Marco Migliore


The helicopter for passenger transport on a regional scale.

research product

The forecasting of the roadside pollutant levels to evaluate traffic management measures in Palermo.

The road transport has become the major source of environmental degradation in urban centres. It produces negative externalities (i.e. pollution, delay, etc.) that are usually connected with the queues of traffic flows and the congestion of the road network. The quantitative estimation of roadside pollutant levels is very complex. Many variables are involved such as the type of vehicle (characterized by different antipollution devices, used fuels, engine temperatures, maintenance level of engines, etc.), the different cinematic conditions of the flows, the urban/road network structure, the weather conditions, etc. Therefore it is important to develop scientific tools able to predict roadsid…

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Previsione dell'inquinamento generato dalla mobilità veicolare e traffic management

Questo studio s'inserisce in una più ampia attività di ricerca sulle correlazioni tra le concentrazioni dei principali agenti inquinanti e variabili relative sia alle condizioni meteorologiche, che ne possono favorire o meno la dispersione, sia al deflusso veicolare quale fonte primaria d'inquinamento. L'idea è quella di sviluppare una metodologia per la previsione a breve termine delle densità di quegli elementi per i quali la normativa prevede delle soglie in termini di concentrazioni medie orarie. Tutto ciò al fine di potersi avvalere, in futuro, di modelli e tecnologie per sapere, con qualche ora di anticipo, se in una determinata zona di un centro urbano, un giorno, possa verificarsi q…

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The Go2School project for promoting cycling to school: A case study in Palermo

Abstract The identification of transport policy measures able to reduce the use of private cars for home-to-school travel is very relevant to reduce congestion during peak hours and to ensure that the areas around schools have livable environments. An action that policymakers could apply is promoting cycling to school through the introduction of bikesharing programs and creating safe routes to school through the construction of new cycle infrastructure. The aim of the paper has been, therefore, to assess if these policies could lead the high-school students to cycle to school, considering the city of Palermo as a case study. The goal is reached through the calibration of a modal choice mode…

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Sistemi innovativi per la mobilità sostenibile in piccoli centri di valenza storico-culturale.

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A demand-based methodology for planning the bus network of a small-medium sized town

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The automatic vehicle monitoring to improve the urban public transport management

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Urban public transport optimization by bus ways: a neural network-based methodology

This paper describes an approach for planning the introduction of bus lanes into the urban road network, that has been applied to the urban area of Palermo. The proposed modelling tool adopts a multi-agent objective function expressing the trade-off between the interests of diverse stakeholders: the generalized transport cost for car drivers and the travel time for public transport users. The reaction of car traffic to a certain planning scenario has been simulated by the DUE assignment technique and the positive impact of the modal shift on the objective function has been tackled by attaching a suitable weight to the time saving for bus passengers. The rise in the bus travel speed, owing t…

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School Bike Sharing Program: will it Succeed?

Abstract Encouraging active and sustainable transport modes in order to limit the excessive use of cars, as well as reducing pollutant emissions and creating livable urban environments, has become one of the priorities for policymakers in recent years. The introduction of innovative systems increasingly being introduced in modern cities, such as bike sharing, can certainly contribute to the spread of cycling and thus allow a radical change in the mobility habits of their citizens. This can be especially true for high-school students who are often otherwise accompanied by their parents with private cars. This article aims to assess the influence that a bike sharing program for students has o…

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Air quality model validation in urban area: a new approach using a wireless pervasive sensor system.

This paper describes the implementation in Palermo of a new approach developed at Newcastle University (UK), in the context of the MESSAGE project (Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across Grid Environments), using a novel inexpensive pervasive sensor system. The new system infrastructure shows how additional data from the new environmental sensors, namely “mote” can improve the assessment of the impact of traffic and congestion on air quality. After an evaluation and validation process of the sensors against the precision system (City Council Environmental Cabin) the sensors where deployed in Palermo and using the data, actual traffic flows and pedestrian traffic light information (all s…

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A GIS-based method for evaluating the walkability of a pedestrian environment and prioritised investments

Abstract Despite the large investments made in the construction and modernisation of railway infrastructure, poor quality pedestrian routes may discourage users from using public transport. In fact, very little attention is generally paid to pedestrian mobility. Therefore, a method for evaluating the quality of pedestrian paths and the accessibility to railway stations has been developed. This method considers the main factors influencing the walkability of an urban area and makes it possible to establish the priorities for intervention, i.e. to identify the arcs of a pedestrian network that require prioritised action. The methodology is a decision support tool that can be used by policymak…

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L'accessibilità al trasporto pubblico locale: il caso studio dell'area Roccella in Palermo

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Definizione dell'assetto di infrastrutture puntuali al servizio dell'autotrasporto delle merci in un contesto regionale

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A Hybrid AHP Approach and GIS-Based Methods as Fundamental Tools in the SECAP’s Decision-Making Process

Adapting to climate change and mitigating its impacts are the main challenges for cities today. One objective that the European Commission has set in recent decades is reducing climate change inaction, and several political actions have been implemented. Among these actions, the Covenant of Mayors led to the development and adoption of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) by many cities worldwide. A challenge that local authorities must face during the development of a SECAP is the identification of the policies to be included in the plan. This paper presents a case study to show the validity of using a hybrid analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach and various geographic …

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Il ruolo del trasporto marittimo per lo sviluppo dell’Area Mediterranea. Il Sistema Portuale siciliano

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Short Sea Shipping in Sicily: a future scenario based on infomobility services.

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Il tram-treno per una mobilità sostenibile nelle città di medie dimensioni. Il caso studio di Trapani.

La presente memoria descrive le metodologie e i risultati degli studi condotti dagli autori per riqualificare le infrastrutture ferroviarie presenti nella città di Trapani, che attualmente rappresentano un elemento di separazione del territorio urbano, con grave pregiudizio per la mobilità interna. Il lavoro è approdato ad una proposta che prevede il mantenimento dell’attuale linea ferroviaria che attraversa la città, dedicandola all’esercizio di un collegamento tra una nuova stazione periferica ed il centro storico (il sito dell’attuale stazione) tramite tram-treno. Questa soluzione, grazie alla creazione di nuove fermate lungo l’attuale percorso ferroviario urbano e alla modalità della ma…

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A Stackelberg-game approach to support the design of logistic terminals

This paper deals with the design of logistic terminals taking Sicily, in the South of Italy, as a case study. It focuses on consolidation terminals for truckers and addresses the problem of optimising location pattern and public share in investments. This problem is solved through a Stackelberg game between the designer and the collective of road carriers. So a bilevel approach combines a system-optimum problem, at the upper level, with the carrier equilibrium problem, at the lower level. The choice behaviour of the lower-level player is simulated by a random utility model. The output of the game suggests that private companies and society should share the investments and the public contrib…

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The network of heliports as a necessary tool to develop rotorcraft services

The rotorcraft operations will grow as air taxi services and business trips and even as “commuter”, intercity and line services between urban centres and touristic or economic-industrial places of special value. But actually the rising public opposition to helicopter activities reduces the number of available heliports for private and corporate operators, as environmental limits of all type of allowed operations and of suitable sites to construct new infrastructures. So the growth of scheduled rotorcraft services (passengers and freights) has to be supported not only by advances in machine’s technologies, but also by an adequate and strategically distributed infrastructure network. This vis…

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A demand-based methodology for planning the bus network of a small or medium town.

This work aims at developing a demand-based methodology for designing the bus network of a small or medium town. The proposed modelling tool adopts a multi-agent objective function which evaluates performance in the context of different stakeholders: the surplus of travellers (car and bus users); the bus service provider’s revenues and operation costs. This approach was applied to an existing bus network, serving city of Trapani, which is a medium town in the south of Italy (Sicily), with 100000 inhabitants. The bus-based public transport system attracts only about 5% of commuter trips within Trapani (source: National Institute of Statistics, 2005). This paper reports on an analysis of the …

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The environmental benefits of carsharing: The case study of Palermo

Abstract The problems related to traffic emissions are becoming increasingly pressing and serious, especially in big cities where the private car plays the main role in the mobility of people, being excessively used, while walking, cycling and the use of public transport are often seen as secondary options and are hampered by a poorly urban environment. Therefore, solutions must be found to reduce the number of cars circulating in the city and to support the most sustainable modes of transport at the same time, in order to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and harmful substances. A modal alternative which is of undoubted interest could be represented by carsharing, which is a mode comple…

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Vertical take-off and landing air transport services for the touristic development of a territory.

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The Role of the Integrated Public Transport Network for Reducing the Congestion in the City of Palermo

The railway link of Palermo is part of the Palermo – Trapani railway line and it is located in the urban site of Palermo. Works funded by the European Union have been started in 2008 for developing a metropolitan service through the improvement of the infrastructure and of the transport service characteristics. The aim of the paper is the analysis of the capacity of the railway infrastructure in terms of frequency and integration with the public transport service of Palermo. Using the Origin-Destination matrix of the Urban Transport Plan of Palermo, the competition between the private car mode and the public transport mode has been simulated, taking into account the improving of the railway…

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Demand Responsive Transport Services for Improving the Public Transport in Suburban Areas

Suburbs suffer from isolation from densely populated urban centers due to the poor performance of traditional public transport services such as buses. This isolation worsens the quality of life of the residents of these areas, with related problems of social exclusion. One of the possible solutions to meet the mobility needs of these people is a flexible service such as Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) systems. This article assessed the effectiveness of a DRT service as a feeder transit service, assuming a connection of three suburban districts of Palermo, Italy, with a Railway Line station. Thanks to a Revealed Preferences (RP) and Stated Preferences (SP) survey campaign, both the current…

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Il ruolo delle ferrovie nell'area metropolitana di Palermo

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The role of passenger modal shift nodes in the interaction between land use and transport system.

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An approach for the determination of the optimal fare for the car sharing service

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The role of passenger modal shift nodes in the interaction between land use and transport system

In the last years we have observed a sub-urbanization process or 'sprawl' process (low density inhabitant models), caused by new economic and production conditions, by a free diffusion of new habitant models in territory, by new organization models of social relationships and by one-side power of road mode and in particular the private use. Commuters need to reach quickly own destinations and the traffic and parking problems in central areas increase mainly the importance of multi-modal displacements in an integrated transport system between public and private mode. Planner role should re-balance modal choice in favour to public transport and motivate passenger intermodality integrating the…

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Parking Pricing for a Sustainable Transport System

Abstract The purpose of this study has been the develop of a model for designing an efficient parking pricing policy. The aim is an intelligent control and management system of parking pricing integrated with a redefinition of the circulation scheme for a limited traffic zone in the Central Business District (CBD) of Palermo. The transport demand over the entire area of the town has been studied in order to design various parking pricing scenarios with the application of an additional cost on parking inside the selected area of the CBD. This area attracts most of the private vehicular traffic and it is characterized by university faculties, schools, hospitals, offices and commercial areas. …

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A GIS-Based Methodology for Evaluating the Increase in Multimodal Transport between Bicycle and Rail Transport Systems. A Case Study in Palermo

Background: In a world where every municipality is pursuing the goals of more sustainable mobility, bicycles play a fundamental role in getting rid of private cars and travelling by an eco-friendly mode of transport. Additionally, private and shared bikes can be used as a feeder transit system, solving the problem of the first- and last-mile trips. Thanks to GIS (Geographic Information System) software, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of such a sustainable means of transport in future users’ modal choice. Methods: Running an accessibility analysis of cycling and rail transport services, the potential mobility demand attracted by these services and the possible multimodality bet…

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Pooled analysis of who surgical safety checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy

Background The World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist has fostered safe practice for 10 years, yet its place in emergency surgery has not been assessed on a global scale. The aim of this study was to evaluate reported checklist use in emergency settings and examine the relationship with perioperative mortality in patients who had emergency laparotomy. Methods In two multinational cohort studies, adults undergoing emergency laparotomy were compared with those having elective gastrointestinal surgery. Relationships between reported checklist use and mortality were determined using multivariable logistic regression and bootstrapped simulation. Results Of 12 296 patients incl…

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Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective, international, multicentre cohort study

Background Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common infections associated with health care, but its importance as a global health priority is not fully understood. We quantified the burden of SSI after gastrointestinal surgery in countries in all parts of the world. Methods This international, prospective, multicentre cohort study included consecutive patients undergoing elective or emergency gastrointestinal resection within 2-week time periods at any health-care facility in any country. Countries with participating centres were stratified into high-income, middle-income, and low-income groups according to the UN's Human Development Index (HDI). Data variables from the Globa…

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SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study

SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with an increased rate of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients. Since surgical patients are already at higher risk of venous thromboembolism than general populations, this study aimed to determine if patients with peri-operative or prior SARS-CoV-2 were at further increased risk of venous thromboembolism. We conducted a planned sub-study and analysis from an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study of elective and emergency patients undergoing surgery during October 2020. Patients from all surgical specialties were included. The primary outcome measure was venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis) within 30 da…

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In questo lavoro, si descrivono i risultati dell’analisi della domanda di trasporto per gli spostamenti lungo la direttrice Palermo-Catania, uno dei più importanti assi di collegamento del sistema di mobilità siciliano, su cui si è basato un successivo studio della fattibilità di nuovi corridoi ferroviari di connessione tra i due poli. Più in dettaglio, si è indagato sulla sensibilità degli utenti dell’area di studio rispetto all’attivazione di nuovi servizi ferroviari, migliori in termini di frequenza e tempi di viaggio, per le relazioni che coinvolgono i centri di Palermo, Enna e Catania. A tal fine, è stata condotta un’indagine sulle preferenze modali di un campione di viaggiatori dell’a…

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Il sistema dei trasporti per lo sviluppo del turismo in Sicilia

Il sistema dei trasporti può svolgere un ruolo strategico per lo sviluppo del turismo in quelle aree che possiedono un elevato livello di attrattività turistica, ma una scarsa accessibilità. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di formulare strategie e interventi di natura infrastrutturale e organizzativa per innalzare l’accessibilità di zone dotate di una spiccata attrattività turistica. Questo studio è stato sviluppato riguardo al territorio siciliano, caratterizzato da un prezioso patrimonio culturale e naturalistico. Tra gli interventi si è studiata l’ipotesi di proporre servizi elicotteristici di linea tra alcune località turistiche di particolare pregio come le isole minori. Il costo el…

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Modelling choice behaviour and taste heterogeneity of carriers trough stated preference survey: an application to Sicilian operators

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Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis

Abstract Background There is a substantial gap in provision of adequate surgical care in many low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to identify the economic burden of unmet surgical need for the common condition of appendicitis. Methods Data on the incidence of appendicitis from 170 countries and two different approaches were used to estimate numbers of patients who do not receive surgery: as a fixed proportion of the total unmet surgical need per country (approach 1); and based on country income status (approach 2). Indirect costs with current levels of access and local quality, and those if quality were at the standards of high-income countries, were estimated. A human capita…

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Traffic Parameters Estimation to Predict Road Side Pollutant Concentrations using Neural Networks

The analysis aims to evaluate which is the most important among traffic parameters (flows, queues length, occupancy degree, and travel time) to forecast CO and C6H6 concentrations. The study area was identified by Notarbartolo Road and bounded by Liberta Street and Sciuti Street in the urban area of Palermo in Southern Italy. In this area, various loop detectors and one pollution-monitoring site were located. Traffic data related to the pollution-monitoring site immediately near the road link were estimated by Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic microsimulator software using as input the flows measured by loop detectors on other links of road network. Traffic and weather data were u…

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La standardizzazione dei segnali stradali di pericolo nell’unione Europea

The aim of this research is to find a solution for the standardization of road signs in the EU zone by a comparative analysis of different national sign systems to establish a common set from a single country. This work is based on the idea that road sign standardization might increase the safety level of transnational journeys and foster the relationships among the various members of the EU Community. This paper presents the outcome of the first step of the research, which focuses on the harmonization of danger signs. In more detail, a multicriteria approach is applied to rank 19 EU Member States on the basis of three main aspects: the installation cost of new signs, new sign learning issu…

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Eterogeneità delle preferenze e rilevanza degli indicatori psicometrici nelle decisioni di scelta modale: le prospettive per il trasporto delle merci. Un caso di studio.

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Standardization of Road Danger Signs in the European Union

The aim of this research is to find a solution for the standardization of road signs in the EU zone by a comparative analysis of different national sign systems to establish a common set from a single country. This work is based on the idea that road sign standardization might increase the safety level of transnational journeys and foster the relationships among the various members of the EU Community. This paper presents the outcome of the first step of the research, which focuses on the harmonization of danger signs. In more detail, a multicriteria approach is applied to rank 19 EU Member States on the basis of three main aspects: the installation cost of new signs, new sign learning issu…

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The urban transport demand modelling using the stated preference technique for estimating the economic feasibility of the car sharing service

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A GIS-Based Methodology to Estimate the Potential Demand of an Integrated Transport System

In the design of a new public transport system or of an extension of an existing system, the choice of a suitable placement of stations and stops in the territory and the definition of the main axes are very important. The different choice in the number and distribution of the stops of a road transport system or of a railway transport system, in fact, makes the system more or less widespread and affects the consistency of the catchment area and the attractiveness of the system. The accessibility of a system, add to the reliability in providing the service, is the fundamental parameter influencing the modal split of the users. Therefore, the Public Administration must have tools able to eval…

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Understanding the Key Factors of Shared Mobility Services: Palermo as a Case Study

The potential success of shared mobility services in the urban area strongly depends on careful tariff planning, adequate sizing of the fleet and efficient integrated public transport system, as well as on the application of policies in favor of sustainable modes of transport. The balance between earnings and expenses is not always an easy target for the companies in those cities where these services are not well-rooted in the citizens’ mobility habits. Often only large operators in the sector can continue to offer a service generating profit. However, several factors can determine the success or the failure of shared mobility services. The objective of this study is to identify, thanks to …

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Using AHP methodology for prioritizing the actions in the transport sector in the frame of SECAPs

The drafting of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, required for the local authorities joining the Covenant of Mayors initiative, is an opportunity to plan actions reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. Choosing the measures to implement requires the application of a methodology that compares them, considering costs and impacts in terms of energy consumption, emissions reduction, and social benefits. The paper aims to develop a method based on the typical approach of the Analytical Hierarchy Process, supporting decisions in the transport sector in the frame of the drafting of SECAP. The method allows determining the priority actions and the optimal allocation…

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The Latent Factors Behind the Urban Travel Behaviour

Abstract This research aims to explore the impact of latent variables, mirroring the users’ preferences, on the individual decision making process regarding the mode of transport. The paper describes the first results of an ongoing research activity, which derives from a pilot study carried out in Palermo. The authors have administered to a sample of travellers a questionnaire and they simulated the mode choice behaviour referring to the random utility theory. Then the transport demand over the entire area of Palermo has been studied in order to design the cordon pricing scenario with the application of an additional cost on private car dedicated to a selected area of the historic centre of…

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A hierarchical logit model to evaluate the potential demand for short sea shipping involving sicily

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Il trasporto elicotteristico per lo sviluppo turistico della Sicilia

Lo studio descritto in questa nota riguarda la fattibilità di servizi di trasporto passeggeri basati sull'utilizzo del mezzo elicotteristico, su scala regionale

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Strategie ed interventi per la sicurezza stradale nei Piani Urbani del Traffico.

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Taste heterogeneity and latent preferences in the choice behaviour of freight transport operators

In this paper we show that individual attitudes of road carriers and their latent preferences toward specific freight service attributes do play a role in determining their mode choices. Specifically, we contribute to the empirical literature on freight agents' mode choice by exploring the role of the "perceived importance" of the most relevant service dimensions in determining the attractiveness of two alternatives to "all-road" transport: logistics terminals and road-sea intermodal services. This is carried out through a revealed/stated preference experiment and a mixture of logit framework. Our results support the hypothesis that operators' attitudes towards time, punctuality and risk of…

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Car sharing demand estimation and urban transport demand modelling using stated preference techniques

The research deals with the use of the stated preference technique (SP) and transport demand modelling to analyse travel mode choice behaviour for commuting urban trips in Palermo, Italy. The principal aim of the study was the calibration of a demand model to forecast the modal split of the urban transport demand, allowing for the possibility of using innovative transport systems like car sharing and car pooling. In order to estimate the demand model parameters, a specific survey was carried out inside the urban area of Palermo. The survey focused on the morning rush hour and involved mainly employees, self-employed workers and students (about 500 respondents) whose final destination was lo…

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A comparative analysis between helicopter and seaplane for passenger transport.

Purpose This study aims to develop a methodology to compare the feasibility of helicopter and seaplane regular transport of passengers towards destinations across a remote regional tourist context, where a lack of road and rail infrastructure make these alternative forms of air transport competitive. Design/methodology/approach The authors use a modal split model identifying the quota of passengers that potentially could utilize these two types of services, determined on the basis of previous studies on air transport demand. A technical analysis regarding transport supply is performed to identify the predominant features that should characterize helicopter/seaplane performances. An optimiza…

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Strategie di intervento per una mobilità sostenibile all'interno dei centri storici dall'orografia complessa

Il lavoro proposto parte dal principio che la pedestrian mobility può considerarsi un elemento importante per un nuovo modello di mobilità in città caratterizzate da un contesto urbano, come Modica, in cui è necessaria, per il problema orografico, l’integrazione con modi di trasporto non convenzionali. La valorizzazione del ruolo del trasporto pubblico, attraverso i sistemi ettometrici, permette a chiunque di accedere ad itinerari di particolare interesse storico o semplicemente di raggiungere la propria abitazione utilizzando un mezzo meccanico dal basso impatto ambientale, che rende agevoli percorsi fondamentalmente costituiti da scalinate e ripide rampe. Nel lavoro proposto viene altresì…

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This paper suggests a methodology to assess, through quantitative indicators, the public transport based accessibility inside an urban area. Such indicators derive from two functions, one called “activity function”, allowing for the presence of generators and attractors of mobility and another termed the “impedance function”, measuring the generalized cost of public transport journeys. The proposed method was tested and applied to a zone on the outskirts of Palermo (capital of the Sicilian Region), to evaluate the effects of a new tram line, which is under construction and will be activated by the end of 2012. The study shows that such a line is not sufficient to enhance significantly the a…

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Gli itinerari turistici in ambito urbano tra accessibilità e informazione

Palermo è una delle città, culturalmente ed economicamente, più importanti dell’intera area del Mediterraneo. Ricca di un notevole patrimonio architettonico e archeologico, è caratterizzata da un elevato potenziale turistico a cui non corrisponde un’adeguata rete di collegamenti e di servizi di trasporto multimodali. Oggi i centri urbani, dalle metropoli ai borghi, rappresentano uno degli anelli più importanti del sistema di offerta turistica, perché sono i luoghi in cui il turista, occasionale e/o di lunga permanenza, si trova di fronte a beni, servizi, cultura ed esperienze, diventandone consumatore. È proprio in questo processo che il visitatore ha necessità di percepire servizi di quali…

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The interaction between rail stations and urban area in medium-sized towns. A case study for Trapani.

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Vertical take-off and landing air transport to provide tourist mobility.

Abstract This paper examines helicopter transfer services to reach attractive and not very accessible tourist areas, taking Sicily and its minor islands, in the South of Italy, as a case study. We investigate the viability of helicopter scheduled services for tourists moving from/to airports or doing one day tours to visit far away places. The mode choice of tourists is simulated using random utility models employing stated preference data. Heli-shuttle service is planned in terms of fleet size, frequency, fare and location pattern of heliports. The paper also analyses how a public subsidy reducing fares might change the set of feasible connections.

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Cost analysis for a future helicopter for passenger transport

Purpose - This paper aims to identify the parameters that influence the cost competitiveness of helicopter services for scheduled passenger transport on a regional area. Design/methodology/approach - The approach used is based on an analysis of demand and on a bi-level model (modal split model - service supply optimization model) optimization. Performance optimization in the supply of helicopter transport services is obtained by a sensitivity analysis on the recognized cost factors. Findings - The identification of the variation margins in the cost factors that might make an helicopter competitive for scheduled passenger services. Research limitations/implications - The inability to conside…

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Logistic terminal planning on a regional scale

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Il ruolo delle ferrovie nell'area metropolitana di Messina

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The purpose of this study has been to develop a model to designing an efficient parking pricing policy. The aim is an intelligent control and management system of parking pricing integrated with a redefinition of the circulation scheme to define a limited traffic zone in the central business district of Palermo. The transport demand over the entire area of the town has been studied in order to design various parking pricing scenarios with the application of an additional cost on parking inside the selected area of the CBD. This area attracts most of the private vehicular traffic and it is characterized by university faculties, schools, hospitals, offices and commercial areas. The optimal ho…

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Analysis of the traffic management policy measures adopted in the central business district of Palermo

his research analyses the effects on air quality produced by the traffic management measures adopted in the Central Business District of Palermo (i.e. park price, the closure to traffic of Maqueda Road, etc.). Weather data series, pollutant concentrations data series (1997-2003) and the traffic data collected in 2003 were analysed by using different regression statistical models, to appraise the effectiveness of the traffic management policies adopted by City Council, understanding also the cause/effect relationships among the pollutant concentrations (CO, NO2, O3, C6H6 and PM10) and the traffic flows variations over time

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A freight transport demand model to evaluate policy actions for short sea shipping in Sicily

This research aims at developing a modelling tool to predict the impact of different policies on the modal split of the freight transport demand in Sicily (in particular, road versus short sea shipping). To gain this objective, a random utility model, precisely a nested logit one, has been formulated and estimated trough a stated preference (SP) survey which has involved about 40 road-based freight transport Sicilian firms. The resulting demand model has been applied to forecast the modal split scenarios deriving from several projects regarding the Sicilian freight mobility system (some projects are public plans and other ones are proposed by the authors).

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La sicurezza dei ciclisti: valutazione dei percorsi ciclabili della città di Palermo

The safety of cyclists: evaluation of cycle paths in the city of Palermo Some Italian cities have developed a growing interest in the development of cycling and they are equipped with efficient network of bicycle paths. Palermo has a high potential for increasing the use of the bicycle, for both orographic characteristics of its urban center both for the highly favorable climatic conditions. Unfortunately, a lack of integration between the urban and the transport system, generated infrastructures in urban areas, which for lack of space does not offer users a high level of service in terms of comfort and safety. These conditions don’t have certainly encouraged the development of an active cy…

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Cycling for Home-to-School Travel in Palermo: A Method for Assessing the Optimal Allocation of New Cycling Infrastructure

In order to reduce the number of cars on the road, one of the most incisive actions is to encourage cycling, e.g. through the introduction of bike-sharing systems. In particular, the activation of special bike-sharing programs for school students could lead students to choose this mode of transport to make their own home-school travel. The success of such initiatives is primarily linked to the presence of a continuous and functional cycle network, which can create safe routes to school. It is, therefore, necessary a cycle network design model that allows determining the optimal allocation of new cycle paths, maximizing the number of users and considering technical and economic constraints. …

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The analysis of urban travellers’ latent preferences to explain their mode choice behaviour

Our research aims to explore the impact of latent variables, mirroring urban travellers’ attitudes and perceptions, on the individual decision making process regarding the mode of transport. The paper describes the first results of an ongoing research activity, which derive from a pilot study conducted in Palermo, the capital of the Sicilian Region (in the south of Italy), and demonstrate that policy makers, in designing a socially desirable and environmentally sustainable urban mobility system, should take into account how travellers perceive the qualitative dimensions of transport.

research product

The Current and Future Role of Carsharing in Palermo: Analysis of Collected Data and Results of a Customer Satisfaction Survey

In recent years many cities, both in Italy and abroad, have adopted Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, in which one of the key action is the developing of the sharing mobility. The aim of the paper is to define the role that carsharing plays in Palermo today and it will play in the future, thanks to the adoption of new strategies, such as the introduction of the free-floating system, and transport demand orientation policies, such as the increase in the parking fees for private cars or the expansion of the ZTL. The average user profile of carsharing in Palermo has been identified through a customer satisfaction survey and the potential demand of carsharing in Palermo has been studied using G…

research product

Caratteristiche delle strade urbane e interrelazioni con lo stazionamento

research product

Un sistema di trasporto integrato per la riduzione della pressione veicolare nei centri storici

research product

GIS Infomobility for Travellers

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are essential systems to support decisions on territorial and environmental aspects. But they not always have been properly used for this purpose. Only in recent years GIS have been getting better used for the planning, management and control of the territory. The application of GIS to the transport sector has become relevant both for management and decision-making in support of Public Administration (PA) and citizens. GIS are particularly useful for roads and routing graphs management capabilities as well as for searching the most suitable path. The results achieved in this research activity aimed to evaluate different road graphs, proprietary and fre…

research product

The bike and the urban railway to develop a sustainable transport network

research product

A GIS-Based Method to Assess the Pedestrian Accessibility to the Railway Stations

Modern cities, affected by congestion, atmospheric and acoustic pollution, land consumption, should change and return to being on a human scale, rather than designed for cars. Proper land-use planning, infrastructure improvement and implementation of targeted interventions have to ensure that there is a rapprochement of citizens about the public transport, in order to reduce these problems. An important aspect of modal choice by users of the public transport system is, however, linked to the quality of the pedestrian routes. In fact, every journey made by public transport begins and finishes on foot. Therefore, studying pedestrian accessibility to transit stations and the walkability of the…

research product

Urban and Transit Planning. A Culmination of Selected Research Papers from IEREK Conferences on Urban Planning, Architecture and Green Urbanism, Italy and Netherlands (2017)

A volume of five parts, this book is a culmination of selected research papers from the second version of the international conferences on Urban Planning & Architectural Design for sustainable Development (UPADSD) and Urban Transit and Sustainable Networks (UTSN) of 2017 in Palermo and the first of the Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism Conference (RRAU) of 2018 in the Netherlands. This book, not only discusses environmental challenges of the world today, but also informs the reader of the new technologies, tools, and approaches used today for successful planning and development as well as new and upcoming ones. Chapters of this book provide in-depth debates on fields o…

research product