Alessia Ajovalasit
Nanogel-antimiR-31 conjugates affect colon cancer cells behaviour
Soft and flexible nanogels, produced by electron beam (e-beam) irradiation of poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) and acrylic acid, were evaluated as delivery devices of the inhibitor of miR-31, a small RNA molecule with an important role in colorectal cancer (CRC) progression. The nanogel carriers developed possess both carboxyl and primary amino groups; the former were activated to react with the primary amino group present in the purposely-functionalised AntimiR-31. Very high conjugation reaction yields were attained, as well as a remarkable colloidal and storage stability of the conjugates. The ability of these nanoconstructs to be internalized by cells and the specific interaction of conjugated …
Radiation synthesis of nanogels as therapeutic agent vectors
Nanogels (NGs) are physically or chemically crosslinked polymer networks and are promising candidates in the development of therapeutic agent vectors. In fact, thanks to their tunable size and properties, they offer unique advantages, including a large and flexible surface for multivalent bio-conjugation, an internal 3D aqueous environment for incorporation and protection of (bio)molecular drugs, stimuliresponsiveness to achieve temporal and/or site control of the release function and biocompatibility. In order to develop effective NGs-based biomedical devices an inexpensive, robust and versatile synthetic methodology is required. In this perspective, we have produced NGs with high yields a…
Data concerning the protein absorption and retention properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film
In wound dressing applications, exudate absorption and retention are important properties. The data presented here assess the ability of the crosslinked xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel films (XG-PVA), described in "Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for wound dressing: Structure-property relationships" (Ajovalasit et al., 2018) [1] and "Biocompatibility, hemocompatibility and antimicrobial properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film for wound healing application" (Picone et al., 2019), to absorb and retain proteins. These properties were investigated by Comassie blue staining and electrophoresis of Fetal Serum Proteins. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open …
Development and characterization of xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel membrane for Wireless Smart wound dressings
Abstract Hydrogel-based smart wound dressings that combine the traditional favourable properties of hydrogels as skin care materials with sensing functions of relevant biological parameters for the remote monitoring of wound healing are under development. In particular, lightweight, ultra-high frequency radiofrequency identification (UHF RFID) sensor are adjoined to xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel films to battery-less monitor moisture level of the bandage in contact with the skin, as well as wireless transmit the measured data to an off-body reader. This study investigates the swelling behavior of the hydrogels in contact with simulated biological fluids, and the modification of th…
Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for the design of "smart" bandages
A chronic wound is a wound that does not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount of time the way most wounds do. Chronic wounds mostly affect people over the age of 60, but a significant proportion is becoming radiation induced chronic wounds caused by cancer radiotherapy. Hydrogels are often used as dressings in the management of a variety of wounds. These materials can help to maintain a moist wound environment, promote natural debridement, hydrate necrotic tissue, absorb slough and exudates.We are developing hydrogel dressings that can enable constant monitoring of selected key parameters through embedded radio-sensors, providing information on the progress of the re…
Development and Characterization of an Amorphous Solid Dispersion of Furosemide in the Form of a Sublingual Bioadhesive Film to Enhance Bioavailability.
Administered by an oral route, Furosemide (FUR), a diuretic used in several edematous states and hypertension, presents bioavailability problems, reported as a consequence of an erratic gastrointestinal absorption due to various existing polymorphic forms and low and pH-dependent solubility. A mucoadhesive sublingual fast-dissolving FUR based film has been developed and evaluated in order to optimize the bioavailability of FUR by increasing solubility and guaranteeing a good dissolution reproducibility. The Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) analyses confirmed that the film prepared using the solvent casting method entrapped FUR in the amorphous state. As a solid dispersion, FUR increa…
Dielectric characterization of biocompatible hydrogels for application to Epidermal RFID devices
Functionalized skin-like membranes are currently under investigation for the design of a new class of Epidermal Electronics devices for sensing and healing applications. The dynamic response of epidermal antennas in presence of absorption and release of fluids is a key-point to design RFID radio-sensors and actuators. This paper addresses the characterization of the dielectric property of PVA-based biocompatible hydrogel membranes in the UHF RFID band by means of a modified ring resonator. Samples having different compositions are measured in the dry state as well as when exposed to a progressive release of body fluids emulating perspirations or wound exudates. It was found that the permitt…
Idrogeli a base di xyloglucano per la produzione di medicazioni avanzate nel trattamento delle ferite
In questo lavoro sono stati preparati film sottili di idrogelo (reticolati fisicamente o chimicamente) a base di xyloglucano (XG) e XG/polivinilalcol (PVA), a cui si è aggiunto glicerolo come plasticizzante. Lo xyloglucano è un polisaccaride di origine vegetale, caratterizzato da una catena principale di (1,4)--Dglucosio con ramificazioni laterali di (1-6)-α-xilosio, parzialmente sostituite con (1-2)–β galattosio. E’ stata indagata la possibilità di modulare la densità di reticolazione dell’idrogelo per ottenere il miglior compromesso tra resistenza meccanica e flessibilità, l’integrità strutturale nel tempo e la capacità di assorbire fluidi biologici o trattenere l’umidità. Inoltre, ne è …
Radiation Engineering of Xyloglucan Hydrogels
Xyloglucans (XGs) are interesting substrates for the production of scaffolds for tissue engineering, drug delivery depots and hydrogel dressings, thanks to their ability to gel in appropriate conditions, such as in the presence of hydro-alcoholic solvents or by addition of sugar molecules. Due to their natural source, they are characterized by high average molecular weights and broad molecular weight distributions. High energy irradiation is a suitable tool to reduce polysaccharides molecular weight without a dramatic alteration of the polymer chemical structure and gelation ability. In this work, the effect of the radiation dose on the molecular weight of a XG derived from Tamarind seeds i…
Biocompatibility, hemocompatibility and antimicrobial properties of xyloglucan-based hydrogel film for wound healing application.
Crosslinked xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogel films are interesting materials for wound healing applications. This work focuses on the hydrolytic degradation and consequent morphological modification of a XG-PVA film and on its interaction with cells, blood, bacteria. Biocompatibility of the film was assessed in vitro by investigating different aspects, such as cell viability, oxidative stress level, mitochondrial dysfunction and specific stress biomarkers. Partial adhesiveness was demonstrated by performing different attaching assays and phalloidin staining. Hemocompatibility of XG-PVA film after interaction with blood was evaluated by using a multi-parametric approach, includi…
Gadolinium-chelating nanogels as MR contrast agents specifically targeting tumor cells
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
Synthetic and natural polymer nanoparticles as bio-imaging and therapeutic agent vectors
Xyloglucan-based hydrogel films for wound dressing: Structure-property relationships
Thin xyloglucan-based hydrogel films have been synthetized and characterized in the prospect of producing wound dressings. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and glycerol (Gro) were added to have an optimal combination of softness, conformability and resilience. Physical hydrogels have been transformed into permanent covalent hydrogels by reaction with glutaraldehyde (GA). Network structure-process-property relationships are discussed on the account of the results of several complementary characterizations: FTIR, rheology, thermal analysis, morphological analysis, moisture retention and swelling measurements. Selected formulations were also subjected to preliminary in vitro cytotoxicity tests. The phy…
RFID epidermal sensor including hydrogel membranes for wound monitoring and healing
This contribution experimentally demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of joint application of passive UHF RFID technology and hydrogel membranes to fabricate smart plasters able to gather and remotely transmit information on the conditions of human skin. In particular, this intelligent plaster is sensitive to temperature and fluid uptake/release and could open interesting scenarios in wound healing monitoring and drug delivery.
Development and characterization of xyloglucan-poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel membrane for wireless smart wound dressings
Research which addresses advanced wound management can contribute to the needs of modern healthcare, especially in situations that require continuous monitoring, analysis, responsive therapeutic treatments and data recording. The development of “smart” bandages and dressings that can remotely monitor relevant parameters for the wound healing process without a hospital intervention can be very useful tools for patients and physicians and for advancing the understanding of the healing process. In the present work, biocompatible xyloglucan/poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels are being developed as smart wound dressings that, in addition to the traditional favorable properties of hydrogels as skin ca…
Xyloglucan-based hydrogels: A biomaterials chemistry contribution towards advanced wound healing
The last two decades have witnessed the introduction of several new wound dressings, with many of them being hydrogels for the advantages that these materials can offer in the application. However, despite the advancements and the wide range of dressings available, wound management is still an extremely challenging task due to its subjectivity, complexity and scarce knowledge of the wound healing process itself, and patient variability. For this reason, an interdisciplinary approach to wound care that can help reducing the incidence and prevalence of wounds is needed. One important goal would be to develop “smart” wound dressings that are easy to apply, wear and be removed, that are able to…