L. J. Taskinen

Electron–phonon interaction in a thin Al–Mn film

Abstract Aluminum doped with manganese is an interesting novel material with applications in normal metal–insulator–superconductor (NIS) tunnel junction devices and transition-edge sensors at sub-Kelvin temperatures. We have studied the electron–phonon (e–p) coupling in a thin aluminum film doped with 1% manganese, with a measuring technique based on DC hot-electron effect. The electron temperature was measured with the help of symmetric normal metal–insulator–superconductor tunnel-junction pairs (SINIS-thermometers). Measurements show that the temperature dependence of the e–p interaction is not consistent with existing theories for disordered metals, but follows a higher power law.

research product

Direct measurement of the electron‐phonon relaxation rate in thin copper films

We have used normal metal-insulator-superconductor (NIS) tunnel junction pairs, known as SINIS structures, for ultrasensitive thermometry at sub-Kelvin temperatures. With the help of these thermometers, we have developed an ac-technique to measure the electron-phonon (e-p) scattering rate directly, without any other material or geometry dependent parameters, based on overheating the electron gas. The technique is based on Joule heating the electrons in the frequency range DC-10 MHz, and measuring the electron temperature in DC. Because of the nonlinearity of the electron-phonon coupling with respect to temperature, even the DC response will be affected, when the heating frequency reaches th…

research product

One and two dimensional tunnel junction arrays in weak Coulomb blockade regime-absolute accuracy in thermometry

We have investigated one and two dimensional (1D and 2D) arrays of tunnel junctions in partial Coulomb blockade regime. The absolute accuracy of the Coulomb blockade thermometer is influenced by the external impedance of the array, which is not the same in the different topologies of 1D and 2D arrays. We demonstrate, both by experiment and by theoretical calculations in simple geometries, that the 1D structures are better in this respect. Yet in both 1D and 2D, the influence of the environment can be made arbitrarily small by making the array sufficiently large.

research product

Observation of disorder-induced weakening of electron-phonon interaction in thin noble-metal films

We have used symmetric normal metal-insulator-superconductor (NIS) tunnel junction pairs, known as SINIS structures, for ultrasensitive thermometry in the temperature range 50 - 700 mK. By Joule heating the electron gas and measuring the electron temperature, we show that the electron-phonon (e-p) scattering rate in the simplest noble metal disordered thin films (Cu,Au) follows a $T^4$ temperature dependence, leading to a stronger decoupling of the electron gas from the lattice at the lowest temperatures. This power law is indicative e-p coupling mediated by vibrating disorder, in contrast to the previously observed $T^3$ and $T^2$ laws.

research product

Electron-phonon interaction in thin copper and gold films

We have studied the electron-phonon (e-p) interaction in thin Cu and Au films at sub-Kelvin temperatures with the help of the hot electron effect, using symmetric normal metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel junction pairs as thermometers. By Joule heating the electron gas and measuring the electron and the lattice temperatures simultaneously, we show that the electron-phonon scattering rate follows a $T^{4}$ temperature dependence in both metals. The result is in accordance with the theory of e-p scattering in disordered films with vibrating boudaries and impurities, in contrast to the $T^{3}$-law expected for pure samples, and $T^{2}$-law for static disorder.

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