Dace Grauda

Combined Effects of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field and SiO2 Nanoparticles on Oxidative Stress in Plant’s Gametic Cells / Zemfrekvences (50 Hz) Elekromagnētiskā Lauka Un SiO2 Nanodaļiņu Kombinētā Ietekme Uz Augu Gametisko Šūnu Oksidatīvo Stresu

Abstract The paper presents the results of combined effects of an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) (ELF EMF) and SiO2 nanoparticles on fluorescence of plant gametic cells (immature microspores). The data were recorded by a BD FACSJazz® cell sorter after cell irradiation by blue laser (488 nm). A significant difference of fluorescence was observed between gametic cells after 1 hour incubation in suspension of SiO2 nanoparticles and the control gametic cells. It was observed that fluorescence intensity of gametic cell was higher with ELF EMF treatment in comparison to control cells, but it was statistically significant only for cells treated with electromagnetic radiation…

research product

Breeding For Organic Farming : Obtaining And Evaluation Of Flax Somaclonal Families

Plant calli culture could be used as a source of genetic changes (somaclonal variation). There are known several flax varieties, bred on the basis of somaclonal variation, with improved resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, plant height, seed yield and other traits. This method is useful for obtaining the new initial material for flax breeding, including for intensification of breeding for organic farming. Goal of the study was to obtain plants-regenerants from the calli culture of the fibre flax variety ‘Vega 2’ and to evaluate their agronomical traits and resistance to powdery mildew. For obtaining plants-regenerants was used early elaborated protocol of somatic calli cultivation. Ag…

research product

Using Anther Culture Method for Flax Breeding Intensification

Flax breeding is a long and complicated process based on hybridization and following selection of the best plants. Because of possible occasional cross-pollination the development of genetically stable homozygous lines could last more than 15 years. For more rapid creating of initial material for flax breeding anther culture methods for producing doubled haploid (DH) lines could be used successfully. The goal of this study was to develop the best anther culture protocol for producing DH lines from hybrids included in Latvian flax breeding programme and to do preliminary field evaluation of obtained DH lines. F4 hybrids were used in the experiment. Method, most applicable for establishing of…

research product

Genetic Diversity of Mute Swan Population of the Riga Urban Area

Abstract Mute swan Cygnus olor is the most abundant breeding swan species in Rīga and Latvia. Since manmade habitats are the preferred breeding habitats of this species - Cygnus olor is of particular interest in studies of urban biodiversity. The latest records show that 30-40 pairs breed annually in Rīga, 400-700 individuals migrate through the area, and 120-150 individuals stay over winter. The goal of our study was to determine the genetic variation of the mute swan population in Rīga. Blood samples were collected from 47 individual birds found in different sites in Rīga or elsewhere in Latvia. The universal retrotransposon based iPBS markers were used to estimate diversity. Three primer…

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Genetic Structure of the Limecola Balthica Population in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea

Abstract Samples of Limecola balthica with normal and deformed shells were collected from ten sites throughout the Gulf of Riga. Genetic diversity was evaluated by the retrotransposon-based iPBS method. Samples had close mutual genetic distances, which showed that all of them belong to one wider population of the Gulf of Rīga. No direct relationship between the activity of retrotransposons and deformation of shells was found.

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We have carried out restoring of some Latvian alfalfa genetic resources from seeds of accessions that did not germinate in soil at all. Two of them were repatriated from the N. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Industry (multiplied more than 40 years ago) and three from the Research Institute of Agriculture (Latvia) (multiplied 15-20 years ago). For germination of old seeds we used early elaborated in vitro culture conditions. Germination rate ranged 2-60%, depending from the genotype and seeds storage conditions. Plantlets with well developed roots and 2-3 leaves were planted in the substrate in small pots and grown in a greenhouse about a month, then replanted in the soil in field co…

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The goal of this study was to detect endopolyploidy of Ligularia sibirica from populations existed in different ecological conditions. This is important step to elaborate the appropriate protection measures of rare and endangered species, which should be based on understanding of ongoing processes in populations. From this point of view the knowledge of genetic diversity, including endopolyploidy level between and within populations, is crucial. L. sibirica is endangered and protected plant species in Latvia which is included in the protected plants list of EU Habitat directive 92/43/EEK Annexes 2 and 4. Perennial herbaceous plant L. sibirica is one of two species of genus Ligularia in Euro…

research product

Anther Culture Effectiveness in Producing Doubled Haploids of Cereals/ Putekðòu Kultûras Efektivitâte Graudaugu Dubultoto Haploîdu Izveidoðanâ

Abstract Our goal was to improve the method of obtaining double haploids (DH) by anther culture from Latvian breeding material for several agriculturally important cereals in Latvia: barley, spring and winter wheat. Hybrids from Latvian breeders were initial material. It was found that copper (2.5 mg/l) added to barley anther pre-treatment media and to both barley (C3) and wheat (liquid AMC) induction media, resulted in a higher percentage of green plants-regenerants. In general, the winter wheat hybrids exhibited lower embryogenesis than spring wheat hybrids. Obtaining a large number of DH lines from barley and wheat hybrids with unknown androgenesis response can be organized in two stages…

research product

Microbial Food Web Components as Potential Indicators of Urban Hydroecosystems / Mikrobiālās ķēdēs Komponentu Potenciāls Pielietojums Urbānās Vides Ūdeņu Ekosistēmas Kvalitātes Novērtējumam

Abstract Assessment of the effect of urbanisation on biodiversity and ecological impact studies are focused on plants, birds, terrestrial arthropods, and relatively few studies have been on aquatic organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the microbial food web components as potential indicators of the trophic state of two small natural lakes (Gaiļezers, Bābelītis), two artificial lakes or reservoirs (created after excavation activities before 20 years) and the Gulf of Riga seaside Vecāķi beach (littoral), all of which are located in the city of Riga or close to it. Analysis of samples was conducted from April til October 2014 by epifluorescense microscopy for pico and nanoplankt…

research product


Flax ( Linum usitatissimum L) yield of stem and seeds and them quality is influenced by a number of harmful diseases but investigation about pathogens in recent years have not been done in Latvia.  Each stage of development of disease is important in the pathogen life cycle and requires certain condition. Goal of this study have identify possibilities of the pathogens and were assess disease severity depending on the genotypes on flax in variable environmental conditions. The resistance to the diseases for 24 flax genotypes and standard variety ‘Vega 2’ were evaluated. The field trials have been carried out over the period from 2015 to 2016 at the Research Centre of Priekuli, part of Vilani…

research product

Yield development of flax varieties and lines within variable environment in Latvia

Flax is the multiple purpose crop cultivated in temperate region. Seeds of oil flax recently became important constituent for many industrial applications, such as pharmacy, medicine, food production <em>etc.</em> and have high prospective for use in Latvia. Understanding the underlying processes that limit seed yield in flax is major with respect to enhancing the breeding of flax for yield improvements. The aim of study was evaluated 29 flax varieties and lines (including 20 Latvian origins) plasticity of seed yield production in changeable environmental conditions. The experiment was carried out in the Agricultural Scientific Centre of Latgale on field trials over the period 2…

research product

Salinity-induced responses and resistance in Trifolium repens L.

Abstract White clover ( Trifolium repens L.) is a commonly cultivated legume with good ground cover potential often used with companion grass species in urban grassed areas. The effect of increased soil salinity on plant growth is an urgent problem in cities where NaCl is used as a de-icing material. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of different salinity levels and K supply-induced responses and tolerance in the T. repens L. variety ‘Daile’, a variety which is used in urban greenery. To analyze the impact of increased soil salinity and the antagonistic effect of K, the effect of gradually increasing NaCl (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 mM) and K (+0, +100, +200, +300 mg/L) levels …

research product

Genetic Diversity of White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) from the Urban Area of Rīga Baltā Āboliņa (Trifolium Repens L.) Ģenētiskā Daudzveidība Rīgas Pilsētvidē

Baltais āboliņš (Trifolium repens L.) ir tauriņziežu dzimtas augs, plaši izplatīts gan pilsētvidē, gan ārpus tās. Tas tiek izmantots kā lauksaimniecības augs biomasas iegūšanai, un tā ir arī populāra daudzgadīgos zālienus veidojošā suga - pilsētvidē balto āboliņu sēj zālājos. Baltais āboliņš plaši pārstāvēts dažādos biotopos ar mainīgu ārējo faktoru ietekmi, tai skaitā pilsētvidē. Tādēļ tas ir piemērots modeļobjekts antropogēnās ietekmes pētīšanai. Darba mērķis bija noteikt baltā āboliņa Latvijas populācijas ģenētisko daudzveidību, izmantojot iPBS (inter primer binding sites) - uz retrotranspazoniem balstītu metodi. Iegūtie rezultāti salīdzināti starp trim augu paraugkopām: pilsētvidē augoš…

research product

Genetic diversity of two perch Perca fluviatilis populations of the Latgale region

Molecular markers based on retrotransposons possibility of integration into genomes of many organisms are commonly used for genetic analysis of different species. The aim of this study was to test possibility of use those markers in perch and detect genetic diversity of populations of two lakes of the Latgale region of Latvia: Cirišs and Sventes. The distance between the lakes is nearly 60 km, they belong to the same Daugava river basin but are different from ecological point of view. Forty two blood samples of <em>Perca fluviatilis </em>were collected altogether. Extracted DNA was analyzed using inter-PBS amplification technique with specifically selected retrotransposon-based …

research product

Recovering Genetic Resources of Some Legume Species of Latvian Origin by Plant Tissue Culture

Accessions with no germinating seeds are a common problem in plant gene banks and research institutions. Our goal was to elaborate and apply an in vitro method of germination and multiplication of old aged seeds of red and alsike clover and alfalfa. Eighteen clover and five alfalfa accessions were used for germination in vitro. Most of the accessions had produced seeds more than 20 years ago and the seeds did not germinate in soil. Seed pre-treatment with different concentrations of potassium permanganate, as well as addition of phytohormones, AgNO3 and activated carbon to germinating media were tested. Plantlets for all germinated accessions were obtained, even in the case when seeds were …

research product


Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the oldest fibre and oil crop in Europe, including Latvia. In the middle of the last century growing areas of this crop was reduced dramatically. Nowadays flax attracted a great interest again as a fibre and oil processor, as well as a crop for diversification of agriculture and, in the same time, as a crop for producing high quality fibre for industry, high quantity oil for biofuel and high quality oil for feeding, food, and pharmacy (source of α-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and vitamins). We evaluated all available flax accessions of the Latvian origin and number of their hybrid lines. Agronomically important qualitative and quantitative traits, su…

research product

Amber Particles as Living Plant Cell Markers in Flow Cytometry / Dzintara Daļiņas Kā Dzīvu Augu Šūnu Marķieri Plūsmas Citometrijā

Abstract The unique biological properties of amber are well known. Amber particles that penetrate into the cellular matrix can potentially be used as markers of plant cell biological activity by identification of living cells in flow cytometry. However, there have been no studies on effect of amber particles on plant cells. The aim of this study was to determine effect of amber nano- and micro- (5 nm-3 μm) particles on somatic and gametic cells and to assess the possibility to use amber particles as alive plant cells markers. To reach the aim, fluorescence of cells was determined in the presence of amber particles, and amber components - spirit of amber and sodium succinate dibasic hexahydr…

research product

Genetic Diversity of Liparis loeselii in Latvia

Abstract According to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 75% of endangered species should be preserved in ex situ collections till 2020. The genus Liparis has a lot of recognised taxons, but only one species, Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., grows in Europe. L. loeselii is a rare and endangered orchid species occurring in Europe. In Latvia L. loeselii is classified as the third category of endangered and protected species. To develop the best conservation strategy, the knowledge concerning the genetic differences of protected plants in a particular area is crucial. For this purpose, the genetic diversity of L. loeselii populations from different Latvian habitats was tested. The inter-r…

research product

Influence of SiO2 nanoparticles on relative fluorescence of plant cells

Nanoparticles (nano-scale particles (NSPs)) are defined as particles with dimensions less than 100 nm. SiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles are one of the most widely common nanoparticles in the environment, particularly in urban areas. The sources of SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles are very different, including natural nanoparticles, anthropogenic and engineered nanoparticles. The SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles could be considered a source of different pollution effects on leaving organisms. Nevertheless, knowledge of the mechanisms, through which the SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles affect cells, is incomplete. The aim of the research was to elaborate a …

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The evaluation of disease resistance of flax genotypes in relation to environmental factors

research product

Use of Flow Cytometry for Producing Tetraploids in Red Clover

Abstract Sprouts of diploid red clover ‘Stendes Agrais’ were treated with 0.2% colchicine solution. The ploidy level of plants was detected by flow cytometry. Most of the treated plants were mixoploids and sterile. From progenies of fertile plants, mixoploids were selected that had a proportion of tetraploid cells higher than 60%. In the next generation, stable tetraploid plants were selected, and 49 lines were included in the breeding process.

research product


‘Camelina sativa’ is one of the oldest oil crops in Europe. Growing areas were reduced dramatically in 20-40-ties of the last century. Low price of rape oil and unclear composition of camelina oil were primary reasons of this process. Nevertheless, last years ‘Camelina sativa' attracted a great interest of scientists and oil processors as a crop for diversification of agriculture and, in the same time, for producing of the high quantity and quality oil for biofuel, feeding, food, and pharmacy (source of a-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and vitamins, especially E). In Latvia ‘Camelina sativa' is spread as a wild form but for the agriculture it is a new crop.The potential of me of ‘Camelina sa…

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