M. M. Morales Suarez-varela

A Clinical Comparison between the Gamma® and the Claufitt® Nails in Unstable Proximal Femoral Fractures

Purpose To assess the differences that exist between two intramedullary osteosynthesis systems for the treatment of unstable proximal femoral fractures in an attempt to find out whether the use of an antirotation screw improves the final result. Materials and methods A retrospective study was carried out to analyze the plcement and clinical evolution of both intramedullary nailing systems (Gamma ® y Claufitt ® ). The patients’ medium-term functional status was evaluated and benchmarked against the characteristics of the population served by our University Hospital. A final database was obtained made up of 43 cases of Claufitt ® that met the criteria of our study. A functional assessment sys…

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Detección del virus del papiloma humano en muestras de cáncer cutáneo no melanoma y piel sana perilesional en pacientes trasplantados renales y pacientes inmunocompetentes

Antecedentes La influencia del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en el desarrollo de carcinoma cutaneo no melanoma es un tema controvertido. VPH-s es el genero mas frecuente relacionado con el desarrollo de cancer de piel. Objetivos Analizar la prevalencia y espectro de los tipos de VPH presentes en piel tumoral y piel sana perilesional en pacientes inmunodeprimidos y pacientes inmunocompetentes, asi como evaluar la influencia de diferentes factores clinicos en la prevalencia del VPH en cancer de piel. Metodos Se determino la presencia de VPH en 120 muestras mediante PCR nested y posterior secuenciacion. Se tomo biopsia de piel de 30 pacientes trasplantados renales y de 30 pacientes inmunocom…

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Tendencia temporal y variaciones geográficas de la prevalencia de síntomas de rinitis alérgica en escolares de 6-7 años de ocho áreas españolas, según el ISAAC

Antecedentes: Se presenta la fase III del estudio ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and other Allergies in Childhood) en escolares de 6-7 años de ocho áreas españolas para estimar la tendencia temporal y variaciones geográficas de los síntomas de rinitis alérgica. Material y método: Se comparan las prevalencias de síntomas de rinitis alérgica entre la fase I y fase III, efectuadas entre los años 1993-1994 y 2001-2002, mediante un cuestionario estandarizado y validado según metodología ISAAC, cumplimentado por los padres de los escolares. Participaron ocho centros de Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellón, Madrid, Pamplona y Valencia. Se empleó la regresión de Poisson en el aná…

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Estudio de la presencia de animales domésticos: gatos y perros, y su papel en el asma, la rinitis alérgica y la dermatitis atópica en niños

Objetivo Describir la prevalencia de asma, rinitis alergica (RA) y dermatitis atopica (DA) en ninos de Valencia y el papel de la presencia de animales (gato y perro) en el domicilio del nino en la presencia de manifestaciones de asma, RA y DA. Diseno Estudio retrospectivo con 2 estudios transversales, uno el primer ano de vida del nino y el segundo en referencia al ano anterior a la realizacion de la encuesta. Emplazamiento Un total de 78 centros de ensenanza, 50 de caracter publico y el resto, privado, ubicados en Valencia. Participantes La poblacion de estudio fue de 4.387 ninos seleccionados mediante un muestreo por cluster representativo del total que cursaba sus estudios. Se establecie…

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How the presence of rhinoconjunctivitis and the severity of asthma modify the relationship between obesity and asthma in children 67 years old

Summary Background The association between asthma and obesity in children, and the effect modification of allergy on this association have not been fully established. Aims The objective of the study was to know the effect modification of the severity of asthma and of the coexistence of rhinoconjunctivitis (RC) in the relationship between obesity and asthma. Methods A cross-sectional study of 17145 schoolchildren 6‐7 years old from eight Spanish cities who had completed information on height and weight of the ISAAC phase III questionnaire, which also included questions about asthma and RC symptoms and on various risk factors. Body mass index (BMI) was used to define obesity according to inte…

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Which route of administration of acid tranexamic, intravenous or intra-articular, is more effective in the control of post-surgical bleeding after a total hip arthroplasty? A prospective, controlled and randomized study.

Abstract Introduction One of the most frequent complications after a total hip arthroplasty (THA) is bleeding, intravenous tranexamic acid (TXA) is used to reduce it. We considered it necessary to carry out a study to clarify which administration route is superior. Material and method Prospective, controlled and randomized study in 2 arms carried out between February 2017 and February 2018. 15 mg/kg of intravenous TXA were administered in group A and 2 g of intra-articular TXA in group B. The values of haemoglobin and haematocrit were evaluated at 24 h-72 h, blood loss volume, drained blood volume, transfusions and complications. Results 78 patients were included, 31 with intravenous treatm…

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The evolution of breast cancer mortality and morbidity in Spain (1977?1988)

A study of breast cancer mortality and cancer morbidity has been carried out in Spain recently for the period 1977-1988, covering the population of the 17 Autonomous Communities and 50 provinces of the country. Data was obtained from INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (National Institute of Statistics), with age standardization using the indirect method. The different Autonomous Communities and provinces were compared in order to establish possible significant differences. The crude mean mortality rate was 21 cases per 100,000 inhabitants/year; Las Palmas, Gerona, Barcelona, the Balearic Islands, Navarra and Zaragoza have the highest mortality rates, with a proportional increment of 54%…

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Variaciones geográficas en la prevalencia de síntomas de asma en los niños y adolescentes españoles. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) fase III España

Objetivo: Analizar las variaciones geograficas en la prevalencia de sintomas relacionados con el asma en ninos y adolescentes espanoles. Poblacion y metodos: Durante los anos 2001 y 2002, el International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) fase III estudio a 28.445 ninos de 6-7 anos de 10 areas (A Coruna, Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellon, Madrid, Pamplona, San Sebastian y Valencia) y 31.257 adolescentes de 13-14 anos de 11 areas (las anteriores mas Valladolid) espanolas. Los sintomas de asma se recogieron en un cuestionario escrito completado por los padres de los ninos o por los propios adolescentes. Las variaciones geograficas de las prevalencias de los si…

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Evaluating hazardous waste generation in for-profit outpatient haemodialysis centres

SUMMARYBackground “Green” haemodialysis management to reduce the environmental impact of haemodialysis is growing. Objectives Dealing with hazardous waste production could heighten healthcare professionals’ awareness of this problem, and improve their healthcare involvement in environmental sustainability and environmental-friendliness. Design and Measurements A list of for-profit outpatient haemodialysis centres in the Valencian Community (E Spain) was compiled. Data on their hazardous waste production from 2008 to 2012 through the annual waste reports issued by official organisations competent in environmental issues were collected. Results There are 22 for-profit dialysis centres, that m…

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Comparación clínica entre clavo Gamma® y clavo Claufitt® en fracturas inestables de fémur proximal

Objetivo Evaluar las diferencias entre dos sistemas de osteosintesis intramedular en fracturas de extremo proximal de femur inestables, observando si la presencia de un tornillo antirrotacion mejora el resultado final. Material y metodo Se disena un sistema de valoracion functional individualizada por enfermo. Aplicando este sistema se realiza un estudio retrospectivo valorando la colocacion y evolucion clinica de dos sistemas de enclavado endomedular (Gamma® y Claufitt®). Se valora la situacion functional del paciente a medio plazo en el area de poblacion de un hospital universitario. Se obtiene una base final de datos con 43 casos de Claufitt® aptos para el estudio. Resultados La valoraci…

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Wastewater treatment in Valencia city (Spain)

Our objective is to determine the changes in the wastewater treatment process in the city of Valencia by taking into account population changes during the period 1983–1990. We have consulted analytical data and information regarding this volume of water treated in a biological treatment plant of activated sludge; data was collected daily and introduced into a data matrix from which the distribution and central tendency measures were calculated. We then obtained the correlations of the different parameters according to population variations. We observed an increase in the volume of water treated during our study period: from 74,220 m3/day in 1983 to 183,850 m3/day in 1990. This was in contra…

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Stabilization of asthma prevalence among adolescents and increase among schoolchildren (ISAAC phases I and III) in Spain.

Background:  Most studies show a steep increase in asthma prevalence in the last decades, although few studies had applied the same methodology. Recent reports point out the possibility that the epidemic has come to an end. We have studied the prevalence of asthma in a very large sample of children, repeating the study eight years apart. Methods:  Repeated cross-sectional studies using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) protocol in a sample of Spanish schoolchildren 6–7 (parent-reported) and 13–14 (self-reported) years old in 1994–95 (phase I) and 2002–2003 (phase III). The number of participants was 42 417 in phase I and 42 813 in phase III. The participat…

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Aplicación del tranexámico intravenoso o intraarticular en el control del sangrado posquirúrgico tras una artroplastia total de cadera. Estudio prospectivo, controlado y aleatorizado

Resumen Introduccion Una complicacion frecuente tras una artroplastia total de cadera es el sangrado, y para reducirlo se utiliza el acido tranexamico (TXA) intravenoso. Recientemente se han publicado los beneficios de su aplicacion topica. Consideramos necesario realizar un estudio que justifique que via de administracion resulta superior. Material y metodo Estudio prospectivo, controlado, aleatorizado en 2 brazos realizado entre febrero de 2017 a febrero de 2018. En el grupo A se administro 15 mg/kg TXA intravenoso y en el B 2 g TXA intraarticular. Se evaluo los valores de hemoglobina y hematocrito a las 24-72 horas, volumen de sangre drenado, volumen de sangre perdida, transfusiones y co…

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Use of physicochemical processing in treating urban waste waters

The principal objective of the present study was to compare two clearly defined purification processes in two stages: the periods 1985–1987 (conventional) and 1988–1990 (physico‐chemical). In general, the mean concentrations obtained were lower in the second period. A z‐test for comparing means was applied, but no significant correlation was observed (p ≤ 0.05). The mean concentrations obtained (with some exceptions) are lower in the second period. With the passing of time, the total volume of sewage flow has increased, and hence the load of contaminants has become diluted. The use of physico‐chemical treatment prior to biological processing may be the cause of the increase in cost.

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Detection of Human Papillomavirus in Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Lesions and Healthy Perilesional Skin in Kidney Transplant Recipients and Immunocompetent Patients

Abstract Background The influence of human papillomavirus (HPV) on the development of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is a topic of debate. HPV types from the beta genus (HPV-β) have been most frequently associated with the development of skin cancer. Objectives To analyze the prevalence and range of HPV types in NMSC lesions and healthy perilesional skin in immunodepressed and immunocompetent patients and to evaluate the influence of various clinical factors on the prevalence of HPV in skin cancer. Methods Nested polymerase chain reaction and sequencing were used to detect HPV in 120 NMSC samples obtained by biopsy from 30 kidney transplant recipients and 30 immunocompetent patients. In all…

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Parents' smoking habit and prevalence of atopic eczema in 6-7 and 13-14 year-old schoolchildren in Spain. ISAAC phase III.

Abstract Background and Aims Atopic eczema (AE) is the most frequent inflammatory skin disease in childhood in the western world. Several studies have reported a significant increase of prevalence in recent decades and the environmental factors implicated in its aetiology, including environmental tobacco smoke. This study aims to investigate the possible association of AE prevalence in Spanish schoolchildren aged 6-7 and 13-14 years in relation to their parents’ smoking habits. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional population-based study with 6-7 year-old (n = 27805) and 13-14 year-old (n = 31235) schoolchildren from 10 Spanish centres. AE prevalence was assessed using the International St…

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Adenocarcinoma colorrectal: factores pronósticos de supervivencia en el tratamiento adyuvante con 5-Fluorouracilo-Levamisol (5FU-Lev)

PROPÓSITO: Valoración de la supervivencia global (SG) y libre de enfermedad (SLE) a 5 años y estudio de los factores pronósticos de los pacientes operados, con finalidad curativa, de adenocarcinoma colorrectal estadios II y III, que recibieron tratamiento adyuvante con 5FU-LEV. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: ciento veintiséis pacientes tratados con esquema 5FU-LEV durante 12 meses, entre septiembre de 1990 y noviembre de 1997. RESULTADOS: La SG a los 5 años es de 68.3% y la SLE de 54%. El número de ganglios afectos por el tumor y la afectación vásculo-linfática y perineural, han resultado factores pronósticos significativos tanto en la SLE como en SG a los 5 años. La existencia de obstrucción intestin…

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Asthma phenotypes identified by latent class analysis in the ISAAC phase II Spain study.

SummaryBackground Classification of respiratory symptoms may help to identify different underlying asthma phenotypes reflecting differences in aetiology and prognosis of wheezing disease among children. Objective To determine childhood asthma phenotypes based on respiratory symptoms from a widely used questionnaire to further classify phenotypes in international settings. Methods Between 2000 and 2002 cross-sectional studies were performed in four centres in Spain. Parental questionnaires were used to collect information on allergic diseases in more than 4000 children aged 8–12 years. In addition, objective markers for allergic sensitization and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) were meas…

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Socioeconomic factors and cervical cancer mortality in Spain during the period 1989?1997

A study was made of cervical cancer (CC) mortality trends in Spain during the period 1989–1997 at National, Autonomous Community and Provincial levels, in relation to different socioeconomic factors. Data were obtained from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, INE). The crude mortality rates were age-adjusted using the indirect method and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as socioeconomic status (SES) indicator. National CC age-adjusted mortality rates have increasing slightly, varying from 3.09 deaths/100,000 women in 1989 to 3.42 in 1996. The highest age-adjusted mortality rates corresponded to Seville, Palencia and Orense, with 4.13, 4.06 and 3.98 c…

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Características clínicas de los pacientes con LNH del Hospital Arnau de Vilanova de Valencia

Objetivo: Conocer las características clínicas de los pacientes con linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) en general y por subtipos histológicos atendiendo a la clasificación REAL. Pacientes y métodos: Sobre 210 historias clínicas de pacientes con LNH, se seleccionaron 188 con informe anatomopatológico completo que utilizaban la clasificación REAL o si utilizaban otra clasificación se convirtió a ésta por un experto. Recogiéndose las características clínicas del paciente en el momento del diagnóstico con las que se relacionó. Resultados: Se han encontrado diferencias significativas en la distribución por sexos en los linfomas de células del manto, con predominio de los varones (p= 0,005). Los pacientes …

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Neumotórax espontáneo y presión atmosférica

In order to assess factors associated with spontaneous pneumothorax (SP), mainly climatic changes, a prospective study was undertaken of 62 SP episodes among patients admitted to our hospital during a two-year period, from January 1994 to January 1996. Atmospheric pressure (AP) changes were analyzed, with daily recording of the number of unusual changes in AP (increases above 95th percentile and decreases below 5th percentile) and how many of these changes were followed by some episode of spontaneous pneumothorax during the following five days. To measure the degree of this association between the emergence of pneumothorax and exposure to unusual changes I AP, the relative risk (RR) was cal…

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A comparative study of mortality in agricultural and industrial areas in Spain.

The three main causes of contamination in the industrialized world are energy production, and industrial and agricultural activities. The aim of the present study was to examine changes in cause of death in order to contrast causes of death between agricultural and industrial areas. To this effect we have selected four zones — two predominantly industrial and two mainly agricultural — within the Valencian Community. Mortality figures were gathered corresponding to the same period 1976–1989, published by the Conselleria de Sanitat i Consum of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Community health authorities). Thirty large groups of causes of death were established for posterior analysis. Mo…

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Resistance profiles and risk factors of resistant microorganisms in bacteraemia of abdominal origin

Abstract Objective The presence of resistant microorganisms is a major cause of failure in initial empirical antimicrobial therapy. The objectives of this study are to determine the resistance profile of microorganisms that cause bacteraemia of abdominal origin and to identify whether the previous use of antibiotics and the place of acquisition of bacteraemia are risk factors associated with the presence of resistant organisms. Material and methods A clinical, observational, epidemiological, retrospective cohort study was conducted with all the adult patients admitted to a university hospital from 2011 to 2013. Antimicrobial resistance profiles were described and a 95% confidence interval c…

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Relationship between static posturography and gait analysis with the dizziness handicap inventory in vestibular patients

[EN] Objective: The posturography evaluates postural control abnormalities in patients with vestibular disorders. On the other hand, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire quantifies the impact of these diseases on the patient’s daily life. This paper has aimed to know the relationship between posturography test results and the DHI scores. Material and Methods: A total of 29 subjects with vestibular diseases underwent a static posturography and gait analysis. The system used was NedSVE/IBV. The patients also answered DHI questions. Results: We found a statistically significant positive correlation between static posturography outcomes and physical-functional DHI scores. A stat…

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Are alcohol intake and smoking associated with mycosis fungoides? A European multicentre case-control study.

The incidence of mycosis fungoides (MF) is low, and the aetiology of the disease is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether wine consumption protects against the disease and whether smoking constitutes a risk factor. This paper is part of the European Rare Cancers Study that tries to determine the risk factors for seven selective rare cancers, including mycosis fungoides, involved in the development of cancer. A multicentre case-control study was conducted in six European countries. Only incident cases with confirmed histology were included in the analysis which include a total of 76 cases of MF and 2899 controls. Wine intake had no protective effect; on the contrary the c…

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International variations in associations of allergic markers and diseases in children: ISAAC Phase Two

To cite this article: Weinmayr G, Genuneit J, Nagel G, Bjorksten B, van Hage M, Priftanji A, Cooper P, Rijkjarv M-A, von Mutius E, Tsanakas J, Forastiere F, Doekes G, Garrido JB, Suarez-Varela MM, Braback L, Strachan DP, the ISAAC Phase Two Study Group. International variations in associations of allergic markers and diseases in children: ISAAC Phase Two. Allergy 2010; 65: 766–775. Abstract Background:  Circulating allergen-specific IgE (sIgE) and skin prick tests (SPT) are used to define atopy. Downregulation of local inflammatory responsiveness has been proposed to explain a low prevalence of positive SPTs in less affluent countries. We analysed the association between SPTs, total and all…

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Selective collection of glass containers in the Valencian Community (Spain)

Spanish legislation has recently adopted the norms defined by a directive of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, 20 December 1994, concerning containers and container residues. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize national measures for the processing of these products in member states. Thus, contributing to prevent or reduce their impact upon the environment both in the different member states and in third countries. To this effect, the directive requires the compliance within a given period of a series of recycling and processing objectives applicable to all the packaging and container materials on the market, including glass products. The aims of the present stu…

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Papel de los nuevos agentes inmunosupresores en el cáncer cutáneo no melanoma en pacientes trasplantados renales

Resumen Introduccion El cancer de piel no melanoma (CCNM) es la neoplasia maligna que se presenta con mas frecuencia despues de un trasplante de organo solido. La etiologia del CCNM tras el trasplante es multifactorial. Objetivos Analizar la relacion entre los nuevos agentes inmunosupresores y la aparicion de CCNM en pacientes trasplantados renales. Metodo Estudio observacional. Se examinaron una combinacion de datos retrospectivos y prospectivos. Incluimos en el estudio 289 pacientes que habian recibido trasplante renal desde enero de 1996 hasta diciembre de 2010 en el Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia. Resultados Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 72 meses 73 pacientes (25,2…

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[Geographic variation in the prevalence of asthma symptoms in Spanish children and adolescents. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase 3, Spain].

Objective TO analyze geographic variations in the prevalence of symptoms related to asthma in Spanish children and adolescents. Population and methods In 2001 and 2002, the Spanish arm of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase 3 collected information on 28 445 children in the age bracket of 6-7 years in 10 metropolitan areas (A Coruna, Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellon, Madrid, Pamplona, San Sebastian, and Valencia) and on 31 257 adolescents in the bracket 13-14 years in 11 areas (the previously named areas plus Valladolid). An asthma symptom questionnaire was filled in by parents or the adolescents themselves. Differences in symptoms betw…

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The Role of New Immunosuppressive Drugs in Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Renal Transplant Recipients

Abstract Introduction Nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common malignancy in patients who have received a solid organ transplant. Multiple factors are involved in the onset of posttransplant NMSC. Objectives To analyze the relationship between new immunosuppressive drugs and the onset of NMSC in renal transplant recipients. Method This was a combined retrospective and prospective observational study in which we studied 289 patients who received a kidney transplant between January 1996 and December 2010 at Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset in Valencia, Spain. Results Seventy-three patients (25.2%) developed 162 NMSCs over a median follow-up of 72 months. There were no statisticall…

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Intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IP CT) after cytoreductive surgery benefits survival in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC): Results of a pooled meta-analysis including 9 randomized clinical trials (RCT)

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Perfiles de resistencia y factores de riesgo de microorganismos resistentes en bacteriemia de origen abdominal

Resumen Objetivo La presencia de microorganismos resistentes es una causa importante de fallo en el tratamiento antimicrobiano inicial. Los objetivos de este estudio son conocer el perfil de resistencia de los microorganismos causantes de bacteriemia de origen abdominal e identificar si el uso previo de antibioticos y el lugar de adquisicion de la bacteriemia son factores de riesgo para determinar la presencia de microorganismos resistentes. Material y metodo Se diseno un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva de todos los pacientes adultos que presentaron bacteriemia y/o fungemia cuyo foco infeccioso primario fue de origen abdominal ingresados en un hospital universitario durante los anos 2011-2…

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