Claudio De Pasquale


Nature of Interactions at the Interface of Two Water-Saturated Commercial TiO2 Polymorphs

Two commercial TiO2 samples, a 100% anatase and a 100% rutile, were used for the fast field cycling NMR experiments. The results showed a different behavior between the different samples. In particular, water molecules were unbonded to the solid surface for the rutile sample, whereas they appeared to chemically interact with the surface through H-bond formation with the anatase sample. The above findings accord with the generally lower activity of rutile with respect to anatase reported in literature for photocatalytic oxidation reactions in water. The difficulty of water to interact with rutile surface, indeed, could hinder the formation of OH radicals, which are the most important oxidant…

research product

Gene cloning and characterization of an alkane hydroxylase system in the long chain n-alkane- degrader Gordonia sp. SoCg

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Isolation of organophosphorus-degrading bacteria from agricultural mediterranean soils

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Ecklonia maxima-derivate seaweed extract supply as mitigation strategy to alleviate drought stress in chicory plants

Extreme climatic conditions have a severe repercussion on agriculture and on food availability. Ecological means to overcome drought are important to improve agroecosystems sustainability and resilience. The use of an Ecklonia maxima-derivate seaweed extract (SwE) as a tool to mitigate drought constrain in chicory plants grown in greenhouse was evaluated. Plants were cultivated in plastic pots filled with peat and subjected to drought stress by retaining moisture range at 90–100% of water holding capacity (WHC) [well-watered (WW)], 60–70% WHC [moderate drought stress (MDS)] or 30–40% WHC [severe drought stress (SDS)]. Drought stress decreased plant growth traits and yield. However, in plant…

research product

Degradazione di pesticidi organofosforici in matrici ambientali

Matrici quali acqua, suolo ed aria sono costantemente soggette a forti pressioni antropiche. I pesticidi pur avendo apportato grandi benefici alle attività agricole influiscono negativamente sugli equilibri degli ecosistemi. Circa 85-90% dei principi attivi applicati in agricoltura non raggiunge gli organismi a cui sono destinati, ma viene disperso nell’ambiente. In tale contesto l’individuazione di microrganismi deputati alla loro degradazione diventa un importante mezzo per la salvaguardia ambientale e della salute umana. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di isolare batteri del suolo capaci di degradare composti organofosforici, i quali rivestono una notevole importanza nelle pr…

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Influence of grape transport and destemming systems on the quality of Chardonnay wines

The winemaking technology plays a very important role in enology as it directly influences the characteristics of wine. In particular, grape transport and destemming are critical steps in winemaking for the wine quality. The aim of this study was to compare two different processing lines of Chardonnay grapes to evaluate their effects on the quality of the final product. In particular, grapes receiving, transporting and destemming were performed using different machines in order to evaluate their influence on the quality of Chardonnay wines. The use of a receiving hopper equipped with a belt conveyor, followed by a destemmer equipped with partially coated rubber beaters, allowed to obtain Ch…

research product

Biofortification: Effect of Iodine Fortified Food in the Healthy Population, Double-Arm Nutritional Study

It is estimated that one-third of the world’s population lives in areas where iodine (I) is scarce and its deficiency is responsible for many related disorders, such as goiter, reproductive failure, hearing loss, growth impairment, congenital I deficiency syndrome, and numerous kinds of brain injury. Mineral deficiencies can be overcomeviadietary diversification and mineral supplementation. An alternative or even complementary way is represented by the intake of biofortified foods, which can tackle this lack of micronutrients. In this short-term double-arm nutritional intervention study, a cohort of ten people was supplemented with curly endive leaf biofortified with I and ten people with c…

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Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Milk, Eggs, and Meat

This handbook provides a systematic description of the principles, procedures, and technology of the modern analytical techniques used in the detection, extraction, clean up, and determination of pesticide residues present in the environment. This book provides the historical background of pesticides and emerging trends in pesticide regulation. The text discusses various techniques for analysis, including supercritical fluid extraction, disposable electrochemical biosensors, matrix solid-phase dispersion, volatmetric methods, and liquid chromatography. The authors also address the scope and limitation of NEEM products in plant protection as well as the analysis of medicinal plants.

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Low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry revealed that triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oils are organized in inverse-micelle-like supramolecular structures held together by weak interactions such as van der Waals and hydrogen bonding. The formers can be established among the external apolar tails, while hydrogen bonds are present among the internal polar triglyceride heads, involving also the polar minor constituents of extra- virgin olive oils. The supramolecular assembly has been supported by experiments conducted by heating the samples in the NMR probe at four different temperatures. In addition all the oils were also added with increasing amounts of glacial acetic…

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Applicability of solid state fast field cycling NMR relaxometry in understanding relaxation properties of leaves and leaf-litters

Abstract Inversion recovery high field solid state (SS) 1H NMR spectroscopy and fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry have been applied on dried leaves and leaf-litters from a reafforestated area in central Sicily (Italy) in order to evaluate relaxation properties in both slow ( 1 ≪ ω 0 2 τ C 2 ) and fast ( 1 ≫ ω 0 2 τ C 2 ) motion regimes. Namely, SS 1H NMR spectroscopy (i.e. slow motion regime conditions) revealed that two relaxation components (a fast and a slow one) can be identified in all the leaves and leaf-litter samples. The fast component was assigned to small sized plant metabolites, whereas the slow one was attributed to slowly tumbling macropolymeric molecules. FFC NMR relax…

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Impact of Ecklonia maxima Seaweed Extract and Mo Foliar Treatments on Biofortification, Spinach Yield, Quality and NUE

Seaweed extract (SE) application is a contemporary and sustainable agricultural practice used to improve yield and quality of vegetable crops. Plant biofortification with trace element is recognized as a major tool to prevent mineral malnourishment in humans. Mo deficiency causes numerous dysfunctions, mostly connected to central nervous system and esophageal cancer. The current research was accomplished to appraise the combined effect of Ecklonia maxima brown seaweed extract (SE) and Mo dose (0, 0.5, 2, 4 or 8 µmol L−1) on yield, biometric traits, minerals, nutritional and functional parameters, as well as nitrogen indices of spinach plants grown in a protected environment (tunnel). Head f…

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Analisi di residui di pesticidi come strumento per la valutazione di diminuzione di biodiversità in sistemi acqua suolo

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Efficiency of biochar for reducing mobility of inorganic contaminants

Anthropogenic activities have produced numerous sites with extensive contamination close to residential areas. Several physicochemical and biological remediation methods exist for remediation of metal contaminated soils and lands, such as soil washing, soil flushing, phytoremediation, and electrokinetics. Biochar (biologically derived charcoal) is produced by pyrolysis of biomasses under low oxygen conditions, and it can be applied for recycling organic waste in soils. The main objectives of the present study were to determine the possible use of biochar from forest ersidues (Populus nigra) in order to achieve a stabilization of inorganic contaminants by adsorption processes. Adsorption of …

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Influenza della temperatura di pirolisi e del tempo di residenza sulle proprietà fisico-chimiche del biochar prodotto da pollina

La pollina è tradizionalmente utilizzata in agricoltura come fertilizzante organico grazie al suo alto contenuto in nutrienti immediatamente disponibili per le piante (principalmente azoto, potassio e fosforo). Nonostante i vantaggi apportati alle colture, l’eccessivo uso della pollina come ammendante del suolo può causare gravi problemi ambientali, tra cui rischi per la salute umana e lisciviazione di nitrati o altri inquinanti nelle acquee sotterranee. Per diminuire i rischi legati al suo utilizzo, una soluzione alternativa potrebbe essere il ri-utilizzo energetico della pollina tramite la sua conversione in biochar. Il biochar è una sostanza carboniosa derivante dalla pirolisi di qualsia…

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Caratterizzazione di sostanza organica disciolta mediante rilassometria NMR in modalità fast field cycling

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Selenium biofortification and grafting modulate plant performance and functional features of cherry tomato grown in a soilless system

Abstract Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for humans due to its importance in a number of enzymes. Vegetable grafting is a valuable tool to overcome biotic and/or abiotic issues and to increase vigour, yield traits and fruit quality. The present work aimed at testing both different Se concentrations (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 μmol Se L−1) supplied via fertigation and grafting on cherry tomato in soilless culture. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved total fruit yield by 60.0 % and 31.4 % in ungrafted and grafted plants, respectively as compared to the control. Marketable yield was positively affected by Se-biofortification and grafting. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved N use efficiency by 60.3 % a…

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Application of PGPB Combined with Variable N Doses Affects Growth, Yield-Related Traits, N-Fertilizer Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Lettuce Grown under Controlled Condition

Nitrogen (N) fertilization is a crucial agricultural practice for boosting production traits in vegetables. However, N synthetic fertilizers—commonly adopted by farmers—have several counterproductive effects on the environment and on humans. The research was performed to assess the combined influence of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) (Azospirillum brasilense DSM 1690, A. brasilense DSM 2298 and Pseudomonas sp. DSM 25356) and various N fertilization doses (0, 30, 60 or 120 kg ha−1) on growth, yield, quality and nitrogen indices of lettuce in protected cultivation. Plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves and fresh weight were enhanced by A. brasilense DS…

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A fine tuned strategy by Trissolcus Brochymaenae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to eploit chemical traces left by Murgantia histrionica (Heteroptera:Pentatomidae)

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Comparing quality characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese from traditional and intensive production systems

The “Caciocavallo Palermitano” is a typical stretched curd (pasta filata) cheese, made mainly in the Palermo area, in the Western Sicily, from cow milk. The aim of this investigation was to verify the influence of the on-farm production system (traditional vs. intensive) on some qualitative characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese, with particular regard to fatty acid (FA) profile. On June 2008, 1-month aged cheeses were sampled from 6 traditional farms (TRD) and 5 intensive farms (INT). In TRD farms, local cow breeds (Cinisara, Modicana or Siciliana) were fed pasture-based diet and cheeses were manufactured using artisanal wood tools by following the traditional technique. The …

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Influence of biochar on the physical, chemical and retention properties of an amended sandy soil

Soil porosity plays an important role in soil-water retention and water availability to crops, potentially affecting both agricultural practices and environmental sustainability. The pore structure controls fluid flow and transport through the soil, as well as the relationship between the properties of individual minerals and plants. Moreover, the anthropogenic pressure on soil properties has produced numerous sites with extensive desertification process close to residential areas. Biochar (biologically derived charcoal) is produced by pyrolysis of biomasses under low oxygen conditions, and it can be applied for recycling organic waste in soils and increase soil fertility, improving soil st…

research product

Plant surface mediates interaction between true bug chemical footprints and scelionid egg parasitoids

Chemical footprints left behind by true bugs act as contact kairomones inducing an arrestment response in scelionid egg parasitoids. Once in contact with contaminated substrates, female wasps display a characteristic arrestment posture followed by an increase of the host searching time. Previous studies were conducted on artificial substrates as filter papers, so that little is known about the effects of natural substrates on behavioural response by wasps. In field, the substrate where these interactions occur, i.e. the surface of plants, is covered by wax layers that can have a role in trophic interactions between insects. In this study, we investigated the influence of plant surfaces on a…

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Configuration of Strawberry Yield, Nutritional and Functional Traits in Response to LPE Application in a Two-Year Study

Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) is a promising natural lysophospholipid which can be employed as a growth regulator for horticultural purposes. The present research was accomplished to investigate the effects of LPE (0 or 10 ppm) on the yield and quality of “Savana” strawberry plants grown during two consecutive cultivation cycles (I (2020–2021); II (2021–2022)). Plants cultivated in year I and treated with LPE revealed the highest total yield (838.3 g plant−1), marketable yield (735.4 g plant−1) and average marketable fruit weight (39.8 g plant−1). Fruits from year II plants treated with LPE had the highest total phenolics concentration (491.4 m…

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Biodegradazione di miscele di gasolio in suoli contaminati

Il biorisanamento mediante l’utilizzo di microrganismi ha un ruolo fondamentale nelle pratiche di trasformazione di molecole potenzialmente tossiche quali gli idrocarburi, che quotidianamente vengono riversati negli ecosistemi provocando fenomeni di antropizzazione in equilibri naturali particolarmente sensibili. Numerosi ceppi batterici sono abili degradatori e mineralizzatori di sostanze inquinanti xenobiotiche di sintesi e recalcitranti non esistenti in natura, quali i derivati di idrocarburi aromatici e policlorobifenili (PCB). Mediante colture su mezzo minerale Bushnell-Haas agarizzato (BH) in presenza di una miscela di idrocarburi come unica fonte di carbonio sono stati isolati 5 cepp…

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Use of SPME extraction to determinate adsorbition / desorbition phenomena in soil and water matrices

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Use of SPME extraction to determine organophosphorus pesticides adsorption phenomena in water and soil matrices

Solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) coupled with GC enables rapid and simple analysis of organophosphorus pesticides in a range of complex matrices. Investigations were made into the extraction efficiencies from water of six organophosphorus insecticides (methamidophos, omethoate, dimethoate, parathion methyl, malathion, and parathion ethyl) showing a wide range of polarities. Three SPME fibres coated with different stationary phases, polydimethylsiloxane, polyacrylate, and carbowax-divinylbenzene (CW-DVB), were investigated. Water was spiked with the pesticides at concentrations from 1 to 0.01 µg mL-1, and the solutions used for optimization of the procedure. The CW-DVB fibre, with a 65 µm…

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TiO2-H2O Interactions by Fast Field Cycling (FFC) NMR Relaxometry

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Exploring long chain n-alkane metabolism in Gordonia sp. strain SoCg

Many microorganisms are able to degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons and a relationship between n-alkane utilization and storage compound synthesis has been described in bacteria. The Gram positive GC-rich n-alkane degrader Gordonia sp. strain SoCg, isolated from a long-term accidentally contaminated beach in Sicily, is able to grow on long n-alkanes up to. It carries a single copy of the alkane hydroxylase gene alkB on its chromosome and its alk cluster revealed a genomic organization similar to other alk clusters of alkane-degrading Gram positive bacteria. The alk gene expression, analysed by Real-time RT-PCR, is induced by n-hexadecane and n-triacontane and coupled to alkane consumption. Inter…

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Previous studies revealed that water molecules are hooked to biochar surfaces through unconventional hydrogen bonds (De Pasquale et al., 2012; Conte et al., 2013). Next question to answer is how metals can affect water mobility as they are adsorbed on biochar surface. To this aim, an orchard pruning char obtained by pyrolysis at 500°C was treated with solutions of Cu(II), Cr(VI) and Cu(II)+Cr(VI). Two different types of water can be recognized in BC. Namely, a fast relaxing water (T1 = 99 ms) is differentiated by a slow relaxing one (T 1= 233 ms). The former is made by molecules interacting with biochar surface through formation of the unconventional Hbonds previously identified (De Pasqual…

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Il ruolo degli idrocarburi della cuticola nelle relazioni insetto fitofago-parassitoide oofago.

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Fast field cycling NMR relaxometry characterization of biochars obtained from an industrial thermochemical process

Biochar has unique properties which make it a powerful tool to increase soil fertility and to contribute to the decrease of the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide through the mechanisms of C sequestration in soils. Chemical and physical biochar characteristics depend upon the technique used for its production and the biomass nature. For this reason, biochar characterization is very important in order to address its use either for agricultural or environmental purposes. Three different biochars obtained from an industrial gasification process were selected in order to establish their chemical and physical peculiarities for a possible use in agronomical practices. They were obtained by char…

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Structure alteration of a sandy-clay soil by biochar amendments

The aim of the present study was to investigate structure alterations of a sandy-clay soil upon addition of different amounts of biochar (f bc ). All the f bc samples were analyzed by high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) technique and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry. HEMC was applied in order to evaluate aggregate stability of biochar-amended soil samples. 1H NMR relaxometry experiments were conducted for the evaluation of the pore distributions through the investigation of water dynamics of the same samples. The HEMC technique revealed improvement in aggregate stability through measurements of the amount of drainable pores and the stability ratio. The latter increased…

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Isolation of Gram positive n-alkane degraders from a hydrocarbon contaminated sicilian shoreline

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Effect of O2 control and monitoring on the nutraceutical properties of extra virgin olive oils

Abstract The presence of oxygen during malaxation has key role in improving Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) quality in terms of volatile and phenolic compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the head space malaxer oxygen concentration on the physicochemical characteristics and nutraceutical properties of EVOO from the Nocellara del Belice olives. The acidic compounds were related to the concentration of the oxygen presented in the machine headspace considering a new software application for the online oxygen management opportunely designed and applicable to all the existing plants. The right timepoint and oxygen concentration of the malaxation process was establ…

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Closed tank pneumatic press application to improve Sauvignon Blanc wine quality and nutraceutical properties

The machines used in the winemaking process directly affect the quality of wine and its nutraceutical properties. Grapes-pressing is a very important step in winemaking as it may promote the presence and/or absence of enzymatic processes on the must, leading to the creation of different products in terms of chemical composition, starting from the same grapes. The aim of the study was to compare two different pressing systems of Sauvignon Blanc grapes using an innovative pneumatic discontinuous closed tank press in two operating modes: the traditional pressing mode in presence of oxygen and the inert pressing mode, performed through grapes pressing under inert gas with nitrogen recovery. Che…

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Effects of the Extraction Technology on Pomegranate Juice Quality

Pomegranate juice is a rich source of phenolic components; its consumption has considerably increased throughout the world in recent years, due to its nutraceutical properties. Commercial juice production involves pressing the fruits. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the pressing stage on pomegranate juice properties, in terms of value, duration of the applied pressure and juice yield in order to examine the influence of pressure level on volatiles and nutraceutical properties of the juice. Pomegranate fruits cv. Wonderful One were manually harvested and mechanically processed for extracting the juice by means of a shelling machine, a peristaltic pump and a pneumatic pre…

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Biodegradazione di n-alcani a catena lunga in ecosistemi contaminati

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Interactive Effects of Genotype and Molybdenum Supply on Yield and Overall Fruit Quality of Tomato

Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential trace element for plant growth, development, and production. However, there is little known about the function and effects of molybdenum in tomato plants. The present study assessed the influences of different Mo concentrations on four tomato F1 hybrids (“Bybal” F1, “Tyty” F1, “Paride” F1, and “Ornela” F1) grown using a soilless system with different Mo levels [0.0, 0.5 (standard NS), 2.0, and 4.0 μmol L−1, respectively]. The crop yield, plant vigor, fruit skin color, TA, fruit water content as well as the accumulation of SSC, and some antioxidant compounds such as lycopene, polyphenols and ascorbic acid were evaluated. The minerals concentration, including n…

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Degradation of long-chain n-alkanes in soil microcosms by two actinobacteria

The ability of two recently isolated actinobacteria, that degrade medium and long chain n-alkanes in laboratory water medium, was investigated in soil microcosms using different standard soils that were artificially contaminated with n-alkanes of different length (C(12)- C(20)- C(24)- C(30)). The two strains, identified as Nocardia sp. SoB and Gordonia sp. SoCp, revealed a similar high HC degradation efficiency with an average of 75% alkane degraded after 28 days incubation. A selectivity of bacteria towards n-alkanes of different length was detected as well as a consistent effect of soil texture and other soil physical chemical characteristics on degradation. It was demonstrated the specif…

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Use of biochar as peat substitute for growing substrates of Euphorbia × lomi potted plants

Biochar from conifers wood was used in soilless culture as growing substrate alternative to peat for ornamental crops. Potted plants of Euphorbia × lomi Rauh cv. ‘Ilaria’ were grown with different mixtures (v:v) of brown peat and biochar in order to evaluate main physical and chemical characteristics of this biomaterial as well as its effect on plant growth, ornamental characteristics and nutrients uptake. Biochar addition to peat increased pH, EC and K content of the growing substrates, as well as air content and bulk density. Biochar content of substrates significantly affected plant growth and biomass partitioning: higher number of shoots and leaves, leaf area and leaf dry weight were re…

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Studio sulla presenza di metalli pesanti nell'alveo di una via d'acqua contigua alla distilleria "Bertolino Spa" e utilizzato per lo scarico di acque reflue aziendali

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Impact on Glucose Homeostasis: Is Food Biofortified with Molybdenum a Workable Solution? A Two-Arm Study

Diabetes is expected to increase up to 700 million people worldwide with type 2 diabetes being the most frequent. The use of nutritional interventions is one of the most natural approaches for managing the disease. Minerals are of paramount importance in order to preserve and obtain good health and among them molybdenum is an essential component. There are no studies about the consumption of biofortified food with molybdenum on glucose homeostasis but recent studies in humans suggest that molybdenum could exert hypoglycemic effects. The present study aims to assess if consumption of lettuce biofortified with molybdenum influences glucose homeostasis and whether the effects would be due to c…

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The role of host cuticular hydrocarbons in mediating the host searching behaviour of an egg parasitoid.

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Evoluzione delle caratteristiche qualitative dell’uva da tavola (Vitis vinifera L.) in IV gamma nel post-raccolta

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Thermal degradation of microcrystalline cellulose in concentrated phosphoric acid as assessed by HPLC, high field NMR spectroscopy and low field NMR relaxometry

The most common renewable fuel is ethanol. It is a liquid produced by fermentation of glucose which is very abundant in cellulose based material sources. Plants produce about 180 billion tons of cellulose per year globally. For this reason cellulose is the largest organic carbon reservoir on Earth. Cellulose is composed exclusively of glucose units linked via B-1,4 glycosidic bonds. Each D-(+)-glucose unit contains three hydroxyl groups, which can form complex spatial networks of inter- and intra- molecular hydrogen bonds. They are responsible for the high crystallinity and compactness of cellulose, thereby making it very resistant to biological and chemical attack. In the presence of miner…

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Tridimensional molecular assembly of the major components of extra-virgin olive oils

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Use of SPME extraction to determine adsorption/desorption phenomena in water and soil matrices.

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Effect of biochar on the physical and structural properties of a sandy soil

Abstract Biochar application to soil can be considered as a means to improve soil quality, thereby optimizing irrigation management and reducing irrigation needs, especially in dryland regions. This paper is aimed at investigating the effect of biochar (BC) on a desert sandy soil (Al Foah, United Arab Emirates) in terms of bulk density, porosity, water retention, plant available water (AWmax), aggregate stability (AS) and specific surface area (BET-SSA). BC was produced from forest biomass (Italy). Soil water retention was measured by the High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) and by pressure plate measurements, by using BC fractions equal to 0 (soil only), 0.014, 0.091, 0.23, 0.33 and …

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Adsorption of dissolved organic matter on clay minerals as assessed by infra-red, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and low field T1 NMR relaxometry

Abstract Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a very important environmental constituent due to its role in controlling factors for soil formation, mineral weathering and pollutant transport in the environment. Prediction of DOM physical–chemical properties is achieved by studying its chemical structure and spatial conformation. In the present study, dissolved organic matter extracted from compost obtained from the organic fraction of urban wastes (DOM-P) has been analysed by FT-IR, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and 1H T1 NMR relaxometry with fast field cycling (FFC) setup. While the first two spectroscopic techniques revealed the chemical changes of dissolved organic matter after adsorption eith…

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Agronomic performance and fruit quality in greenhouse grown eggplant are interactively modulated by iodine dosage and grafting

Iodine (I) is considered an indispensable trace element for humans due to its capacity to promise a normal functions of thyroid hormones, preventing cretinism, goiter, reproductive failure, and diverse types of brain injury. Vegetable grafting is a technique for securing yield constancy and/or improving fruit quality. The study evaluated the combined effect of I-dosages and grafting onto Solanum torvum rootstock on 'Birgah' eggplant. Iodine at 100 or 300 mg L-1 enhanced marketable yield by 28.8% and 8.5%, respectively, compared with the control. Plants grafted onto S. torvum and self-grafted plants increased marketable yield by 53.0% and 45.8%, respectively compared with the ungrafted plant…

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Anthropogenic activities alter the natural flow of materials and introduce novel chemicals into the environment thereby causing serious soil and water pollution Indeed, many industries produce aqueous effluents containing toxic substances, especially heavy metals The presence of these contaminants in the environment is a great issue because of their toxicity and bioaccumulation ability which affect human life and the environment Various physicochemical and biological techniques have been used to remove the heavy metals from waste waters, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, chemical coagulation, electrolytic methods, membrane processes, and adsorption Biochar is a carbonaceous ma…

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Nature of water-biochar interface interactions

A poplar biochar obtained by an industrial gasification process was saturated with water and analyzed using fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry in a temperature range between 299 and 353 K. Results revealed that the longitudinal relaxation rate increased with the increment of the temperature. This behavior was consistent with that already observed for paramagnetic inorganic porous media for which two different relaxation mechanisms can be accounted for: outer- and inner-sphere mechanisms. The former is due to water diffusing from the closest approach distance to infinity, whereas the second is due to water interacting by nonconventional H-bonds to the porous surface of the solid materi…

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A System to Control the Atmosphere in the Headspace of the Malaxation Machine to Improve the Fatty Acid Composition of Extra Virgin Olive Oils

In recent years, oxygen content regulation during malaxation has been noted as a process parameter. As concluded by many studies, the presence of oxygen during malaxation has a key role in for improving the quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) in terms of volatile and phenolic components. There are, however, very few studies of the influence of oxygen in the malaxation machine headspace on the fatty acid composition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of oxygen in the malaxation machine headspace on Nocellara del Belice EVOO fatty acids. During of the malaxation process, the atmosphere inside the malaxation machine was modified by blowing…

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Protein hydrolysates and mo-biofortification interactively modulate plant performance and quality of ‘canasta’ lettuce grown in a protected environment

Since the use of protein hydrolysates (PHs) enhances overall plant performance and quality of vegetables, they might be considered as a toll to face a number of concerns essentially associated to the growing request of premium quality foodstuff realized in agreement with eco-friendly agriculture practices. Molybdenum (Mo) is considered a fundamental trace element for human body. Thus, its shortage determines several disorders mainly related to neurological lesion and esophageal cancer. Biofortification of fruiting and leafy vegetables is a promising tool to prevent Mo deficiency in the human diet. The current study was carried out to assess the interactive effect of plant-derived PHs and Mo…

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Feromoni sessuali volatili e di contatto che determinano l'accoppiamento in Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).

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Grafting Eggplant Onto Underutilized Solanum Species and Biostimulatory Action of Azospirillum brasilense Modulate Growth, Yield, NUE and Nutritional and Functional Traits

The grafting of vegetable crops is considered a valuable mean for ensuring the yield and quality under different cultivation conditions. Simultaneously, there are increasing research efforts in exploiting underutilised plants as potential rootstocks for vegetables to increase the sustainability of horticultural systems. In accordance with the European Green Deal, the application of biostimulants is a fashionable and ecological agronomic practice to enhance the production and quality of vegetables. Thus, the current research appraised the synergistic effect of grafting eggplant onto various allied potential rootstocks (Solanum torvum, S. aethiopicum and S. macrocarpon) and of applying a plan…

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Char or biochar is a type of charcoal obtained from gasification/pyrolysis of biomasses. Instead of burning standing biomass from cleared forest, the resource is charred. The result is a highly porous, carbon-rich solid residue, really similar in appearance to the coal produced by natural burning. First considered an industrial waste, in recent years, the interest in this material has grown enormously given its ability to improve physical, chemical, biological and mechanical properties of soils, when used as amendment. However, its effects are highly variable depending onits chemical-physical properties which in turn depend greatly on the starting feedstock. The present study reports about …

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Un campione biossido di titanio sintetizzato in laboratorio è stato ottenuto mediante idrolisi di TiCl4 in acqua deionizzata (rapporto in volume 1:10) a temperatura ambiente. Dopo 12 h di agitazione la soluzione trasparente è stata portata all’ebollizione per 0.5 h per ottenere la sospensione finale. La sospensione è stata quindi seccata alla temperatura di 50°C per ottenere il catalizzatore in polvere. Successivamente, la polvere così ottenuta è stata lavata e centrifugata diverse volte allo scopo di ridurre fino a valori trascurabili la concentrazione di ioni cloruro nell’acqua di lavaggio. Il catalizzatore così ottenuto è stato denominato HP0.5 (Home Prepared bollito per 0.5 h) [1]. Un g…

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Degradazione termica di biomasse lignocellulosiche in acido fosforico

La lignocellulosa è la più abbondante fonte rinnovabile per la produzione di bioetanolo. Sfortunatamente la produzione di biocarburanti liquidi da scarti lignocellulosici presenta molti inconvenienti a causa della compattezza e della complessità di questi materiali, caratteristiche che rendono molto più difficoltosa la loro degradazione enzimatica in zuccheri fermentabili rispetto ad altri biopolimeri come l’amido. Inoltre il costo della produzione di bioetanolo da biomasse lignocellulosiche è ancora molto alto rispetto a quello dei processi industriali che utilizzano come materiale di partenza l’amido. Obiettivo del presente studio è quello di testare su campioni di biomassa lignocellulosi…

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Gender discrimination ability of egg parasitoids towards coevoluted and non-coevoluted hosts

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Regeneration of cellulose by water addition to phosphoric acid/cellulose mixture

In the last years, phosphoric acid has been increasingly considered as a simple and economic solvent for cellulose pretreatment before its degradation to glucose. Cellulose swells in 71–80% phosphoric acid solutions, whereas at higher H3PO4 concentrations dissolution appears to occur. In addition, it is reported that regenerated cellulose is more easily fermentable to bioethanol. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanism for cellulose regeneration following treatment with phosphoric acid at room temperature. CPMAS 13C NMR spectra revealed a downfield shift of the 13C NMR signals from the regenerated cellulose as compared to the crystalline one. CPMAS 31P NMR spectroscopy s…

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Photocatalytic partial oxidation of limonene to 1,2 limonene oxide

The silylation of crystalline TiO2 P25, commonly used for photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, results in an exceptionally selective catalyst for the aerobic limonene epoxidation to 1,2-limonene oxide under solar light irradiation. The hypothesized mechanism involves the singlet oxygen generated through energy transfer from the excited TiO2 to adsorbed O2 molecules. The reaction product is the valued precursor of bio-based poly(limonene carbonate), a thermoplastic polymer of superior thermal and optical properties whose industrial production is in need of an efficient green synthesis of limonene oxide.

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Celery (Apium graveolens L.) performances as subjected to different sources of protein hydrolysates

The vegetable production sector is currently fronting several issues mainly connected to the increasing demand of high quality food produced in accordance with sustainable horticultural technologies. The application of biostimulants, particularly protein hydrolysates (PHs), might be favorable to optimize water and mineral uptake and plant utilization and to increase both production performance and quality feature of vegetable crops. The present study was carried out on celery plants grown in a tunnel to appraise the influence of two PHs, a plant-derived PH (P-PH), obtained from soy extract and an animal PH (A-PH), derived from hydrolyzed animal epithelium (waste from bovine tanneries) on yi…

research product

Thermal degradation of microcrystalline cellulose in concentrated phosphoric acid

The most common renewable fuel is ethanol. It is a liquid produced by fermentation of glucose which is very abundant in cellulose based materials. Bioethanol is achieved in a two-steps process: 1. hydrolysis of the cellulose included in the ligno-cellulosic materials to fermentable reducing sugars; 2. fermentation of such sugars to ethanol. While the second fermentation step, mediated by yeasts or bacteria, is very well established, the first one must be still assessed for process optimization. Many efforts have been made to identify solvents for cellulose in order to develop methods for the achievement of fermentable glucose. In the presence of mineral acid, cellulose undergoes hydrolysis …

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Manuale tecnico applicativo Progetto: “Innova Uva Mazzarone I.U.M.

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Isolation Of Organophosphorus Pesticides Bacteria Degraders From Agricultural Sicilian Soils.

Pesticides are generally categorized according to their great or low persistence in the environment. Although new biological, chemical, and management technologies are continually being developed to provide more sustainable production alternatives, it is expected that the use of pesticides will continue to be an essential tool in the integrated pest management. Pesticides are biologically active compounds designed to interfere with metabolic processes. Organophosphorus pesticides (OP) pesticides are less persistent than Organochlorine pesticides (OC), they are not without environmental risks, so this justifies the social concern about their level in different kind of matrices like soil, wat…

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Effects of afforestation with four unmixed plant species on the soil–water interactions in a semiarid Mediterranean region (Sicily, Italy)

Purpose An assessment of the effect of plant cover on the properties of four afforested soils in central Sicily was performed with the aim of discriminating among them after 60 years of afforestation. Materials and methods Chemical and biochemical soil analyses were coupled to fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxation investigations in order to monitor surface interactions of water in water-saturated soils. Results and discussion The traditional soil analyses revealed that the most stable soil properties such as soil texture and pH are not affected by 60 years of afforestation. Soils developed under eucalyptus trees showed larger amounts of hydrophilic organic matter as compared to the soils …

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Sex pheromone and cuticular hydrocarbons of the painted bag, Bugrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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Utilizzo di Attinobatteri per la degradazione di N-alcani a catena lunga

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Cloning of an alkane hydroxylase system in a long chain n-alkane- degrader Gordonia sp.

Five Gram-positive GC rich n-alkane degraders were isolated from a long-term accidentally contaminated beach in Sicily and identified as one Nocardia, two Rhodococcus and two Gordonia strains (Quatrini et al., 2008 J. Appl. Microbiol. 104:251-9). All the isolates were able to grow on long and very long chain n-alkanes up to C36. Diverging alkane-hydroxylase encoding genes (alkB) were detected by PCR using degenerated primers in all the strains. Multiple sequences were obtained from the Nocardia strain while only one alkB gene was detected in Rhodococcus and Gordonia. The aim of this work is to genetically characterize the alk cluster in one of the two Gordonia strains called SoCg. Pulsed Fi…

research product

Isolation and characterization of Gordonia SoCg n-alkane degradation cluster

Gordonia strain SoCg is a Gram-positive GC rich n-alkane degrader, isolated from a long-term contaminated beach in Sicily for her ability to degrade long (dodecane C12) and very long chain n-alkanes up to hexatriacontane (C36) (P.Quatrini et al., J. Appl. Microbiol., 2007). PCR analysis, using degenerated primers, reveled that it carries one alkane-hydroxylase gene (alkB); PFGE and Southern analysis showed that this gene is localized on the chromosome. In order to isolate the alk cluster of Gordonia strain SoCg, an enriched gene bank was constructed in E.coli DH10B by isolating restriction fragments of the desired size from a preparative gel. One clone, containing a DNA insert of about 7 kb…

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An Innovative Malaxer Equipped with SCADA Platform for Improving Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality

Agriculture 4.0 is gaining more attention, and all companies are thinking about innovating machines to increase income and improve the quality of the final products. In the agro-food sector, there is space for innovation, as it is far behind the industrial sector. This paper reports an industrial-scale study on the application of an innovative system for the extraction of Sicilian EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) to improve both process management and the quality of the product. Based on previous studies, the authors suggested an innovative machine equipped with a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition system) for oxygen and process duration monitoring and control. The objective of th…

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Conformational behaviour of humic substances at different depths along a profile of a Lithosol under loblolly (Pinus taeda) plantation

The conformation of natural organic matter (NOM) plays a key role in many physical and chemical processes including interactions with organic and inorganic pollutants and soil aggregates stability thus directly influencing soil quality. NOM conformation can be studied by solid state NMR spectroscopy with cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CPMAS NMR). In the present study we applied CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy on three humic acid fractions (HA) each extracted from a different horizon in a Lithosol profile under Pinus taeda. Results showed that the most superficial HA was also the most aliphatic in character. Amount of aromatic moieties and hydrophilic HA constituents increased along…

research product

Poplar Biochar as an Alternative Substrate for Curly Endive Cultivated in a Soilless System

Imminent necessity for eco-friendly and low-cost substitutes to peat is a defiance in the soilless plant cultivation systems. Wood biochar could entirely or partly substitute peat as a plant growing constituent to produce vegetables. Nevertheless, knowledge concerning potential plant performance of leafy green vegetables grown on wood biochar is restricted. The present study assessed the main physicochemical traits of various growing media constituted by decreasing the content of peat and by increasing the percentages of poplar wood biochar. Yield, nutritional and functional properties of curly endive plants cultivated in a protected environment were also tested. Biochar was pyrolyzed from …

research product

Role of volatile and contact pheromones in the mating behaviour of Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

Volatiles and contact pheromones involved in the mating behaviour of the Painted bug, Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Het- eroptera: Pentatomidae), were investigated in behavioural and chemical experiments. Vertical open Y-shaped olfactometer bioassays showed that odour from males attract females but not males, while that from females did not attract either gender. Adult females were also attracted by hexane extracts of volatile compounds collected from males. In open arena bioassays, males displayed the characteristic steps of courtship behaviour in the presence of virgin females. Such courtship behaviour was displayed in the presence of females killed by freezing, but not in the presence of f…

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Effect of Selenium Enrichment and Type of Application on Yield, Functional Quality and Mineral Composition of Curly Endive Grown in a Hydroponic System

Selenium (Se) is an essential element for humans&rsquo

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Influence of Surface-Related Phenomena on Mechanism, Selectivity, and Conversion of TiO2 -Induced Photocatalytic Reactions

Heterogeneous photocatalysis is the result of an inextricable connection of several factors differently contributing to the overall process. Photon absorption is the “sine qua non” condition for the reaction to occur. In fact, photons can be considered as immaterial reactants, and all of the phenomena related to the interaction of light–matter play a prominent role. However, other factors contribute in a concerted way to address the reaction, so that the relative contribution of each of them is often difficult to evaluate. In this framework, the present paper highlights some aspects of the interaction of TiO 2 surface-adsorbate species that could be underestimated and their influence on the…

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Low field NMR spectroscopy for quality evaluation of natural organic matter

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Confronto NMR tra diverse forme di cellulosa in materiali cartacei da raccolta differenziata

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Biochar amended soils and water systems: Investigation of physical and structural properties

There are significant regional differences in the perception of the problems posed by global warming, water/food availability and waste treatment recycling procedures. The study illustrates the effect of application of a biochar (BC) from forest biomass waste, at a selected application rate, on water retention, plant available water (PAW), and structural properties of differently standard textured soils, classified as loamy sand, loam and clay. The results showed that soil water retention, PAW, and aggregate stability were significantly improved by BC application in the loamy sand, confirming that application of BC to this soil was certainly beneficial and increased the amount of macropores…

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Supramolecular organization of triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oils as assessed by high and low field NMR spectroscopies

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Quality Changes of Tropical and Subtropical Fresh-Cut Fruits Mix in Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Application of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for shelf life extension of mixed pineapple slices, mango pieces and orange segments, was evaluated. Fruits of Ananas cv ‘Gold’, Mango cv ‘Keitt’ and Orange cv ‘Washington Navel’ were washed, sanitized, peeled and cut. Minimal processed fruits were packed under 2 different atmospheres, passive (air) and active MAP (70% N2, 10 %O2, 20 %CO2), and stored at 10±1 °C with 85±5% RH for 12 days. Changes in package atmosphere composition, weight loss, color, texture, pH, soluble solids, sensory attributes, were evaluated after cutting and at three subsequent stages of storage (the 3 day, 6d, 9d, and the 12 day). Color parameters L* and b* s…

research product

Influence of the pressing system on pomegranate juice physical-chemical properties

Pomegranate juice has many health properties as the fruits contain anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial and antiviral compounds. Its consumption has greatly increased throughout the world in recent years due to the potential of its different components, polyphenols and anthocyanins among all. Many studies have been performed on the pomegranate juice yield demonstrating its influence on the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of the juice. Commercial pomegranate juice production involves pressing fruits procedures. As a consequence, there is a need to investigate the pressing machine types and optimization in order to achieve juice yield and enhance its health properties. The aim of this …

research product

Catalytic and photocatalytic epoxidation of limonene: Using mesoporous silica nanoparticles as functional support for a Janus-like approach

Abstract Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) were used as a platform to design novel active materials for the catalytic and photocatalytic epoxidation of limonene. Binary systems comprised of TiO2 and MSN were used for the catalytic reaction when doped with manganese, and for the photocatalytic reaction when functionalised with hexadecyl chains or imidazolinyl groups. All of the MSN based systems were synthesized by condensation in emulsion. A thorough characterization of the powders has been performed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR, Raman and EPR Spectroscopy, Fluorescence and diffuse reflectance UV–vis (DR…

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HS-SPME and GC-MS as valid tools to assess volatile organic compounds from soil natural organic matter

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Sex pheromone of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Hymenoptera Braconidae)

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Characterization of the volatile components relased from natuaral organic substances

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Iodine Biofortification and Seaweed Extract-Based Biostimulant Supply Interactively Drive the Yield, Quality, and Functional Traits in Strawberry Fruits

The horticultural sector is seeking innovative and sustainable agronomic practices which could lead to enhanced yield and product quality. Currently, plant biofortification is recognized as a valuable technique to improve microelement concentrations in plant tissues. Among trace elements, iodine (I) is an essential microelement for human nutrition. Concomitantly, the application of biostimulants may improve overall plant production and quality traits. With the above background in mind, an experiment was designed with the aim of assessing the interactive impact of a seaweed extract-based biostimulant (SwE) (0 mL L−1 (served as control) or 3 mL L−1 (optimal dosage)) and 0, 100, 30…

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Dissolution mechanism of crystalline cellulose in H3PO4 as assessed by high-field NMR spectroscopy and Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometry

Many processes have been proposed to produce glucose as a substrate for bacterial fermentation to obtain bioethanol. Among others, cellulose degradation appears as the most convenient way to achieve reliable amounts of glucose units. In fact, cellulose is the most widespread biopolymer, and it is considered also as a renewable resource. Due to extended intra- and interchain hydrogen bonds that provide a very efficient packing structure, however, cellulose is also a very stable polymer, the degradation of which is not easily achievable. In the past decade, researchers enhanced cellulose reactivity by increasing its solubility in many solvents, among which concentrated phosphoric acid (H(3)PO…

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Properties of New Strawberry Lines Compared with Well-Known Cultivars in Winter Planting System Conditions

In Southern Italy and Sicily, strawberry cultivation is dominated by international cultivars such as ‘Candonga Sabrosa’, ‘Florida Fortuna’, ‘Sabrina’ and ‘Sant Andreas’. The primary objective of our study was to compare the field performance of two experimental lines and four established cultivars in a Sicilian representative strawberry production area. The second objective was to compare the fruits physic-chemical nutraceutical characteristics of these genotypes in response to different postharvest fruit storage temperatures. A supporting genetic analysis, via SSR markers, was also performed in order to establish genotype correlations. Our study confirmed the high result of ‘Florida Fortun…

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Effect of kinematic viscosity over the dynamic properties of an extra-virgin olive oil

Previous studies 1,2 have shown that kinematic viscosity values of food oils depend on the presence of added solvents and on the nature of the oil under investigation (e.g., geographical origin and treatments prior to oil production). However, to the best of our knowledge, only one paper 3 dealt with the correlation between viscosity values and relaxation times of simple pure alkyl compounds. Up to now, no papers have been found in literature dealing with viscosity of complex mixtures and their relaxometric properties. In this study, we intended to investigate the effect of kinematic viscosity over the dynamic properties of an extra-virgin olive oil which is known as a very complex mixture …

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Reconstruction of the environmental evolution of a Sicilian saltmarsh (Italy)

The present study deals with the reconstruction of the environmental evolution of a Trapani saltmarsh (southwestern Sicily, Italy) by combining different analytical approaches such as metal content evaluation, low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry, and benthic foraminifera identification. A 41 cm core was collected in the sediments of a Trapani saltmarsh (southwestern Sicily, Italy) at a water depth of about 50 cm. Different time intervals were recognized, each characterized by peculiar features that testify different environmental conditions. In particular, the bottom layers of the sediment core (41–28 cm) comprised the lowest amount of mud fraction, only some selected met…

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Solid state NMR spectroscopy in the evaluation of the conformational changes of humic substances as affected by thermal variations

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Involvement of an Alkane Hydroxylase System of Gordonia sp. Strain SoCg in Degradation of Solid n-Alkanes▿

ABSTRACT Enzymes involved in oxidation of long-chain n -alkanes are still not well known, especially those in Gram-positive bacteria. This work describes the alkane degradation system of the n -alkane degrader actinobacterium Gordonia sp. strain SoCg, which is able to grow on n -alkanes from dodecane (C 12 ) to hexatriacontane (C 36 ) as the sole C source. SoCg harbors in its chromosome a single alk locus carrying six open reading frames (ORFs), which shows 78 to 79% identity with the alkane hydroxylase (AH)-encoding systems of other alkane-degrading actinobacteria. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed that the genes encoding AlkB (alkane 1-monooxygenase), RubA3 (rubredoxin), RubA4…

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Valutazione del grado di stagionatura del parmigiano mediante misure di rilassometria NMR a ciclo di campo

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Studio quantomeccanico strutturale e conformazionale di piretrine di origine naturale

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Anthropogenic activities alter the natural flow of materials and introduce novel chemicals into the environment thereby causing serious soil and water pollution. Indeed, many industries produce aqueous effluents containing toxic substances, especially heavymetals. The presence of these contaminants in the environment is a great issue because of their toxicityand bioaccumulation ability which affect human life and the environment. Various physicochemical and biological techniques have been used to remove the heavy metals from waste waters, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, chemical coagulation, electrolytic methods, membrane processes, and adsorption. Biochar is a carbonaceous …

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Adsorbimento di pesticidi organofosforici in suoli con differenti caratteristiche chimico fisiche.

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Biodiversity of organophosphorus-degrading bacteria isolated from agricultural soils

Organophosphorus (OP) insecticides are used all over the world for crop protection. Although OPs are less persistent than organochlorine pesticides, they still constitute an environmental risk thus increasing the social concern about their levels in soils, surface and ground waters. Biodegradation by microorganisms is primarily responsible for elimination of the OP insecticides released to the environment. In the present study the OP degrading potential of agricultural soils with different agronomic history was investigated. Using enrichment cultures, with parathion or dimethoate as the sole C and energy sources, 47 bacterial isolates were obtained from OPs contaminated and pristine agricul…

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Studio quantomeccanico della struttura e delle conformazioni di pesticidi organofosforici


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Uso della microestrazione in fase solida per una prima valutazione della biodiversità di citrus

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The role of cuticular hydrocarbons of Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in the sex recognition behaviour

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Thermal transformation of micro-crystalline cellulose in phosphoric acid

Use of crude oil derivatives such as diesel and gasoline is becoming unsuitable due to their detriment to environment and to the increasing worldwide energy demand which is driving crude oil reservoirs towards exhaustion. Replacement of diesel and gasoline with biofuels (i.e. biodiesel and bioethanol, respectively) is very desirable. In fact, biofuels are not only environmentally sustainable, but also potentially inexhaustible due to the large amounts of waste biomasses from which they can be retrieved. In the present study, a model compound (micro-crystalline cellulose) was dissolved in phosphoric acid and converted at 80 °C to glucose, thereby providing the possible substrate for fermenta…

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Assessing the influence of different biochar fractions on soil structure and soil water retention: laboratory investigation on a Sicilian soil

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Gram positive long chain n-alkane degraders from a hydrocarbon contaminated Sicilian shoreline.

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Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the evaluation of soil organic matter changes following thermal variations

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an ubiquitous, complex material which is produced by the degradation of plant tissues and animal bodies. It is the major indicator of soil quality since it is directly involved in the maintenance of soil fertility, prevention of erosion and desert encroachment and provision of suitable environment for biological activity. Organic matter is an important driving force in environmental global change as it acts as both a source and sink of atmospheric carbon. However, SOM is subjected to rapid changes due to environmental transformations such as massive deforestations, fires, intensive land uses, temperature increases and so on. In the present work, a characterizati…

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Seaweed Extract Improves Lagenaria siceraria Young Shoot Production, Mineral Profile and Functional Quality

Vegetable landraces represent the main source of biodiversity in Sicily. Lagenaria siceraria is appreciated by Southern Mediterranean consumers for its immature fruits and young shoots. Plant-based biostimulants supply, such as seaweed extract (SwE), is a contemporary and green agricultural practice applied to ameliorate the yield and quality of vegetables. However, there are no studies concerning the effects of SwE on L. siceraria. The current study evaluated the effects of SwE foliar application (0 or 3 mL L−1) on five L. siceraria landraces (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) grown in greenhouses. Growth traits, first female flower emission, fruit yield, young shoot yield, fruit firmness, young shoo…

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Caratterizzazione della componente volatile rilasciata da sostanza organica naturale di suoli vulcanici

Il suolo è una matrice caratterizzata da notevole complessità chimico-fisica. Tra le varie componenti, la sostanza organica naturale (NOM) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nelle interazioni con contaminanti di natura organica ed inorganica. La NOM è attualmente considerata una associazione supramolecolare di sistemi organici con un peso molecolare non superiore a 1000-2000 Da. La sua caratterizzazione è tradizionalmente effettuata mediante l’ausilio di tecniche cromatografiche e spettroscopiche. La verifica dell’allontanamento di molecole a basso peso molecolare all’aumento della temperatura, nell’intervallo 40-100 °C, è stata condotta con tecniche di microestrazione in fase solida in spazio di …

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The Egg Parasitoid Trissolcus basalis uses n-nonadecane, a Cuticular Hydrocarbon from its Stink Bug Host Nezara viridula, to Discriminate Between Female and Male Hosts

Contact kairomones from adult southern green stink bugs, Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) that elicit foraging behavior of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) were investigated in laboratory experiments. Chemical residues from tarsi and scutella of N. viridula induced foraging by gravid female T. basalis. Residues from body parts of female N. viridula elicited stronger responses than those from the corresponding body parts of males. Deproteinized tarsi still elicited searching responses from wasps, indicating that the kairomone was not proteinaceous. Hexane extracts of host cuticular lipids induced searching responses from T. basalis, with a strong preference f…

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Biochar is a carbonaceous material obtained by pyrolysis of biomass feedstocks. It is applied to soils in order to improve fertility and mitigate greenhouse-gases emissions. In fact, from the one hand, biochar changes physical-chemical soil properties, thereby affecting soil fertility. From the other hand, biochar is resistant to chemical and biochemical degradation. For this reason, its use allows carbon sequestration in soils and consequent reduction of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Here, dynamics of water at the liquid-solid interface of water saturated biochars is discussed. Results revealed that water dynamics is affected by the nature of biochar parent biomasses. Moreover, biochar…

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Biodegradation of organophosphorus pesticides by soil bacteria.

A number of studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed that crop-protection products, applied to drained fields, could move downwards through the soil profile and to the groundwater. Organophosphorus insecticides (OPs) are used all over the world for crop protection, for other agricultural practices such as sheep dipping and, in aquaculture, for the control of sea lice. Ops besides showing a specific neurotoxicity and have also been related to various modern diseases, including Creutzfeldt–Jakob (CJD) and the Gulf War syndrome. Although OPs are less persistent than Organoclorine pesticides (OCs), they still constitute an environmental risks thus increasing the social concern about their levels i…

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Dynamics of pistachio oils by proton nuclear magnetic resonance relaxtion dispersion

A number of pistachio oils were selected in order to test the efficacy of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation dispersion (NMRD) technique in the evaluation of differences among oils (1) obtained from seeds subjected to different thermal desiccation processes, (2) retrieved from seeds belonging to the same cultivar grown in different geographical areas and (3) produced by using seed cultivars sampled in the same geographical region. NMRD measures relaxation rate values which are related to the dynamics of the chemical components of complex food systems. Results not only allowed to relate kinematic viscosity to relaxometry parameters but also were successful in the differentiation among the…

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Biodegradation of oganophosphorus pesticides by soil bacteria

A number of studies in the 1980s and 1990s showed that crop-protection products, applied to drained fields, could move downwards through the soil profile and to the groundwater. Organophosphorus insecticides (OPs) are used all over the world for crop protection, for other agricultural practices such as sheep dipping and, in aquaculture, for the control of sea lice. Ops besides showing a specific neurotoxicity and have also been related to various modern diseases, including Creutzfeldt–Jakob (CJD) and the Gulf War syndrome. Although OPs are less persistent than Organoclorine pesticides (OCs), they still constitute an environmental risks thus increasing the social concern about their levels i…

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Fast field Cycling NMR for quality characterization of typical sicilian honeys.

Proton NMR relaxometry with fast field cycling (FFC-NMR) setup is developing as a very promising tool for the characterization of agro-food matrices. In fact, some papers have been published reporting on differences among balsamic vinegars, porous properties of oil-water emulsions and quality of meat-products. In the present study, quality of some typical Sicilian honey samples has been evaluated by traditional wet-chemical analyses and FFC-NMR. Nine wet-chemical parameters have been measured such as water content, pH, acidity (free, lactonic and total acidity), fructose, glucose, saccharose, electrical conductivity, diastase activity and colour. Results showed that 84% of the samples were …

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