J. Heil

A microplate version of the DNA-synthesis inhibition test for rapid detection of DNA-alteration potentials.

A microplate version of the DNA-synthesis inhibition test (DIT) for fast detection of DNA-alteration potentials has been developed. The DIT is based on the concept that DNA damage causes inhibition of DNA synthesis that becomes detectable some time after replicating cells have been in contact with genotoxic agents. In this test procedure human tissue culture cells (HeLa S3), prelabeled with [14C]thymidine, arfe exposed for 90 min to the substances in question. After the cells are rinsed, they are allowed to recover for 2 1/2 h in fresh culture medium, thereby unspecific interactions interfering with DNA replication are practically eliminated. Next, [3H]thymidine is added for 30 min, and the…

research product

Genotoxicity of the fungicide dichlofluanid in seven assays

Seven different endpoints for detection of genotoxicity have been used to demonstrate the DNA-altering properties of Dichlofluanid, a fungicide commonly used in viticulture pest control. Each endpoint (DNA synthesis inhibition test, alkaline viscosimetry, umu-test, alkaline filter elution, FADU-test, 32P-postlabeling, and electron microscopy) shows clear evidence of genotoxicity. These data indicate that application of the fungicide dichlofluanid may be mutagenic and/or carcinogenic for exposed humans.

research product

A microplate version of the SOS/umu-test for rapid detection of genotoxins and genotoxic potentials of environmental samples

Abstract The umu-microtest is a miniaturized automated short-term test version proposed for screening of umuC-dependent mutagenic potentials of chemicals relevant to environmental pollution, river water and industrial waste water. The test is based on the SOS/umu-test and has been modified in order to allow extensive testing of environmental samples. Genetically engineered Salmonella typhimurium (TA1535/pSK1002) are incubated on a microplate rotor in a sloping position for 2 h with the test samples, followed by addition of fresh culture medium to reach a 10-fold dilution of the incubation medium. 2 h later, the activity of the β-galactosidase, which reflects umuC induction, is determined co…

research product