Mariam Tórtola

Measuring the leptonic CP phase in neutrino oscillations with nonunitary mixing

Non-unitary neutrino mixing implies an extra CP violating phase that can fake the leptonic Dirac CP phase $\delta_{CP}$ of the simplest three-neutrino mixing benchmark scheme. This would hinder the possibility of probing for CP violation in accelerator-type experiments. We take T2K and T2HK as examples to demonstrate the degeneracy between the "standard" (or "unitary") and "non-unitary" CP phases. We find, under the assumption of non-unitary mixing, that their CP sensitivities severely deteriorate. Fortunately, the TNT2K proposal of supplementing T2(H)K with a $\mu$DAR source for better measurement of $\delta_{CP}$ can partially break the CP degeneracy by probing both $\cos \delta_{CP}$ and…

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Global constraints on muon-neutrino non-standard interactions

The search for new interactions of neutrinos beyond those of the Standard Model may help to elucidate the mechanism responsible for neutrino masses. Here we combine existing accelerator neutrino data with restrictions coming from a recent atmospheric neutrino data analysis in order to lift parameter degeneracies and improve limits on new interactions of muon neutrinos with quarks. In particular we re-consider the results of the NuTeV experiment in view of a new evaluation of its systematic uncertainties. We find that, although constraints for muon neutrinos are better than those applicable to tau or electron neutrinos, they lie at the few $\times 10^{-2}$ level, not as strong as previously …

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Volume IV The DUNE far detector single-phase technology

This document was prepared by the DUNE collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. The DUNE collaboration also acknowledges the international, national, and regional funding agencies supporting the institutions who have contributed to completing this Technical Design Report.

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Three-flavor neutrino oscillations and beyond

Abstract In this work we summarize the current status of global neutrino oscillation analyses in the three-neutrino framework. We first describe the different data samples included in the global fit, emphasizing the role of each of them in constraining a given set of parameters. Next, we discuss the main improvements obtained thanks to the consideration of the latest experimental data. The status of the yet-unknown parameters, such as the true neutrino mass ordering, the Dirac CP-violating phase and the octant of the atmospheric mixing angle is also commented. Finally, we discuss some scenarios where the measurement of the reactor mixing angle or the CP violation phase could be significantl…

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Sterile neutrinos with altered dispersion relations revisited

In this paper we investigate neutrino oscillations with altered dispersion relations in the presence of sterile neutrinos. Modified dispersion relations represent an agnostic way to parameterize new physics. Models of this type have been suggested to explain global neutrino oscillation data, including deviations from the standard three-neutrino paradigm as observed by a few experiments. We show that, unfortunately, in this type of models new tensions arise turning them incompatible with global data.

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Probing CP violation with non-unitary mixing in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments: DUNE as a case study

When neutrino masses arise from the exchange of neutral heavy leptons, as in most seesaw schemes, the effective lepton mixing matrix $N$ describing neutrino propagation is non-unitary, hence neutrinos are not exactly orthonormal. New CP violation phases appear in $N$ that could be confused with the standard phase $\delta_{\text{CP}}$ characterizing the three neutrino paradigm. We study the potential of the long-baseline neutrino experiment DUNE in probing CP violation induced by the standard CP phase in the presence of non-unitarity. In order to accomplish this we develop our previous formalism, so as to take into account the neutrino interactions with the medium, important in long baseline…

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Are solar neutrino oscillations robust?

The robustness of the large mixing angle (LMA) oscillation (OSC) interpretation of the solar neutrino data is considered in a more general framework where non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) are present. Such interactions may be regarded as a generic feature of models of neutrino mass. The 766.3 ton-yr data sample of the KamLAND collaboration are included in the analysis, paying attention to the background from the reaction ^13C(\alpha,n) ^16O. Similarly, the latest solar neutrino fluxes from the SNO collaboration are included. In addition to the solution which holds in the absence of NSI (LMA-I) there is a 'dark-side' solution (LMA-D) with sin^2 theta_Sol = 0.70, essentially degenerat…

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Probing light sterile neutrino signatures at reactor and Spallation Neutron Source neutrino experiments

We investigate the impact of a fourth sterile neutrino at reactor and Spallation Neutron Source neutrino detectors. Specifically, we explore the discovery potential of the TEXONO and COHERENT experiments to subleading sterile neutrino effects through the measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering event rate. Our dedicated $\chi^2$-sensitivity analysis employs realistic nuclear structure calculations adequate for high purity sub-keV threshold Germanium detectors.

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Standard and non-standard analysis of solar and reactor neutrino data

We present an updated analysis of solar and reactor neutrino data in the standard framework of neutrino oscillations. We also consider the presence of non-standard neutrino interactions with matter and perform an alternative analysis of neutrino d ata studying the non-standard effects both on the neutrino detection and propagation through matter.

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Physics at a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility

The conclusions of the Physics Working Group of the international scoping study of a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility (the ISS) are presented. The ISS was carried by the international community between NuFact05, (the 7th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, June 21-26, 2005) and NuFact06 (Ivine, California, 24{30 August 2006). The physics case for an extensive experimental programme to understand the properties of the neutrino is presented and the role of high-precision measurements of neutrino oscillations within this programme is discussed in detail. The performance of second generation super-beam experiments, …

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New limits on neutrino magnetic moments from low energy neutrino data

Here we give a brief review on the current bounds on the general Majorana transition neutrino magnetic moments (TNMM) which cover also the conventional neutrino magnetic moments (NMM). Leptonic CP phases play a key role in constraining TNMMs. While the Borexino experiment is the most sensitive to the TNMM magnitudes, one needs complementary information from reactor and accelerator experiments in order to probe the complex CP phases.

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Status of a hybrid three-neutrino interpretation of neutrino data

We reanalyze the non-standard interaction (NSI) solutions to the solar neutrino problem in the light of the latest solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrino data. We show that such solutions, although preferred by the solar data and consistent with the oscillation description of the atmospheric neutrino data, are ruled out by the first results of the KamLAND reactor experiment, at more than 3_sigma.

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Neutrinos, DUNE and the world best bound on CPT invariance

CPT symmetry, the combination of Charge Conjugation, Parity and Time reversal, is a cornerstone of our model building strategy and therefore the repercussions of its potential violation will severely threaten the most extended tool we currently use to describe physics, i.e. local relativistic quantum fields. However, limits on its conservation from the Kaon system look indeed imposing. In this work we will show that neutrino oscillation experiments can improve this limit by several orders of magnitude and therefore are an ideal tool to explore the foundations of our approach to Nature. Strictly speaking testing CPT violation would require an explicit model for how CPT is broken and its effe…

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New ambiguity in probing CP violation in neutrino oscillations

If neutrinos get mass via the seesaw mechanism the mixing matrix describing neutrino oscillations can be effectively non-unitary. We show that in this case the neutrino appearance probabilities involve a new CP phase, phi, associated to non-unitarity. This leads to an ambiguity in extracting the "standard" three--neutrino phase delta_CP, which can survive even after neutrino and antineutrino channels are combined. Its existence should be taken into account in the planning of any oscillation experiment aiming at a robust measurement of delta_CP.

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Status of three-neutrino oscillation parameters

Here we review the current status of global fits to neutrino oscillation data within the three-flavour framework. In our analysis we include the most recent data from solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments as well as the latest results from the long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments and the recent measurements of reactor neutrino disappearance reported by Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO. We present updated determinations for the two neutrino mass splittings and the three mixing angles responsible for neutrino oscillations that, for the first time, have all been measured with 1 sigma accuracies ranging from 3 to 15%. A weak sensitivity for the CP violating phase is also reported …

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Constraining neutrino magnetic moment with solar and reactor neutrino data

We use solar neutrino data to derive stringent bounds on Majorana neutrino transition moments (TMs). Such moments, if present, would contribute to the neutrino-electron scattering cross section and hence alter the signal observed in Super-Kamiokande. Using the latest solar neutrino data, combined with the results of the reactor experiment KamLAND, we perform a simultaneous fit of the oscillation parameters and TMs. Furthermore, we include data from the reactor experiments Rovno, TEXONO and MUNU in our analysis, improving significantly the current constraints on TMs. A comparison with previous works shows that our bounds are the strongest and most general results presented up to now. Finally…

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Constraining nonstandard neutrino-quark interactions with solar, reactor and accelerator data

We present a reanalysis of nonstandard neutrino-down-quark interactions of electron and tau neutrinos using solar, reactor and accelerator data. In addition updating the analysis by including new solar data from SNO phase III and Borexino, as well as new KamLAND data and solar fluxes, a key role is played in our analysis by the combination of these results with the CHARM data. The latter allows us to better constrain the axial and axial-vector electron and tau-neutrino nonstandard interaction parameters characterizing the deviations from the Standard Model predictions.

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Non-standard neutrino oscillations: perspective from unitarity triangles

We formulate an alternative approach based on unitarity triangles to describe neutrino oscillations in presence of non-standard interactions (NSI). Using perturbation theory, we derive the expression for the oscillation probability in case of NSI and cast it in terms of the three independent parameters of the leptonic unitarity triangle (LUT). The form invariance of the probability expression (even in presence of new physics scenario as long as the mixing matrix is unitary) facilitates a neat geometric view of neutrino oscillations in terms of LUT. We examine the regime of validity of perturbative expansions in the NSI case and make comparisons with approximate expressions existing in liter…

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Cornering solar radiative-zone fluctuations with KamLAND and SNO salt

We update the best constraints on fluctuations in the solar medium deep within the solar Radiative Zone to include the new SNO-salt solar neutrino measurements. We find that these new measurements are now sufficiently precise that neutrino oscillation parameters can be inferred independently of any assumptions about fluctuation properties. Constraints on fluctuations are also improved, with amplitudes of 5% now excluded at the 99% confidence level for correlation lengths in the range of several hundred km. Because they are sensitive to correlation lengths which are so short, these solar neutrino results are complementary to constraints coming from helioseismology.

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Signatures of primordial black hole dark matter at DUNE and THEIA

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are a potential dark matter candidate whose masses can span over many orders of magnitude. If they have masses in the $10^{15}-10^{17}$ g range, they can emit sizeable fluxes of MeV neutrinos through evaporation via Hawking radiation. We explore the possibility of detecting light (non-)rotating PBHs with future neutrino experiments. We focus on two next generation facilities: the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and THEIA. We simulate the expected event spectra at both experiments assuming different PBH mass distributions and spins, and we extract the expected 95% C.L. sensitivities to these scenarios. Our analysis shows that future neutrino experime…

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Neutrino Mass Ordering from Oscillations and Beyond: 2018 Status and Future Prospects

The ordering of the neutrino masses is a crucial input for a deep understanding of flavor physics, and its determination may provide the key to establish the relationship among the lepton masses and mixings and their analogous properties in the quark sector. The extraction of the neutrino mass ordering is a data-driven field expected to evolve very rapidly in the next decade. In this review, we both analyze the present status and describe the physics of subsequent prospects. Firstly, the different current available tools to measure the neutrino mass ordering are described. Namely, reactor, long-baseline (accelerator and atmospheric) neutrino beams, laboratory searches for beta and neutrinol…

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Leptogenesis with a dynamical seesaw scale

In the simplest type-I seesaw leptogenesis scenario right-handed neutrino annihilation processes are absent. However, in the presence of new interactions these processes are possible and can affect the resulting $B-L$ asymmetry in an important way. A prominent example is provided by models with spontaneous lepton number violation, where the existence of new dynamical degrees of freedom can play a crucial role. In this context, we provide a model-independent discussion of the effects of right-handed neutrino annihilations. We show that in the weak washout regime, as long as the scattering processes remain slow compared with the Hubble expansion rate throughout the relevant temperature range,…

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A simple analytic three-flavour description of the day night effect in the solar neutrino flux

In the 3-flavour framework we derive a simple approximate analytic expression for the day-night difference of the flux of solar $\nu_e$ at terrestrial detectors which is valid for an arbitrary Earth density profile. Our formula has the accuracy of a few per cent and reproduces all the known analytic expressions for the Earth matter effects on the solar neutrino oscillations obtained under simplifying assumptions about the Earth's density profile (matter of constant density, 3 layers of constant densities, and adiabatic approximation). It can also be used for studying the Earth matter effects on the oscillations of supernova neutrinos. We also discuss the possibility of probing the leptonic …

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Lepton Flavor Violation and non-unitarity Lepton Mixing in Low-Scale Type-I Seesaw

Within low-scale seesaw mechanisms, such as the inverse and linear seesaw, one expects (i) potentially large lepton flavor violation (LFV) and (ii) sizeable non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI). We consider the interplay between the magnitude of non-unitarity effects in the lepton mixing matrix, and the constraints that follow from LFV searches in the laboratory. We find that NSI parameters can be sizeable, up to percent level in some cases, while LFV rates, such as that for \mu -> e \gamma, lie within current limits, including the recent one set by the MEG collaboration. As a result the upcoming long baseline neutrino experiments offer a window of opportunity for complementary LFV and …

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Cosmological radiation density with non-standard neutrino-electron interactions

Neutrino non-standard interactions (NSI) with electrons are known to alter the picture of neutrino decoupling from the cosmic plasma. NSI modify both flavour oscillations through matter effects, and the annihilation and scattering between neutrinos and electrons and positrons in the thermal plasma. In view of the forthcoming cosmological observations, we perform a precision study of the impact of non-universal and flavour-changing NSI on the effective number of neutrinos, $N_{eff}$. We present the variation of $N_{eff}$ arising from the different NSI parameters and discuss the existing degeneracies among them, from cosmology alone and in relation to the current bounds from terrestrial exper…

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The weak mixing angle from low energy neutrino measurements: A global update

Taking into account recent theoretical and experimental inputs on reactor fluxes we reconsider the determination of the weak mixing angle from low energy experiments. We perform a global analysis to all available neutrino-electron scattering data from reactor antineutrino experiments, obtaining sin^2(theta_W) = 0.252 \pm 0.030. We discuss the impact of the new theoretical prediction for the neutrino spectrum, the new measurement of the reactor antineutrino spectrum by the Daya Bay collaboration, as well as the effect of radiative corrections. We also reanalyze the measurements of the nu_e-e cross section at accelerator experiments including radiative corrections. By combining reactor and ac…

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Status of three-neutrino oscillations after the SNO-salt data

We perform a global analysis of neutrino oscillation data in the framework of three neutrinos, including the recent improved measurement of the neutral current events at SNO. In addition to all current solar neutrino data we take into account the reactor neutrino data from KamLAND and CHOOZ, the atmospheric neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande and MACRO, as well as the first spectral data from the K2K long baseline accelerator experiment. The up-to-date best fit values and allowed ranges of the three-flavour oscillation parameters are determined from these data. Furthermore, we discuss in detail the status of the small parameters alpha = Delta_m^2_Sol / Delta_m^2_Atm and sin^2(theta_13), whi…

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CPT and CP, an entangled couple

Even though it is undoubtedly very appealing to interpret the latest T2K results as evidence of CP violation, this claim assumes CPT conservation in the neutrino sector to an extent that has not been tested yet. As we will show, T2K results are not robust against a CPT-violating explanation. On the contrary, a CPT-violating CP-conserving scenario is in perfect agreement with current neutrino oscillation data. Therefore, to elucidate whether T2K results imply CP or CPT violation is of utter importance. We show that, even after combining with data from NO$\nu$A and from reactor experiments, no claims about CP violation can be made. Finally, we update the bounds on CPT violation in the neutrin…

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Journal of High Energy Physics

In this article we consider the presence of neutrino non-standard interactions (NSI) in the production and detection processes of reactor antineutrinos at the Daya Bay experiment. We report for the first time, the new constraints on the flavor non-universal and flavor universal charged-current NSI parameters, estimated using the currently released 621 days of Daya Bay data. New limits are placed assuming that the new physics effects are just inverse of each other in the production and detection processes. With this special choice of the NSI parameters, we observe a shift in the oscillation amplitude without distorting the $L/E$ pattern of the oscillation probability. This shift in the depth…

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Neutrino oscillations and Non-Standard Interactions

Current neutrino experiments measure the neutrino mixing parameters with an unprecedented accuracy. The upcoming generation of experiments will be sensitive to subdominant effects that can give information on the unknown neutrino parameters: the Dirac CP-violating phase, the mass ordering and the $\theta_{23}$ octant. Determining the exact values of neutrino mass and mixing parameters is crucial to test neutrino models and flavor symmetries. In the first part of this review, we summarize the current status of neutrino oscillation parameters. We consider the most recent data from solar experiments and the atmospheric data from Super-Kamiokande, IceCube and ANTARES. We implement the data from…

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Volume I. Introduction to DUNE

Journal of Instrumentation 15(08), T08008 (1-228) (2020). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08008

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Neutrino masses and their ordering: global data, priors and models

We present a Bayesian analysis of the combination of current neutrino oscillation, neutrinoless double beta decay and CMB observations. Our major goal is to carefully investigate the possibility to single out one neutrino mass ordering, Normal Ordering or Inverted Ordering, with current data. Two possible parametrizations (three neutrino masses versus the lightest neutrino mass plus the two oscillation mass splittings) and priors (linear versus logarithmic) are examined. We find that the preference for NO is only driven by neutrino oscillation data. Moreover, the values of the Bayes factor indicate that the evidence for NO is strong only when the scan is performed over the three neutrino ma…

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Fermion masses, leptogenesis, and supersymmetric SO(10) unification

Current neutrino oscillation data indicate the existence of two large lepton mixing angles, while Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements are all small. Here we show how supersymmetric SO(10) with extra chiral singlets can easily reconcile large lepton mixing angles with small quark mixing angles within the framework of the successful Fritzsch ansatz. Moreover we show how this is fully consistent with the thermal leptogenesis scenario, avoiding the so-called gravitino problem. A sizeable asymmetry can be generated at relatively low scales. We present our results in terms of the leptonic CP violation parameter that characterizes neutrino oscillations.

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Three-flavour neutrino oscillation update

We review the present status of three-flavour neutrino oscillations, taking into account the latest available neutrino oscillation data presented at the Neutrino 2008 Conference. This includes the data released this summer by the MINOS collaboration, the data of the neutral current counter phase of the SNO solar neutrino experiment, as well as the latest KamLAND and Borexino data. We give the updated determinations of the leading 'solar' and 'atmospheric' oscillation parameters. We find from global data that the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ is consistent with zero within $0.9\sigma$ and we derive an upper bound of $\sin^2\theta_{13} < 0.035 (0.056)$ at 90% CL (3$\sigma$).

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Neutrino mass ordering at DUNE: An extra ν bonus

We study the possibility of extracting the neutrino mass ordering at the future Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment using atmospheric neutrinos, which will be available before the muon neutrino beam starts being perational. The large statistics of the atmospheric muon neutrino and antineutrino samples at the far detector, together with the baselines of thousands of kilometers that these atmospheric (anti)neutrinos travel, provide the ideal ingredients to extract the neutrino mass ordering via matter effects in the neutrino propagation through the Earth. Crucially, muon capture by Argon provides excellent charge-tagging, allowing to disentangle the neutrino and antineutrino signature. This …

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Testing the Standard Model and beyond with the LENA proposal

We discuss the possibility of a precision measurement of the electroweak mixing angle and a probe for new physics in the leptonic process of neutrino electron scattering. In the new physics schemes we explore the case of non standard neutrino interactions (NSI). The LENA proposal, currently under discussion, considers a large detector and the use of an articial, 51 Cr, radioactive neutrino source with of 5 MCi intensity. We also discuss the possible use of the solar neutrino

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Neutrino oscillations refitted

Here we update our previous global fit of neutrino oscillations by including the recent results which have appeared since the Neutrino-2012 conference. These include the measurements of reactor anti-neutrino disappearance reported by Daya Bay and RENO, together with latest T2K and MINOS data including both disappearance and appearance channels. We also include the revised results from the third solar phase of Super-Kamiokande, SK-III, as well as new solar results from the fourth phase of Super-Kamiokande, SK-IV. We find that the preferred global determination of the atmospheric angle $\theta_{23}$ is consistent with maximal mixing. We also determine the impact of the new data upon all the o…

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Zooming in on neutrino oscillations with DUNE

We examine the capabilities of the DUNE experiment as a probe of the neutrino mixing paradigm. Taking the current status of neutrino oscillations and the design specifications of DUNE, we determine the experiment's potential to probe the structure of neutrino mixing and CP violation. We focus on the poorly determined parameters $\theta_{23}$ and $\delta_{CP}$ and consider both two and seven years of run. We take various benchmarks as our true values, such as the current preferred values of $\theta_{23}$ and $\delta_{CP}$, as well as several theory-motivated choices. We determine quantitatively DUNE's potential to perform a precision measurement of $\theta_{23}$, as well as to test the CP vi…

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Geotomography with solar and supernova neutrinos

We show how by studying the Earth matter effect on oscillations of solar and supernova neutrinos inside the Earth one can in principle reconstruct the electron number density profile of the Earth. A direct inversion of the oscillation problem is possible due to the existence of a very simple analytic formula for the Earth matter effect on oscillations of solar and supernova neutrinos. From the point of view of the Earth tomography, these oscillations have a number of advantages over the oscillations of the accelerator or atmospheric neutrinos, which stem from the fact that solar and supernova neutrinos are coming to the Earth as mass eigenstates rather than flavour eigenstates. In particula…

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Low-energy neutrino-electron scattering as a Standard Model probe: the potential of LENA as case study

Several proposals for studying neutrinos with large detectors are currently under discussion. We suggest that they could provide a precise measurement of the electroweak mixing angle as well as a probe for new physics, such as non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI), and the electroweak gauge structure. We illustrate this explicitly for the case of the LENA proposal, either with an artificial radioactive source or by using the solar neutrino flux.

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Status of neutrino oscillations 2018: 3 hint for normal mass ordering and improved CP sensitivity

We present a new global fit of neutrino oscillation parameters within the simplest three-neutrino picture, including new data which appeared since our previous analysis [1]. In this update we include new long-baseline neutrino data involving the antineutrino channel in T2K, as well as new data in the neutrino channel, data from NOνA, as well as new reactor data, such as the Daya Bay 1230 days electron antineutrino disappearance spectrum data and the 1500 live days prompt spectrum from RENO, as well as new Double Chooz data. We also include atmospheric neutrino data from the IceCube DeepCore and ANTARES neutrino telescopes and from Super-Kamiokande. Finally, we also update our solar oscillat…

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Exploring the Potential of Short-Baseline Physics at Fermilab

We study the capabilities of the short baseline neutrino program at Fermilab to probe the unitarity of the lepton mixing matrix. We find the sensitivity to be slightly better than the current one. Motivated by the future DUNE experiment, we have also analyzed the potential of an extra liquid Argon near detector in the LBNF beamline. Adding such a near detector to the DUNE setup will substantially improve the current sensitivity on non-unitarity. This would help to remove CP degeneracies due to the new complex phase present in the neutrino mixing matrix. We also study the sensitivity of our proposed setup to light sterile neutrinos for various configurations.

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Subleading effects in the 1-2 sector: Non-standard neutrino interactions

We have reconsidered the status of the large mixing angle (LMA) oscillation (OSC) interpretation of the solar neutrino data in a more general framework where non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) are present. Using the latest data from all solar neutrino experiments and KamLAND we have found the existence of three LMA solutions, instead of the unique solution which holds in the absence of NSI, LMA-I. In addition to LMA-I, there is another solution with smaller Δ m 2 (LMA-0), and a new “dark-side” solution (LMA-D) with sin 2 θ = 0.70 . We comment on the potential of KamLAND and future solar neutrino experiments using 7Be and 8B neutrinos to lift the degeneracy between the LMA-I, LMA-0 and…

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A(4)-based neutrino masses with Majoron decaying dark matter

We propose an A(4) flavor-symmetric SU(3) circle times SU(2) circle times U(1) seesaw model where lepton number is broken spontaneously. A consistent two-zero texture pattern of neutrino masses and mixing emerges from the interplay of type-I and type-II seesaw contributions, with important phenomenological predictions. We show that, if the Majoron becomes massive, such seesaw scenario provides a viable candidate for decaying dark matter, consistent with cosmic microwave background lifetime constraints that follow from current WMAP observations. We also calculate the subleading one-loop-induced decay into photons which leads to a monoenergetic emission line that may be observed in future x-r…

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Global analysis of neutrino oscillation data in four-neutrino schemes

We present an analysis of the global neutrino oscillation data in terms of four-neutrino mass schemes. We find that the strong preference of oscillations into active neutrinos implied by the latest solar as well as atmospheric neutrino data allows to rule out (2+2) mass schemes, whereas (3+1) schemes are strongly disfavoured by short-baseline experiments. Our analysis shows that four-neutrino oscillations do not provide a satisfactory description of the global neutrino oscillation data including the LSND result.

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Status of global fits to neutrino oscillations

We review the present status of global analyses of neutrino oscillations, taking into account the most recent neutrino data including the latest KamLAND and K2K updates presented at Neutrino2004, as well as state-of-the-art solar and atmospheric neutrino flux calculations. We give the two-neutrino solar + KamLAND results, as well as two-neutrino atmospheric + K2K oscillation regions, discussing in each case the robustness of the oscillation interpretation against departures from the Standard Solar Model and the possible existence of non-standard neutrino physics. Furthermore, we give the best fit values and allowed ranges of the three-flavour oscillation parameters from the current worlds' …

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Large mixing angle oscillations as a probe of the deep solar interior

We re-examine the sensitivity of solar neutrino oscillations to noise in the solar interior using the best current estimates of neutrino properties. Our results show that the measurement of neutrino properties at KamLAND provides new information about fluctuations in the solar environment on scales to which standard helioseismic constraints are largely insensitive. We also show how the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters from a combined fit of KamLAND and solar data depends strongly on the magnitude of solar density fluctuations. We argue that a resonance between helioseismic and Alfven waves might provide a physical mechanism for generating these fluctuations and, if so, neutr…

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Constraining neutrino oscillation parameters with current solar and atmospheric data

We analyze the impact of recent solar, atmospheric and reactor data in the determination of the neutrino oscillation parameters, taking into account that both the solar nu_e and the atmospheric nu_mu may convert to a mixture of active and sterile neutrinos. We use the most recent global solar neutrino data, including the 1496-day Super-K neutrino data sample, and we investigate in detail the impact of the SNO neutral current, spectral and day/night data by performing also an analysis using only the charged current rate from SNO. The implications of the first 145.1 days of KamLAND data on the determination of the solar neutrino parameters are also discussed in detail. We confirm the clear pr…

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Global status of neutrino oscillation parameters after Neutrino-2012

Here we update the global fit of neutrino oscillations in arXiv:1103.0734 and arXiv:1108.1376 including the recent measurements of reactor antineutrino disappearance reported by the Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO experiments, together with latest MINOS and T2K appearance and disappearance results, as presented at the Neutrino-2012 conference. We find that the preferred global fit value of $\theta_{13}$ is quite large: $\sin^2\theta_{13} \simeq 0.025$ for normal and inverted neutrino mass ordering, with $\theta_{13} = 0$ now excluded at more than 10$\sigma$. The impact of the new $\theta_{13}$ measurements over the other neutrino oscillation parameters is discussed as well as the role of th…

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On the description of non-unitary neutrino mixing

28 pages.- 8 figures.- typos corrected.- modified bounds on non-unitarity parameters.- new figs 3 and 4

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2020 global reassessment of the neutrino oscillation picture

We present an updated global fit of neutrino oscillation data in the simplest three-neutrino framework. In the present study we include up-to-date analyses from a number of experiments. Concerning the atmospheric and solar sectors, we give updated analyses of DeepCore and SNO data, respectively. We have also included the latest electron antineutrino data collected by the Daya Bay and RENO reactor experiments, and the long-baseline T2K and NO$\nu$A measurements. These new analyses result in more accurate measurements of $\theta_{13}$, $\theta_{12}$, $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $|\Delta m_{31}^2|$. The best fit value for the atmospheric angle $\theta_{23}$ lies in the second octant, but first octan…

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Constraining the invisible neutrino decay with KM3NeT-ORCA

Several theories of particle physics beyond the Standard Model consider that neutrinos can decay. In this work we assume that the standard mechanism of neutrino oscillations is altered by the decay of the heaviest neutrino mass state into a sterile neutrino and, depending on the model, a scalar or a Majoron. We study the sensitivity of the forthcoming KM3NeT-ORCA experiment to this scenario and find that it could improve the current bounds coming from oscillation experiments, where three-neutrino oscillations have been considered, by roughly two orders of magnitude. We also study how the presence of this neutrino decay can affect the determination of the atmospheric oscillation parameters $…

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Exploring the intrinsic Lorentz-violating parameters at DUNE

Neutrinos can push our search for new physics to a whole new level. What makes them so hard to be detected, what allows them to travel humongous distances without being stopped or deflected allows to amplify Planck suppressed effects (or effects of comparable size) to a level that we can measure or bound in DUNE. In this work we analyze the sensitivity of DUNE to CPT and Lorentz-violating interactions in a framework that allows a straightforward extrapolation of the bounds obtained to any phenomenological modification of the dispersion relation of neutrinos.

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Constraining Majorana neutrino electromagnetic properties from the LMA-MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem

In this paper we use solar neutrino data to derive stringent bounds on Majorana neutrino transition moments (TMs). Should such be present, they would contribute to the neutrino--electron scattering cross section and hence alter the signal observed in Super-Kamiokande. Motivated by the growing robustness of the LMA-MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem indicated by recent data, and also by the prospects of its possible confirmation at KamLAND, we assume the validity of this solution, and we constrain neutrino TMs by using the latest global solar neutrino data. We find that all elements of the TM matrix can be bounded at the same time. Furthermore, we show how reactor data play a complem…

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New physics vs new paradigms: distinguishing CPT violation from NSI

Our way of describing Nature is based on local relativistic quantum field theories, and then CPT symmetry, a natural consequence of Lorentz invariance, locality and hermiticity of the Hamiltonian, is one of the few if not the only prediction that all of them share. Therefore, testing CPT invariance does not test a particular model but the whole paradigm. Current and future long baseline experiments will assess the status of CPT in the neutrino sector at an unprecedented level and thus its distinction from similar experimental signatures arising from non-standard interactions is imperative. Whether the whole paradigm is at stake or just the standard model of neutrinos crucially depends on th…

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Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination

The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the st…

research product

Where we are onθ13: addendum to ‘Global neutrino data and recent reactor fluxes: status of three-flavor oscillation parameters’

In this addendum to arXiv:1103.0734 we consider the recent results from long-baseline $\nu_\mu\to\nu_e$ searches at the T2K and MINOS experiments and investigate their implications for the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ and the leptonic Dirac CP phase $\delta$. By combining the $2.5\sigma$ indication for a non-zero value of $\theta_{13}$ coming from T2K data with global neutrino oscillation data we obtain a significance for $\theta_{13} > 0$ of about $3\sigma$ with best fit points $\sin^2\theta_{13} = 0.013(0.016)$ for normal (inverted) neutrino mass ordering. These results depend somewhat on assumptions concerning the analysis of reactor neutrino data.

research product

Testing a lepton quarticity flavor theory of neutrino oscillations with the DUNE experiment

Oscillation studies play a central role in elucidating at least some aspects of the flavor problem. Here we examine the status of the predictions of a lepton quarticity flavor theory of neutrino oscillations against the existing global sample of oscillation data. By performing quantitative simulations we also determine the potential of the upcoming DUNE experiment in narrowing down the currently ill-measured oscillation parameters $\theta_{23}$ and $\delta_{\text{CP}}$. We present the expected improved sensitivity on these parameters for different assumptions.

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