A.m. Bron
Association between the retinal vascular network, cardiovascular history and risk factors in the elderly
IF 3.157; International audience; PurposeTo identify patterns summarizing the retinal vascular network in the elderly and to investigate the relationship of these vascular patterns with cardiovascular history.MethodsWe conducted a population-based study, the Montrachet study (Maculopathy Optic Nerve nuTRition neurovAsCular and HEarT diseases), in participants older than 75 years. History of cardiovascular disease and a score-based estimation of their 10-year risk of cardiovascular mortality (Heart SCORE) were collected. Retinal vascular network analysis was performed by means of Singapore “I” Vessel Assessment (SIVA) software. Principal component analysis was used to condense the informatio…
The LDL receptor in the retina: the missing link in aging, the new target in dietary prevention
National audience; Purpose: The discovery of the LDL receptor (LDLR) in 1985 by Brown and Goldstein was awarded by a Nobel Prize. The LDLR has initially been identified for its role in mediating the endocytosis of LDL particles in the vascular endothelium. The deposition of lipids, including cholesterol and cholesteryl esters in Bruch’s Membrane in the one hand, and in the vessel intima in the other hand, is one of the common features of age related macular degeneration (AMD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Dietary habits with high intakes of omega 3 long chain fatty acids (LCFA) have been associated with AMD prevention. Similar effects have been demonstrated in CVD prevention. The mechan…
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and Plasmalogens in diabetics
Purpose Plasmalogens (PLS) are phospholipids characterized by a vinyl ether bond and a preferential esterification of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). We have previously shown that the lack of PLS leads to retinal hyper-capillarization. We hypothesize that PLS are negative regulators of vascular development, and aimed to check their circulating levels in diabetic patients. Methods Blood samples were collected from 88 patients and 14 control subjects. Among diabetics we had 14 patients without diabetic retinopathy (DR), 12 with a mild non proliferative DR, 12 with a moderate non proliferative DR, 22 with a severe non proliferative DR and 24 with a proliferative DR (PDR). Erythrocytes were…
Plasmalogens and cell‐cell communication between retinal glial cells
National audience; Purpose Plasmalogens are glycerophospholipids containing a vinyl‐ether bond at sn‐1 position of their glycerol backbone and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) at sn‐2. We have previously shown that plasmalogens are involved in the regulation of perinatal retinal vascular development and particularly in astrocyte template formation (Saab et al, PLoSONE 2012 9(6):e101076). Since retinal Müller cells and astrocytes can communicate through calcium waves and connexin 43‐rich gap junctions, the aim of our study was to determine whether a reduction of plasmalogen levels affects communication between retinal glial cells. Methods Primary Müller cells and astrocyte were isolated f…
Lipid and fatty acid profile of the retina, RPE/choroid and lacrimal gland, and associations with dietary fatty acids in human subjects
Purpose The contribution of dietary lipids to the accumulation of lipids in the retina during ageing and in the course of age related maculopathies remains under debate. Our objective was to establish associations between fatty acid profiles of ocular structures, and adipose tissue as a surrogate for the past dietary intake of the subjects. Methods Lipids and fatty acids were analyzed by tandem thin-layer chromatography-flame ionization detection and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection from the neural retina, RPE/choroid, lacrimal gland and adipose tissue, collected from 19 women and 8 men, aged 59–95 years. Results DHA concentrations in the neural retina were positively associate…
Etude de l'impact du contrôle postural associé au port de verres prismatiques dans la réduction des troubles cognitifs chez le dyslexique de développement
But de l’etude L’objectif de ce travail est d’evaluer l’impact des modifications proprioceptives induites par un traitement postural sur les troubles cognitifs d’une population d’enfants souffrant de dyslexie de developpement. Patients et methodes Il a ete constitue un groupe de 20 enfants dyslexiques traites par prismes posturaux, semelles « de posture » et reeducation posturale, et un groupe temoin de 13 enfants dyslexiques portant uniquement des lunettes sans prismes. Tous les enfants etaient de sexe masculin. Lors de leur inclusion dans l’etude (M0) et 6 mois plus tard (M6), tous les participants ont ete evalues par un bilan ophtalmologique et postural et ont recu un examen neuropsychol…
Lipid profile of tenon's capsule in glaucoma patients
International audience; Purpose: To provide data on the lipid profile of the Tenon’s capsule in Human glaucomatous eyes and to establish possible relationships with the short term outcome of filtration surgery. Methods: Fragments of Tenon’s capsule were collected during glaucoma surgery in patients suffering from open angle glaucoma (10 trabeculectomies and 17 non penetrating deep sclerectomies). The lipid profile of the human samples was determined by gas chromatography. A successful outcome after glaucoma surgery was defined by an intraocular pressure (IOP) ≤ 15 mmHg at 6 months without any IOP‐lowering agent. Results: We included 27 patients (12 males, 15 females) with a mean age of 65.5…
A novel murine model of aging of the human retina
Purpose Accumulation of lipids, and especially of cholesteryl esters, under the retinal pigment epithelium and within Bruch’s membrane is a normal feature of aging and has also been observed in human eyes with age-related maculopathy. Our objective was to evaluate the retinal phenotype of apoB100,LDLR-/- mice, a model for lipid metabolism dysfunction and potentially of aging of the retina. Methods ApoB100,LDLR-/- mice were studied at 7 and 14 months of age by standard scotopic and photopic electroretinography by comparison to control animals. Fundus images were obtained with a confocal SLO (Heidelberg Retina Angiograph). The integrity of the vascular system was investigated by means of fluo…
Fructose diet induced short-term impairment of cone sensitivity and gene expression in rat retina
National audience; Abstract: Purpose A high fructose diet has been widely used to trigger insulin resistance in rodent; insulin resistance is one of the major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Thirty to 40% of diabetic patients develop diabetic retinopathy. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the short-term effect, at 1, 3, 5, 8 days, of a 60% fructose diet, on photoreceptor sensitivity and gene expression in the retina of Brown Norway rats. Methods: Flicker electroretinograms (8Hz) were recorded under anesthesia, from both eyes simultaneously in order to study sensitivity of photoreceptors. Then, rats were euthanized and enucleated. Retinae and posterior poles were collec…
Effect of dietary omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on IOP elevation, electroretinographic changes and retinal ganglion cell loss in a rat model of glaucoma induced by laser
Purpose To test the efficacy of dietary omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a rat model of glaucoma induced by laser photocoagulation. Methods Rats were fed for 3 months with a diet containing either: 1) 17% of omega-3 fatty acids (10% EPA + 7% DHA), 2) 10% of omega-6 fatty acids (as GLA), or 3) a combination of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (10% EPA + 7% DHA + 10% GLA), by comparison with a control group of animals fed with a standard diet deprived of EPA, DHA and GLA. After 3 months of diet, glaucoma was induced in one eye of the animal by laser.IOP was regularly measured and the retinal function was evaluated by electroretinography (ERG) for 3 months. At the end of the experiment, …
Consequences of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency on retinal function and intraocular pressure in the rat
Purpose Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3) are key components in nervous structures but their dietary intakes in the overall population are often below nutritional requirements. A chronic deficiency in ω3 is recognized to be associated with functional impairment of the retina. At the opposite, ω3 supplementation is associated with a reduced risk for AMD. The consequences of ω3 deficiency on other eye structures than the retina, such as ciliary bodies, are scarce. The purpose of our study was to compare the response of the retina and ciliary bodies to dietary ω3 deficiency in terms of fatty acid profile and eye functionality. Methods Two successive generations of Lewis rats (G1 and G2)…
Eye and cat scratch disease: A case series
Resume Introduction La maladie des griffes du chat est une affection polymorphe, pouvant se manifester par des atteintes ophtalmologiques isolees. Nous rapportons les observations cliniques de sept cas, ayant presente une atteinte ophtalmologique posterieure de la maladie des griffes du chat. Observations Notre population comprenait sept patients, dont cinq femmes, d’âge median de 52 ans, avec une atteinte unilaterale dans trois cas. Une neuroretinite stellaire de Leber etait retrouvee chez six patients, un syndrome incomplet dans deux cas (soit un œdeme papillaire isole, soit un œdeme maculaire trainant) et associe a des foyers chorioretiniens dans un cas. Des foyers retiniens isoles ont e…
Gentamicin, norfloxacin and lysozyme concentration in human tears: in vivo and in vitro study
Hen's egg lysozyme (HEL) activity was measured in vitro with gentamicin and norfloxacin by a turbidimetric technique. Gentamicin at the concentration of 10(-3) M inhibited HEL activity by 39%, while 10(-3) M norfloxacin did not affect HEL activity. However, an in vivo study in healthy persons did not show any significant statistical difference in tear lysozyme activity when 0.3% gentamicin or 0.3% norfloxacin were topically applied.
The montrachet study
National audience; Summary The Montrachet Study (Maculopathy Optic Nerve nuTRition neurovAsCular and HEarT diseases) is a population‐based derived from the 3C Study performed in Dijon. In 2009–2011, 1153 participants from the 3 Cities Study, aged 75 years or more, had an initial eye examination. Apart from the old age of this population, the main interest is that information on cardiovascular and neurologic diseases and a large comprehensive database (blood samples, genetic testing, cognitive tests, MRI) were available. Our first results showed us that despite the high prevalence of self‐reported eye diseases in this elderly population, visual impairment was low and increased with age. Thes…
Intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness in an old French population: The MONTRACHET study
Purpose: To describe the distribution of intraocular pressure (IOP) and central corneal thickness (CCT) in an old French population. Methods: About 9000 individuals 65 years and older were included in the 3C cohort study since 1999 in 3 French cities (Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier). In Dijon, an additional ophthalmic examination was performed 10 years after the initial inclusions to assess the relation between systemic age-related diseases and eye diseases in the MONTRACHET Study (Maculopathy Optic Nerve nuTRition neurovAsCular and HEarT diseases). In this population-based stuy a thorough eye examination and a questionnaire were undertaken in each participant. Intraocular pressure (IOP) w…
Normal values for fundus perimetry with the MAIA microperimeter and short-term repeatability evaluation
National audience; Purpose To assess retinal sensitivity by means of microperimetry and to evaluate the intersession fluctuation using the MAIA microperimeter in healthy volunteers. Methods Prospective, monocentre study. Fifty‐six healthy volunteers (age range, 20–80 years), underwent an automatic, full‐threshold microperimetry of the central field (custom grid, area of 10° in diameter, 37 stimulated points), with the MAIA microperimeter (CenterVue, Padova, Italy). A subgroup of 24 subjects was retested after 1 h (test 2) and 1 week (test 3) to determine the repeatability of the technique. A subgroup of 22 subjects was also tested on the OPKO microperimeter (Optos, Dunfermline, Scotland) (a…
Retinal optical coherence tomography angiography as a biomarker of acute kidney injury after acute coronary syndrome
Background Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is frequent and associated with long-term renal impairment and mortality. Retinal vessel density (RVD) measured by OCT-Angiography could reflect the global cardiovascular burden of ACS patients and thus provide a fast and non-invasive assessment of the systemic microcirculation, that may be involved in CIN occurrence. Methods Between October 2016 and March 2017, 452 ACS patients were admitted in our coronary care unit. Retinal OCT-A was performed within two days after PCI. Patients were divided in two groups, according to Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurrence (KDIGO …