Nonlocal density correlations as a signature of Hawking radiation from acoustic black holes
We have used the analogy between gravitational systems and nonhomogeneous fluid flows to calculate the density-density correlation function of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of an acoustic black hole. The emission of correlated pairs of phonons by Hawking-like process results into a peculiar long-range density correlation. Quantitative estimations of the effect are provided for realistic experimental configurations.
Hawking radiation of massive modes and undulations
We compute the analogue Hawking radiation for modes which posses a small wave vector perpendicular to the horizon. For low frequencies, the resulting mass term induces a total reflection. This generates an extra mode mixing that occurs in the supersonic region, which cancels out the infrared divergence of the near horizon spectrum. As a result, the amplitude of the undulation (0-frequency wave with macroscopic amplitude) emitted in white hole flows now saturates at the linear level, unlike what was recently found in the massless case. In addition, we point out that the mass introduces a new type of undulation which is produced in black hole flows, and which is well described in the hydrodyn…
Acoustic white holes in flowing atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
International audience; We study acoustic white holes in a steadily flowing atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. A white hole configuration is obtained when the flow velocity goes from a super-sonic value in the upstream region to a sub-sonic one in the downstream region. The scattering of phonon wavepackets on a white hole horizon is numerically studied in terms of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation of mean-field theory: dynamical stability of the acoustic white hole is found, as well as a signature of a nonlinear back-action of the incident phonon wavepacket onto the horizon. The correlation pattern of density fluctuations is numerically studied by means of the truncated-Wigner method which includ…
Matter, quantum gravity, and adiabatic phase
Based on the observation that particle masses are much smaller than the Planck mass, a framework for the matter-gravity system in which matter follows gravitation adiabatically is examined in a path-integral approach. It is found that the equations that the resulting gravitational wave function satisfies involve, in addition to the expectation value of the matter stress tensor, an adiabatically induced gauge field which can lead to interesting topological structures in superspace. Such a non-trivial geometric contribution modifies the semiclassical quantization condition and can change the conserved quantities associated with the symmetries of the system. © 1990 The American Physical Societ…
Understanding Hawking Radiation from Simple Models of Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates
This chapter is an introduction to the Bogoliubov theory of dilute Bose condensates as applied to the study of the spontaneous emission of phonons in a stationary condensate flowing at supersonic speeds. This emission process is a condensed-matter analog of Hawking radiation from astrophysical black holes but is derived here from a microscopic quantum theory of the condensate without any use of the analogy with gravitational systems. To facilitate physical understanding of the basic concepts, a simple one-dimensional geometry with a stepwise homogenous flow is considered which allows for a fully analytical treatment.
Testing Hawking particle creation by black holes through correlation measurements
Hawking's prediction of thermal radiation by black holes has been shown by Unruh to be expected also in condensed matter systems. We show here that in a black hole-like configuration realized in a BEC this particle-creation does indeed take place and can be unambiguously identified via a characteristic pattern in the density-density correlations. This opens the concrete possibility of the experimental verification of this effect.
Low frequency gray-body factors and infrared divergences: rigorous results
Formal solutions to the mode equations for both spherically symmetric black holes and Bose-Einstein condensate acoustic black holes are obtained by writing the spatial part of the mode equation as a linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind. The solutions work for a massless minimally coupled scalar field in the s-wave or zero angular momentum sector for a spherically symmetric black hole and in the longitudinal sector of a 1D Bose-Einstein condensate acoustic black hole. These solutions are used to obtain in a rigorous way analytic expressions for the scattering coefficients and gray-body factors in the zero frequency limit. They are also used to study the infrared behaviors of …
Scattering coefficients and gray-body factor for 1D BEC acoustic black holes: exact results
A complete set of exact analytic solutions to the mode equation is found in the region exterior to the acoustic horizon for a class of 1D Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) acoustic black holes. From these, analytic expressions for the scattering coefficients and gray-body factor are obtained. The results are used to verify previous predictions regarding the behaviors of the scattering coefficients and gray-body factor in the low frequency limit.
How singular are black hole interiors?
Abstract Ori has recently shown that an astronaut approaching the inner horizon of a black hole is not necessarily torn apart by tidal forces. This raises anew the possibility of astronavigation through black holes, perhaps to other universes. We re-examine this question in the light of hypotheses about probable conditions in the black hole core.
Correlation patterns from massive phonons in 1+1 dimensional acoustic black holes: A toy model
Transverse excitations in analogue black holes induce a mass like term in the longitudinal mode equation. With a simple toy model we show that correlation functions display a rather rich structure characterized by groups of parallel peaks. For the most part the structure is completely different from that found in the massless case.
Backreaction in Acoustic Black Holes
The backreaction equations for the linearized quantum fluctuations in an acoustic black hole are given. The solution near the horizon, obtained within a dimensional reduction, indicates that acoustic black holes, unlike Schwarzschild ones, get cooler as they radiate phonons. They show remarkable analogies with near-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes.
Quantum bubble dynamics in the presence of gravity
Abstract The dynamics of spherical quantum bubbles in 3+1 dimensions is governed by a Klein-Gordon-type equation which simulates the quantum mechanical motion of a relativistic point particle in 1+1 dimensions. This dimensional reduction is especially clear in the minisuperspace formulation first used in quantum cosmology and adapted here to quantum bubble dynamics. The payoff of this formulation is the discovery of the gravitational analogue of the Klein effect, namely the crossing of positive and negative energy levels of the particle spectrum induced by an external gravitational field. This phenomenon gives rise to a finite probability that a vacuum bubble might tunnel from an initial bo…
Numerical observation of Hawking radiation from acoustic black holes in atomic Bose–Einstein condensates
We report numerical evidence of Hawking emission of Bogoliubov phonons from a sonic horizon in a flowing one-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. The presence of Hawking radiation is revealed from peculiar long-range patterns in the density-density correlation function of the gas. Quantitative agreement between our fully microscopic calculations and the prediction of analog models is obtained in the hydrodynamic limit. New features are predicted and the robustness of the Hawking signal against a finite temperature discussed.
Ramp-up of Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensate analogue black holes
Inspired by a recent experiment by Steinhauer and co-workers, we present a simple model which describes the formation of an acoustic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate, allowing an analytical computation of the evolution in time of the corresponding density-density correlator. We show the emergence of analog Hawking radiation out of a "quantum atmosphere" region significantly displaced from the horizon. This is quantitatively studied both at $T=0$ and even in the presence of an initial temperature T, as is always the case experimentally.
Quantum stress tensor for extreme 2D Reissner-Nordström black holes
Contrary to previous claims, it is shown that the expectation values of the quantum stress tensor for a massless scalar field propagating on a two-dimensional extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black hole are indeed regular on the horizon.
Depletion in Bose-Einstein condensates using quantum field theory in curved space
5 pages.-- PACS nrs.: 03.75.Kk; 05.30.Jp; 04.62.+v; 04.70.Dy.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000246074600122.-- ArXiv pre-print available at:
Correlations between a Hawking particle and its partner in a 1+1D Bose-Einstein condensate analog black hole
The Fourier transform of the density-density correlation function in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) analog black hole is a useful tool to investigate correlations between the Hawking particles and their partners. It can be expressed in terms of $⟨{^{\mathrm{out}}\stackrel{^}{a}}_{\mathrm{up}}^{\mathrm{ext}}\text{ }\text{ }{^{\mathrm{out}}\stackrel{^}{a}}_{\mathrm{up}}^{\mathrm{int}}⟩$, where ${^{\mathrm{out}}\stackrel{^}{a}}_{\mathrm{up}}^{\mathrm{ext}}$ is the annihilation operator for the Hawking particle and ${^{\mathrm{out}}\stackrel{^}{a}}_{\mathrm{up}}^{\mathrm{int}}$ is the corresponding one for the partner. This basic quantity is calculated for three different models for the BEC f…
Hawking radiation correlations in Bose-Einstein condensates using quantum field theory in curved space
The density-density correlation function is computed for the Bogoliubov pseudoparticles created in a Bose-Einstein condensate undergoing a black hole flow. On the basis of the gravitational analogy, the method used relies only on quantum field theory in curved spacetime techniques. A comparison with the results obtained by ab initio full condensed matter calculations is given, confirming the validity of the approximation used, provided the profile of the flow varies smoothly on scales compared to the condensate healing length.
We investigate the backreaction equations for an acoustic black hole formed in a Laval nozzle under the assumption that the motion of the fluid is one-dimensional. The solution in the near-horizon region shows that as phonons are (thermally) radiated the sonic horizon shrinks and the temperature decreases. This contrasts with the behaviour of Schwarzschild black holes, and is similar to what happens in the evaporation of (near-extremal) Reissner-Nordstrom black holes (i.e. infinite evaporation time). Finally, by appropriate boundary conditions the solution is extended in both the asymptotic regions of the nozzle.
Particle production in the interiors of acoustic black holes
Phonon creation inside the horizons of acoustic black holes is investigated using two simple toy models. It is shown that, unlike what occurs in the exterior regions, the spectrum is not thermal. This non-thermality is due to the anomalous scattering that occurs in the interior regions.