Laura Lacomba-trejo


Factores de protección de duelo complicado en dolientes de primer grado: capacidad mindful y autocompasións de primer grado: capacidad mindful y autocompasión

espanolMarco teorico: la perdida de un familiar de primer grado genera un gran impacto emocional y fisico en la persona, pero la capacidad mindful y la autocompasion pueden amortiguarla. El objetivo general fue valorar la capacidad mindful, la autocompasion y la presencia de duelo complicado (DC) en dolientes de primer grado. Metodo: 26 dolientes (84,60% mujeres), de 19 a 73 anos (M=44,04; DT= 14,21) fueron evaluados mediante: Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Escala de Autocompasion e Inventario de Duelo Complicado. Se realizaron analisis descriptivos, pruebas t, d de Cohen y correlaciones de Pearson. Resultados: presentaron puntuaciones moderadas de capacidad mindful y autocompasion, per…

research product

Additional file 1 of Anxiety and facial self-contacts: possible impact on COVID-19 transmission in dental practice

Additional file 1: Additional information about the instruments used.

research product

Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on threat perception of chronic illnesses in pediatric patients*

Objetivo: o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicometricas do Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve em uma amostra de adolescentes com condicoes endocrinas ou pneumologicas cronicas. Analisar a dimensionalidade e reduzir a escala elaborando baremas por sexo e diagnostico medico. Metodo: avaliamos 510 pacientes com idades entre 9 e 16 anos usando o Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressao. Foram realizados testes de confiabilidade, validade do construto, validade de criterio e comparacao de medias segundo o diagnostico e as variaveis sociodemograficas. As analises de confiabilidade e validade mostraram propried…

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Ajuste psicológico en cuidadores familiares de adolescentes: un análisis longitudinal durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19 en España

Debido al confinamiento por la COVID-19, las familias españolas tuvieron que adaptarse a nuevas situaciones y rutinas. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido conocer qué variables explicaban el ajuste psicológico de cuidadores familiares de adolescentes ante la COVID-19, mediante un estudio longitudinal (evaluando primero a las 2-3 semanas del inicio del estado de alarma y después tras 8 semanas de su instauración en España). Participaron 32 progenitores de adolescentes. Tras aceptar participar, se evaluó: clima familiar, satisfacción vital, regulación emocional, resiliencia y psicopatología. Se realizaron modelos de análisis comparativo cualitativo de conjuntos difusos (fsQCA). Nuestros…

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Factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in adolescent patients with chronic disease.

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a screening instrument that assesses emotional symptoms in different populations and medical conditions. This study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of the HADS in adolescents with chronic disease and the differences based on their medical condition.The HADS was administered to a sample of 302 adolescents with chronic disease. Exploratory factor analyses were done in a subsample of 100 adolescents, while confirmatory factor analyses were performed in the rest of participants (202) to examine the validity and reliability of the HADS (14 items); an analysis of variance for a single factor was also done to study diffe…

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Duelo complicado por la muerte de un hijo: presentación de un caso

La pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio puede ser uno de los eventos más estresantes de la vida. Los factores de riesgo y protección asociados a cada caso pueden favorecer o dificultar el procesamiento de la pérdida. Se presenta un caso de trastorno de duelo complejo persistente en el que se aplica el Protocolo Mindfulness para la Aceptación del Dolor, las Emociones y el Duelo. La paciente mejora tras la intervención, observándose que ya no puntúa en trastorno de duelo complejo persistente, ni sintomatología ansiosa de forma significativa, ha disminuido su afecto negativo y aumentado su autocompasión, afecto positivo y bienestar psicológico. Concluimos que se hace necesaria una evaluación…

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Psychological aspects of pre-adolescents or adolescents with precocious puberty: A systematic review.

Precocious puberty (PP) is an illness that appears when puberty, begins some years earlier than usual, provoking inferences in preadolescents and adolescents and their families. Therefore, the aim is to analyze if psychological consequences can be observed in groups of preadolescents or adolescents with PP. Method: A bibliographic search of the scientific literature was made following the PRISMA guide in the following databases: ProQuest, Psychinfo, Web Of Science, and Scopus. 592 studies were found, were uploaded to Covidence to make a screening, of which finally 6 were included for the revision according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two independent evaluators made the search, …

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Intervención cognitivo conductual para mujeres con trastorno depresivo persistente: sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y satisfacción vital

Antecedentes. El trastorno depresivo persistente (TDP) es una afectación del estado de ánimo frecuente en mujeres. Se ha empleado la terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC), la terapia cognitiva basada en mindfulness y la terapia centrada en la compasión de forma aislada. Objetivos. Evaluar la eficacia de un programa de intervención grupal multicomponente. Método. Tras la firma del consentimiento informado, las participantes (n = 6) respondieron (pre, post intervención y seguimiento) cuestionarios sobre: ansiedad, depresión, satisfacción con la vida y satisfacción con la intervención. Resultados. Nuestros resultados previos al tratamiento muestran niveles elevados de sintomatología ansiosa y dep…

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Familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19: psicopatología, estrés, percepción de amenaza y apoyo social

La nueva enfermedad conocida como COVID-19 ha sacudido nuestras vidas y ha supuesto una verdadera amenaza no solo para las personas que la padecen, sino también para sus familiares. Objetivo: Evaluar los factores de riesgo y protección en los familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19. Método: Una vez firmado el consentimiento informado, los participantes (n=50) completaron una entrevista sociodemográfica y se evaluó su grado de malestar emocional (SCL-90-R), estrés (PSS-14), percepción de amenaza (BIP-Q5) y apoyo social (MOS-SSS). Resultados: Los familiares que participaron presentaron malestar emocional, estrés, sensación de amenaza y apoyo social moderados. Conclusiones: Nuestro estud…

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Enfermedad renal crónica avanzada: ansiedad, depresión y percepción de amenaza

espanolMarco teorico: la percepcion que tengan las personas con enfermedad cronica de su enfermedad, como es el caso de las personas con enfermedad renal cronica avanzada (ERCA), puede impactar notable-mente en su ajuste emocional. Una percepcion mas amenazante puede asociarse con mas sintomato-logia emocional. El objetivo general fue valorar la sintomatologia ansiosa y depresiva y la percepcion de amenaza de la enfermedad de pacientes con ERCA.Metodo: 70 pacientes (80% varones), de entre 38-88 anos (M=68,88; DT= 9,98) fueron evaluados mediante: la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresion y la de Percepcion de amenaza de la enferme-dad. Se realizaron analisis descriptivos, pruebas t, d d…

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Mindfulness y duelo: programa MADED, mindfulness para la aceptación del dolor, las emociones y el duelo

Objective: to design a psychological intervention protocol for the accompaniment of pain and emotions in the grieving process based on attention and compassion. Method: mourners over 18 years of age, who have lost their family member at least 6 months ago, who are in phase 2 or 3 of the grieving process and who have no previous mental health problems, will be included. They will be evaluated after signing the informed consent, by means of: the Mindfulness Questionnaire, the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Vitality Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale and the Complicated Grief Inventory. Descriptive statistics, Cohen’s t-test f…

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Predicting health-related quality of life in Spanish adolescents with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma

This study analyzed the predictive power of sociodemographic (age, sex) and medical variables (months since diagnosis and in treatment, immunotherapy, number of environmental allergens, food allergies or atopic dermatitistypes) on the quality of life of patients with rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma, using models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis to compare them according to the pathology(s). Retrospective cross-sectional design.Sixty-four adolescents (65.60% boys) diagnosed with rhinoconjunctivitis and/or bronchial asthma aged between 12 and 16 years old (M= 14.02; SD = 1.45). The data were collected between February 2019 and January 2020 using the Brief Disease Perce…

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Cuestionario de adaptación a la diabetes-mellitus tipo I en pediatría: relación con la psicopatología

ABSTRACT Objective: to study the psychometric properties of an adaptive disease response questionnaire for use with Spanish children with type 1 diabetes; to analyse this response in this sample and to observe the relationship between adaptive response and levels of anxiety-depression. Method: a total of 100 patients with type 1 diabetes aged between nine and 16 years (M=12.28, SD=1.78) participated in the study, of which 59% were children. Data was collected in public hospitals via interviews using the Adaptive Disease Response Questionnaire and Anxiety and Depression Scale. The data was analysed using Pearson correlations, multiple hierarchical linear regressions, Student’s t Test for ind…

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Ajuste familiar durante la pandemia de la COVID-19: un estudio de díadas

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has brought a host of vital changes to society Families and their children have had to adapt to new routines and situations, which may have increased or aggravated the suffering of emotional symptoms However, the presence of resilience and positive emotional regulation strategies can cushion this impact on families with young children The aim of the present study is to know the variables that explained the problems of family emotional adjustment to the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the dyads of parents and their adolescent children Thirty-one dyads of adolescents between 11 and 19 years old (M = 13 90;SD = 1 85) and their main caregivers participated, 93 50%…

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What are the risk and protective factors for the well-being of adolescents with CF?

La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad crónica y hereditaria que compromete la vida de quienes la padecen, y se hace especialmente importante su impacto en la adolescencia. El afrontamiento que estos pacientes y sus familiares hagan de estas circunstancias que les han tocado vivir, puede mejorar o empeorar el curso y desenlace de la enfermedad. El objetivo es conocer los factores de riesgo y protectores que influyen en el bienestar de los adolescentes con FQ. Para ello se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de la literatura científica siguiendo la guía PRISMA en las siguientes bases de datos: Web of Science, ProQuest y Scopus. Se incluyeron artículos centrados en factores psicológicos d…

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Psychosocial Factors and Chronic Illness as Predictors for Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence

Adolescence is a challenging time when emotional difficulties often arise. Self-esteem, good relationships with peers, and emotional competences can buffer the effects of these difficulties. The difficulties can be even greater when coupled with the presence of a chronic physical illness (CD). Our goal is to analyze psychosocial factors and CD as predictors for anxiety and depression. It was compared the results of structural equation models (SEM) with models based on qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to analyze the possible influence of these variables on levels of anxiety-depression in adolescents with and without CD. The sample consisted of 681 adolescents, between 12 and 16 years o…

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Oral-Health-Related Quality of Life and Cosleeping: The Role of Nocturnal Breastfeeding

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the association between cosleeping and the number of breastfeeding sessions in infants, OHRQoL of the child and the family, and the DMFT Child’s index. The sample comprised 273 children (2–4 years old). In addition to the clinical examination of the child to assess the DMFT Index, the mother was requested to complete a questionnaire to collect data about the breastfeeding practice, diet, dental hygiene, dental check-ups, quality of the child’s oral life, and family impact (ECOHIS Scale). The children’s OHRQoL is positively correlated with number of night-time breastfeeding sessions at 12 months (r2 = 0.40 **), DMFT index (r2 = 0.60 **), impact family …

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Anticipated Grief in Relatives of People with Alzheimer's Disease: Discourse Analysis

Resumen La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia más frecuente, considerada un proceso crónico e incurable. Los cuidadores de personas con EA pueden experimentar duelo anticipado. El objetivo fue observar el desarrollo de duelo anticipado en familiares de personas con EA. Participaron 10 cuidadores familiares de personas con EA en estado moderado o avanzado (70 % mujeres), de entre 18 y 80 años. Respondieron una entrevista semiestructurada (sentimientos, reconocimiento de la muerte, reorganización familiar, esperanza, facilitación o resistencia a la muerte y aproximación o distanciamiento del familiar). Se empleó la técnica del análisis cualitativo del contenido empleando la triangula…

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Is acceptance and commitment therapy helpful in reducing anxiety symptomatology in people aged 65 or over? A systematic review

Anxiety-related mental health problems constitute a health challenge, especially in the elderly population. At present, there are few psychological treatments to reduce anxiety adapted to this group. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to determine the therapeutic effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on anxiety in older adults, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. Two blinded reviewers participated in the search, selection and methodological quality assessment processes; reaching satisfactory levels of agreement between reviewers (κ > 0.70). The search was performed in PubM…

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Psycho-emotional adjustment in parents of adolescents: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the impact of the COVID pandemic

Abstract Purpose: adolescence is a time of change and it generally entails a greater family vulnerability thus; the aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for poor emotional adjustment to COVID among parents of adolescents. Design and methods: 94 parents of adolescents (11–18 years old, M = 13.90, SD = 1.85) participated at different times during the state of alert in Spain. 91.5% were mothers. Their ages ranged from 35 to 63 years (M = 46.54; SD = 5.09). The variables assessed were anxiety, depression and stress (DASS), moods (MOOD), somatization (SCL) and resilience (CD-RISC). Descriptive analyses, t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations, and hierarchical regressions were performed. All…

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Factors associated with stress when caring for a child with a short stature

Short stature (SS) is one of the main diagnoses in Pediatric Endocrinology. SS can have a negative impact on family dynamics, causing stress and psychopathology. Poor adaptation by the family caregiver negatively affects the pedi- atric patient. Our objective was therefore to study the adjustment of the main family caregivers of pediatric patients with SS, analyzing the factors influencing it. One hundred and ten primary family caregivers of pediatric SS patients from hospitals in Valencia, Spain, participated. Parental stress (Pediatric Inventory for Parents), anxious and depres- sive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), family functioning (Family Cohesion and Adaptation Scale…

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A brief version of the Pediatric Inventory for Parents (PIP) in Spanish population: Stress of main family carers of chronic paediatric patients.

A chronic illness in childhood has a negative impact on the paediatric patient and on family functioning. Psychological stress in parents influences the level of adjustment to the illness of their children. The Pediatric Inventory for Parents (PIP) was designed to measure stress in parents whose child has a chronic illness or requires prolonged medical monitoring. The main objective of this study is to provide a brief version of the Spanish translation of the PIP, across a sample consisting of 465 main familial caregivers (85.2% female, n = 396) between 27 and 67 years old ([Formula: see text] = 44.13; SD = 5.35) of paediatric patients between 9 and 18 years old ([Formula: see text] = 12.10…

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Facial Self-Touching and the Propagation of COVID-19: The Role of Gloves in the Dental Practice

Background: Despite facial self–touching being a possible source of transmission of SARS–Co–V–2 its role in dental practice has not been studied. Factors such as anxiety symptoms or threat perception of COVID–19 may increase the possibility of contagion. The objective was to compare the impact of control measures, such as gloves or signs in the reduction in facial self–touching. Methods: An intra–subject design was undertaken with 150 adults. The patients’ movements in the waiting room were monitored with Microsoft Kinect software on three occasions: without any control measures, using plastic gloves or using advisory signs against self–touching. Additionally, the participants completed the…

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Advanced chronic kidney disease. Association between anxiety, depression and resilience

Resumen Introducción: el padecimiento de la enfermedad renal crónica avanzada (ERCA) se asocia con una mayor probabilidad de padecer sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa. No obstante, la resiliencia puede amortiguar estos efectos. El objetivo general fue valorar la sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y la resiliencia de los pacientes con ERCA. Métodos: 70 pacientes (80 % varones), con edades entre 38-88 años (M=68,88; DT= 9,98) fueron evaluados mediante la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión y la de Resiliencia de Connor Davidson. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, pruebas t, d de Cohen y correlaciones de Pearson. Resultados: un 41,79 % presentó sintomatología ansiosa y un 25,38 % dep…

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Impacto emocional y resiliencia en adolescentes de España y Ecuador durante la COVID-19: estudio transcultural

La pandemia de la COVID-19 está impactando en la salud emocional de los adolescentes. Factores como la resiliencia pueden amortiguar este importante impacto sobre su bienestar. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la asociación entre la sintomatología ansioso-depresiva y la resiliencia en adolescentes de España y Ecuador, y comparar las diferencias existentes entre ambas muestras. Participaron 476 adolescentes (70,10 % mujeres) entre 9 y 18 años (M = 15,62; DT = 1,22), distribuidos por igual entre ambos países. Se evaluaron mediante la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés y la Escala de Resiliencia. Realizamos análisis descriptivos, pruebas t para muestras independientes, cálculo del tamaño del …

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Anxiety and facial self-contacts: possible impact on COVID-19 transmission in dental practice

Abstract Background The purpose was to analyse the associations between dental and trait anxiety, fear of COVID-19 and the duration and frequency of spontaneous hand-to-face contact (self-contact). Methods A cross-sectional design was carried out with 128 adult patients from four dental clinics in Madrid, during the confinement, from March 15 to May 15. The patients’ movements in the waiting room were monitored with Microsoft Kinect Software, also completed the Trait anxiety subscale of the STAI, the COVID-19 Fear and the S-DAI questionnaire. Results Associations were observed between the duration and frequency of facial, mask and eye contact with trait anxiety and dental fear was determine…

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YES, WE COPE: Dyadic Coping as a Mediator Between Perceived Relationship Quality and Emotional Representation of COVID-19

Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about social changes that have impacted the functioning and dynamics of couples in a romantic relationship, arising from the overwhelming amount of added stress they have endured. Specifically, the divorce rate in Portugal has increased after lockdown, which underscores the adverse consequences of COVID-19 on couples. A lower quality of the couple’s relationship may worsen the emotional representation of COVID-19; however, the literature suggests that perceived partner dyadic coping responses have a great influence on adverse events. The aim of the present study was to assess the mediating role of partner coping in the association betwee…

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Terapia basada en la compasión: regulación emocional, apego y salud mental

Los sucesos vitales estresantes (SVE) pueden influir en nuestras vinculaciones, y con ello en: la compasión, la regulación emocional y en nuestro bienestar físico y psicológico. El objetivo del presente artículo es proponer e implementar un programa de intervención basado en la compasión (TBC). Tras la firma del consentimiento informado, los participantes (n=8) respondieron cuestionarios sobre vinculaciones afectivas, regulación emocional, compasión, (SVE) y emocionalidad. Nuestros resultados previos al tratamiento muestran perfiles de desajuste marcados por la vinculación insegura, las dificultades de regulación, la baja autocompasión y la elevada emocionalidad negativa. Tras el tratamient…

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Satisfacción con la vida, vitalidad y emociones positivas como factores de protección ante el duelo complicado

Objetivo: Valorar la satisfacción con la vida, la vitalidad, el afecto positivo y la presencia de duelo complicado en dolientes de primer grado. Método: 26 dolientes de 19 a 73 años, hombres y mujeres, fueron evaluados mediante las Escalas de Satisfacción con la Vida, de Vitalidad y de Afecto Positivo y Negativo, y el Inventario de Duelo Complicado. Se efectuaron análisis descriptivos y se aplicaron las pruebas t de Pearson y d de Cohen para obtener correlaciones entre las variables. Resultados: Los participantes alcanzaron puntuaciones moderadas de satisfacción con la vida, vitalidad y afecto positivo, pero un gran porcentaje mostró duelo complicado, mayor en los hombres y cuando la pérdid…

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