Carla Prestigiacomo
Persuasión, manipulación y (des)cortesía en los anuncios de televenta
Imperceptible boundaries between information, in many cases argumentation and manipulation are difficult to draw, even in advertising discourse. In fact, due to its explicit propagandistic vocation, advertising and, in the specific case, teleshopping spots are a paradigmatic example of discursive realization, whereby advertising agent, adopting different strategies, builds a message aimed at convincing his interlocutor of the "advisability" to purchase a commercial product. This study is an attempt to shed light on some aspects of the complex world of advertising communication. Specifically, it seeks to demonstrate how teleshopping spots, being a “testo unidirezionale” (Lo Cascio, 1991: 101…
Análisis discursivo de un texto narrativo: De las colmenas del otoño...
In every narration we can identify a dominant narrative sequence and other sequences within it (descriptions, dialogues, commentaries, and even argumentative sequences), which play a complementary role to the narration (Herrero Cecilia 2006: 105-106). In De las colmenas del otoño ... the sequential heterogeneity shows some kind of hierarchical inversion: the action - a quiet walk during an autumn afternoon - and the characters – two young people, Sebastian and Virtudes - are the axis around which develops a long descriptive sequence, to which the narrator attributes a specific pragmatic function. The analysis of both the macrostructure (narrator and descriptor, time structure, sequential an…
In this article I analyse the concept of intercultural education in relation to teaching Spanish as foreign language and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. I propose a didactic activity for Italian university students.
Traducir u omitir conectores y operadores. Simetrías/disimetrías, pérdida de la información
This paper aims to contribute to the study of translation or omission of operadores and conectores in Italian and Spanish written discourse, through the analysis of a corpus extracted from the bilingual magazine Legioni e Falangi/Legiones y Falanges. (1940-43), a direct expression of an ideological and, therefore, pragmatic symmetry between two totalitarian regimes during the Second World War. Based on the case of comunque, I contrast the processes of transposition of this segnale discorsivo, revealing at the same time some syntactic and semantic (dis)symmetries between the original texts and their translation. Este trabajo pretende contribuir al estudio de la traducción u omisión de operad…
Traducción e ideología en Legiones y Falanges/Legioni e Falangi
This paper aims to demonstrate the link between the press and the diffusion of an ideology through the practice of translation, as the discursive product of a complex communicative situation, conditioned by the contexts of the author, the translator and the recipient of the translation given that the context determines the identity of the locutors, a translation always reflects an ideology, a “socially shared belief system” by the members of a “collective of social actors” (van dijk, 2005: 10) This paper will explore how the translator selects the discursive substance according to the ideology of the elites of the totalitarian power, who exploit discourse as an instrument to influence the b…
Rasgos coloquializadores en el lenguaje periodístico español
Although spontaneous conversation is the prototypical situation of use of colloquial Spanish, we can often identify colloquial “attitudes” in other communicative situations. For this reason, it is logical to expect that even the language of the press can present some colloquial elements (syntactical exemplification, lexicon and phraseology, daily metaphors, etc.). In this article, after a short introduction, I have analyzed the pragmatic function of the most frequent colloquial elements in a corpus of articles from the financial section of El País.
Estrategias persuasivas en el discurso nacionalsindicalista: Y (1938-1945)
El régimen franquista, para autolegitimarse y mantener el poder hasta la muerte del dictador, lleva a cabo una actividad de control y autocontrol que aspira a imponer un sistema de valores y normas inviolables. Con este objetivo, pretende intervenir, modificándolos, en los esquemas mentales y en los componentes dinámicos de la identidad de los individuos. En este proyecto de «manipulación masiva y sistemática», desempeña una función fundamental la prensa, capaz de influir en el sistema de creencias y las acciones de todos los agentes sociales. En este contexto, cobra especial importancia la identidad femenina, que la Sección Femenina pretende re-construir en las páginas de Y (1938-1945), in…
Fuentes Rodríguez, Catalina (ed.), Estrategias argumentativas y discurso político, Madrid Arco/Libros, 2016, 315 pp. ISBN. 978-84-7635-949-5.
Reseña del volumen Fuentes Rodríguez, Catalina (ed.), Estrategias argumentativas y discurso político, Madrid Arco/Libros, 2016.
El registro coloquial en la clase de ELE: el léxico
Dopo una breve definizione di "español coloquial", si procede con un'analisi delle caratteristiche del lessico colloquiale e di come questo possa essere sfruttato in ambito didattico, nelle diverse fasi dell'apprendimento dello spagnolo come LS.
El discurso publicitario entre argumentación y manipulación: la televenta
Análisis discursivo de un corpus de anuncios de televenta. Se identifican los elementos de la argumentación legítima y de la manipulación discursiva
Il conflitto del Rif e l’evoluzione del romanzo spagnolo degli anni 20
Through a linguistic analysis of three Spanish novels on the Moroccan war (Cartas marruecas de un soldado, El blocao and Imán) I demonstrate the relation between linguistic expression, narrative forms and political ideology.
Diventare e i "verbos de cambio"
In this article I analyse the most common “change of status” verbs (“verbos de cambio”) in light of the difficulties encountered by Italian students.
La costruzione dell’identità femminile nel franchismo: «Y» Revista femenina española (1938-1945)
Soprattutto in determinati contesti storico-politici, l’istanza del potere partecipa in modo determinante alla costruzione dell’identità individuale, di gruppo e nazionale. Affinché ciò sia possibile, il potere deve mettere in pratica una serie di misure di controllo, ricorrendo, non solo a una politica violenta e repressiva, ma anche a concreti programmi sociali e, ovviamente, all’adozione di un discorso perlocutorio, che si faccia espressione dei valori di cui si nutre ogni regime. Nell’interazione tra discorso, cognizione e società (Van Dijk, 2009: 351), la stampa svolge un ruolo cruciale, dato che si configura come uno strumento in grado di influire sulle idee e le azioni di tutti gli a…
Las líderes silenciadas: el debate parlamentario sobre el sufragio femenino
Durante los años de la II República, la mujer española experimenta una incipiente emancipación, sancionada por la Constitución de 1931, en la que se reconocía el voto de la mujer en condiciones de igualdad con el hombre (art. 36), aprobado el 1 de octubre. En el debate participaron dos de las tres diputadas de la Primera Legislatura de la República: Clara Campoamor (Partido Republicano Radical) y Victoria Kent (Partido Republicano Radical Socialista). Sus intervenciones, a favor y en contra respectivamente, constituyen el objeto de este trabajo. Para mi análisis, me he basado en el modelo de la lingüística pragmática de Fuentes Rodríguez y la organización en niveles de su análisis. Asimismo…
Legiones y Falanges: construcción lingüístico-discursiva del enemigo
The press, in addition to reflecting a “vocation of information “, performs a series of social functions, among which the formation of citizens and of critical recipients of mediatic discourse stands out. Yet, especially in some socio-political contexts, the press can be a vehicle for a certain type of ideology, becoming an instrument to orient the recipient or, in extreme cases, manipulate them, in order to justify or reinforce the image of a dominant ideological group. In this sense, the magazine Legiones y Falanges (1940-43) is exemplary, since, with a clearly populist discourse, it aims to extol the ideological foundations of Franco’s dictatorship. In other words, the main objective of …
El alquimista de la palabra. Procedimientos neológicos en la novelas de Ramón Gómez de la Serna
Análisis de los procedimientos neológicos en un corpus de novelas de Ramón Gómez de la Serna.
Texto literario y heterogeneidad discursiva. Una propuesta de análisis.
Every narration follows a peculiar utterance organisation and, as an utterance act, is determined by an enunciator who is able to manipulate the narrative material as he wishes. For this reason when you are about to analyse a narrative text, either written or oral, either literary or not, you need to take into consideration various elements (the way events are presented and linked together, the communicative intentions and all those elements which are part of the making of a text). In this brief study I make two examples of analysis of literary narrative texts: La Larva by Rubén Darío and Albertina y Benito (Cuento para colegialas) by Edgar Neville. The former represents a significant examp…
Ciencia y manipulación discursiva en Legiones y Falanges: «Características raciales del comunismo»
Sobre todo en algunos contextos socio-políticos, la prensa puede ser vehículo de ideología e instrumento para manipular la consciencia de los lectores. Es lo que sucede en la revista Legiones y falanges (1940-43), voz de la joven dictadura fascista. En este trabajo, a través del análisis de un artículo del "psiquiatra del régimen", se demuestra cómo incluso el discurso científico se convierte en un medio imprescindible para la autolegitimación y justificación de las medidas represivas adoptadas por el gobierno.
Análisis macrosintáctico y discursivo de te lo prometo
espanolEste trabajo aborda el estudio del comportamiento de la unidad te lo prometo, desde la perspectiva de la linguistica pragmatica y del discurso argumentativo. Despues de una breve descripcion de su comportamiento macrosintactico (posicion en el interior del enunciado, funcion de las pausas, combinacion con otros elementos…), se demuestra como te lo prometo se encuentra inmerso en un proceso de fijacion: va perdiendo su valor semantico original, para adquirir funciones discursivas estrategicas (intensificador de la asercion, elemento de fuerza argumentativa, elemento de (des)cortesia, ironia…) en textos argumentativos informales. EnglishThe purpose of this paper is to describe the disc…
El discurso populista en las revistas del primer franquismo
In certain contexts, and historical moments, the press has become an instrument of a dominant group that turns media discourse into a weapon, in order to carry out ideological manipulation of the recipient (Charaudeau 2003: 42 ). This is the case in the magazines that are the subject of this work: Legiones y Falanges (1940-1943) and Y, Revista para la mujer nacionalsindicalista (1938-1945), two exemplary publications in which the power elites propose to extol the ideological basis of the young Francoist dictatorship and to build the identity of the woman that the regime needs. With this objective, institutional locutors adopt a wide range of argumentative strategies, legal and not, forging …
Persuasive Strategies in the National-Syndicalist Discourse: Y (1938-1945)
The Francoist Regime aimed to impose a system of inviolable values and norms by carrying out activities of control and self-control with the goal of legitimising and maintaining its power beyond the dictator’s death. With this objective, the regime intended to modify the mental attitudes and the dynamic components of individual identity. During this process of “massive and systematic manipulation”, the press played a fundamental role, given its capacity to influence the beliefs and actions of all social agents. In this context, feminine identity was of special importance and the Sección Femenina intended to re-construct it in the journal Y (1938-1945), influencing the ideas and behaviour of…
Rasgos coloquiales en el lenguaje periodístico español
Although spontaneous conversation is the prototypical situation of use of colloquial Spanish, we can often identify colloquial “attitudes” in situations, which apparently require the presence of a standard, learned or even technical variety. It is logical to expect that the press, the most “popular” of all media, would try to reproduce a language accessible to all readers. In this article we have taken into consideration the most frequent colloquial elements (syntactical exemplification, lexicon and phraseology, daily metaphors, etc.) of a corpus of articles from El País.
Estrategias persuasivas en los anuncios de televenta
Teleshopping spots represent a paradigmatic example of argumentative and perlocutionary discourse. In them, the creative adopts different strategies in order that the target feels irresistibly attracted by the object he advertises. In this paper we analyze all the elements that, because of their individual discoursive nature, but especially due to their mutual interaction, convert an apparently informative speech into an efficient tool of seduction. Los anuncios de televenta representan un ejemplo paradigmático de discurso argumentativo y perlocutivo. En ellos, el creativo adopta estrategias diferentes con el objetivo de que el interlocutor se sienta irresistiblemente atraído por el bien pu…
Patente de corso y La zona fantasma: estrategias argumentativas y (des)cortesía instrumental
This study deals with the pragmatic-linguistic strategies used by enunciators (or enunciators-locutors), Javier Marías (La zona fantasma) and Arturo Pérez Reverte (Patente de corso). After a brief introduction on argumentative discourse and the opinion columns, the role of the enunciator and their attitude toward the direct and indirect addressee is analysed in detail. More precisely, the article will demonstrate how elements, including mode; neologisms; imperative; interrogative sentences and also the ‘instrumental (im)politeness’ (or ironic tone) support persuasive objective that this kind of discourse pursues. En este trabajo proponemos una reflexión sobre las estrategias pragmático-ling…
Legiones y Falanges: Estrategias argumentativs para 《una España Nueva, Libre y Grande》
L’attualità sociale e politica, ma anche la scelta dei contenuti culturali, sotto l’autorevolezza della firma del soggetto argomentante, assumono i toni del discorso ideologico e performativo, plasmando coscienze e muovendo all’azione. In questo contesto, la persuasione può assumere i toni della manipolazione, della messa in atto di una forma di influenza illegittima. Così, temi come la guerra, la rivoluzione, l’impero, il declino e la resurrezione della Spagna, la cristiandad e la cruzada, la sangre hispana o il pericolo “rosso”, definiscono un discorso ideologico, dai toni populisti e fascisti (ma anche religiosi), che mira a costruire una ‘España Nueva, Libre y Grande’ per la quale il re…
El discurso y la palabra. Retórica, persuasión y neología en la narrativa española de vanguardia
This book is a study on the deep changes that Spanish prose fiction underwent in the early twentieth century; a fiction conceived not as a literary product, but as a privileged place where to convey a new conception of reality, a new perception of human consciousness of the power of speech and a new conception of speech itself. In the first part, Notas marruecas de un soldado: entre vanguardia y argumantación, it is analyzed the rhetorical-discursive organization in Giménez Caballero’s novel. This part emphasizes, on the one hand, how the novel pays a constant attention to the expressive possibilities of the Castilian; and, on the other hand, how it anticipates the typical elements of Falan…
Forjando “líderes”. Estrategias persuasivas en los discursos de Pilar Primo de Rivera
Se examinan todos aquellos mecanismos persuasivos que conforman el entramado argumental del discurso de la fundadora de la Sección Femenina. En concreto, se han seleccionado los primeros cuatro discursos pronunciados a las militantes durante los Congresos Nacionales de la Sección Femenina, entre 1937 (Salamanca) y 1940 (Zamora), es decir, aquellos que se celebran durante la Guerra Civil e inmediatamente después de la conclusión del conflicto, con el objetivo de investigar si el restablecimiento de la paz y el orden influye de alguna manera en el tono, los argumentos o el grado de modalización del enunciado.
Se conoce que: comportamiento macrosintáctico y funciones discursivas
Se conoce que es una expresión no incluida en los estudios sobre construcciones en proceso de fijación. En este estudio, se dedica una primera parte a su descripción sintáctica, a su definición en los diccionarios, a la percepción que de ella tienen los hablantes y a los contextos en los que aparece. En la segunda parte, a través del análisis de algunos ejemplos, se propone un acercamiento a su comportamiento macrosintáctico y discursivo. Se ve cómo puede desempeñar una función evidencial y verbalizar el grado de compromiso e implicación del hablante con respecto al enunciado.
Notas marruecas de una soldado, El blocao: dos novelas de Marruecos
Through a linguistic-rhetorical analysis of two Spanish novels about the Moroccan war (El blocao and Notas marruecas de un soldado), I establish a direct relation between political ideology and linguistic expression.
Introduzione ai contributi del volume
Análisis discursivo de El humorismo de R. Gómez de la Serna
Viento del sur
Traducción del libro de poemas Vento del Sud
Identità, stampa e regimi: un trinomio indivisibile. Percorsi di lettura
Introduzione al volume: C. Prestigiacomo (a cura di), Identità, totalitarismi e stampa. Ricodifica linguistico-culturale dei media di regime, Palermo, UniPapress, 2016. Si espone lo stretto rapporto che intercorre tra potere (soprattutto totalitario), stampa e costituzione dell'identità del cittadino e di gruppo. SI illustrano i saggi che compongono il volume
This is the first Italian translation of Ramón Gómez de la Serna’s Essay “Humorismo”