Ivan Karbovnyk
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Insight on Free Volume Conversion of Nanostructured MgAl2O4 Ceramics
H.K. and A.I.P. are grateful for the support from the COST Action CA17126. H.K. was also supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (project for young researchers No. 0119U100435). In addition, I.K. and H.K. were also supported by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine via project 2020.02/0217, while the research of A.I.P. was funded by the Latvian research council via the Latvian National Research Program under the topic ?High-Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies?, Agreement No: VPP-IZM-CERN-2020/1-0002. In addition, the research of A.I.P. has been supported by the Latvian-Ukrainian Grant LV-UA/2021/5. The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvi…
FTIR Studies of Silicon Carbide 1D-Nanostructures
Stable 1D silicon carbide nanostructures (nanowires) have been obtained via combustion synthesis route. Infrared absorption and reflection spectra for as-obtained and purified SiC nanowires were compared with the spectra of commercially available SiC nanomaterials. Principal vibrational modes have been identified. Reflectivity spectrum has been reconstructed by modeling of the dielectric function
Optical, infrared and electron-microscopy studies of metallic clusters in layered crystals
Abstract An influence of ( Cd i ) n metallic clusters on the optical absorption and phonon spectra of CdI 2 crystals was studied. Metallic clusters of spherical shape were formed during the growth of non-stoichiometric crystals. Radii of clusters are in range from 10 to 500 nm according to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data. The density of clusters was estimated from fractal dimension calculations. The fractal dimension of ( Cd i ) n clusters has been found to be varied from 1.488 to 1.793. In the framework of Mie theory the spectral and size dependencies of extinction coefficients were calculated. From the experimentally obtained spectra it is evident that the metallic clusters are re…
Long-term evolution of luminescent properties in CdI2 crystals
Fresh and aged melt-grown or gas-phase grown CdI2 crystals are studied by means of low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy. Noticeable transformations of emission spectra are observed after long-term aging. The formation of nanostructures containing cadmium oxide and cadmium hydroxide as well as the changes in local surrounding of iodine atoms and the possible growth of polytypic modifications of CdI2 are taken into account when considering the diversity of optical spectra.
Evolution of Free Volumes in Polycrystalline BaGa2O4 Ceramics Doped with Eu3+ Ions
H.K. and Y.K. would like to thank A. Ingram for assistance in PAL experiments. The authors thank E.A. Kotomin and M. Brik for the many useful discussions. The research was (partly) performed in the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia ISSP UL. ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.
Luminescence, vibrational and XANES studies of AlN nanomaterials
Abstract The paper reports comparative studies on synthesized aluminium nitride nanotubes, nanoparticles and commercially available micron-sized AlN powder using different spectroscopic techniques: cathodoluminescence measurements (CL), X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Crucial distinctions in CL spectra are observed for nano- and microsized aluminium nitride powders; systematic shift of the IR absorption maximum has been detected for nanostructured aluminium nitride as compared to commercial samples. Through XANES experiments on Al K-edge structural differences between nano- and bulk AlN are revealed, intensity of features i…
Cadmium clusters in CdI2layered crystals: the influence on the optical properties
The influence of overstoichiometric Cd i atoms on the optical properties of cadmium iodide layered crystals has been investigated. The results of optical absorption, luminescence, and luminescence excitation studies of CdI 2 crystals with controlled deviation from stoichiometric composition allow observing correlations between the Cd i concentration and features in absorption and emission spectra up to concentrations of 10 18 cm -3 . At higher concentrations the overstoichiometric cadmium atoms form clusters, which were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The extinction spectra of (CdI i ) n clusters are calculated in the frame of Mie theory and are found to correlate with the opti…
Charge transport in electrically responsive polymer layers
The processes of charge transport in the conducting polymer electrochromic films have been studied by means of spectral-electrochemical method, impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltametry measurements. It has been shown that charge transport during the coloration-bleaching processes is not symmetric phenomenon. By means of impedance spectroscopy the effective diffusion coefficients for anode and cathode charge transport have been measured. The higher rate of charge transport in the bleaching process as compared to coloration is considered in the frame of conformation rebuilding of conducting polymer chains.
BiI3 nanoclusters in melt-grown CdI2 crystals studied by optical absorption spectroscopy
Optical absorption spectroscopy of CdI2–BiI3 layered crystals has been performed in the temperature range of 77–300 K. The main absorption, observed in these crystals at 2.59 eV is related to quantum confined exciton absorption of bimolecular BiI3 cluster. Low energy absorption peaks at 2.38 eV, 2.06 eV and 1.94 eV can be tentatively assigned to larger clusters composed of 4, 6 or more BiI3 molecules. In ultra-thin samples of CdI2–BiI3 several bands at 2.84 eV, 3.03 eV and 3.27 eV were observed which are ascribed to higher excited states of the excitons in bimolecular BiI3 cluster.
Multicolor photon emission from organic thin films on different substrates
Abstract Thin films of 1-pentyl-2 / ,3 / -difluoro-3 /// -methyl-4 //// -octyl- p -quinquephenyl and 9,10-Bis (4-pentylphenylethynyl)antracene organic molecules were grown on optical glass, silicon and porous silicon substrates. First optical and luminescent properties of such hybrid composites are thoroughly studied using spectroscopic techniques. The strong decrease of aggregation in thin films of 1-pentyl-2 / ,3 / -difluoro-3 /// -methyl-4 //// -octyl- p -quinquephenyl on porous silicon was observed. The possibility of simultaneous red, green and blue tunable photon emission from organic film/porous silicon hybrid structure is demonstrated.
Low-temperature luminescence of CdI2 under synchrotron radiation
Synchrotron radiation is applied to study visible and UV luminescence spectra and their excitation spectra of undoped as well as In and Sb doped cadmium iodide crystals at 10 K. The origin of principal luminescence bands and the role of impurities in the formation of emission centers are discussed. The luminescence properties have been explained based on the electronic structure of CdI2 crystals.
Microstructure of Ag2BI4(B = Ag, Cd) superionics studied by SEM, impedance spectroscopy and fractal dimension analysis
Two silver ion conducting solid electrolytes, Ag2HgI4 and Ag2CdI4, representing a wide class of AgI-based halogenide superionics have been the subjects of study by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy, SEM, porosity measurements and fractal dimension analysis. Even though both materials have been obtained by the same method under strictly identical conditions they were found to exhibit certain differences at the microstructural level. Thus, by the direct measurements of porosity and density it was found that the grain boundaries are better developed in silver mercuric iodide. On the assumption that pore geometry in the materials under study displays fractal character it was shown that…
Nanoporous characterization of modified humidity-sensitive MgO-Al 2 O 3 ceramics by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy method
The work was supported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science. H. Klym thanks Prof. O. Shpotyuk for the fruitful discussion.
The impact of temperature on electrical properties of polymer-based nanocomposites
This work was supported by National Research Foundation of Ukraine, project 2020.02/0217. IK would also like to thank VIAA, State Education Development Agency for Latvian state fellowship. HK would like to thank Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, project for young researchers No. 0119U100435. In addition, SP and AAP are thankful for financial support from Latvian Council of Science via grant lzp-2018/2-0083. HK and AAP are grateful for the support from the COST Action CA17126.
Optical and Vibrational Spectra of CsCl-Enriched GeS2-Ga2S3 Glasses
Optical and FTIR spectroscopy was employed to study the properties of 80GeS2-20Ga2S3-CsCl chalcohalide glasses with CsCl additives in a temperature range of 77–293 K. It is shown that CsCl content results in the shift of fundamental absorption edge in the visible region. Vibrational bands in FTIR spectra of (80GeS2-20Ga2S3)100 − х (СsCl) x (x = 5, 10, and 15) are identified near 2500 cm−1, 3700 cm−1,, around 1580 cm−1, and a feature at 1100 cm−1. Low energy shifts of vibrational frequencies in glasses with a higher amount of CsCl can be caused by possible thermal expansion of the lattice and nanovoid agglomeration formed by CsCl additives in the inner structure of the Ge-Ga-S glass.
First-principles simulations of the electronic density of states for superionic Ag2CdI4 crystals
Abstract Energy band dispersion calculations have been performed for Ag 2 CdI 4 superionic within a framework of local density approximation (Perdew–Zunger parameterization) exploiting the first-principles CASTEP computer code. The ab-initio electronic structure simulations were performed for both ( I 4 and I 42 m ) types of e -Ag 2 CdI 4 crystalline structures. Principal optical functions as well as the density of electronic states in the spectral range of inter-band optical transitions (2.5 eV–20 eV) were determined. Theoretically calculated absorption coefficients derived from the obtained band structure are compared with appropriate experimental data.
CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in the Rb0,8Cs0,2Cl matrix studied by far-infrared spectroscopy
Abstract The comparative far-infrared spectroscopy studies of Rb0.8Cs0.2Cl and Rb0.8Cs0.2Cl containing CsPbCl3 nanocrystals between 170 and 320 K are reported. The effect of cesium lead chloride nanocrystals on the phonon modes of the host matrix, particularly manifested in different temperature behavior of LO–TO splitting and the temperature dependence of high frequency dielectric constant, are demonstrated.
Raman spectra of vacancy-containing LiF: Predictions from first principles
Abstract The electronic structure and Raman scattering from face-centered cubic LiF with three types of vacancies — an F-center, an F ′ -center and a vacancy without electrons ( v F ) — has been calculated by means of hybrid exchange–correlation functional within density functional theory. Our modeling predicts the effective charge of 0.87 e , 1.50 e and 0.10 e on the defect, respectively. The F-center induces two in-gap energy levels for two spin states split by 3.4 eV, while the F ′ -center and the v F induce a single in-gap level 3.8 eV and 2.9 eV below the bottom of conduction band, respectively. The calculated Raman spectra are thoroughly discussed and are found to match well the earli…
Structural investigation of crystallized Ge-Ga-Se chalcogenide glasses
H. Klym thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for support and Dr. P. Demchenko for the assistance in XRD experiments.
Combustion Formation of Novel Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Cathodoluminescence of Silicon Carbide Nanowires
This paper presents the combustion synthesis and characterization of one-dimensional silicon carbide nanostructures (nanowires of 3C-SiC polytype with zincblend structure) by means of cathodoluminescence technique. Cathodoluminescence spectra of nano-SiC samples and, as a reference, of a commercially available SiC micropowder are compared. It is shown that the emission band at 1.97 eV which is slightly evidenced in the spectrum of the commercial SiC under 10 keV electron beam irradiation becomes the prevailing band in CL of the purified silicon carbide nanowires.
Silicon carbide nanowires: synthesis and cathodoluminescence
Silicon carbide nanowires have been synthesized via a combustion synthesis route. Structural studies showed that obtained SiC nanowires belong dominantly to 3C polytype with zinc-blend structure. Cathodoluminescence spectra from these nanostructures within the temperature range of 77...300 K, show obvious differences with respect to the bulk materials. The exciton band of the bulk 3C-SiC is significantly damped and the prevailing line is found to be at 1.99 eV (77 K), proving the key role of defect centers in optical properties of the investigated nanomaterial.