Wolfgang Barnikol

Ein unabh�ngiges Verfahren zur Messung der Zusammensetzung von Gasgemischen mit Hilfe der Gaschromatographie

The volume fraction of gas mixtures may be measured gas chromatographically by application of the 100% method, provided they can be separated. In case of gases it is not necessary to calibrate with another method. The specific character of the detector signals can be eliminated by measurements with pure components. The procedure is compared with the Scholander method. In case of O2/N2 mixtures the results agree within reproducibility, but in case of O2/CO2/N2 mixtures a systematic deviation of the CO2 fractions to smaller values is found as concerns the Scholander method. A gas mixture with 5.6 Vol% CO2 shows a difference of approximately 0.3 Vol%. The gas chromatographic method is almost 1…

research product

The Proton Bohr Factor of Native and Crosslinker Treated Hemoglobins - Its Possible Significance for the Efficacy of Hemoglobin Based Artificial Oxygen Carriers

Especially the (alkaline) proton Bohr effect seems to provide an important self regulating mechanism of the organism to deliver specifically oxygen into tissues suffering from O2 deficit. In this way these tissues switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, get lactacid, thereby shifting oxygen hemoglobin binding curve to the right and thus facilitating the oxygen release. The higher the absolute value of the proton Bohr factor (: delta logP50/ delta pH) is the better this mechanism works. To get one characteristic number the proton Bohr factor at pH 7.1 is taken. This pH in blood is about a lower limit for organism and human blood has at this pH its maximum proton Bohr factor which is abo…

research product

Molar masses and structure in solution of haemoglobin hyperpolymers--a common calibration of size exclusion chromatography of these artificial oxygen carriers.

We are developing artificial oxygen carriers for medical use, based on synthetic polymers--so-called hyperpolymers--obtained by cross-linking mammalian haemoglobins. One requirement with respect to the polymers is that they should not increase the oncotic pressure of blood remarkably--this can be realized by high molecular weights of the polymers with a narrow distribution. They may act as a oxygen transporting blood additive, and--in combination with a plasma expander--as a blood substitute. Another important and desired property of the artificial oxygen carrier is a low viscosity, which--first--is due to a high degree of uniformity of the polymer size (or molar mass) distribution and--sec…

research product

Die Bestimmung der Molekulargewichtsverteilung von nichtkristallisierenden Polymeren mit dem Elektronenmikroskop, 4. Weiterentwicklung der Präparationsmethode durch Gefriertrocknung

research product

Quantitative analyse der selbstassoziation von hämoglobinmolekülen anhand der konzentrationsabhängigkeit der spektren

The dependence of the spectrum of oxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) on the Hb concentration was measured and it was found that Hb solutions do not obey Lambert-Beer's law. The absorption coefficient depends clearly on the Hb concentration. As all external parameters were kept constant except Hb concentration, the only way to explain our result is to assume that Hb molecules undergo self association and that this self association is reflected in the behaviour of the absorption coefficient. To get parameters which are suited to describe the self association of Hb molecules, two models were used. The first model is based on the idea that Hb associates according to the following equation: Hb + Hb ⇌ (H…

research product

Kinetischer nachweis zweier arten von ionenpaaren bei der anionischen polymerisation von styrol in tetrahydropyran

Die durch Na-Naphthalin angeregte Polymerisation des Styrols in THP wurde im Temperaturbereich von -40 bis +50°C kinctisch verfolgt. Die Geschwindigkeitskonstante kw(±) der uber das lonenpaar erfolgenden Polymerisation wurde gemessen, indem die elektrolytische Dissoziation durch Zusatz von Tetraphenylbornatrium unterdruckt wurde. Oberhalb von 20°C ergibt sich bei Auftragung nach ARRHENIUS eine Gerade, aus welcher Aktivierungsenergie Ec und Frequenzfaktor Ac des Kontaktionenpaares zu berechnen sind. Diese Parameter stimmen in guter Naherung mit den E- und A- Werten uberein, die in sehr schwach polaren Losungsmitteln fur die anionische Polymerisation erhalten werden. Unterhalb von +20°C weich…

research product

Zur Dissoziation des Human-H�moglobins

Im Hinblick auf die molekulare Deutung der Sauerstoffbindungskurven wird ein Modell fur die Dissoziation des Human-Hamoglobins aufgestellt. Das Modell ist charakterisiert durch den symmetrischen Zerfall des Hb-Molekuls in dimere Untereinheiten mit je einer α- und einer β-Kette und die weitere Dissoziation zu Unimeren. Ferner mus eine stabilisierende Zwischen-substanzZ angenommen werden, um den ausergewohnlichen Verlauf der Konzentrationsabhangigkeit des Molekulargewichtes quantitative zu deuten. Auf der Grundlage der experimentellen Ergebnisse vonSchachmann u.Edelstein (1966) werden die Parameter des Modells mit Hilfe einer elektronischen Rechenanlage ermittelt.

research product

Developing an artificial oxygen carrier for use in humans, we polymerize native haemoglobin and myoglobin, using bifunctional, amino group specific cross-linkers, to soluble, so-called hyperpolymers. These polymers, like other polymerized globular proteins, are members of a new class of macromolecues which consist of macromolecular base units. They all have, due to the mechanisms of the chemical reaction, broad distributions of molecular weights. Fractions of hyperpolymers of human haemoglobin were obtained by employing preparative gel-permeation (size-exclusion) chromatography. The calibration curve of analytical gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) for haemoglobin hyperpolymers was determi…

research product

The Respiratory Potential of Oxygen: A New Quantity to Characterize State, Effects and Bio-Availability of the Gas in Organism

A number of quantities are known which enable to characterize the state of oxygen in blood, for instance: the concentration, which means the physically solved mass per volume; or the content, which comprises the whole mass per volume irrespective of the molecular state; or capacity, which is the chemically bound mass of oxygen per volume and, relatively, the saturation, or the oxygen partial pressure. These various quantities may be divided into two types: the mass-related and the not-mass-related ones.

research product

The influence of thrombocytes and leucocytes on the filterability of erythrocytes

research product

Die bestimmung der molekulargewichtsverteilung von nichtkristallisierenden polymeren mit dem elektronenmikroskop. II. Zur quantitativen charakterisierung der schrägbedampfung

research product

An iterative, approximative procedure is presented, to calibrate the determination of molar masses of polymers with gel-permeation chromatography, additionally using viscometry, and transformations, according to Benoit's concept of universal calibration, even if only polymers with broad molar mass distribution are available. The calculated (intermediate) values of the average molar masses from each step of iteration converge to final values. With at least two fractions of the polymers to be analyzed, and with measured intrinsic viscosities of the fractions, a calibration curve of gel-permeation chromatography and Mark-Houwink's constants can be determined. Assumptions for the use of the cal…

research product


research product

Die bestimmung der molekulargewichtsverteilung von nichtkristallisierenden polymeren mit dem elektronenmikroskop. I. Präparationsmethoden und kontrollen

Bei der elektronenmikroskopischen Abbildung von Einzelmolekulen treten eine Reihe von praparativen Schwierigkeiten auf, welche dazu gefuhrt haben, das man trotz zahlreicher Arbeiten diese Methode bisher noch nicht zu einem Standardverfahren entwickeln konnte. Ein Haupthindernis stellt das Auftreten von Artefakten dar, die den nichtkristallinen Polymermolekulen tauschend ahnlich sehen. Zur Erkennung und Vermeidung dieser „Scheinmolekule” ist es notwendig, quantitative Praparations- und Kontrollmethoden zu entwickeln. Es eignen sich zwei Verfahren: einmal die sogenannte Tropfenmethode und zum anderen die Gefriertrocknungsmethode. Mit Hilfe dieser Verfahren gelingt es, das Artefaktproblem zu l…

research product

Divinyl Sulfone Cross-Linked Hyperpolymeric Human Haemoglobin as an Artificial Oxygen Carrier in Anaesthetized Spontaneously Breathing Rats

Hyperpolymeric haemoglobin in concentrations necessary to transport oxygen in organism to a significant extent exhibits a negligible oncotic pressure as compared to that of plasma. This property makes hyperpolymeric haemoglobins suitable for development of an artificial oxygen transporting blood additive. With such an additive - in contrast to an oxygen transporting plasma expander - combating a chronic oxygen deficit of tissue (brain, heart, kidney, extremities or in case of anaemia) is possible. Using in these cases an isoncotic oxygen carrying plasma expander instead of an additive would be even more detrimental because of fluid load to heart, at least in case of heart injury. Chronic ox…

research product

Die Bestimmung der Molekulargewichtsverteilung von nichtkristallisierenden Polymeren mit dem Elektronenmikroskop. III. Definitionen und statistische Überlegungen zur Auswertung von elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen

Bei der Bestimmung von Molekulargewichtsverteilungen aus elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen geht man zweckmasig von der integralen Zahlenverteilungsfunktion aus. Diese wird definiert und ihre Beziehungen zu anderen Verteilungsfunktionen sowie dem Zahlen- und Gewichtsmittel des Polymerisationsgrades abgeleitet. Fehlerquellen und die Art ihrer Berucksichtigung werden diskutiert. Am Beispiel einer Polystyrolfraktion mit bekannten Parametern wird das Verfahren erlautert. If using electronmicroscopy for the determination of the molecular weight distribution it is suitable to evaluate first the integral number distribution function which will be defined. Its relations to other distribution funct…

research product

Low Viscosity of Densely and Highly Polymerized Human Hemoglobin in Aqueous Solution — the Problem Of Stability

In case of chronic and acute tissue oxygen deficit it is of advantage to have an artificial oxygen carrying blood substitute in order to support a least temporarily blood function. From a physico-chemical point of view an artificial oxygen carrying blood substitute must meet 4 main requirements at the desired concentration.

research product

A simple apparatus for deaerating and handling VAN SLYKE reagents for micro gasometers

research product