Autonomous 3D geometry reconstruction through robot-manipulated optical sensors
Abstract Many industrial sectors face increasing production demands and need to reduce costs, without compromising the quality. Whereas mass production relies on well-established protocols, small production facilities with small lot sizes struggle to update their highly changeable production at reasonable costs. The use of robotics and automation has grown significantly in recent years, but extremely versatile robotic manipulators are still not commonly used in small factories. Beside of the investments required to enable efficient and profitable use of robot technology, the efforts needed to program robots are only economically viable in case of large lot sizes. Generating robot programs f…
A novel clustering-based algorithm for solving spatially-constrained robotic task sequencing problems
The robotic task sequencing problem (RTSP) appears in various forms across many industrial applications and consists of developing an optimal sequence of motions to visit a set of target points defined in a task space. Developing solutions to problems involving complex spatial constraints remains challenging due to the existence of multiple inverse kinematic solutions and the requirements for collision avoidance. So far existing studies have been limited to relaxed RTSPs involving a small number of target points and relatively uncluttered environments. When extending existing methods to problems involving greater spatial constraints and large sets of target points, they either require subst…
Ultrasonic phased array inspection of wire plus arc additive manufacture samples using conventional and total focusing method imaging approaches
In this study, three aluminium samples produced by wire + arc additive manufacture (WAAM) are inspected using ultrasonic phased array technology. Artificial defects are machined using a centre drill, ø 3 mm, and electrical discharge machining (EDM), ø 0.5-1 mm, in a cylindrical through-hole topology. The samples are first inspected using a single-element wheel probe mounted on a KUKA robot in order to investigate the feasibility of using a conventional ultrasonic transducer approach. Unfortunately, the wheel probe is found to be unsuitable for scanning the WAAM specimens and ultrasonic phased arrays are employed next. The set-up includes 5 MHz and 10 MHz arrays (128 elements) in direct cont…
Evaluation of Coded Excitations for Autonomous Airborne Ultrasonic Inspection
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are receiving increasing attention for use in Non-Destructive Testing due to their ability to access areas where manual inspection is not practical. Contact-based UAV ultrasonic inspections grant the opportunity to remotely monitor the structural health of an industrial asset with enhanced internal integrity information. Ultrasonic inspection is a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method conventionally used in corrosion mapping. Surface contacting ultrasonic transducers provide enhanced structural integrity information. However, due to near-surface aerodynamic effects, angular sensitivity of the ultrasound probe and alignment error during autonomous inspections, …
Autonomous ultrasonic inspection using Bayesian optimisation and robust outlier analysis
The use of robotics is beginning to play a key role in automating the data collection process in Non Destructive Testing (NDT). Increasing the use of automation quickly leads to the gathering of large quantities of data, which makes it inefficient, perhaps even infeasible, for a human to parse the information contained in them. This paper presents a solution to this problem by making the process of NDT data acquisition an autonomous one as opposed to an automatic one. In order to achieve this, the robotic data acquisition task is treated as an optimisation problem, where one seeks to find locations with the highest indication of damage. The resulting algorithm combines damage detection tech…
Continuous monitoring of an intentionally-manufactured crack using an automated welding and in-process inspection system
Abstract Automated weld deposition coupled with the real-time robotic Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) is used in this paper. For performance verification of the in-process inspection system, an intentionally embedded defect, a tungsten rod, is introduced into the multi-pass weld. A partially-filled groove (staircase) sample is also manufactured and ultrasonically tested to calibrate the real-time inspection implemented on all seven layers of the weld which are deposited progressively. The tungsten rod is successfully detected in the real-time NDE of the deposited position. The same robotic inspection system was then used to continuously monitor an intentionally-manufactured crack for 20 h.…
Autonomous robotic sensing for simultaneous geometric and volumetric inspection of free-form parts
Robotic sensing is used in many sectors to improve the inspection of large and/or complex parts, enhancing data acquisition speed, part coverage and inspection reliability. Several automated or semi-automated solutions have been proposed to enable the automated deployment of specific types of sensors. The trajectory to be followed by a robotic manipulator is typically obtained through the offline programmed tool paths for the inspection of a part. This method is acceptable for a part with known geometry in a well-structured and controlled environment. The part undergoing assessment needs to be precisely registered with respect to the robot reference system. It implies the need for a setup p…
Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing of complex shaped surfaces
The requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides significant motivation for the use of 6 axis robots for deployment of NDT probes in these inspections. A new system for robot deployed ultrasonic inspection of composite aerospace components is presented. The key novelty of the approach is through the accommodation of flexible robotic trajectory planning, coordinated with the NDT data acquisition. Using a flexible approach in MATLAB, the authors have developed a high level custom toolbox that utilizes external control of an industrial …
Making Industrial Robots Smarter with Adaptive Reasoning and Autonomous Thinking for Real-Time Tasks in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study
In order to extend the abilities of current robots in industrial applications towards more autonomous and flexible manufacturing, this work presents an integrated system comprising real-time sensing, path-planning and control of industrial robots to provide them with adaptive reasoning, autonomous thinking and environment interaction under dynamic and challenging conditions. The developed system consists of an intelligent motion planner for a 6 degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulator, which performs pick-and-place tasks according to an optimized path computed in real-time while avoiding a moving obstacle in the workspace. This moving obstacle is tracked by a sensing strategy based on ma-chin…
Robotic non-destructive inspection
Automation of non-destructive testing (NDT) of engineering components and structures represents one of the strategic objectives of many industries. It enables increases in accuracy, precision and speed of inspection while reducing production time and associated labour costs in contrast to manual inspection. The use of robots can provide additional flexibility and autonomy to automated NDT. Automated robotic inspection can be beneficial in diverse industrial scenarios ranging from integration of NDT into the manufacturing process of components with very complex geometry, such as gears, to periodical in-service overhaul of large structures (for instance, in petrochemical and aerospace industr…
A cooperative mobile robot and manipulator system (Co-MRMS) for transport and lay-up of fibre plies in modern composite material manufacture
AbstractComposite materials are widely used in industry due to their light weight and specific performance. Currently, composite manufacturing mainly relies on manual labour and individual skills, especially in transport and lay-up processes, which are time consuming and prone to errors. As part of a preliminary investigation into the feasibility of deploying autonomous robotics for composite manufacturing, this paper presents a case study that investigates a cooperative mobile robot and manipulator system (Co-MRMS) for material transport and composite lay-up, which mainly comprises a mobile robot, a fixed-base manipulator and a machine vision sub-system. In the proposed system, marker-base…
A new probe concept for internal pipework inspection
The interior visual inspection of nuclear pipework is a critical inspection activity required to ensure the continued safe, reliable operation of plant and thus avoid costly outages. Typically, the video output from a manually deployed probe is viewed by an operator online with the task of identifying and estimating the location of surface defects such as cracks, corrosion and pitting. However, it is very difficult to estimate the nature and spatial extent of defects from the often disorientating small field of view video of a relatively large structure. This work describes a new visual inspection system incorporating a wide field of view machine vision camera and additional sensors designe…
Solving ultrasonic ray tracing in parts with multiple material layers through Root-Finding methods
Ultrasonic testing has been used for material analysis and inspection since 1930's. Nevertheless, the applicability of ultrasonic waves to new complex cases is still growing, thanks to the availability of powerful electronics and software. However, the complication that slows down the deployment of ultrasonic inspection to geometric complex parts and structures arises from the wave refraction phenomenon. A clear understanding of the ultrasound wave propagation, impacted by refractions, is crucial to interpret the data obtained from the inspection of multi-layered/multi-medium test subjects as it is not always possible to assume that mechanical waves travel in straight lines. This work prese…
Multi-aperture beamforming for automated large structure inspection using ultrasonic phased arrays
Increasing the inspection quality and speed is essential in manufacturing applications, especially for large structures (e.g. modern aircrafts). Traditional ultrasonic manual scanning can be comprehensive, but lacks repeatability and is time-consuming. Several robotic non-destructive testing systems have been developed in recent years. Although high inspection rates have been achieved by the use of robotic arms, there is the need to furtherly increase the inspection speeds, to cope with the current industrial demands. For systems delivering robotic ultrasonic inspection through phased array probes, the current bottleneck is given by the time required to electrically fire all elements of the…
Determination of Bubble Size Distribution Using Ultrasound Array Imaging
In this article, ultrasonic phased arrays are deployed as an imaging tool for industrial process analysis. Such arrays are typically used for sonar, medical diagnosis, and nondestructive testing; however, they have not yet been applied to industrial process analysis. The precise positioning of array elements and high frequencies possible with this technology mean that highly focused images can be generated, which cannot currently be achieved using ultrasound tomography. This article aims to highlight the potential of this technology for the measurement of bubble size distribution (BSD) and to demonstrate its application to both intrusive and noninvasive process measurements. Ultrasound imag…
Influence of laser beam profile on the generation of ultrasonic waves
The different ultrasonic fields generated in metallic materials by a laser beam with flat and Gaussian profile are investigated experimentally and using the finite element method (FEM). A high power laser beam irradiating a solid surface produces elastic waves with a mechanics that depends on many parameters, including the profile of the laser beam. The influence of the beam profile is investigated with the FEM analysis, considering the temperature dependence of material properties.
Assessing the accuracy of industrial robots through metrology for the enhancement of automated non-destructive testing
This work presents the study of the accuracy of an industrial robot KR5 arc HW, used to perform quality inspections of components with complex shapes. Metrology techniques such as laser tracking and large volume photogrammetry were deployed to quantify both pose and dynamic path accuracies of the robot in accordance with ISO 9283:1998. The overall positioning pose inaccuracy of the robot is found to be almost 1 mm and path inaccuracy at 100% of the robot rated velocity is 4.5 mm. The maximum pose orientation inaccuracy is found to be 14 degrees and the maximum path orientation inaccuracy is 5 degrees. Despite of the significant maximum inaccuracies, uncertainty of a robotic scanning applica…
Low cost three-dimensional virtual model construction for remanufacturing industry
Remanufactured products can save up to 80% of production and energy costs whilst generating lower CO2 emissions. The key success factors for remanufacturing are quality, lead-time and cost. Extensive work within the industry and the detailed analysis of the remanufacturing process has shown that component inspection has significant bearing on overall productivity. Remanufacturing lacks automation because activities are predominantly manual. Automation of remanufacturing process will not only decrease the number of non-remanufacturable components, through decreasing cost and increasing consistency in quality, but also attract industries to design for remanufacture. A digital model of the com…
Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing – A custom MATLAB toolbox approach
AbstractThe requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides motivation for the use of 6 axis robots in these inspections. The purpose of this paper is to present work undertaken for the development of a KUKA robot manipulator based automated NDT system. A new software solution is presented that enables flexible trajectory planning to be accomplished for the inspection of complex curved surfaces often encountered in engineering production. The techniques and issues associated with conventional manual inspection techniques and automated s…
Flexible integration of robotics, ultrasonics and metrology for the inspection of aerospace components
The performance of modern robotic manipulators has allowed research in recent years, for the development of fast automated non-destructive testing (NDT) of complex geometries. Contemporary robots are well suited for their accuracy and flexibility when adapting to new tasks. Several robotic inspection prototype systems and a number of commercial products have been created around the world. This paper describes the latest progress of a new phase of the research applied to a composite aerospace component of size 1 by 3 metres. A multi robot flexible inspection cell was used to take the fundamental research and the feasibility studies to higher technology readiness levels, all set for future in…
Correction of B-scan distortion for optimum ultrasonic imaging of backwalls with complex geometries
Ultrasound undergoes refraction and reflection at interfaces between media of different acoustic refractive indices. The most common ultrasonic method (pulse-echo) monitors the reflected energy to infer the presence of flaws, whereas the lower amplitude of refracted signals is ignored. When the reflector is orientated normally with respect to the ultrasonic beam, the received echo signal shows the maximum amplitude. The pulse-echo method also relies on monitoring the amplitude of the backwall echo to identify or confirm the presence of defects. This works well for parts with constant thickness and with planar backwalls. Unfortunately, parts with complex backwalls are common to many industri…
PAUT inspection of complex-shaped composite materials through six DOFs robotic manipulators
The requirement to increase inspection speeds for the non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides significant motivation for the use of six-axis robots for the deployment of NDT probes in these inspections. The IntACom project, developed by TWI Technology Centre (Wales) and supported by a number of major aerospace partners and the Welsh government, has produced a prototype robotic NDT system. The prototype system is capable of inspecting complex-geometry composite components with great time savings. Two six-axis robotic arms deploy end effectors carrying phased array ultrasonic…
Il fenomeno della propagazione delle onde di superficie lungo confini rettilinei (superfici piane) è stato studiato adeguatamente. Tuttavia le indagini riguardanti la loro propagazione in superfici cilindriche sono limitate e risultano insufficienti ai fini di un loro utilizzo nelle tecniche d’ispezione non distruttive (NDE), nonostante possano essere di grande interesse per svariate applicazioni. E’ stato dimostrato sperimentalmente che l’onda superficiale subisce un cambiamento di fase durante la sua propagazione lungo una superficie cilindrica. Un approccio numerico è stato sviluppato per studiare questi effetti per diversi materiali, curvature e frequenze. I risultati numerici e sperime…
High-temperature in-process inspection followed by 96-h robotic inspection of intentionally manufactured hydrogen crack in multi-pass robotic welding
Abstract This investigation introduces two new techniques to quantitatively address the challenging problem of understanding Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) in welding processes. The first technique is a novel procedure to create a known and controlled HIC in a welded sample. The second is an in-process monitoring technique to measure the initial formation and subsequent growth of the HIC in a multi-pass weld whilst being compatible with the high temperatures associated with the welding process. The HIC was initiated using a localised quenching method of the weld and its character was verified using both macrograph and microscopic investigations. During HIC initiation and growth, the sample…
Introducing a new method for efficient visualization of complex shape 3D ultrasonic phased-array C-scans
Automated robotic inspection systems allow the collection of large data volumes, compared to existing inspection systems. To maximize the throughput associated with the non-destructive evaluation phase, it is crucial that the reconstructed inspection data sets are generated and examined rapidly without a loss of detail. Data analysis often becomes the bottleneck of automated inspections. Therefore, new data visualization tools, suitable to screen the NDT information obtained through robotic systems, are urgently required. This paper presents a new approach, for the generation of three-dimensional ultrasonic C-scans of large and complex parts, suitable for application to high data throughput…
Using coded excitation to maintain signal to noise for FMC+TFM on attenuating materials
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation using Full Matrix Capture (FMC) and Total Focusing Method (TFM) is used for high resolution imaging as every pixel is in optimal focus. FMC excites one element in turn, so operates with lower transmitted energy compared to phased array beamforming. The energy at a reflector is further reduced by the broad directivity pattern of the single element. The large number of Tx/Rx A-scans that contribute to each pixel recover the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the final TFM image. Maintaining this in the presence of attenuating materials is a challenge because relevant information in each A-scan signal is buried in the thermal noise, and the TFM process assumes…
Model-assisted ultrasonic calibration using intentionally embedded defects for in-process weld inspection
Abstract Automated in-process Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) systems are rapidly gaining traction within the manufacturing industry as they reduce manufacturing time and costs. When considering calibration and verification of such systems, creating defects of known geometry and nature during the deposition of a weld can: (I) help examine the capability of the automated system to detect and characterise defects, (II) be used to form a database of signals associated with different defect types to train intelligent defect classification algorithms, and (III) act as a basis for in-process gain calibration during weld inspection at high temperatures, where the ultrasound beam can be skewed as a r…
Fine Alignment of Thermographic Images for Robotic Inspection of Parts with Complex Geometries
Increasing the efficiency of the quality control phase in industrial production lines through automation is a rapidly growing trend. In non-destructive testing, active thermography techniques are known for their suitability to allow rapid non-contact and full-field inspections. The robotic manipulation of the thermographic instrumentation enables the possibility of performing inspections of large components with complex geometries by collecting multiple thermographic images from optimal positions. The robotisation of the thermographic inspection is highly desirable to improve assessment speed and repeatability without compromising inspection accuracy. Although integrating a robotic setup fo…
Comprehensive simulation of cooperative robotic system for advanced composite manufacturing : a case study
Composite materials are widely used because of their light weight and high strength properties. They are typically made up of multi-directional layers of high strength fibres, connected by a resin. The manufacturing of composite parts is complex, time-consuming and prone to errors. This work investigates the use of robotics in the field of composite material manufacturing, which has not been well investigated to date (particularly in simulation). Effective autonomous material transportation, accurate localization and limited material deformation during robotic grasping are required for optimum placement and lay-up. In this paper, a simulation of a proposed cooperative robotic system, which …
Computer-aided tool path generation for robotic Non-Destructive Inspection
Compared to manual Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for inspection of engineering components, automated robotic deployment of the same NDT techniques offers an increase in accuracy, precision and speed of inspection while reducing production time and associated labour costs. Traditionally, the robot tool path is either taught or programmed manually. Automation of NDT tool path generation, as presented in this paper, offers further significant time reduction, and an increase in the flexibility of inspection planning compared to manual robot teaching and programming. Moreover, such a solution helps to maintain a controlled probe orientation with respect to the scanned surface, and thus which can…
Robotic geometric and volumetric inspection of high value and large scale aircraft wings
Increased demands in performance and production rates require a radical new approach to the design and manufacturing of aircraft wings. Performance of modern robotic manipulators has enabled research and development of fast automated non-destructive testing (NDT) systems for complex geometries. This paper presents recent outcomes of work aimed at removing the bottleneck due to data acquisition rates, to fully exploit the scanning speed of modern 6-DoF manipulators. The geometric assessment of the parts is carried out with a robotised dynamic laser scanner encoded through an absolute laser tracker. This method allows scanning speeds up to 330mm/s at 1mm pitch. State of the art ultrasonic ins…
Robotic path planning for non-destructive testing through RoboNDT
The requirement to increase inspection speeds for non-destructive testing (NDT) is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in modern products provides motivation for the use of 6 axis robots in these inspections. The techniques and issues associated with conventional manual inspection techniques and automated systems for the inspection of large complex surfaces were reviewed. This paper presents a new MATLAB based software solution (RoboNDT), aiming to fulfil the requirements of robotized NDT inspection. RoboNDT enables flexible trajectory path planning to be accomplished for the inspection of complex curved surfaces. This newly developed software is capable …
Introducing a novel mesh following technique for approximation-free robotic tool path trajectories
Abstract Modern tools for designing and manufacturing of large components with complex geometries allow more flexible production with reduced cycle times. This is achieved through a combination of traditional subtractive approaches and new additive manufacturing processes. The problem of generating optimum tool-paths to perform specific actions (e.g. part manufacturing or inspection) on curved surface samples, through numerical control machinery or robotic manipulators, will be increasingly encountered. Part variability often precludes using original design CAD data directly for toolpath generation (especially for composite materials), instead surface mapping software is often used to gener…
In-process calibration of a non-destructive testing system used for in-process inspection of multi-pass welding
Abstract In multi-pass welding, there is increasing motivation to move towards in-process defect detection to enable real-time repair; thus avoiding deposition of more layers over a defective weld pass. All defect detection techniques require a consistent and repeatable approach to calibration to ensure that measured defect sizing is accurate. Conventional approaches to calibration employ fixed test blocks with known defect sizes, however, this methodology can lead to incorrect sizing when considering complex geometries, materials with challenging microstructure, and the significant thermal gradients present in materials during the inter-pass inspection period. To circumvent these challenge…
Adapting robot paths for automated NDT of complex structures using ultrasonic alignment
Automated inspection systems using industrial robots have been available for several years. The IntACom robot inspection system was developed at TWI Wales and utilizes phased array ultrasonic probes to inspect complex geometries, in particular aerospace composite components. To increase inspection speed and accuracy, off-line path planning is employed to define a series of robotic movements following the surface of a component. To minimize influences of refraction at the component interface and effects of anisotropy, the ultrasonic probe must be kept perpendicular to the surface throughout the inspection. Deviations between the actual component and computer model used for path-planning resu…
Surface waves on cylindrical solids: numerical and experimental study.
The use of Rayleigh waves enables the solution of several important inspection problems. Propagation of surface waves along straight boundaries has been properly studied but investigations about their propagation on cylindrical surfaces are not sufficient, despite they can be still of interest for NDE applications. It has been proved experimentally that a surface wave pulse suffers a phase shift during its propagation along a cylindrical surface. A numerical approach has been developed to efficiently study these effects for different materials, curvatures and frequencies. This study can help the scientific community to better understand the phenomenon, quite complex and not yet fully explor…
MED parallel system powered by concentrating solar power (CSP): model and case study: Trapani, Sicily
Abstract: This work presents an overlook on a new model that simulates the physical operation in steady state of a multi-effect distillation (MED) plant with parallel-feed (P) configuration. This model includes the consumption of steam with steam ejectors, and its validation was done using data from a real MED industrial plant using a thermal vapor compressor (TVC) operating in Italy, in the Sicilian city of Trapani. Results show that the MED model returns accurate predictions of the plant behavior, very useful for a first analysis on such type of investments. This MED model was also integrated into the system advisor model developed by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Simulatio…
Generalised bisection method for optimum ultrasonic ray tracing and focusing in multi-layered structures
Ultrasonic testing has been used for many decades, proving itself very efficient for detecting defects in many industrial sectors. The desire to apply ultrasonic testing to geometrically complex structures, and to anisotropic, inhomogeneous materials, together with the advent of more powerful electronics and software, is constantly pushing the applicability of ultrasonic waves to their limits. General ray tracing models, suitable for calculating the proper incident angle of single element probes and the proper time delay of phased array, are currently required. They can support the development of new imaging techniques, as Full Matrix Capture and Total Focusing Method, and the execution of …
A novel visual pipework inspection system
The interior visual inspection of pipelines in the nuclear industry is a safety critical activity conducted during outages to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of plant. Typically, the video output by a manually deployed probe is viewed by an operator looking to identify and localize surface defects such as corrosion, erosion and pitting. However, it is very challenging to estimate the nature and extent of defects by viewing a large structure through a relatively small field of view. This work describes a new visual inspection system employing photogrammetry using a fisheye camera and a structured light system to map the internal geometry of pipelines by generating a photorea…
Conformable eddy current array delivery
The external surface of stainless steel containers used for the interim storage of nuclear material may be subject to Atmospherically Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking (AISCC). The inspection of such containers poses a significant challenge due to the large quantities involved; therefore, automating the inspection process is of considerable interest. This paper reports upon a proof-of-concept project concerning the automated NDT of a set of test containers containing artificially generated AISCCs. An Eddy current array probe with a conformable padded surface from Eddyfi was used as the NDT sensor and end effector on a KUKA KR5 arc HW robot. A kinematically valid cylindrical raster scan path…
A probabilistic compressive sensing framework with applications to ultrasound signal processing
Abstract The field of Compressive Sensing (CS) has provided algorithms to reconstruct signals from a much lower number of measurements than specified by the Nyquist-Shannon theorem. There are two fundamental concepts underpinning the field of CS. The first is the use of random transformations to project high-dimensional measurements onto a much lower-dimensional domain. The second is the use of sparse regression to reconstruct the original signal. This assumes that a sparse representation exists for this signal in some known domain, manifested by a dictionary. The original formulation for CS specifies the use of an l 1 penalised regression method, the Lasso. Whilst this has worked well in l…
A flexible robotic cell for in-process inspection of multi-pass welds
Welds are currently only inspected after all the passes are complete and after allowing sufficient time for any hydrogen cracking to develop, typically over several days. Any defects introduced between passes are therefore unreported until fully buried, greatly complicating rework and also delaying early corrections to the weld process parameters. In-process inspection can provide early intervention but involves many challenges, including operation at high temperatures with significant gradients affecting acoustic velocities and, hence, beam directions. Reflections from the incomplete parts of the weld would also be flagged as lack-of-fusion defects, requiring the region of interest (ROI) t…
Vision guided robotic inspection for parts in manufacturing and remanufacturing industry
AbstractEnvironmental and commercial drivers are leading to a circular economy, where systems and components are routinely recycled or remanufactured. Unlike traditional manufacturing, where components typically have a high degree of tolerance, components in the remanufacturing process may have seen decades of wear, resulting in a wider variation of geometries. This makes it difficult to translate existing automation techniques to perform Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for such components autonomously. The challenge of performing automated inspections, with off-line tool-paths developed from Computer Aided Design (CAD) models, typically arises from the fact that those paths do not have the r…
Intentional weld defect process: From manufacturing by robotic welding machine to inspection using TFM phased array
Specimens with intentionally embedded weld defects or flaws can be employed for training, development and research into procedures for mechanical property evaluation and structural integrity assessment. It is critical that the artificial defects are a realistic representation of the flaws produced by welding. Cylindrical holes, which are usually machined after welding, are not realistic enough for our purposes as it is known that they are easier to detect than the naturally occurring imperfections and cracks. Furthermore, it is usually impractical to machine a defect in a location similar to where the real weld defects are found. For example, electro-discharge machining can prod…
Error analysis and calibration for a novel pipe profiling tool
Integrity of industrial pipework is ensured through routine inspection. Internal visual inspection tools are capable of characterising degradation in the form of corrosion, pitting, erosion and cracking. The accuracy of such inspection systems has a direct impact on decisions regarding the remaining lifetime of the asset. By minimising error margins, the asset may be operated with confidence for longer, with less uncertainty. This paper considers a probe system consisting of a laser profiler and camera that produces a textured 3D model of the internals of 2 – 6 inch pipework. The accuracy of the system is defined by the ability to extract laser projections from an image as it travels down t…
Compressive sensing for direct time of flight estimation in ultrasound-based NDT
This paper presents an approach for estimation of ultrasonic time-of-flight (TOF) within a Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) context. The presented method leverages recent advances in the field of Compressive Sensing (CS), which makes use of sparsity in a transform domain of a signal in order to reduce the number of samples required to store it. CS achieves this through a two key ideas: random matrix projections, and l1-penalised linear regression. In this case, sparsity arises from the observation that in a pulse-echo ultrasound test, the number of echoes is relatively small compared to the number of measurement points in a waveform. This sparsity is evid…
Fast ultrasonic phased array inspection of complex geometries delivered through robotic manipulators and high speed data acquisition instrumentation
Performance of modern robotic manipulators has enabled research and development of fast automated non-destructive testing (NDT) systems for complex geometries. This paper presents recent outcomes of work aimed at removing the bottleneck due to data acquisition rates, to fully exploit the scanning speed of modern 6-DoF manipulators. State of the art ultrasonic instrumentation has been integrated into a large robot cell to enable fast data acquisition, high scan resolutions and accurate positional encoding. A fibre optic connection between the ultrasonic instrument and the server computer enables data transfer rates up to 1.6GB/s. Multiple data collection methods are compared. Performance of …
Ultrasonic phased array inspection of a Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured (WAAM) sample with intentionally embedded defects
In this study, Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) was employed to manufacture a steel specimen with intentionally embedded defects which were subsequently used for calibration of an ultrasonic phased array system and defect sizing. An ABB robot was combined with the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) Gas Metal Arc (GMA) process to deposit 20 layers of mild steel. Tungsten-carbide balls (ø1-3 mm) were intentionally embedded inside the additive structure after the 4th, 8th, 12th and 18th layers to serve as ultrasonic reflectors, simulating defects within the WAAM sample. An ultrasonic phased array system, consisting of a 5 MHz 64 Element phased array transducer, was used to inspect the WAAM sample…
Enhancing the sound absorption of small-scale 3D printed acoustic metamaterials based on Helmholtz resonators
Acoustic metamaterials have recently become of interest for their ability to attenuate sound by breaking the mass-density law. In this paper, acoustic metamaterials based on Helmholtz resonators and capable of attenuating sound up to 30 dB are fabricated for sound absorption applications in the small scale. The proposed metamaterials are subwavelength at a factor of $\lambda /12$ with respect to the lateral dimension of the units. The directional response due to the position of the acoustic source on the sound attenuation provided by the metamaterial is investigated by controlling the location of a loudspeaker with a robot arm. To enhance and broaden the absorption bands, structural modific…
Ultrasonic phased array inspection of wire plus arc additive manufacture (WAAM) samples using conventional and total focusing method (TFM) imaging approaches
In this study, three aluminium samples produced by wire + arc additive manufacture (WAAM) are inspected using ultrasonic phased array technology. Artificial defects are machined using a centre drill, ø3 mm, and electro-discharge machining (EDM), ø0.5-1 mm, in a cylindrical through hole topology. The sample was first inspected by a single element wheel probe mounted on a KUKA robot in order to investigate the feasibility of using a conventional ultrasonic transducer approach. Unfortunately, the wheel probe was found to be unsuitable for scanning of the WAAM specimens and ultrasonic phased arrays were employed next. The setup included 5 MHz and 10 MHz arrays (128 elements) in direct contact w…
Studio numerico e sperimentale sulla generazione degli ultrasuoni tramite sorgente laser puntiforme
An experimental and numerical study on the ultrasonic fields generated in metals by a point laser source has been done. Energy and profile of the beam, pulse duration, extent and shape of the irradiated area affect amplitude, frequency and directionality of the ultrasonic waves. The study has been developed for the thermoelastic regime, where the laser radiation with low energy density limits the amplitude of ultrasounds and therefore the sensitivity in detecting the defects in extended bodies. By controlling some parameters the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. The experimental study has been conducted by varying the impact area, the distribution of the beam energy in the impact area…
PAUT inspection of complex shaped composite materials through 6 DOFs robotic manipulators
The requirement to increase inspection speeds for the non-destructive testing (NDT) of composite aerospace parts is common to many manufacturers. The prevalence of complex curved surfaces in the industry provides significant motivation for the use of six-axis robots for the deployment of NDT probes in these inspections. The IntACom project, developed by TWI Technology Centre (Wales) and supported by a number of major aerospace partners and the Welsh government, has produced a prototype robotic NDT system. The prototype system is capable of inspecting complex-geometry composite components with great time savings. Two six-axis robotic arms deploy end effectors carrying phased array ultrasonic…
Numerical study for a new methodology of flaws detection in train axles
Train loads and travel speeds have increased over time, requiring more efficient non-destructive inspection methods. Railway axles are critical elements; despite being designed to last more than 20 years several cases of premature failure have been recorded. Train axles are inspected regularly, but the limits associated to the traditional inspection technologies create a growing interest towards new solutions. Here a novel non-destructive inspection method of in-service axles based on non-contact data collection is presented. The propagation of surface waves, generated by a thermo-elastic laser source, is investigated using a finite element method based on dynamic explicit integration. Coup…
Adding Autonomy to Robotic Enabled Sensing
The capabilities of most non-destructive testing methods have been combined with some degree of automation in recent years, to enhance data acquisition speed, part coverage and inspection reliability. A plethora of automated or semi-automated inspection systems have been engineered to enable the robotic manipulation of specific types of sensors. Robotic inspection systems are usually operated through off-line programmed tool-paths. This approach works well when an accurate model of the part is available and the robotic inspection takes place in a well-structured environment, where the part position is precisely registered with respect to the robot reference system. However, it makes the ins…
Index-based triangulation method for efficient generation of large three-dimensional ultrasonic C-scans
The demand for high-speed ultrasonic scanning of large and complex components is driven by a desire to reduce production bottlenecks during the non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of critical parts. Emerging systems (including robotic inspection) allow for the collection of large volumes of data in short time spans, compared to existing inspection systems. To maximise throughput, it is crucial that the reconstructed inspection datasets are generated and evaluated rapidly without loss of detail. This requires new data visualisation and analysis tools capable of mapping complex geometries while guaranteeing full coverage. This paper presents an entirely new approach for the visualisation of thre…
Investigating the effect of residual stress on hydrogen cracking in multi-pass robotic welding through process compatible non-destructive testing
Abstract In this paper, the effect of Welding Residual Stress (WRS) on the size and morphology of hydrogen-induced cracks (HIC) is studied. Four samples were manufactured using a 6-axis welding robot and in two separate batches. The difference between the two batches was the clamping system used, which resulted in different amounts of welding deformation and WRS. The hydrogen cracks were intentionally manufactured in the samples using a localised water-quenching method, where water was sprayed over a specific weld pass in a predetermined position. The Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) system was implemented during the welding process (high-temperature in-process method), to detect the …
Enabling robotic adaptive behaviour capabilities for new industry 4.0 automated quality inspection paradigms
The seamless integration of industrial robotic arms with server computers, sensors and actuators can revolutionise the way in which automated non-destructive testing (NDT) is performed and conceived. Achieving effective integration and realising the full potential of robotic systems presents significant challenges, since robots, sensors and end-effector tools are often not necessarily designed to be put together and form a holistic system. This paper presents recent breakthroughs, opening up new scenarios for the inspection of product quality in advanced manufacturing. Many years of research have brought to software platforms the ability to integrate external data acquisition instrumentatio…
Machine learning at the interface of structural health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation
While both non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) share the objective of damage detection and identification in structures, they are distinct in many respects. This paper will discuss the differences and commonalities and consider ultrasonic/guided-wave inspection as a technology at the interface of the two methodologies. It will discuss how data-based/machine learning analysis provides a powerful approach to ultrasonic NDE/SHM in terms of the available algorithms, and more generally, how different techniques can accommodate the very substantial quantities of data that are provided by modern monitoring campaigns. Several machine learning methods will be illu…
Novel algorithms for 3D surface point cloud boundary detection and edge reconstruction
Abstract Tessellated surfaces generated from point clouds typically show inaccurate and jagged boundaries. This can lead to tolerance errors and problems such as machine judder if the model is used for ongoing manufacturing applications. This paper introduces a novel boundary point detection algorithm and spatial FFT-based filtering approach, which together allow for direct generation of low noise tessellated surfaces from point cloud data, which are not based on pre-defined threshold values. Existing detection techniques are optimized to detect points belonging to sharp edges and creases. The new algorithm is targeted at the detection of boundary points and it is able to do this better tha…
Smart sensing and adaptive reasoning for enabling industrial robots with interactive human-robot capabilities in dynamic environments — a case study
Traditional industry is seeing an increasing demand for more autonomous and flexible manufacturing in unstructured settings, a shift away from the fixed, isolated workspaces where robots perform predefined actions repetitively. This work presents a case study in which a robotic manipulator, namely a KUKA KR90 R3100, is provided with smart sensing capabilities such as vision and adaptive reasoning for real-time collision avoidance and online path planning in dynamically-changing environments. A machine vision module based on low-cost cameras and color detection in the hue, saturation, value (HSV) space is developed to make the robot aware of its changing environment. Therefore, this vision a…