Manabu Togawa

Search for New Phenomena in Final States with Two Leptons and One or No b -Tagged Jets at s=13  TeV Using the ATLAS Detector

A search for new phenomena is presented in final states with two leptons and one or no $b$-tagged jets. The event selection requires the two leptons to have opposite charge, the same flavor (electrons or muons), and a large invariant mass. The analysis is based on the full Run-2 proton-proton collision dataset recorded at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$. No significant deviation from the expected background is observed in the data. A four-fermion contact interaction between two quarks ($b,s$) and two leptons ($ee$ or $\mu\mu$), inspired by the $B$-meson decay anomalies, is used as a…

research product

Cross section forbb¯production via dielectrons ind+ Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

We report a measurement of e+e− pairs from semileptonic heavy-flavor decays in d+Au collisions at sNN−−−√=200 GeV. By exploring the mass and transverse-momentum dependence of the yield, the bottom decay contribution can be isolated from charm, and quantified by comparison to pythia and mc@nlo simulations. The resulting bb¯-production cross section is σdAubb¯=1.37±0.28(stat)±0.46(syst) mb, which is equivalent to a nucleon-nucleon cross section of σNNbb=3.4±0.8(stat)±1.1(syst)μb.

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Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry ofηmesons inp↑+pcollisions ats=200  GeVat forward rapidity

We present a measurement of the cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry (AN) for. mesons at large pseudorapidity from root s = 200 GeV p up arrow + p collisions. The measured cross section for 0.5 = 0.061 +/- 0.014. The results are consistent with prior transverse single-spin measurements of forward eta and pi(0) mesons at various energies in overlapping x(F) ranges. Comparison of different particle species can help to determine the origin of the large observed asymmetries in p up arrow + p collisions.

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Cold-Nuclear-Matter Effects on Heavy-Quark Production at Forward and Backward Rapidity ind+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

The PHENIX experiment has measured open heavy-flavor production via semileptonic decay over the transverse momentum range 1 < p(T) < 6 GeV/c at forward and backward rapidity (1.4 < vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.0) in d + Au and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. In central d + Au collisions, relative to the yield in p + p collisions scaled by the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, a suppression is observed at forward rapidity (in the d-going direction) and an enhancement at backward rapidity (in the Au-going direction). Predictions using nuclear-modified-parton-distribution functions, even with additional nuclear-p(T) broadening, cannot simultaneously reproduce the data a…

research product

Cold-Nuclear-Matter Effects on Heavy-Quark Production ind+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

The PHENIX experiment has measured electrons and positrons at midrapidity from the decays of hadrons containing charm and bottom quarks produced in d+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt[S(NN)]=200 GeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.85 ≤ p(T)(e) ≤ 8.5 GeV/c. In central d+Au collisions, the nuclear modification factor R(dA) at 1.5<p(T)<5 GeV/c displays evidence of enhancement of these electrons, relative to those produced in p+p collisions, and shows that the mass-dependent Cronin enhancement observed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider extends to the heavy D meson family. A comparison with the neutral-pion data suggests that the difference in cold-nuclear-matter effects on light- and heavy-…

research product

Quadrupole Anisotropy in Dihadron Azimuthal Correlations in Centrald+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

The PHENIX collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) reports measurements of azimuthal dihadron correlations near midrapidity in d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. These measurements complement recent analyses by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) involving central p + Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV, which have indicated strong anisotropic long-range correlations in angular distributions of hadron pairs. The origin of these anisotropies is currently unknown. Various competing explanations include parton saturation and hydrodynamic flow. We observe qualitatively similar, but larger, anisotropies in d + Au collisions at RHIC compared to those seen…

research product

Centrality categorization forRp(d)+Ain high-energy collisions

High-energy proton- and deuteron-nucleus collisions provide an excellent tool for studying a wide array of physics effects, including modifications of parton distribution functions in nuclei, gluon saturation, and color neutralization and hadronization in a nuclear environment, among others. All of these effects are expected to have a significant dependence on the size of the nuclear target and the impact parameter of the collision, also known as the collision centrality. In this article, we detail a method for determining centrality classes in p(d) + A collisions via cuts on the multiplicity at backward rapidity (i.e., the nucleus-going direction) and for determining systematic uncertainti…

research product

Measurements of e+e− pairs from open heavy flavor in p+p and d+A collisions at sNN=200 GeV

We report a measurement of e+e− pairs from semileptonic heavy-flavor decays in p+p collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The e+e− pair yield from bb¯ and cc¯ is separated by exploiting a double differential fit done simultaneously in dielectron invariant mass and pT. We used three different event generators, pythia, mc@nlo, and powheg, to simulate the e+e− spectra from cc¯ and bb¯ production. The data can be well described by all three generators within the detector acceptance. However, when using the generators to extrapolate to 4π, significant differences are observed for the total cross section. These difference are less pronounced for bb¯ than for cc¯. The same model dependence was observed in alr…

research product

Measurement of the higher-order anisotropic flow coefficients for identified hadrons in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

Measurements of the anisotropic flow coefficients v2{Ψ2},v3{Ψ3},v4{Ψ4}, and v4{Ψ2} for identified particles (π±,K±, and p+p) at midrapidity, obtained relative to the event planes Ψm at forward rapidities in Au + Au collisions at sNN=200GeV, are presented as a function of collision centrality and particle transverse momenta pT. The vn coefficients show characteristic patterns consistent with hydrodynamical expansion of the matter produced in the collisions. For each harmonic n, a modified valence quark-number Nq scaling [plotting vn{Ψm}/(Nq)n/2 versus transverse kinetic energies (KET)/Nq] is observed to yield a single curve for all the measured particle species for a broad range of KET. A si…

research product

Nuclear Modification ofψ′,χc, andJ/ψProduction ind+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

We present results for three charmonia states (psi' chi(c), and J/ psi) in d + Au collisions at vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35 and root s(NN) = 200 GeV. We find that the modification of the psi' yield relative to that of the J/ psi scales approximately with charged particle multiplicity at midrapidity across p + A, d + Au, and A + A results from the Super Proton Synchrotron and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. In large-impact-parameter collisions we observe a similar suppression for the psi' and J/ psi, while in small-impact-parameter collisions the more weakly bound psi' is more strongly suppressed. Owing to the short time spent traversing the Au nucleus, the larger psi' suppressio…

research product

Inclusive double-helicity asymmetries in neutral-pion and eta-meson production inp→+p→collisions ats=200  GeV

Results are presented from data recorded in 2009 by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider for the double-longitudinal spin asymmetry, A(LL), for pi(0) and eta production in root s = 200 GeV polarized p + p collisions. Comparison of the pi(0) results with different theory expectations based on fits of other published data showed a preference for small positive values of gluon polarization, Delta G, in the proton in the probed Bjorken x range. The effect of adding the new 2009 pi(0) data to a recent global analysis of polarized scattering data is also shown, resulting in a best fit Delta G(DSSV)([0.05,0.2]) = 0.06(-0.15)(+0.11) in the range 0.05 < x < 0.2, with the unce…

research product

Low-mass vector-meson production at forward rapidity inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured low-mass vector-meson ,omega, rho, and phi, production through the dimuon decay channel at forward rapidity (1.2 mu mu) = 80 +/- 6(stat) +/- 12(syst)nb and d sigma/dy(phi -> mu mu) = 27 +/- 3(stat) +/- 4(syst)nb. These results are compared with midrapidity measurements and calculations.

research product

Measurement of Long-Range Angular Correlation and Quadrupole Anisotropy of Pions and (Anti)Protons in Centrald+AuCollisions atsNN=200GeV

We present azimuthal angular correlations between charged hadrons and energy deposited in calorimeter towers in central d+Au and minimum bias p+p collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV. The charged hadron is measured at midrapidity |η| 2.75 is observed in d+Au collisions. Using the event plane method applied to the Au-going energy distribution, we extract the anisotropy strength v_{2} for inclusive charged hadrons at midrapidity up to p_{T}=4.5 GeV/c. We also present the measurement of v_{2} for identified π^{±} and (anti)protons in central d+Au collisions, and observe a mass-ordering pattern similar to that seen in heavy-ion collisions. These results are compared with viscous hydrodynamic calc…

research product

Transverse-momentum dependence of theJ/ψnuclear modification ind+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

We present measured J/psi production rates in d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV over broad ranges of transverse momentum (p(T) = 0-14 GeV/c) and rapidity (-2.2 1) for p(T) > 2 GeV/c. The observed enhancement at negative rapidity has implications for the interpretation of the observed modification in heavy-ion collisions at high p(T). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.034904

research product

Measurement of jet-medium interactions via direct photon-hadron correlations in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV

We present direct photon-hadron correlations in 200 GeV/A Au+Au, d+Au, and p+p collisions, for direct photon pT from 5–12 GeV/c, collected by the PHENIX Collaboration in the years from 2006 to 2011. We observe no significant modification of jet fragmentation in d+Au collisions, indicating that cold nuclear matter effects are small or absent. Hadrons carrying a large fraction of the quark's momentum are suppressed in Au+Au compared to p+p and d+Au. As the momentum fraction decreases, the yield of hadrons in Au+Au increases to an excess over the yield in p+p collisions. The excess is at large angles and at low hadron pT and is most pronounced for hadrons associated with lower momentum direct …

research product

Charged-pion cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

We present midrapidity charged-pion invariant cross sections, the ratio of the pi(-) to pi(+) cross sections and the charge-separated double-spin asymmetries in polarized p + p collisions at root s = p + 200 GeV. While the cross section measurements are consistent within the errors of next-to-leading-order (NLO) perturbative quantum chromodynamics predictions (pQCD), the same calculations overestimate the ratio of the charged-pion cross sections. This discrepancy arises from the cancellation of the substantial systematic errors associated with the NLO-pQCD predictions in the ratio and highlights the constraints these data will place on flavor-dependent pion fragmentation functions. The char…

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