X.j. Zhang
Measurement of the D→K−π+ strong phase difference in ψ(3770)→D0D¯0
Abstract We study D 0 D ¯ 0 pairs produced in e + e − collisions at s = 3.773 GeV using a data sample of 2.92 fb−1 collected with the BESIII detector. We measured the asymmetry A K π CP of the branching fractions of D → K − π + in CP-odd and CP-even eigenstates to be ( 12.7 ± 1.3 ± 0.7 ) × 10 − 2 . A K π CP can be used to extract the strong phase difference δ K π between the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed process D ¯ 0 → K − π + and the Cabibbo-favored process D 0 → K − π + . Using world-average values of external parameters, we obtain cos δ K π = 1.02 ± 0.11 ± 0.06 ± 0.01 . Here, the first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively, while the third uncertainty arises …
Study of e+e−→pp¯ in the vicinity of ψ(3770)
Using 2917 pb(-1) of data accumulated at 3.773 GeV, 44.5 pb(-1) of data accumulated at 3.65 GeV and data accumulated during a psi(3770) line-shape scan with the BESIII detector, the reaction e(+)e(-) -> p (p) over bar is studied considering a possible interference between resonant and continuum amplitudes. The cross section of e(+)e(-) -> psi(3770) -> p (p) over bar, sigma(e(+)e(-)-> psi(3770) -> p (p) over bar), is found to have two solutions, determined to be (0.059(-0.020)(+0.070) +/- 0.012) pb with the phase angle phi = (255.8(-26.6)(+39.0) +/- 4.8). ( psi(3770) -> p ) = (2.57(-0.13)(+0.12) +/- 0.12) pb with phi = (266.9(-6.3)(+6.1) +/- 0.9)degrees both of which agree with a destructive…