Endre Takacs

Microcalorimeter/EBIT measurements of X-ray spectra of highly charged ions

Spectra of highly charged Ar, Kr, Xe and Fe ions, produced in an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT), have been recorded in a broad X-ray energy band (0.2 keV to 10 keV) with a microcalorimeter detector. The first analysis of the Kr spectra has been completed and most of the spectral lines have been identified as transitions of B- to Al-like Kr. Line intensity ratios of Fe XVII have been measured and compared with theoretical models.

research product

Astrophysics and spectroscopy with microcalorimeters on an electron beam ion trap

The importance of the combination of electron beam ion trap (EBIT) spectroscopy with X-ray microcalorimeters in the field of astrophysics was discussed. X-ray astronomy involves heavily charged ion instruments , especially EBIT, to obtain improved quality atomic data. In this regard, the research program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which uses X-ray spectroscopic methods to study plasma and atomic physics, was also discussed.

research product

Laboratory astrophysics survey of key x-ray diagnostic lines using a microcalorimeter on an electron beam ion trap

Cosmic plasma conditions created in an electron beam ion trap (EBIT) make it possible to simulate the dependencies of key diagnostic X-ray lines on density, temperature, and excitation conditions that exist in astrophysical sources. We used a microcalorimeter for such laboratory astrophysics studies because it has a resolving power ≈1000, quantum efficiency approaching 100%, and a bandwidth that spans the X-ray energies from 0.2 keV to 10 keV. Our microcalorimeter, coupled with an X-ray optic to increase the effective solid angle, provides a significant new capability for laboratory astrophysics measurements. Broadband spectra obtained from the National Institute of Standards and Technology…

research product

Analysis of broadband x-ray spectra of highly charged krypton from a microcalorimeter detector of an electron-beam ion trap

Spectra of highly charged Kr ions, produced in an electron-beam ion trap (EBIT), have been recorded in a broad x-ray energy band (0.3 keV to 4 keV) with a microcalorimeter detector. Most of the spectral lines have been identified as transitions of B- to Al-like Kr. The transition energies have been determined with 0.2% uncertainty. A semi-empirical EBIT plasma model has been created to calculate a synthetic spectrum of highly charged Kr and to determine a charge state distribution of Kr ions inside the EBIT.

research product

EBIT diagnostics using X-ray spectra of highly ionized Ne

We have carried out a detailed analysis of highly ionized neon spectra collected at the NIST EBIT using an NTD germanium X-ray microcalorimeter developed at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 444 (2000) 156]. Our attention was focused especially on the Ne IX He-like triplet to check electron density diagnostics through the intercombination/forbidden line ratio. We have investigated possible effects of the ion dynamics on the plasma emission line intensities, looking at the dependence of the count-rate and the charge state distribution on the electron beam energy and current. The temperature and spatial distribution of the neon ions, and hence the overl…

research product

Emission-Line Intensity Ratios in F[CLC]e[/CLC] [CSC]xvii[/CSC] Observed with a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam Ion Trap

We report new observations of emission line intensity ratios of Fe XVII under controlled experimental conditions, using the National Institute of Standards and Technology electron beam ion trap (EBIT) with a microcalorimeter detector. We compare our observations with collisional-radiative models using atomic data computed in distorted wave and R-matrix approximations, which follow the transfer of the polarization of level populations through radiative cascades. Our results for the intensity ratio of the 2p6 1S0-2p53d 1P1 15.014 A line to the 2p6 1S0-2p53d 3D1 15.265 A line are 2.94 ± 0.18 and 2.50 ± 0.13 at beam energies of 900 and 1250 eV, respectively. These results are not consistent wit…

research product

Laboratory astrophysics and microanalysis with NTD-germanium-based X-ray microcalorimeters

With the ability to create cosmic plasma conditions in the laboratory it is possible to investigate the dependencies of key diagnostic X-ray lines on density, temperature, and excitation conditions that exist in astrophysical sources with X-ray optics and a high-resolution X-ray microcalorimeter. The same instrumentation can be coupled to scanning electron microscopes or X-ray fluorescence probes to analyze the elemental and chemical composition of electronic, biological, geological and particulate materials. We describe how our microcalorimeter and X-ray optics provide significantly improved capabilities for laboratory astrophysics and microanalysis.

research product