Daniele Zangla
Environmental Conditions, Air Pollutants, and Airways
Air pollution is a major problem worldwide, which could be even more serious for athletes who train in urban environments. Exercise increases minute ventilation and exposure to pollutants, but the literature on the effects of air pollution in athletes is relatively scarce, with the exception of chlorine exposure in athletes of aquatic sports and air pollution secondary to ice resurfacing in athletes performing in ice arenas. Although air pollution may exert detrimental effects on athletic performance, little has been published on this topic. The largest body of information regards the impact of air pollution during urban active transport, i.e., walking and cycling in cities, due to the pote…
Is karate effective in improving postural control?
Background: Performing complex motor skills, such as the ones performed by karate athletes, requires a great sense of balance. Because the posturo-kinetic performance seems to be improved by sport practice, especially by sports involving a lot of posturokinetic activities, the aim of this review was to critically analyse the scientific literature in order to appraise whether any positive correlation between karate and improved postural control is scientifically supported. Material/Methods: The online search engines Scirus and Medline were used for generating the data. A comprehensive literature search was conducted based on the following keywords: “karate”, “postural control” and “body sway…
L'uso di doping ed integratori in atleti non professionisti. Studio epidemiologico
Efficacy of 12 weeks of proprioceptive training in patients with multiple sclerosis
This pilot study aims to investigate if specific training protocol can improve the quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis through the improvement of some impaired ability like the balance. We enrolled in our project 20 subjects (age: 34,88 ± 4,45; height: 168,25 ± 8,66 cm; weight: 72,31 ± 17,28 kg) but only 5 completed the study. A proprioceptive training was administered for 12 weeks, 2 times a week, an hour for each session. At the beginning (T0) and at the end of the study (T1), static and dynamic balance parameters were tested. Statistical analyzes were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.Changes in balance and strength between T0, T1 were evaluated using t Student test fo…
Per scoliosi s'intende una deviazione laterale permanente della colonna vertebrale, che si accompagna ad alterazioni anatomiche delle vertebre e delle altre strutture di sostegno del tronco. La Scoliosis Research Society definisce la scoliosi come una curva (> 10 gradi Cobb) sul piano frontale che si manifesta con un'inclinazione laterale, che comporta l'allontanamento di un certo numero di vertebre dalla linea mediana; questa modificazione dà origine ad una curva laterale, caratterizzata da un apice, essendo la vertebra apice la più scostata dall’ asse mediano, e da vertebre neutre o vertebre limite, alle estremità della curva, dove le articolazioni intervertebrali ritornano verso la linea…
La broncoreattività nell'esercizio fisico
Influence of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion on Peak Force During Handgrip Tests in Athletes
Background: In contact sports, such as martial arts, protection from oral injuries is generally recommended. Several authors have focused on the effects of wearing such oral protective gear on sports performances and, in particular, occlusal devices. Although many studies have shown improvements in athletic performance, especially in maximal isometric strength, to date there is still no consensus on the issue. Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate differences in isometric handgrip before and after the application of an occlusal splint (OS) in martial arts athletes. Methods: A repeated measures within-subjects design was adopted for the study. Twenty-five young martial arts athlet…
Effetti del canottaggio sul dorso di soggetti sani e soggetti paramorfici con ipercifosi in età giovanile ed adolescenziale
Le patologie del tendine di Achille in atleti di mezzofondo. Valutazione comparativa tra sportivi di entrambi i sessi
Intensive physical training reduces the airway response to methacholine in healthy subjects
Bone-marrow derived haematopoietic and endothelial progenitors and reticulocytes after aerobic and anaerobic exercise in athletes
Kinematics of Cervical Spine during Rowing Ergometer at Different Stroke Rates in Young Rowers: A Pilot Study
Background: Research on biomechanics in rowing has mostly focused on the lumbar spine. However, injuries can also affect other body segments. Thus, the aim of this pilot study was to explore any potential variations in the kinematics of the cervical spine during two different stroke rates on the rowing ergometer in young rowers. Methods: Twelve young rowers of regional or national level were recruited for the study. The experimental protocol consisted of two separate test sessions (i.e., a sequence of 10 consecutive strokes for each test session) at different stroke rates (i.e., 20 and 30 strokes/min) on an indoor rowing ergometer. Kinematics of the cervical spine was assessed using an iner…
La frequenza cardiaca (FC) è controllata dal sistema nervoso vegetativo. Il nodo senoatriale (SA) ha una frequenza propria di depolarizzazione spontanea conosciuta come “frequenza intrinseca” che rappresenta la frequenza misurata in assenza di impulsi simpatici o parasimpatici come si può ottenere con la denervazione o il blocco farmacologico. Nei soggetti normali la frequenza intrinseca è di circa 100 bpm e dipende dal sesso e dall’età ed è influenzata dall’esercizio fisico, l’ipossia e le variazioni di temperatura. I soggetti allenati a sport di resistenza hanno una frequenza intrinseca minore. Gli effetti del sistema simpatico e parasimpatico influenzano in maniera predominante la FC int…
Physical exercise and prevention of falls. Effects of a Pilates training method compared with a general physical activity program
Introduction Falls are the leading cause of injury-related mortality and morbidity in the elderly. Physical activity plays a key role in the prevention of falls and stimulates postural control. The aim of this study was to compare a general physical activity program for the elderly with a Pilates program to evaluate the effects on balance and on reducing the risk of falling. Materials and methods Forty-six subjects were enrolled in this study, but only 41 were included in the study. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: Pilates group (P-G) and a group following a nonspecific program of physical activity (Pa-G). Each subject underwent the hand grip test, Berg balance scale test, and postu…
Airway cell composition at rest and after an all-out test in competitive rowers
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Oct;36(10):1723-9. Airway cell composition at rest and after an all-out test in competitive rowers. Morici G, Bonsignore MR, Zangla D, Riccobono L, Profita M, Bonanno A, Paternò A, Di Giorgi R, Mirabella F, Chimenti L, Benigno A, Vignola AM, Bellia V, Amato G, Bonsignore G. SourceDepartment of Experimental Medicine Italian National Research Council (CNR), Palermo, Italy. Abstract PURPOSES: This study was designed to assess: a) whether rowing affects airway cell composition, and b) the possible relationship between the degree of ventilation during exercise and airway cells. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In nine young, nonasthmatic competitive rowers (mean age +/- SD: 16.2 …
Effects of Exercise on the Airways
In the last ten years, the effects of exercise on bronchial epithelial cells and inflammatory cells in the airways have been studied in detail, and such new information has been combined with previous knowledge on bronchial reactivity and asthma evoked by exercise in asthmatic patients and athletes. The resulting picture is very complex, and the potential clinical consequences are often contradictory, suggesting the opportunity to define different phenotypes of exercise-associated airway changes (Lee & Anderson, 1985; Haahtela et al., 2008; Moreira et al., 2011a). Studies in asthmatic athletes in the 90’ had began to explore the possibility that airway inflammation might be involved in exer…
Mean power during 20 sec all-out test to predict 2000-m rowing ergometer performance in national level young rowers
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between mean power during 20-s all-out rowing ergometer test and 2000-m rowing ergometer performance, in 20 young male rowers (mean age 15.2 ± 1.3 years). Methods. Mean power during 20-s all-out test (W20), maximal oxygen uptake during incremental test (VO2max), and anthropometric values, were measured and correlated with the time to perform a 2000-m trial (t2000). Results. W20 showed the highest correlation with t2000 (r = -0.947, P < 0.0001). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that W20, VO2max, and fat-free mass, were the variables most correlated with t2000, accounting for 95.1% of the variance, and that 89.7% …
Supramaximal exercise mobilizes hematopoietic progenitors and reticulocytes in athletes
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Nov;289(5):R1496-503. Epub 2005 Jul 14. Supramaximal exercise mobilizes hematopoietic progenitors and reticulocytes in athletes. Morici G, Zangla D, Santoro A, Pelosi E, Petrucci E, Gioia M, Bonanno A, Profita M, Bellia V, Testa U, Bonsignore MR. SourceDepartment of Experimental Medicine, University of Palermo, Italy. Abstract Marathon runners show increased circulating CD34+ cell counts and postexercise release of interleukin-6 (IL-6), granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and flt3-ligand (Bonsignore MR, Morici G, Santoro A, Pegano M, Cascio L, Bonnano A, Abate P, Mirabella F, Profita M, Insalaco G, Gioia M, Vignola AM, Majolino I, Testa…
Osteoporosi, osteoartrosi ed attività motorie
Predicting the 2000‐m Rowing Ergometer Performance from Anthropometric, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and 60‐s Mean Power Variables in National Level Young Rowers
Abstract Many studies reported various relationships between 2000-m rowing performance and anthropometric as well as metabolic variables, however, little is known about 60-s mean power in elite youth athletes. The aim of this study was to develop different regression models to predict 2000-m rowing indoor performance time (t2000) using anthropometric variables, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and mean power established during a 60-s all-out test (W60) in national elite youth rowers. Fifteen youth male Italian rowers (age: 15.7 ± 2.0 years; body height: 176.0 ± 8.0 cm; body mass: 71.2 ± 10.0 kg) performed an incremental maximal test, a 60-s all-out test and a 2000-m race simulation using a Co…
The effects of postural exercise protocol in young female volleyball players with knee valgus
Le attività sportive agonistiche comportano adattamenti cardiaci morfologici e funzionali che permettono di ottimizzare la funzione cardiaca durante l’esercizio fisico. Il principale adattamento funzionale cardiaco è rappresentato dalla bradicardia a riposo, conseguente al raggiungimento di un nuovo equilibrio della bilancia simpato-vagale. Il principale adattamento morfologico dell'apparato cardiocircolatorio all’esercizio fisico è rappresentato dall'ipertrofia miocardica, caratterizzata da un aumento della massa cardiaca che deve essere armonico e proporzionale al grado ed al tipo di attività fisica praticata. Tale ipertrofia coinvolge sia la componente miocitaria che quella vascolare per…
Time couse of changes in airway cells during early training in healthy subjects
Association of cardio-pulmonary stress test parameters and heart rate recovery in obese subjects with or without type II diabetes
Background and Objectives: Heart rate recovery at first (HRR-I) and second (HRR-II) minute after exercise is accurate in estimating autonomic nervous system balance, and has been related to risk of cardiovascular events. Our aim was to determine independent predictors of HRR collected during standard cardio-pulmonary stress test (CPT) in a group of overweight/obese subjects without (N=14) and with type 2 diabetes (N=19), as compared to a sample (N=15) of healthy sedentary subjects. Methods: A graded exercise test on treadmill was performed. Oxygen uptake at rest and at peak exercise (VO2max), as well as respiratory exchange ratio at peak exercise was collected. Linear and logistic regressio…
The Impact of Fluid Loss and Carbohydrate Consumption during Exercise, on Young Cyclists’ Fatigue Perception in Relation to Training Load Level
High-level young athletes need to face a wide spectrum of stressors on their journey to élite categories. The aims of the present study are (i) to evaluate session rate of perceived exertion (sRPE) at different training impulse (TRIMP) categories and the correlations between these two variables and, (ii) evaluate the correlations between sRPE, fluid loss, and carbohydrate consumption during exercise. Data on Edward’s TRIMP, sRPE, body mass loss pre- and post- exercise (∆), and carbohydrate consumption (CHO/h) during exercise have been acquired from eight male junior cyclists during a competitive season. One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis with linear regression have been performed on acq…
Biological, Psychological, and Physical Performance Variations in Football Players during the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Prospective Cohort Study
This prospective cohort study aimed to evaluate whether COVID-19 lockdown caused biological, psychological, and/or physical performance variations in footballers. We compared the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 seasons evaluating the plasma volume, hematological parameters, iron/ferritin, creatine kinase, vitamin D, cortisol, testosterone, and physiological state of players of the Italian football major league (Serie A). Measurements were performed before the preparatory period (T0), at the beginning (T1) and in the middle (T2) of the championship, and in March (T3) and at the end of season (T4). The results showed that in the 2019/2020 season affected by the lockdown, the weight, BMI, and fat mass…
Aim: To determine the exercise intensity that elicits the highest fat oxidation rate in sedentary non-obese subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eleven sedentary subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DS) and eleven healthy sedentary subjects (HS), aged 45 to 65 and non-obese, were evaluated to a graded exercise test. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and fat oxidation rate (FAT) were detected. FAT was then plotted as a function of exercise intensity, expressed as percentage of VO2max. We determined the exercise intensity (%VO2max) at which fat oxidation was maximal (FATmax). Results: Absolute FATmax was not significantly different between T2DS and HS (0.51 0.13 vs. 0.56 0.29 g∙min-1). FATmax occurred a…
Determination of maximal fat oxidation for prescribing exercise in healthy sedentary subjects
PURPOSE: Physical activity is recommended as a component of weight management. Exercise intensity has been showed to be one of the most important factors in determining substrate utilization. Purpose of our study was to determine the level at which physical exercise elicits maximal fat oxidation. METHODS: Fifteen healthy sedentary subjects, 8 men and 7 women, mean age 53 (range 37 – 71), BMI 26,6 1,33 performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on treadmill, using Bruce protocol. Breath-by-breath measurements of VO2 (ml/Kg/min) were detected throughout exercise and FAT rate (mg/Kg/min) was determined using indirect calorimetry (Cosmed, Quark CPET). The data is shown as mean value…
Physical fitness assessment in Goalball: A scoping review of the literature
Background Goalball is a Paralympic sport for visually impaired athletes. Although it is widely practiced, a great variety of tests are adopted to evaluate athletes' physical fitness. Therefore, the objective was to identify the physical fitness tests adopted in this sport to find the common aspects between them and, eventually, to propose a standard operating procedure. Methods The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines were adopted. The studies were extracted from PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus. A selection process by title, abstract, and full-text, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, was …
Relation between anaerobic power and rowing ergometer performance in young rowers
Aims: Rowing performance over 2000m is dependent upon the functional capacity of both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways. Although several studies have indicated that maximal oxygen uptake is strongly related to rowing performance and it is the best predictor of performance in elite rowers, some evidence is that muscle power output could be an important predictor of performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between anaerobic power and rowing ergometer performance over 2000m in young rowers, and whether anaerobic power assessed could identify athletes with the best performance. Methods: We collected biometric characteristics and energy data, inclu…
Analysis of anaerobic power in club level young rowers
Aim: To date, assessment of the anaerobic components to determine performance in rowers is not part of standard evaluation or monitoring set for training. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between anaerobic power output and ergometer rowing performance over 2000 meters, in a group of 14 -17 years old rowers (n = 11). Methods: Each subject performed, in three separate days, two “all-out” tests, over 20 and 60 seconds, and a 2000 meters trial, using a Concept II rowing ergometer. Mean power values over 20 sec (W20) and 60 sec (W60) were measured and compared with the time to perform the 2000 m trial (t2000). Results: Statistical analysis showed high and significant correlatio…
Effects of a Postural Exercise Program on Vertical Jump Height in Young Female Volleyball Players with Knee Valgus
Background: Although a knee valgus position is related to the increase in injury risk in volleyball players, there is a lack of studies on the relationship between knee valgus and vertical jump (VJ) performance. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a postural exercise program on VJ height in young female volleyball players with knee valgus. Methods: This pilot study included 19 young female volleyball players divided into the following groups: the Valgus Experimental Group (VEG); the Valgus Control Group (VCG); and the Neutral Control Group (NCG). All three groups carried out the same volleyball training program. In addition, only the VEG underwent a 3-month postur…
Al fine di pianificare dei programmi per la salute della popolazione anziana che includano interventi di tipo educativo, psicomotorio e sociali, è importante studiare come alcuni fattori psicologici possano ridurre i livelli di attività quotidiana o aumentare il rischio di sviluppare una malattia. L’attività fisica può ridurre l’ansia ed anche prevenire il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari, per cui in questa ricerca abbiamo rilevato i livelli di ansia in pazienti cardiopatici prima di effettuare una procedura cardiochirurgia o di rivascolarizzazione coronaria percutanea. Abbiamo utilizzato la forma Y dello State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Da questo test si ottengono due punteggi diversi che…
Le variazioni di forza applicate da giovani canoisti in funzione delle variazioni dell'angolo di lordosi lombare
INTRODUZIONE E’ stato dimostrato che l’appiattimento dell’angolo di lordosi lombare unitamente a tensioni muscolari statiche sono cause principali di rischio nella degenerazione dei dischi intervertebrali e nell’insorgenza di dolore lombare. Nessuno studio in letteratura ha studiato i canoisti kayaker. In particolare abbiamo chiesto di applicare la tecnica e il movimento utilizzato da canoisti di elevata qualificazione a giovani atleti con un movimento abituale diverso, registrando le forze applicate alla pagaia. SCOPO DEL LAVORO Analisi delle variazioni di forza applicate dai canoisti kayaker alla pagaia in funzione delle variazioni dell’angolo di lordosi lombare. MATERIALI E METODI Abbiam…
Effective strategies for promoting physical activity through the use of digital media among school-age children: A systematic review
Digital media are widespread among school-age children, and their incorrect use may lead to an increase in sedentary levels and the consequences associated with it. There are still few studies that have investigated whether physical activity levels could be increased through their use. The aim of this study was to systematically review the scientific literature in order to identify whether digital strategies and technologies are capable of increasing the level of physical activity. A literature search was performed using the following databases: Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The main outcomes evaluated the increase in physical activity levels, the number of steps, and the reduction of…
Assessment of autonomic function as marker of training status: the role of heart rate recovery after exercise
Heart rate recovery (HRR) is the rate at which the heart rate returns to baseline after a period of exercise. HRR is a marker of autonomic function and a predictor of cardiovascular fitness in healthy subjects and in those with cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, HRR has been proposed as a marker of training status in athletes. Our aim was to perform a review of studies that evaluated HRR after exercise in trained and untrained healthy subjects and assessed its relationship with training status. Several studies suggest that the assessing of HRR after exercise may be useful to distinguish trained from untrained individuals and to establish an athlete’s state of training. However, standardizat…
Upper and Lower Limb Strength and Body Posture in Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism: An Observational Case-Control Study
Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is an endocrine disease with a precocious significant impairment of growth and neuromotor development. Thyroid hormones are essential for central nervous system development, maturation, and myelination. Furthermore, thyroid hormone deficiency affects the function of several systems, including the musculoskeletal system. The disease has a significant incidence in the general population (1:3000–1:2000 newborns in Italy). The aim of the present study was to evaluate any differences in upper and lower limb strength, body sway, and plantar loading distribution in children with CH compared to healthy children. Methods: In this study, the case group was c…
Effects of exercise training on airway closure in asthmatics
We previously reported that responsiveness to methacholine (Mch) in the absence of deep inspiration (DI) decreased in healthy subjects after a short course of exercise training. We assessed whether a similar beneficial effect of exercise on airway responsiveness could occur in asthmatics. Nine patients (male/female: 3/6; mean age ± SD: 24 ± 2 yr) with mild untreated asthma [forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1): 100 ± 7.4% pred; FEV1/vital capacity (VC): 90 ± 6.5%] underwent a series of single-dose Mch bronchoprovocations in the absence of DI in the course of a 10-wk training rowing program (6 h/wk of submaximal and maximal exercise), at baseline ( week 0), and at week 5 and 10. The singl…
Distribution of Visuospatial Attention in "Open-Skill Sport" Athletes
Il cuore dello sportivo
Modificazioni posturali indotte dal canottaggio in giovani atleti ben allenati
This research brings evidence that rowing represents a valid sports model for helping both healthy and paramorphic people in changing unhealthy back positions. In particular, this study analyzed the changes induced to the back of twenty well trained athletes. Furthermore, it was taken into consideration a case of an athlete who presented a case of kyphosis and lordosys. This study was carried on for a period of two years during which it was observed that both kyphosis and lordosys had disappeared in the subject observed for this study. The quantitative and qualitative variables taken into account here, demonstrate that the positive results for correcting and self-correcting the position of …
Time course of changes in airway cells during early training in healthy subjects
Effects of exercise training on airway responsiveness and airway cells in healthy subjects.
J Appl Physiol. 2010 Aug;109(2):288-94. Epub 2010 Jun 10. Effects of exercise training on airway responsiveness and airway cells in healthy subjects. Scichilone N, Morici G, Zangla D, Chimenti L, Davì E, Reitano S, Paternò A, Santagata R, Togias A, Bellia V, Bonsignore MR. SourceDept. of Internal Medicine, Div. of Pulmonology (DIBIMIS Univ. of Palermo, "Villa Sofia-Cervello" Hospital, Via Trabucco 180, 90146 Palermo, Italy. n.scichilone@libero.it Abstract Airway responsiveness to methacholine (Mch) in the absence of deep inspirations (DIs) is lower in athletes compared with sedentary individuals. In this prospective study, we tested the hypothesis that a training exercise program reduces th…
Effetti di un programma di esercizio fisico sul grado di reattività bronchiale negli asmatici
EFFETTI DI UN PROGRAMMA DI ESERCIZIO FISICO SUL GRADO DI REATTIVITÀ BRONCHIALE NEGLI ASMATICI N. Scichilone 1, G. Morici 2, D. Zangla 3, R. Arrigo 1, I. Cardillo 1, V. Bellia 1, M.R. Bonsignore 1 1 DIBIMIS, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2 BIONEC, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 3 DISMOT, Università degli Studi di Palermo SCOPO DEL LAVORO: Il nostro gruppo ha recentemente dimostrato che il grado di reattività bronchiale in assenza di respiri profondi si riduce negli individui sani in seguito ad un intenso programma di allenamento. Nello studio corrente, abbiamo valutato se un simile effetto benefico dell’esercizio fisico potesse realizzarsi negli asmatici. MATERIALI E METODI: Nove as…
A scoping review on how physical fitness is evaluated in sitting volleyball players
Introduction: Sitting volleyball is a widely practiced paralympic sport. A correct and standardized physical evaluation helps coaches to plan and manage the training. It is also important to evaluate physical fitness accurately and adopt standardized protocols to compare and normalize the data. The aim of the study was to evaluate physical fitness evaluation methods adopted in sitting volleyball and to eventually propose standard operating procedures. Evidence acquisition: English-written and peer-reviewed original articles were included in this review. The population studied was composed only of athletes practicing sitting volleyball. Articles were searched on the electronic databases PubM…
The influence of the tecnique of rowing in the management of the rib stress injury in the rowers
The effects of abdominal training in female dancers
Relationship Between Heart Rate Recovery After Exercise and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Sedentary Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
AIMS: Heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR) is an estimate of autonomic modulation of the heart, and has been shown to be inversely associated with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is associated with decreased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Aim of our study was to assess the relationship between HRR and VO2max in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Maximal exercise testing to determine VO2max (ml ∙ Kg-1 ∙ min-1) was performed in 16 sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes (DP) and in 16 age-matched sedentary healthy controls (HS). HRR (bpm) 2 min after cessation of the exercise was recorded. Simple linear regression was used to assess the relations between HRR and VO2m…
Heart rate recovery after exercise and maximal oxygen uptake in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes
Aims: Heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR) is an estimate of autonomic modulation of the heart, and has been shown to be inversely associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes [1]. Type 2 diabetes is associated with poor exercise tolerance and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) [2]. Aim of our study was to assess the relationship between HRR and VO2max in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Maximal treadmill exercise testing using standard or modified Bruce protocol was performed in 16 (8 males and 8 females) sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and in 16 (9 males and 7 females) age-matched sedentary non-diabetic controls (ND). HRR (…
Effects of extra-virgin olive oil enriched with E-vitamin and Q10-coenzyme on the heart rate variability and plasma antioxidant status in athletes
OBJECTIVES: To examine whether the assumption of extra virgin olive oil enriched with E-vitamin and Q10-coenzyme may improve the plasma anti-oxidant/pro-oxidant balance and be associated with favorable changes in heart rate variability (HRV). METHODS: Four male athletes, mean age 22 (range 21-24), were recruited. They assumed 20 ml per day of the integrator (20 mg Q10 and 15 mg Vit E) for one month. The plasma antioxidant capacity (AC) was evaluated by the crocin bleaching assay. The frequency-domain analysis of HRV was carried out using Cardioline Cube recorder and specific software to obtain, from an autoregressive power spectrum approach, the power in normalized units (nu) of the low-(LF…
Can the 20 and 60 s All-Out Test Predict the 2000 m Indoor Rowing Performance in Athletes?
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to look for a new, simple, and fast method of assessing and monitoring indoor race performance and to assess the relationship between 20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m indoor rowing performances of youth rowers to evaluate their anaerobic profile.Methods: For three consecutive days, 17 young able-bodied male rowers (15.8 +/- 2.0 years), performed three tests (20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m) on a rowing ergometer. Mean power (W-20, W-60, and W-2000) and 2000 m time (t(2000)) were considered for the analysis. In addition, 14 athletes (15-18 years) performed a 20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m tests and used this as a control group. To define the anaerobic profile of the athletes, W-2…
Anaerobic test on rowing ergometer in young rowers
PURPOSE: Performance over 2000m on a rowing ergometer is dependent upon the functional capacity of both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathway. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between anaerobic power and indoor performance over 2000m in youth rowers. METHODS: Six youth rowers, 3 males and 3 females mean age 14 (range 13 – 15), performed, on a separate occasion, two maximal ergometer power tests, on 20” and on 60”, and a maximal 2000m ergometer time trial. All evaluations were performed on a Concept II model D air braked rowing ergometer (Concept2, Nottingham, UK). Average speed over 2000m (V) and average power over 20” (W20) and over 60” (W60) were measured. The d…
Attenuation of the airway response to methacoline after maximal rowing test in healthy subjects
Effects of rowing training on airway responsiveness in asthmatics
We previously reported that after a short course of rowing training the responsiveness to methacholine (Mch) in the absence of deep inspiration (DI) decreased in healthy subjects. We assessed whether a similar beneficial effect of exercise on airway responsiveness could occur in asthmatics. Nine patients (M/F: 3/6; mean age±SD: 24±2 yrs) with mild untreated asthma (FEV(1): 100±7.4% pred, FEV(1)/VC 90±6.5%) underwent a series of single dose Mch bronchoprovocations in the absence of DI in the course of a indoor rowing training consisted of two to three sessions per week for 10 weeks (total 28 sessions). Each session included a warm-up period for 20 min (running and stretching), and a specific…
Guida subacquea per apneisti non vedenti
Modular and removable structure, variable in height, to be fixed/anchored to the bottom of the swimming pool/tank through sliding tracks suitable for the two cables located at both sides of the swimming-pool along the same modules.On the one hand, the diving guide was designed to allow blind divers to move inside the pool autonomously and safely, without the help of instructors even when more than one diver is present in the pool/lane. On the other hand, the diving guide can be stretched to reach various lengths when needed.
Time course of changes in bronchial reactivity during early training in healthy subjects
A preliminary investigation of the effect of contact pressure on the accuracy of heart rate monitoring by wearable PPG wrist band
The increase of safety and health monitor of workers has become a crucial objective to prevent excessive physical workloads, injuries, accidents and errors. Heart rate (HR) is a very important physiological indicator which could properly describe the workers’ physical status. Recently, wearable photoplethysmographic (PPG) wristband trackers have been utilized to measure HR without hindering normal gesture of workers. However, the quality of PPG signals is highly affected by human physical motions, resulting in a poor reliable HR estimation. Specifically, during different activities and gestures, PPG sensor contact pressures may have an impact on the quality of the heart rate signal. To appr…
Early effects of training on airway cell composition in healthy subjects
Decreased postural control in people with moderate hearing loss
Balance is a complex process that involves multiple sensory integrations. The auditory, visual, and vestibular systems are the main contributors. Hearing loss or hearing impairment may induce inappropriate postural strategies that could affect balance and therefore increase the risk of falling. The aim of this study was to understand whether hearing loss could influence balance, cervical posture, and muscle activation in the cervical region. Thirteen patients (61 ± 13 years; 161.8 ± 11.0 cm; 70.5 ± 15.9 kg) with moderate hearing loss (Right ear −60 ± 21 dB; Left ear −61 ± 24 dB) underwent: an audiometric examination, a postural examination (with open and closed eyes) through a stabilometric…
Le attività motorie nella scoliosi minore
Can Wii modulate visuospatial attention lateralization?
Resting sympatho-vagal balance is related to 10 km running performance in master endurance athletes
Relationships between heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR, baseline heart rate variability measures (HRV), and time to perform a 10Km running trial (t10Km) were evaluated in "master" athletes of endurance to assess whether the measured indexes may be useful for monitoring the training status of the athletes. Ten “master” athletes of endurance, aged 40-60 years, were recruited. After baseline measures of HRV, the athletes performed a graded maximal test on treadmill and HRR was measured at 1 and 2 minutes from recovery. Subsequently they performed a 10Km running trial and t10Km was related to HRV and HRR indexes. The time to perform a 10Km running trial was significantly correlated with …
The present paper is not only a review of the literature on pelvic incidence parameter, is also designed to reflect anew to the actions of preventive and compensatory physical activity, with particular reference to abdominal exercises. The incidence pelvic anatomy is a parameter whose value represents the angle between the perpendicular to the sacral plate at its midpoint and the line joining this point to the axis of the femoral head; it controls the spinal curves in accordance with the adaptability other parameters. The studies analyzed here suggest new considerations to be applied in the dynamic execution of preventive and compensatory physical activity. The training of the muscles lumba…
Postural and neuromuscular strategies during upright stance and hand standing
Seasonal Changes in physiological parameters in young club level rowers
Aims: To evaluate variations in biometrics, physiological and performance parameters over a seasonal training – from September to March - in club level young rowers. Methods: Six young rowers, age 13-15, affiliated with a rowing club member of the Italian Rowing Federation, were assessed three times at regular three-months intervals (September, December, and March) during the 2011 season. Biometrics evaluations included stature, body mass and body composition, whereas physiological assessments on rowing ergometer included maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) obtained during an incremental test, and average power output values obtained during a 2000m trial (W2000) and during a 20-sec (W20) and a 6…
Potenza ai remi. Relazione tra potenza anaerobica e prestazione in giovani canottieri: come programmare e monitorare l’allenamento
Comparison of Postural Features and Muscle Strength between Children with Idiopathic Short Stature and Healthy Peers in Relation to Physical Exercise
Previous research has reported that children with idiopathic short stature (ISS) showed functional and cognitive impairments. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle strength and body posture between children with ISS treated with growth hormone (GH) and healthy peers (healthy children, HC), and to analyze whether these parameters were affected by physical exercise. Eighteen children for the ISS group (mean age: 10.96 ± 1.68 years) and 26 children for the HC group (mean age: 10.19 ± 1.06 years) were recruited for the study. All participants performed the following assessments: handgrip and Sargent test for the muscle strength evaluation; baropodometric and stabilometric test for the…
Un allenamento regolare di grado moderato, e di tipo prevalentemente aerobico ha effetti positivi sul benessere generale ed in particolare sulla performance cardiovascolare, apportando un contributo significativo nella prevenzione primaria delle cardiopatie, in quanto elemento essenziale del trattamento di malattie metaboliche quali obesità, diabete mellito, dislipidemia, o dell’aterosclerosi, condizioni riconosciute come fattori di rischio di eventi cardiovascolari. L’esercizio moderato è inoltre essenziale nella prevenzione secondaria e nella fase riabilitativa della cardiopatia ischemica o dell’insufficienza cardiaca. Gli effetti benefici non sono però così chiari quando l’attività fisic…