Valentina Contrò


Eukaryotic genomes transcribe up to 90% of the genomic DNA but only 1–2% of these transcripts encode for proteins, whereas the vast majority are transcribed as non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). They are divided into short ncRNA, particularly microRNA (miRNA) and small interference RNA (siRNA), and long ncRNAs. Noteworthy, they are unexpectedly stable since they are protected from degradation through different mechanisms: package in exosomes/microvesicles structures, in apoptotic bodies, in HDL lipoprotein, or by RNA binding proteins. For several years already, biomarkers have been used to detect biological disease; in the last years, a requirement appeared to find some of them to unearth the signs …

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An innovative way to highlight the power of each polymorphism on elite athletes phenotype expression

The purpose of this study was to determine the probability of soccer players having the best genetic background that could increase performance, evaluating the polymorphism that are considered Performance Enhancing Polymorphism (PEPs) distributed on five genes: PPAR alpha, PPARGC1A, NRF2, ACE e CKMM. Particularly, we investigated how each polymorphism works directly or through another polymorphism to distinguish elite athletes from non-athletic population. Sixty professional soccer players (age 22.5 +/- 2.2) and sixty healthy volunteers (age 21.2 +/- 2.3) were enrolled. Samples of venous blood was used to prepare genomic DNA. The polymorphic sites were scanned using PCR-RFLP protocols with …

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Effects of different circuit training protocols on body mass, fat mass and blood parameters in overweight adults

Benefits of exercise are known for a long time, but mechanisms underlying the exercise mode recommendations for specific chronic cardiovascular diseases remain unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different circuit training protocols in order to determine which is the best for weight loss and for specific overweight- related disorders. Forty-five female sedentary overweight participants from 20 to 50 years (average 31.8±11.2) were enrolled and assigned to three different groups; each group was compared with a control normal-weight group. Three different circuit protocols were randomly assigned to each overweight group: aerobictone- aerobic (ATA), aerobic-circuit-aero…

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Purpose. Energy requirements in sports performance are affected by numerous factors: physical characteristics, age, genetic basis, sports discipline. The Food and Nutrition Board recommended nutrition based on age, height, and body weight gain in relation to physical activity. Some genetic factors, such as the PPAR-encoding gene, play a key role in metabolism. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of specific snacks on performance. Methods. Seventeen girls aged 10–14 years practising artistic gymnastics were enrolled. A carb or protein/carb snack was provided before the training, and a questionnaire was administered at the end. In addition, saliva samples were collected for gen…

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Trend of Drug Abuse in 2011– 2014 in Italy

Doping, although was born as a medication and not with the purpose of enhancing performance, is a widespread practice in all sports, between amateur and gym-goers. The Italian sports federations were in second place worldwide for positive doping-test, after Russia. This review focuses on the analysis of data collected by Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) in the 2012–2014 period, showing that the most commonly used substances were anabolic androgenic agents, glucocorticoids, diuretics and stimulants. Prevention in doping could be a key to limit the damage caused by this harmful practice both, for the physical health and the athlete’s moral integrity and anti-doping campai…

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Use of genetic profile to personalize training: an explorative study on a group of professional basketball players

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Relationship between genetic background and performance in professional basketball players

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Specialized Movement on the Rowing Ergometer and Post-workout Changes in Selected Peripheral Blood Parameters - a Case Report.

Rowing is a sport discipline, which requires extreme physical strength and endurance and appropriate aerobic and anaerobic capacity as well. However, when the workout intensity and load is very high, exercise is associated with temporary changes in cellular metabolism and the immune system. The study included one male rower aged 28 years - the highly-skilled and experienced athlete. We determined basic cardiorespiratory fitness measures, complete blood count, and 24 clinical chemistry parameters including relevant biochemical and haematological parameters and matrix metaloproteinases activities. Maximal exercise on the rowing ergometer induced 2-fold increase in absolute counts of all leuko…

research product

Sex steroid hormone receptors, their ligands, and nuclear and non-nuclear pathways

The ability of a cell to respond to a particular hormone depends on the presence of specific receptors for those hormones. Once the hormone has bound to its receptor, and following structural and biochemical modifications to the receptor, it separates from cytoplasmic chaperone proteins, thereby exposing the nuclear localization sequences that result in the activation of the receptor and initiation of the biological actions of the hormone on the target cell. In addition, recent work has demonstrated new pathways of steroid signaling through orphan and cell surface receptors that contribute to more rapid, “non-nuclear” or non-transcriptional effects of steroid hormones, often involving G-pro…

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Biochemical adaptations in middle-distance runners: an assessment of blood and anthropometric parameters

In order to understand the mechanism underlying the physiological adaptation of purely aerobic workout, we investigated the effect of 2 months of training on nine males (17-22 year-old) middle distance running agonistic athletes. Blood sample was collected in the morning to analyze: hematological parameters, lipid profile, liver function enzymes [glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT)] and skeletal and myocardial markers of muscle damage [creatin kinase (CK) and creatin kinase MB (CK-MB)]. Endurance training, as it implies high oxygen consumption, should increase reactive oxygen species, but it has been shown that exercise lea…

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Relevance of lactate level detection in migrane and fibromyalgia

The aim of this study was to determine the blood lactate levels in healthy and pathological subjects, particularly with migraine and fibromyalgia. Moreover we investigated the possible correlation between lactate concentration, postural stability and balance disorders; the composition of the groups were: migraine (n = 25; age 49.7 +/- 12.5), fibromyalgia (n = 10; age 43.7 +/- 21.2), control group (n = 16 age 28.52 +/- 2.4). The results showed that patients with fibromyalgia (FG) had higher lactate levels compared to migraine (MG) and control group (CG) (mean +/- sd: FG = 1.78 +/- 0.9 mmol/L; MG = 1.45 +/- 1 mmol/L; CG = 0,85 +/- 0,07 mmol/L). The same situation was highlighted about the swa…

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