Nicolas Marilleau

Marrakair: une simulation participative pour observer les émissions atmosphériques du trafic routier en milieu urbain

National audience; D’après l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), la pollution de l’air est le principal risque environnemental pour la santé dans le monde 1 (OMS, 2013). Àl’échelle locale, la pollution atmosphérique agit sur quelques kilomètres et se manifeste à proximité des sources de pollution comme la proximité aux sites industriels. En milieu urbain, le premier contributeur aux émissions de NOx, CO, ou PM10 dans l’atmosphère est le trafic routier (CITEPA, 2014). La pollution atmosphérique automobile (PAA) se caractérise en effet par l’émission de composés toxiques et cancérigènes directement émis par les moteurs. L’intensité des émissions est à relier au nombre de véhicules présen…

research product

Exploring activities for simulating everyday rythms and routines in french urban areas

International audience

research product

Simuler la mobilité urbaine quotidienne : le projet MIRO

research product

La Qualité de l’air en ville à Très haute Résolution (Quali_ThR): Apport des images Pléiades dans la démarche SCAUP ?

International audience

research product

L’apport de la simulation multi-agent du trafic routier pour l’estimation des pollutions atmosphériques automobiles

National audience; La pollution atmosphérique est aujourd’hui considérée comme cancérigène pour la santé humaine (OMS, 2013). Avec le bruit, elle est l’une des premières nuisances directement ressenties par les populations en milieu urbain. Son évaluation présente un véritable enjeu pour les pouvoirs publics afin de mieux en identifier ses sources, ses impacts en vue de définir des politiques territoriales (PDU, cadastre d’émission). A l’échelle locale, la pollution atmosphérique est à relier directement à l’intensité des sources d’émissions qui vont accentuer, ou non, la qualité de l’air extérieure (Elichegaray, 2010) . En milieu urbain, le premier contributeur en émission de NOx, CO, ou P…

research product

MIRO : des trajectoires individuelles à la ville en mouvement

research product

Studying and modelling soil microbial communities dynamics at a landscape scale in response to agricultural practices

Soil microbial communities play a major role in soil fertility and are important as bioindicators to evaluate the impacts of agricultural practices on soils. The challenge is to promote their use in order to support / accelerate innovation by proposing to farmers the tools necessary to assess the impacts of practice modifications on the soil microbial composition before implementing and validating them. The goal of this thesis is to characterize spatial and temporal dynamics of soil microbial communities at the scale of an agricultural landscape in order to create models and propose a Decision Support Instrument (DSI) for stakeholders in the agricultural communities. This will use a multi-d…

research product

A spatially explicit model to simulate soil microbial communities’ dynamics at an agricultural landscape scale

Soil microorganisms play a major role in soil functions and are an efficient indicator to evaluate the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality. Biogeographical studies over wide scales ranging from landscape to countries have concluded that soil microbial abundance and soil prokaryotic richness is following a heterogeneous distribution in space under the dependence of soil properties (e.g. pH, soil texture, organic matter content) and agricultural practices. The goal of this study is the creation of a model that can predict dynamics of soil microbial communities depending on the agricultural management over time. For this, we focus on a monitored landscape (Fénay landscape, 1.200 h…

research product

La démarche de modélisation SCAUP : Simulation multi-agents à partir de CApteurs Urbains pour la Pollution atmosphérique automobile.

research product

Représentation dynamique et visualisation interactive des mobilités quotidiennes à l’échelle de la ville

International audience

research product

Du comptage ponctuel à l'affectation par simulation multi-agents : application à la circulation routière de la ville de Dijon

A travers une démarche expérimentale de simulation de la circulation routière pour estimer les pollutions atmosphériques en milieu urbain, cette proposition questionne les opportunités qu'offre la simulation multi-agents pour intégrer des données d'observations du trafic routier au sein d'un système d'information géographique. Pour cela, la construction du modèle d'affectation s'est faite en deux étapes : une première, d'acquisition et de structuration des données de comptages et une seconde visant à interfacer ces données au sein d'une plateforme de simulation multi-agents pour en reproduire la variabilité intra journalière et la fréquentation routière.

research product

An agent-based model of a cutaneous leishmaniasis reservoir host, Meriones shawi

International audience; Meriones shawi (M.shawi) is the main reservoir host for zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Central Tunisia. The incorporation of environmental and climatic effects on the spread of ZCL in M. shawi remains difficult. This study presents an agent-based model (ABM) to overcome these difficulties and examine the impact of environment (i.e. vegetation cover) and climate (i.e. temperature) on M. shawi movement and prevalence. The model simulation considers two agent types: rodent agent and field unit agent. We tested the model according to two types of rodent movement: random and thoughtful. We integrated time dependent normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) …

research product

Exploitation of traffic counting data for traffic study in urban areas: from traffic assignment to simulation model validation

International audience

research product

From the Household Survey to an Individual activity Program : a MAS approach

International audience

research product

Studying and modelling the dynamics of soil microbial communities at a landscape scale in response to agricultural practices

National audience; Soil Microbial communities play a major role in soil fertility and are important as bioindicators to evaluate the impacts of agricultural practices on soils. The challenge is to promote their use in order to support / accelerate innovation by proposing to farmers the tools necessary to assess the impacts of practice modifications on the soil microbial composition before implementing and validating them. The goal of this thesis is to characterize spatial and temporal dynamics of soil microbial communities at the scale of an agricultural landscape in order to create models and propose a Decision Support Instrument (DSI) for stakeholders in the agricultural communities. This…

research product

Coupling agent-based with equation-based models to study spatially explicit megapopulation dynamics

International audience; The incorporation of the spatial heterogeneity of real landscapes into population dynamics remains extremely difficult. We propose combining equation-based modelling (EBM) and agent-based modelling (ABM) to overcome the difficulties classically encountered. ABM facilitates the description of entities that act according to specific rules evolving on various scales. However, a large number of entities may lead to computational difficulties (e.g., for populations of small mammals, such as voles, that can exceed millions of individuals). Here, EBM handles age-structured population growth, and ABM represents the spreading of voles on large scales. Simulations applied to t…

research product

Concevoir des agents pour simuler les dynamiques urbaines. De l’enquête ménage à la génération de programmes d’activités

International audience

research product

Temporal dynamics of soil bacterial communities at a landscape scale: dependence to soil properties and agricultural practices.

International audience; Soil microbial communities play a major role in agricultural functions and are an efficient indicator to evaluate the impacts of agricultural practices on soils. Studies on wide scales ranging from landscape to countries demonstrated that soil microbial communities were heterogeneously distributed in space under the dependence of soil properties (e.g. pH, soil texture, Organic matter Content) and agricultural practices. However, temporal dynamics of soil microbial communities at a landscape scale still need to be documented in order to go further in evaluating the sustainability of agricultural practices. In this extensive monitoring study, we focused on landscape dy…

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