Enrico Pasqualetto

Universal infinitesimal Hilbertianity of sub-Riemannian manifolds

We prove that sub-Riemannian manifolds are infinitesimally Hilbertian (i.e., the associated Sobolev space is Hilbert) when equipped with an arbitrary Radon measure. The result follows from an embedding of metric derivations into the space of square-integrable sections of the horizontal bundle, which we obtain on all weighted sub-Finsler manifolds. As an intermediate tool, of independent interest, we show that any sub-Finsler distance can be monotonically approximated from below by Finsler ones. All the results are obtained in the general setting of possibly rank-varying structures.

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A short proof of the infinitesimal Hilbertianity of the weighted Euclidean space

We provide a quick proof of the following known result: the Sobolev space associated with the Euclidean space, endowed with the Euclidean distance and an arbitrary Radon measure, is Hilbert. Our new approach relies upon the properties of the Alberti-Marchese decomposability bundle. As a consequence of our arguments, we also prove that if the Sobolev norm is closable on compactly-supported smooth functions, then the reference measure is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure.

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Sharp estimate on the inner distance in planar domains

We show that the inner distance inside a bounded planar domain is at most the one-dimensional Hausdorff measure of the boundary of the domain. We prove this sharp result by establishing an improved Painlev\'e length estimate for connected sets and by using the metric removability of totally disconnected sets, proven by Kalmykov, Kovalev, and Rajala. We also give a totally disconnected example showing that for general sets the Painlev\'e length bound $\kappa(E) \le\pi \mathcal{H}^1(E)$ is sharp.

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Rectifiability of the reduced boundary for sets of finite perimeter over RCD(K,N) spaces

This paper is devoted to the study of sets of finite perimeter in RCD(K,N) metric measure spaces. Its aim is to complete the picture of the generalization of De Giorgi’s theorem within this framework. Starting from the results of Ambrosio et al. (2019) we obtain uniqueness of tangents and rectifiability for the reduced boundary of sets of finite perimeter. As an intermediate tool, of independent interest, we develop a Gauss–Green integration-by-parts formula tailored to this setting. These results are new and non-trivial even in the setting of Ricci limits. peerReviewed

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On the notion of parallel transport on RCD spaces

We propose a general notion of parallel transport on RCD spaces, prove an unconditioned uniqueness result and existence under suitable assumptions on the space. peerReviewed

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Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of Weighted Riemannian Manifolds

AbstractThe main result of this paper is the following: anyweightedRiemannian manifold$(M,g,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$,i.e., a Riemannian manifold$(M,g)$endowed with a generic non-negative Radon measure$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}$, isinfinitesimally Hilbertian, which means that its associated Sobolev space$W^{1,2}(M,g,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$is a Hilbert space.We actually prove a stronger result: the abstract tangent module (à la Gigli) associated with any weighted reversible Finsler manifold$(M,F,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$can be isometrically embedded into the space of all measurable sections of the tangent bundle of$M$that are$2$-integrable with respect to$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}$.By following the…

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Characterisation of upper gradients on the weighted Euclidean space and applications

In the context of Euclidean spaces equipped with an arbitrary Radon measure, we prove the equivalence among several different notions of Sobolev space present in the literature and we characterise the minimal weak upper gradient of all Lipschitz functions.

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The Theory of Normed Modules

This chapter is devoted to the study of the so-called normed modules over metric measure spaces. These represent a tool that has been introduced by Gigli in order to build up a differential structure on nonsmooth spaces. In a few words, an \(L^2({{\mathfrak {m}}})\)-normed \(L^\infty ({{\mathfrak {m}}})\)-module is a generalisation of the concept of ‘space of 2-integrable sections of some measurable bundle’; it is an algebraic module over the commutative ring \(L^\infty ({{\mathfrak {m}}})\) that is additionally endowed with a pointwise norm operator. This notion, its basic properties and some of its technical variants constitute the topics of Sect. 3.1.

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Indecomposable sets of finite perimeter in doubling metric measure spaces

We study a measure-theoretic notion of connectedness for sets of finite perimeter in the setting of doubling metric measure spaces supporting a weak $(1,1)$-Poincar\'{e} inequality. The two main results we obtain are a decomposition theorem into indecomposable sets and a characterisation of extreme points in the space of BV functions. In both cases, the proof we propose requires an additional assumption on the space, which is called isotropicity and concerns the Hausdorff-type representation of the perimeter measure.

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Quasi-Continuous Vector Fields on RCD Spaces

In the existing language for tensor calculus on RCD spaces, tensor fields are only defined $\mathfrak {m}$ -a.e.. In this paper we introduce the concept of tensor field defined ‘2-capacity-a.e.’ and discuss in which sense Sobolev vector fields have a 2-capacity-a.e. uniquely defined quasi-continuous representative.

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Testing the Sobolev property with a single test plan

We prove that in a vast class of metric measure spaces (namely, those whose associated Sobolev space is separable) the following property holds: a single test plan can be used to recover the minimal weak upper gradient of any Sobolev function. This means that, in order to identify which are the exceptional curves in the weak upper gradient inequality, it suffices to consider the negligible sets of a suitable Borel measure on curves, rather than the ones of the $p$-modulus. Moreover, on $\sf RCD$ spaces we can improve our result, showing that the test plan can be also chosen to be concentrated on an equi-Lipschitz family of curves.

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First-Order Calculus on Metric Measure Spaces

In this chapter we develop a first-order differential structure on general metric measure spaces. First of all, the key notion of cotangent module is obtained by combining the Sobolev calculus (discussed in Chap. 2) with the theory of normed modules (described in Chap. 3). The elements of the cotangent module L2(T∗X), which are defined and studied in Sect. 4.1, provide a convenient abstraction of the concept of ‘1-form on a Riemannian manifold’.

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Rectifiability of RCD(K,N) spaces via δ-splitting maps

In this note we give simplified proofs of rectifiability of RCD(K,N) spaces as metric measure spaces and lower semicontinuity of the essential dimension, via -splitting maps. The arguments are inspired by the Cheeger-Colding theory for Ricci limits and rely on the second order differential calculus developed by Gigli and on the convergence and stability results by Ambrosio-Honda. peerReviewed

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Differential of metric valued Sobolev maps

We introduce a notion of differential of a Sobolev map between metric spaces. The differential is given in the framework of tangent and cotangent modules of metric measure spaces, developed by the first author. We prove that our notion is consistent with Kirchheim's metric differential when the source is a Euclidean space, and with the abstract differential provided by the first author when the target is $\mathbb{R}$.

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Differential structure associated to axiomatic Sobolev spaces

The aim of this note is to explain in which sense an axiomatic Sobolev space over a general metric measure space (à la Gol’dshtein–Troyanov) induces – under suitable locality assumptions – a first-order differential structure. peerReviewed

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Sobolev Calculus on Metric Measure Spaces

Several different approaches to the theory of weakly differentiable functions over abstract metric measure spaces made their appearance in the literature throughout the last twenty years. Amongst them, we shall mainly follow the one (based upon the concept of test plan) that has been proposed by Ambrosio, Gigli and Savare. The whole Sect. 2.1 is devoted to the definition of such notion of Sobolev space W1, 2(X) and to its most important properties.

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Second-Order Calculus on RCD Spaces

In this conclusive chapter we introduce the class of those metric measure spaces that satisfy the Riemannian curvature-dimension condition, briefly called RCD spaces, and we develop a thorough second-order differential calculus over these structures.

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Heat Flow on Metric Measure Spaces

In order to develop a second-order differential calculus on spaces with curvature bounds we need to make use of the regularising effects of the heat flow, to which this chapter is dedicated.

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Abstract and concrete tangent modules on Lipschitz differentiability spaces

We construct an isometric embedding from Gigli's abstract tangent module into the concrete tangent module of a space admitting a (weak) Lipschitz differentiable structure, and give two equivalent conditions which characterize when the embedding is an isomorphism. Together with arguments from a recent article by Bate--Kangasniemi--Orponen, this equivalence is used to show that the ${\rm Lip}-{\rm lip}$ -type condition ${\rm lip} f\le C|Df|$ implies the existence of a Lipschitz differentiable structure, and moreover self-improves to ${\rm lip} f =|Df|$. We also provide a direct proof of a result by Gigli and the second author that, for a space with a strongly rectifiable decomposition, Gigli'…

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The metric-valued Lebesgue differentiation theorem in measure spaces and its applications

We prove a version of the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem for mappings that are defined on a measure space and take values into a metric space, with respect to the differentiation basis induced by a von Neumann lifting. As a consequence, we obtain a lifting theorem for the space of sections of a measurable Banach bundle and a disintegration theorem for vector measures whose target is a Banach space with the Radon-Nikod\'{y}m property.

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