Palmira Faraci


Vantaggi e limiti nell’applicazione delle misure ipsative per l’orientamento

research product

Self-Other Differentiation Scale: Dimensionality, IRT Parameterization, and Measurement Invariance

The Self-Other Differentiation Scale (Olver, Aries, & Batgos, 1989) is a self-report instrument assessing the experience of a separate sense of self from others. The authors aimed to examine its dimensionality, reliability, and measurement invariance across gender. It was completed by 348 participants (48% men) from 17 to 30 years old in Study 1, 348 participants (40% men) from 18 to 28 years old in Study 2, and 1,068 participants (49% men) from 17 to 28 years old in Study 3. The results supported the hypothesis of just one factor underlying the scale; they also showed an appropriate internal consistency and a partial measurement invariance across gender. Results also showed evidence fo…

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The Relationship between Subjective Risk Intelligence and Courage with Working Performance: The Potential Mediating Effect of Workplace Social Courage

Background: There is a growing attention toward the construct of courage from a psychological point of view; recently, courage has been related with numerous positive individual behaviors and outcomes, such as coping strategies and subjective wellbeing, and an increasing number of studies explore the role of courage in the working and organizational environments. The present study is aimed to analyze the effect that individual courage—together with risk intelligence—and workplace social courage have on working performance; Methods: The participants are 961 Italian workers, balanced by gender; the measures used are: Courage, Subjective Risk Intelligence Scale, Workplace Social Courage Scale,…

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First contribution to the development and validation of the coping strategies questionnaire for teachers

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ASK - Test di Pensiero Inferenziale e Creativo. Manuale

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The structural and construct validity of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire for Teachers (CSQ-T).

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Maximizers’ Susceptibility to the Effect of Frequency vs. Percentage Format in Risk Representation

The present study explored the susceptibility of maximizers to the effect of the specific information format—frequency vs. percentage—in a risk assessment task. One-hundred and fourteen participants were randomized into two experimental conditions: a frequency format and a percentage format. In both conditions, participants had to rate the level of risk that a mental patient would harm someone after his discharge from a mental health facility, based on the information reported in the psychologist’s assessment for that patient. In the frequency condition, the information was presented in terms of frequencies, whereas in the percentage condition the same information was pres…

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Struttura fattoriale della Scala dei Valori Professionali (SVP)

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Predicting University Adjustment from Coping-Styles, Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Personality: Findings from a Survey in a Sample of Italian Students.

Starting university life requires that students learn to cope with several personal, academic, and social challenges. A wide array of variables affects how students adjust to university life. This study was aimed to investigate which factors among coping styles, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and personality traits (i.e., diligence, relational availability, mental flexibility, activity, and emotional stability) best predicted the levels of university adjustment in a sample of university freshmen (N = 204, 63% women). Data were collected using self-report instruments. Multiple regressions analyses were conducted to identify the most significant predictors of adjustment to college. Our findings …

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L’Item Response Theory nella costruzione degli strumenti psicometrici.

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Employability and job insecurity: The role of personal resources on work-related stress

This study is aimed to assess the effect of both employability and personal resources, in terms of pro-activity and self-efficacy, on the relationship between job insecurity and psycho-social distress. Using survey data from 211 participants, among employed, unemployed and workers in transition, we analyzed the incidence of employability, pro-activity and self-efficacy on psycho-social distress. Our results showed that the above-mentioned variables significantly differed by participants’ gender and age. The structural theoretical model proposed to assess the significance of the hypothesized paths exhibited good fit with the data. Thus, all our hypotheses were supported. Findings are in line…

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Affect heuristic e career decision-making

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Costruzione e validazione di un questionario sui valori professionali

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Entrepreneurship on Social Networking Sites: The Roles of Attitude and Perceived Usefulness

Background: Social media platforms are a significant growth opportunity for enterprises, especially for microenterprises, due to the possibility of establishing direct contact with their customers. We investigate the psychological reasons that drive entrepreneurs towards the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for their business, following two important social psychology theories: the theory of planned behaviour and the technology acceptance model. We also tested for two personality traits: openness to experience and dominance. Methods: Data were acquired by examining 325 microentrepreneurs who decided to use either SNSs or traditional sales methods for their businesses. Results and concl…

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Ruolo delle emozioni nel career decision-making

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Psychological Well-Being During the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediation Role of Generalized Anxiety

Palmira Faraci, Rossella Bottaro, Giusy Danila Valenti, Giuseppe Craparo Faculty of Human and Social Sciences - University of Enna “Kore”, Enna, ItalyCorrespondence: Palmira Faraci, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Enna “Kore”, Cittadella Universitaria, Enna, 94100, Italy, Tel +39 0935 536536, Email palmira.faraci@unikore.itIntroduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 has largely impacted individuals’ health and lifestyles. This study aimed to investigate people’s psychological well-being during the second phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: We selected six indicators of psychological well-being: fear of COVID-19, loneliness, social interaction anxiety, gene…

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Psychometric properties of saving cognition inventory in Italian nonclinical samples

The main purpose of the study was aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Saving Cognition Inventory (SCI) in Italian nonclinical samples. Two studies were conducted: (a) study 1 was focused on the confirmation of the factorial structure, internal consistency reliability, and subscales' intercorrelations on a sample of 252 participants; (b) study 2 was focused on gathering construct validity data on a sample of 244 participants. In addition to the SCI, other seven self-report measures were administered in order to assess hoarding, depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms. Our results supported the hypothesis of four adequately reliable dimensions. Support …

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Are maximizers more normative decision-makers? An experimental investigation of maximizers' susceptibility to cognitive biases

Abstract The present study tested the hypothesis that maximizers – people who routinely seek to make optimal decisions rather than quickly settling for an acceptable one – are less susceptible to cognitive biases. Experiment 1 showed that high maximizers are less swayed by irrelevant differences in the framing of a decision-making scenario than are low maximizers. Experiment 2 confirmed that maximizers are also less likely to neglect important base rate information when making decisions. Experiment 3 showed that maximizers are less likely to stick with a bad plan in which they have already invested (the sunk-cost bias) and therefore are quicker to switch to a more attractive alternative pla…

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Maternal attachment style and adolescents' self-esteem

Objectives: the study is aimed to verify the incidence of maternal relationship styles on adolescents’ self-esteem and their predisposition towards anxiety. Methods Participants: 250 mother-son/daughter couples. Adolescents aged between 14 and 18 years. Measurements: a brief form of Bracken’s Self-Concept Scale (Manna, Mirisola, Boca, 2005); Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (Endler, Edwards, Vitelli, 1996); Attachment Style Questionnaire (Feeney, Noller, Hanrahan, 1996). Procedure: Questionnaires were collectively administered to adolescents during school lessons. Mothers filled out the Attachment Style Questionnaire individually. Results: Multivariate analysis were performed to verif…

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Development of the Mental Imagery Scale for Preschool Children using Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory

This study aimed to develop a measure of mental imagery evaluation in preschool children. Three studies were conducted: Study 1 focused on the exploration of the factorial structure, reliability, and Item Response Theory (IRT) discrimination on a sample of children from 4 to 5 years old (N = 100; 50% males and 50% females); Study 2 focused on the confirmation of results about dimensionality on a sample of children from 4 to 7 years old (N = 170; 50% males and 50% females); and Study 3 focused on verifying criterion validity on a sample of children from 4 to 5 years old (N = 70; 47.1% males and 52.9% females). The results confirmed the hypothesis of three reliable factors underlying the scal…

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Substances use and perception among adolescents in Italy: Findings from an exploratory study

SUMMARY. Introduction: The present paper aims to examine the knowledge and the perception of some psychoactive substances (hashish, cocaine, ecstasy, etc.) of a group of Italian adolescents. Besides, the study investigates the way adolescents perceive drug effects, incidence among peers, and personal acknowledgement of the use of different substances. Methods: 650 adolescents, aged from 14 to 19, attending the first and the last two-year period of high school, filled out a questionnaire addressed to assess substances use and perception. Results: Inadequate knowledge of some substances emerged. Heroin and cocaine were considered dangerous substances. As for ecstasy, danger was often linked t…

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Valutare il livello di autoefficacia accademica e professionale

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Costruzione di un questionario per la valutazione degli stili di coping negli insegnanti: uno studio pilota

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Proposta di una nuova versione dell’Occupational Orientation Inventory di L.G. Hall

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Effects of Difficulty in Handling Emotions and Social Interactions on Nomophobia: Examining the Mediating Role of Feelings of Loneliness

Abstract This study was addressed to assess nomophobia in an Italian sample (N = 456, 53.1% men, Mage = 31.8, SD = 11.1), also providing a deeper knowledge about how it is distributed across demographics, as well as identifying its best predictors. The main goal was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of difficulty in emotion regulation and social interaction anxiety on nomophobia through loneliness. Our findings indicated that loneliness explained the effect of the expressive suppression strategy (fully) and social interaction anxiety (partially) on nomophobia, whereas it was not a significant mediator when the cognitive reappraisal strategy was taken into account. Our study sug…

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Il benessere lavorativo: un’indagine sul rischio di mobbing.

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Two Treatments for Fear of Flying Compared: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Combined with Systematic Desensitization or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

This study aimed to test a combined treatment with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), compared with CBT integrated with systematic desensitization, in reducing fear of flying. Participants were patients with aerophobia, who were randomly assigned to two experimental groups in a before- and after-treatment research design. The Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire (FAS) and the Flight Anxiety Modality Questionnaire (FAM) were used. The efficacy of each program was evaluated comparing the pre- and post-treatment levels of fear of flying within subjects. A comparison of the post-treatment scores between subjects was also conducted. R…

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L'applicazione dell'item response theory negli strumenti per l'orientamento

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The Role of the Brand on Choice Overload

Current research on choice overload has been mainly conducted with choice options not associated with specific brands. This study investigates whether the presence of brand names in the choice set affects the occurrence of choice overload. Across four studies, we find that when choosing among an overabundance of alternatives, participants express more positive feelings (i.e., higher satisfaction/confidence, lower regret and difficulty) when all the options of the choice set are associated with familiar brands, rather than unfamiliar brands or no brand at all. We also find that choice overload only appears in the absence of brand names, but disappears when all options contain brand names—eit…

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Acculturation strategies and psycho-social adaptation among adolescent immigrants

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Instruments measuring fatalism: A systematic review.

This systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing scales for fatalism, along with information regarding their methodological robustness. A systematic search was conducted in PsycINFO (PsycARTICLES and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences), PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, and Web of Science. Articles were selected if they described a Self-Report questionnaire properly designated for assessing fatalism (both original developments and further validations), if they included a measure in which fatalism is the core construct rather than a subscale of a multidimensional scale, and if they were published in peer-reviewed journals in the English language. The methodological qual…

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Identifying predictive factors in compliance with the COVID-19 containment measures: A mediation analysis

Giusy Danila Valenti, Palmira Faraci Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Enna “Kore”, Enna, ItalyCorrespondence: Giusy Danila ValentiCittadella Universitaria, 94100, ItalyEmail giusy.valenti@unikore.itIntroduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led governments to implement some containment measures to flatten the curve of the diffusion of the virus. The current study aims to investigate individual differences in compliance with these restrictive behaviors. In a sample of Italian individuals (N = 300), we examined whether sociodemographic factors, personality traits, fatalism, and fear could be considered as possible predictors.Methods: We performed a series o…

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Emotional Intelligence and Social Support: Two Key Factors in Preventing Occupational Stress during COVID-19

Emotional intelligence (EI) and social support are among the most investigated hypothesized variables that affect stress at work. The current study aims to evaluate the direct association between EI and occupational stress and its indirect relationship mediated by three sources of social support during the spread of the COVID-19. The total sample was composed of 367 individuals (53.7% males), aged from 20 to 68 (M = 37.84, SD = 10.39), who filled out an online questionnaire. A mediation analysis was performed to test the hypothesized relationships. Our findings showed that EI has a direct effect on psychological effects and an indirect effect on almost all the facets of occupational stress.…

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Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Sensation Seeking Scale – Form V (SSS-V) in a Sample of Italian Adolescents

The present study was designed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Sensation Seeking Scale – Form V (SSS-V) for the Italian-speaking population. The instrument was administered to 1,530 high school and college students. A second group of 268 high school students completed the SSS-V and the Impulsiveness Questionnaire (IVE). Exploratory factor analysis highlighted a 2-factor structure, Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TAS) and Disinhibition (Dis). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed an adequate model fit. Internal consistency of the subscales was marginally supported using the alpha reliability measure. Convergent validity was supported by significant positive correlations between …

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Assessing leadership styles: a contribution to the Italian validation of the Leadership Judgement Indicator (LJI)

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The italian adaptation of Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (SSS-V): A contribution

Objectives: The present study is addressed to validate the Italian version of the Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (SSS-V; Zuckerman, Eysenck & Eysenck, 1978), the most popular and widely used instrument to assess individuals’ tendency to differ with respect to their optimal levels of stimulation and arousal. Methods: After forward- and back-translation, psychometric properties were estimated from 1530 adolescents and young students (38.8% males; 61.5% females), who were asked to give their preference using a dichotomous forced choice answer format. Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses highlighted a 2-factor structure: Thrill and Adventure Seeking and Disinhibition. Positive …

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Costruzione e validazione di uno strumento per la valutazione dell’amabilità

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Evaluating the Dimensionality of the Sociocultural Adaptation Scale in a Sample of International Students Sojourning in Los Angeles: Which Difference between Eastern and Western Culture?

The Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS) measures the degree of sociocultural competence in new cultural settings, and, despite its popularity, research aiming at evaluating its dimensionality is lacking and has incongruent results. Moreover, the dimensionality of the scale has been mainly tested on different samples adjusted to Eastern culture. We administered the SCAS to 266 international students sojourning in Los Angeles to test which underlying dimensionality emerges if the measure is used to assess sociocultural adaptation to Western culture, also verifying its measurement invariance across sex. Findings from EFA showed a three-factor solution: Diversity Approach, Social Functioning,…

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Due nuovi test di abilità: Pensiero Inferenziale e Creativo (ASK)

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Human Heart-Related Indexes Behavior Study for Aircraft Pilots Allowable Workload Level Assessment

This study aimed to evaluate workload by detecting Heart Rate Variability (HRV) indexes in a sample of 34 pilots (with a mean age of 33 years) while performing simulated flight exercises. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed to assess the changes of the physiological measures in five standard maneuvers associated with different workload levels. The results show that all the indexes, but the Low Frequency to High Frequency ratio index (LF/HF), have a well-defined trend between the baseline and the en-route phase and with the three phases takeoff, steady turn, and landing. This study, as main findings, provides evidence of a differentiation among low, medium, and high workload…

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Is more choice always worse? Age differences in the overchoice effect

ABSTRACTCurrent research on the overchoice effect has been mainly conducted from an adult point of view and with adult subjects. This study investigates whether children, adolescents, and seniors suffer the same negative consequences as adults when facing an overabundance of choice. Findings showed that the overchoice effect did not equally extend to all age groups. While adolescents were affected by the phenomenon in a very similar way as adults, children and seniors suffered fewer negative consequences of an overabundance of choice. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

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Description and effectiveness of two standardized treatment programs for the fear of flying: CB Therapy and EMDR Therapy

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The Decision Making Tendency Inventory: A new measure to assess maximizing, satisficing, and minimizing

Abstract We introduce the Decision Making Tendency Inventory (DMTI), a new scale for measuring the decision-making tendencies to maximize, to satisfice, and to minimize. The scale has promising psychometric properties. Our findings show that the revealed tendencies are independent from each other and from the specific decision-making domain. Each factor is differently related to a set of indices of well-being and functioning, suggesting intriguing considerations regarding the distinctive characteristics of maximizing, satisficing, and minimizing. The DMTI extends previous research on maximizing and might contribute to explain the inconsistent results in the literature. Directions for future…

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I fattori di rischio psicosociale nei luoghi di lavoro

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Test di Personalità Guardia di Finanza. Manuale.

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Test di Personalità per Allievi Finanzieri e Finanzieri Contingente di mare

Il test rivolto agli Allievi Finanzieri e Finanzieri Contingente di mare presenta 26 scale + 4 scale di controllo e 110 item (22 blocchi di 5).

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Test di Personalità per Allievi Ufficiali e Ufficiali Ruolo tecnico logistico amministrativo.

Il test rivolto agli Allievi Ufficiali e Ufficiali Ruolo tecnico logistico amministrativo presenta 33 scale + 4 scale di controllo e 130 item (26 blocchi di 5).

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ASK - Test di Pensiero Inferenziale e Creativo. Pensiero Inferenziale. Questionario.

no abstract

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Test di Personalità per Allievi Marescialli e Marescialli Contingente ordinario.

Il test rivolto agli Allievi Marescialli e Marescialli del Contingente ordinario presenta 31 scale + 4 scale di controllo e 120 item (24 blocchi di 5).

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ASK - Test di Pensiero Inferenziale e Creativo. Pensiero Creativo. Questionario.

Il modulo del Pensiero Creativo comprende 10 esercizi a risposta aperta, articolati in quattro prove: •Inventare Frasi, in cui vengono presentate quattro lettere iniziali, dalle quali costruire frasi di senso compiuto; •Produrre Ipotesi, in grado di spiegare le motivazioni alla base delle affermazioni date; •Definire la Struttura Condizionale, cioè individuare i fattori in grado di esercitare un'influenza su una data affermazione; •Creare Categorie, che abbiano senso, a partire da parole date. Lo scoring avviene seguendo le linee guida allegate al manuale.

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