Factores que determinan los honorarios de auditoría: Análisis empírico para México
La escasa investigación internacional sobre auditoría en el ámbito latinoamericano ha motivado el desarrollo de esta investigación. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente los factores que influyen en el monto de los honorarios de auditoría en México, partiendo de una muestra de 59 empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), durante el período de 2002 a 2008. La metodología empleada, en línea con los estudios previos, se basa en un modelo de regresión múltiple, a partir de un conjunto de hipótesis relacionadas con diversos factores que afectan la determinación de los honorarios, vinculados a la empresa auditada y a la firma auditora, recolectados de la base de …
El informe de transparencia de las firmas auditoras: Evidencia del mercado español 2010-2013
This paper looks into the Annual Transparency Reports published in Spain in 2010 as a consequence of the Spanish Auditing Act 12/2010, and in 2013 after the publication of the 2011 Spanish Auditing Regulation and the new European Union proposals. The results of this pioneer research in our country evidence a high level of transparency regarding the compulsory items legally required, showing an increasing trend from 2010 to 2013. However, there is a decrease in voluntary information in 2013. Our study reveals that bigger audit firms and firms less dependent on fees from consultancy services are the ones with higher transparency levels in their Annual Transparency Reports.
Economic development and CSR assurance: Important drivers for carbon reporting… yet inefficient drivers for carbon management?
Abstract This study contributes to the current climate debate by shedding some light on the driving forces of the disclosure and management of carbon emissions in the context of developed and developing economies. Our findings show that the probability of not reporting total carbon emissions is significantly higher in companies located in a developing than in a developed economy. In addition, the company's sustainability profile (the sustainability report, its assurance and the existence of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committee), gender diversity policies and other corporate variables (especially size), significantly increase the probability of disclosing total carbon emissions,…
Driving factors for having visibility of sustainability contents in university degree titles
Abstract Given the increasing concern about sustainability issues in society, graduates and postgraduates going into the labour market benefit from the inclusion of sustainability contents in university studies. Visibility of these contents is gained towards a potential employer if they are explicitly mentioned in the university degree title. This is the first paper to explore this trend. More precisely, the purpose of this study is to find explanatory causal combinations of factors for this trend in the Spanish setting. The methodological approach of this paper is based on fuzzy sets. More precisely, it follows fuzzy-sets Qualitative Comparative Analysis, which is an innovative approach in…
Supervisores bursátiles, gobierno corporativo y cumplimiento de las NIIF: el caso de la CNMV
Las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), emitidas por el International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) y los US-GAAP, son hoy el referente global en convergencia hacia un estándar global. Las NIIF se utilizan fundamentalmente en los mercados de capitales, si bien carecen de una superestructura que garantice un sistema contable de elevada calidad. La Unión Europea, en su nueva propuesta de reglamento de auditoría para Entidades de Interés Público (EIP), da un gran protagonismo a los supervisores bursátiles como controladores de una adecuada aplicación de estas normas en la confección de los estados financieros. En este contexto, el objetivo que persigue el presente trab…
Sustainable Development, Stakeholder Engagement and Analyst Forecasts’ Accuracy: Positive Evidence from the Spanish Setting
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Valencia (ref. UV-INV-AE15-332959).
Data analytics in banks' audit: The case of loan loss provisions in Uruguay
Abstract The purpose of this study is two-fold: firstly, to analyze the benefits of implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format to report in the banking industry considering the industry's specific risks and complexities. Secondly, to show that both, ERP and XBRL are necessary to successfully use Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) while performing audit procedures to verify the compliance of certain crucial regulatory requirements. The study shows the possible consequences of not using CAATs to audit the compliance of loan loss provisions' regulatory requirements in Uruguay.
El concepto de informe integrado como innovación en reporting corporativo
ResumenLa información integrada (o informe integrado [IR]) es una de las innovaciones más recientes dentro de la corriente relacionada con informes de sostenibilidad e información no financiera en el mundo. Aunque algunas compañías comenzaron prácticas de IR en la década del 2000 (Eccles y Krzus, 2010), la presentación de informes integrados ha sido reconocida solo desde 2010, como la mejor manera de obtener un panorama completo del valor de las empresas, superando las limitaciones de los informes tradicionales (Eccles y Krzus, 2010; Jensen y Berg, 2012; Abeysekera, 2013).Nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo analizar esta innovadora corriente de presentación de informes. Para ello, pri…
Integrated Reporting, Connectivity, and Social Media
Leading companies worldwide are increasingly concerned about stakeholders’ needs. They include sustainability initiatives regarding the environment and the community in their business strategy and adopt a new way of communication with stakeholders, that is, the Integrated Report (IR). This document should include in just one document the information traditionally provided in the annual report, the sustainability report, and the corporate governance report. This article presents the IR phenomenon and pays special attention to the key concept of “connectivity,” according to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). However, Internet and digital technologies have provided new chan…
Aseguramiento del informe de sostenibilidad en España y Latinoamérica
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el aseguramiento de los informes de sostenibilidad emitidos en España y Latinoamérica. Sobre una muestra de 783 empresas que envían su informe de sostenibilidad al Global Reporting Initiative, se identifican en primer lugar las características corporativas que conducen a las empresas a someter a aseguramiento dicho informe. En segundo lugar, se analiza la evolución del mercado de aseguramiento y su distribución que se evidencia dominado por firmas auditoras. En tercer lugar, se estudia el contenido del informe de aseguramiento para observar las diferentes tendencias en su confección, así como para crear un índice sobre la calidad del mismo. Las conclus…
Consumer confidence: Causality links with subjective and objective information sources
Abstract This study analyses the relationship of causality between consumer confidence and the economic information ecosystem from subjective (i.e., business sentiment) and objective sources (financial information from listed companies and the stock index). Our sample covers Spain from June 2011 to December 2018. Our results show that consumer confidence and economic information can exert a causality influence on each other. The results show Granger causality from IBEX35 and total assets in the financial sector and leverage of the companies in the energy sector to the consumer confidence index (CCI), in the first lag: from operating income in the telecommunications sector to the CCI in the …
Complaints management and bank risk profile
Abstract This study investigates Spanish financial institutions' (FIs') propensity to amend and rectify errors deriving from complaints that financial services' users file with the Spanish regulator Complaints Service and how this propensity relates to FIs' risk profile. Under the theory that risk management system of a FI includes reputation risk, this study finds that FIs with higher amendment ratio are inefficient, have high liquidity, are highly profitable in the banking business and are sensitive to market risk while FIs that tend to rectify errors have lower loan loss provisions booked and have larger loan portfolios. Both tend to issue a sustainability report. Findings shed light on …
Carbon emissions by Ssouth american companies: driving factors for reporting decisions and emissions reduction
In the last decade, companies have started to disclose information on carbon emissions. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to look into this phenomenon in South America, which is a very important geographical area regarding climate change because of the local nature and developing economies. This paper explores the relationships between some corporate variables and two important decisions: (i) whether to report carbon emissions, and (ii) the impact on the evolution of carbon emissions. Logit and linear panel data models are used to determine the driving factors for decisions (i) and (ii). Our results show that regarding the carbon reporting decision, a company&rsquo
Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility and Integrated Reporting: An Exploratory Study
There is increasing interest in integrated reporting that includes the company's financial, governance, environmental, and social performance. For this reason, the main objective of this investigation is to study why companies are producing integrated reporting, paying special attention to the links with the assurance of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) report. Based on 7144 worldwide observations, this study identifies the determinants of integrated reporting through a logistic regression model. Our results point out that the likelihood of disclosing an integrated report is positively associated with having the CSR report assured, year, size and supplement industry. Next, we teste…
Assurance of Sustainability Reporting in a European Context
espanolLa verificacion externa dota de mayor credibilidad a los informes de RSC. Este trabajo muestra los resultados de un estudio empirico, durante 2005-2009, sobre la verificacion de 2.685 informes de sostenibilidad elaborados por empresas europeas. Los resultados senalan que la decision de verificacion depende del tamano de la empresa, del sector al que pertenece, del ano y del sistema contable de los paises. Espana, con un 33% de informes verificados, es el pais que verifica mas informes de sostenibilidad, revelandose como pionero en la busqueda de mayor calidad en la informacion social y medioambiental publicada. EnglishExternal assurance provides higher credibility to Corporate Social…
Cursos en línea masivos y abiertos en educación superior. Un análisis desde su oferta
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the MOOC supply level. Specifically, this paper analyzes certain internal and strategic factors associated with universities, such as prestige, public or private status, age, size (measured by the number of faculty members or students) and region. Design/methodology: We apply a descriptive methodology and then use multivariate analysis to test five hypotheses related to the institutional profile of 151 universities in 29 countries. Empirical evidence is provided from universities offering MOOCs through the four of the most commonly used private global platforms that emerged as part of the booming MOOC movement (Udacity, Co…
Políticas europeas de auditoría en tempos de crise
A Unión Europea respondeu á crise financeira internacional tomando medidas que permitan recuperar a estabilidade nos mercados e favorecer o crecemento económico nos Estados membros. No terreo da auditoría, no ano 2010 publicouse o documento «Libro Verde. Política de auditoría: lecciones de la crisis», que mostra a intención da Comisión Europea de asumir o liderado en materia de auditoría no ámbito internacional, promovendo a cooperación internacional no marco do Consello de Estabilidade Financeira e do G-20. A este documento séguenlle a Resolución do Parlamento Europeo, de 13 de setembro de 2011, sobre «Políticas de auditoría: lecciones de la crisis»; a Proposta de directiva do Parlamento E…
Class-attendance and Online-tests Results: Reflections for Continuous Assessment
Sometimes class-attendance is a component (or requirement) to benefit from the continuous assessment. The objective of this study is to evidence that some students seem to be getting unfairly penal...
Learning IFRS through MOOC: student and graduate perceptions
This paper provides an overview of the perceptions held by 623 Colombian students and graduates regarding the learning of IFRS through a MOOC. Data was collected through an online survey and the re...
Innovation at universities: A fuzzy-set approach for MOOC-intensiveness
Abstract Typologies can be an adequate tool for analyzing the complex cause–effect relationships between innovation and the supply of university courses. This study presents a new theoretical perspective on causal core and periphery factors for MOOC-intensiveness in universities using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). The findings show how this new theoretical perspective allows for two different typologies. Different configurations lead to an outcome combination of different core and peripheral conditions building on internal, strategic, and external factors. However, the two configurations leading to the absence of the outcome simply refer to the absence of a strategic f…
RESUMEN A raíz del Protocolo de Kioto, España crea el Registro Nacional de Huella de Carbono, Compensación y Proyectos de Absorción de Dióxido de Carbono mediante el Real Decreto 163/2014. Ello se constituye en una iniciativa pionera para potenciar que las empresas españolas den visibilidad a su compromiso en la reducción de sus emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI). Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación explora los determinantes de la adhesión al Registro Nacional de Huella de Carbono español. Se realiza un estudio exploratorio de las características de las primeras empresas españolas que decidieron inscribir su huella de carbono, a través de un modelo de regresión logísti…
Retos para la educación y profesión contable derivados de una armonización mundial liderada por el IASC: la nueva estrategia europea de armonización contable como modelo para otras áreas económicas
En este trabajo presentamos un juicio crítico de las importantes decisiones que la Comisión Europea ha adoptado a lo largo del pasado año 2000, con miras a implantar definitivamente una estrategia sobre armonización contable. Consideramos que este trabajo es de especial importancia en el contexto de esta Conferencia Internacional, dado que muchos organismos mundiales a favor de la armonización contable, han puesto sus ojos en el modelo de la Unión Europea y en cierto sentido el área económica europea es un peso fundamental para contrarrestar la fuerza de los Estados Unidos, respaldados por sus mercados de capitales, de cara al debate de armonización contable internacional. Dada la actualida…
Stress test impact and bank risk profile: Evidence from macro stress testing in Europe
Abstract This study investigates the risk profile of banks that get a significant capital level reduction in the EU-wide stress test exercises. Using the CAMELS multifaceted risk approach, we look into the connection between the bank risk factors and the macro stress testing impact on capital. The results show that financial institutions that are inefficient or complex, with low profitability levels and small loan portfolio, receive highly negative results in the stress tests. As this risk profile is not consistent over time, the results support the stress tests disciplinary role, suggesting risk management strategy adjustment through consideration of prior stress test outcomes.
Effects of Carbon Emissions, Environmental Disclosures and CSR Assurance on Cost of Equity in Emerging Markets
The objective of the paper is to empirically test the relation between carbon emissions, environmental disclosures, assurance of sustainability reports and firms&rsquo
Essays in Honor of Professor Jacques Richard: IFRS in a Global World – International and Critical Perspectives on Accounting
This book pays tribute to Jacques Richard, Chartered Accountant and professor emeritus at Paris Dauphine University, a founding member of the French Accounting Association and a member of the Frenc...
Audit Institutions in the European Union: Public Service Promotion, Environmental Engagement and COVID Crisis Communication through Social Media
This article analyses Social Media (SM) use as a promotion tool for public institutions in the public audit sector. The authors propose a quantitative model to assess online engagement of 94 European audit institutions (national and regional) with their stakeholders, based on SM and web activity metrics of these institutions, with a focus on pressing matters such as environment, sustainability and the current COVID pandemic. The proposed model may be applied to assess organisations from any public or private sector. The research finds that SM presence helps audit institutions to promote their services more effectively by directing their stakeholders to extensive content on the audit institu…
Características de las Empresas Europeas que Aplican las Normas del IASC: Evidencia Empírica de Cara al Debate Regulador en la Nueva Fase de Armonización Contable
RESUMENEste trabajo examina las caracteristicas de una muestra de empresas de la Union Europea que elaboran sus estados financieros de acuerdo con la normativa del International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). El objetivo de este estudio es proporcionar una prediccion de la aplicacion de la reciente propuesta contenida en el documento de la Comision titulado «Plan de accion para Mejorar el Mercado Unico de Servicios Financieros». Esta propuesta consiste en proporcionar a las empresas europeas la opcion de aplicar las normas del IASC al confeccionar sus cuentas anuales. De este modo, el objetivo de este articulo es aislar los determinantes que conducen a las empresas europeas a aplica…