

Understanding Hawking Radiation from Simple Models of Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates

Alessio RecatiAlessandro FabbriIacopo CarusottoCarlos MayoralRoberto Balbinot


Condensed Matter::Quantum GasesPhysicsHAWKING RADIATIONCondensed Matter::OtherPhononlaw.inventionBlack holeGravitationBogoliubov transformationBOSE EINSTEIN CONDENSATEFlow (mathematics)lawQuantum electrodynamicsSpontaneous emissionBose–Einstein condensateHawking radiation


This chapter is an introduction to the Bogoliubov theory of dilute Bose condensates as applied to the study of the spontaneous emission of phonons in a stationary condensate flowing at supersonic speeds. This emission process is a condensed-matter analog of Hawking radiation from astrophysical black holes but is derived here from a microscopic quantum theory of the condensate without any use of the analogy with gravitational systems. To facilitate physical understanding of the basic concepts, a simple one-dimensional geometry with a stepwise homogenous flow is considered which allows for a fully analytical treatment.
