María Consuelo Sáiz-manzanares
Adaptive and Creative Problem-Projects in the Teaching of Science. Description of the Methodology and Appreciation of the Students Involved
En este artículo se describe la metodología que se ha denominado Aprendizaje Basadoen Problemas-Proyectos Adaptativos y Creativos (ABPac), utilizando como ejemplo algunos de losproyectos realizados en el centro concertado Jesús-María de Burgos durante diez años, entre 2006y 2016, con alumnos de Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. Esta metodología sugiere una aten-ción a la diversidad del alumnado considerando sus necesidades e inquietudes. Además, se analizacuantitativamente el resultado de la encuesta de percepción realizada a 73 individuos involucradosen esta metodología cuando ya ha transcurrido un tiempo de madurez y se encuentran finalizandosus carreras o con estas ya finalizadas. L…
Developing Engineering Skills in Secondary Students Through STEM Project Based Learning
The development of 21st century skills allows the training of competent students prepared for work and social life. The improvement of these skills, necessary for engineering students and future engineers, can be favored with training in Secondary Education Stage. Specifically, the Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology includes the performance of different activities that allow the acquisition of both conceptual and procedural skills. This article describes the relationship between the skills that high school students develop when they work with PBL and the competences (ABET engineering skills) they acquire. In addition, an objective evaluation of the learning outcomes of 129 Secondary s…
Citizen science for scientific literacy and the attainment of sustainable development goals in normal education
Curricular integration of the formal teaching of citizen science can bring to the classroom aspects of scientific literacy that encourage the involvement of citizens. In particular, these include non-epistemic aspects related to the sociology of science (which are often not transferred to the classroom). Furthermore, this practice raises awareness among students, and encourages them to become participants in the attainment of the United Nations&rsquo