

Centrality categorization forRp(d)+Ain high-energy collisions

Hongfang LiuD. E. FieldsCharles MaguireB. V. JacakL. TomášekSoren Pontoppidan SorensenMarisilvia DonadelliM. MccumberM. NaglisJ. T. MitchellX. JiangV. BumazhnovK. B. LeeR. SeidlVladislav MankoM. SlunečkaD. HornbackE. KistenevAlexander MilovI. NakagawaR. S. TowellKyoichiro OzawaT. LiškaI. GarishviliF. WeiHenner BueschingJ. HanksSteve EdwardsH. A. GustafssonS. BelikovP. RužičkaJ. S. BokJun KikuchiViktor RiabovMasayasu IshiharaGary GrimK. A. DreesAlexei KhanzadeevK. V. DharmawardaneR. TanabeT. EngelmoreYoungil KwonP. LichtenwalnerMarcus HohlmannFrank EllinghausC. ValeB. MeredithA. TaranenkoJ. B. ChoiD. RoachK. M. KijimaB. AzmounF. FleuretL. A. Linden LevyA. KrálYorito YamaguchiE. R. KinneyAaron AngeramiKazushi MikiSung Keun ParkW. A. ZajcF. MatathiasMinghui LiuKensuke HommaE. RichardsonR. PakV. BaublisK. FujiwaraA. DeshpandeA. DenisovV. CiancioloJohn HillD. P. MorrisonS. CampbellSergey FokinXingguo LiC. Y. ChiBrajesh K. SinghN. N. AjitanandM. HeffnerAlexander NyaninKenneth Francis ReadKenneth Francis ReadB. BassalleckH. PeiRushan HanPrashant ShuklaK. KaratsuT. Sugitate45M. KonnoM. OkaS. F. PateA. SukhanovK. KuritaY. NakamiyaJ. H. BhomTakahiro NakamuraY. WatanabeC. BaumannK. S. LeeTatsuya ChujoH. W. Van HeckeH. PereiraY. MorinoC. P. SinghI. YounusI. YounusG. BaksayD. McglincheyD. McglincheySenta GreeneV. S. PantuevVladimir SamsonovN. ApadulaN. ApadulaC. OakleyB. KomkovSusumu OdaB. M. JohnsonT. V. MoukhanovaA. DionA. DionM. I. NagyA. DreesK. DasI. TserruyaYu. EfremenkoKe. NakamuraD. KawallO. DietzschAnne Marie SicklesS. BatheS. BatheTerry C AwesDmitry BlauB. SahlmuellerB. SahlmuellerA. T. BasyeE. T. AtomssaP. LiebingS. TarafdarA. DurumP. L. McgaugheyH. ThemannH. Al-batainehR. J. PettiMartin PurschkeJohannes Peter WesselsV. SinghH. ValleY. J. KimY. AkibaTsutomu MibeE. J. DesmondB. FademC. A. AidalaC. A. AidalaS. NagamiyaM. A. L. LeiteCatherine Micaela SilvestreJ. MurataJ. SziklaiM. OuchidaTamas Ferenc CsorgoE. O'brienK. SakashitaBrian ColeDipanwita DuttaVaclav VrbaKlaus Johannes ReygersO. ChvalaK. YamauraRui WeiS. N. WhiteE. Vazquez-zambranoGerd Joachim KundeEva HaslumI. SheinM. KurosawaJ. L. NagleA. MorrealeBeomkyu KimR. A. SoltzN. MeansJulia VelkovskaJu Hwan KangR. BelmontJ. S. KapustinskyDeepa ThomasJ. G. LajoieV. BabintsevO. DrapierV. PapavassiliouK. SedgwickJ. HamblenZ. FraenkelZvi Hirsh CitronM. RosatiJason KaminI. J. ChoiA. KravitzM. Grosse PerdekampA. GlennK. NakanoM. KasaiY. TsuchimotoS. P. StollY. IwanagaG. S. KyleJames AlexanderR. K. ChoudhuryK. S. JooDennis PerepelitsaM. E. ConnorsEunja KimW. E. SondheimD. IvanischevI. E. YushmanovR. AverbeckByung-sik HongA. BazilevskyS. S.e. RosendahlG. BunceK. BoyleG. R. YoungAlexandre LebedevM. K. DayanandaJ. JinD. M. LeeT. IchiharaD. SharmaR. IchimiyaD. JouanD. WatanabeM. D. MalikJiangyong JiaJiangyong JiaY. GotoE. M. TakaguiY. TanakaM. WysockiJason NewbyJ. E. FrantzJ. E. FrantzE. VznuzdaevT. L. ThomasDavid Olle Rickard SilvermyrK. TanidaT. JonesInkyu ParkM. ChiuTakahiro FusayasuE. MannelNagahiro SaitoK. OkadaXiong WangZ. Conesa Del ValleC. A. OgilvieD. KleinjanT. MurakamiT. K. HemmickH. En'yoRyugo S. HayanoJ. M. DurhamJ. M. DurhamPeter ChristiansenD. WinterD. Yu PeressounkoShinichi EsumiM. J. LeitchK. S. SimL. KochendaM. IssahY. RiabovW. J. ParkJongmin LeeH. J. MoonL. BaksayChristopher RosenKenta ShigakiM. NguyenS. SawadaA. YanovichE. StenlundR. YangJ. YingRachid NouicerM. ProisslA. FranzS. TanejaA. VeichtD. LynchK. ImaiK. ImaiC. L. WoodyY. OnukiA. CaringiJan RakR. LaceyR. Granier De CassagnacA. AdareI. V. SourikovaA. TaketaniD. S. JumperK. N. BarishS. NamT. DahmsS. SanoS. SanoM. L. BrooksX. HeI. RavinovichY. AramakiRobert VertesiJ. KosterH. MasuiB. LoveR. SetoI. DanchevM. BaiZhiying YouR. BennettM. KawashimaMate CsanadM. FingerS. DairakuAjit Kumar MohantyT. A. ShibataC. L. SilvaT. SatoY. J. MaoY. MiakeM. ViriusManabu TogawaH. QuJ. S. HaggertyAnders Nils Erik OskarssonM. NihashiD. J. KimY. S. LaiHideki HamagakiK. AokiJ. C. PengJ. D. Orjuela KoopG. DavidK. I. HahnC. H. ChenS. YokkaichiY. IkedaM. GoninR. P. PisaniC. PinkenburgD. IsenhowerK. WatanabeA. ToiaG. RocheK. ShojiT. HoraguchiY. FukaoP. W. StankusT. HesterN. GrauN. GrauT. KempelMotoi InabaR. M. WrightMaya Hachiya ShimomuraY. I. MakdisiTaku GunjiH. GongJ. SeeleF. KajiharaM. J. TannenbaumH. ToriiA. KimS. RembeczkiS. ButsykAlice MignereyL. D'orazioTakao SakaguchiS. ZhouA. D. FrawleyS. HuangW. HolzmannS. D. RolnickA. EnokizonoP. ChungA. DattaA. V. Kazantsev


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsNuclear TheoryMonte Carlo methodPartonGluonHadronizationNuclear physicsNeutronRapidityImpact parameterNuclear ExperimentRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider


High-energy proton- and deuteron-nucleus collisions provide an excellent tool for studying a wide array of physics effects, including modifications of parton distribution functions in nuclei, gluon saturation, and color neutralization and hadronization in a nuclear environment, among others. All of these effects are expected to have a significant dependence on the size of the nuclear target and the impact parameter of the collision, also known as the collision centrality. In this article, we detail a method for determining centrality classes in p(d) + A collisions via cuts on the multiplicity at backward rapidity (i.e., the nucleus-going direction) and for determining systematic uncertainties in this procedure. For d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV we find that the connection to geometry is confirmed by measuring the fraction of events in which a neutron from the deuteron does not interact with the nucleus. As an application, we consider the nuclear modification factors Rp(d)+A, for which there is a bias in the measured centrality-dependent yields owing to auto correlations between the process of interest and the backward-rapidity multiplicity. We determine the bias-correction factors within this framework. This method is further tested using the HIJING Monte Carlo generator. We find that for d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV, these bias corrections are small and vary by less than 5% (10%) up to p(T) = 10 (20) GeV/c. In contrast, for p + Pb collisions at v root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV we find that these bias factors are an order of magnitude larger and strongly pT dependent, likely attributable to the larger effect of multiparton interactions.
