Marilena Casella

Astronomia e astrologia nella Tarda Antichità: il caso di Ipazia

In the year dedicated to astronomy, the contribution is a tribute to Hypatia, the first woman scientist and symbol of love for truth, reason and science, who was born and lived in Alexandria in Egypt in the late 4th and early 5th century. The figure and the historical and cultural context in which the first woman scientist lived her life in its practical, scientific and political aspects is reconstructed through the works of Synesius, a student of Hypatia and future bishop of Ptolemais.

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Funzionamento del codice retorico e contenuti ideologici propri dell’autore: Libanio

Through the internal analysis of Libanius of Antioch's Orations 46, 56 and 57, the work attempted to distinguish between the application and functioning of the rhetorical code and the author's own content, between rhetorical devices and ideological assumptions. The study of the density of rhetorical figures is the method of analysis used to verify the objectivity of the speaker's parrhesia

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In this study about the role of Antiochian imperial women I aim at investigating the interrelationship between law and society and at analysing the way social changes lead to birth of new laws, in the period marked by a gradual replacement inside the Mediterranean world. Leafing through the numerous pages dedicated to Antiochene society in the 4th century by an author such as Libanius, who has always set himself up as a strenuous defender of the Hellenic tradition and champion of the ancient civic ideal, and who was influenced less than anyone else by the attraction of the new ideas of Christianity, a pattern emerges thanks to which we can understand the degree of consideration to which wom…

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Ε ΕΙΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΠΤΩΚΟΥΣ ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΙΑ. Rapporto tra legislazione imperiale e decreti municipali (Libanio, Or. XLVI, 21)

The work takes its starting point from Libanius, Or. 46, 21, in which the existence of a contribution paid by shopkeepers and intended for the sustenance of the poor is attested in 4th century AD Antioch. In the light of the comparative textual analysis of Julian's letter to Arsace and Libanius' speeches 2 and 46, it is hypothesised that the emperor had urged the Antiochians to request some measure that could take away the privilege of almsgiving from the Church. To the request, formally made to him by the Antiochians, he would have responded with that rescript whose content would be entrusted only to these few Libanian lines.

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Libanio e Antiochia. La dedizione di un intellettuale alla sua città

This contribution aims at demonstrating how the life of public speaker Libanius was devoted in toto to his city, Antioch of Syria, both as the official sophist of the same city and as professor of numerous generations of students. Lover of traditional paideia and guardian of the classical tradition, Libanius brings back to life in the fullest way the model of the Attic orator, of which Demosthenes had been the highest expression. Combativeness, talent and patriotism therefore unite the Athenian orator and the Antiochene one, and exposed them to the envy of their colleagues and to the consequent accusations of magic, of such a topical character that these allegations weren’t taken into accou…

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Les discours de Libanios (discours 33-64) et la topographie d’Antioche

The work is preparatory to elaborating a Libanius' lexicon attentive to the different nuances that seemingly common words can take on in a specific context such as that of his speech.

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This paper aims at exploring both the city of Antioch in the 4th century ad as a transit city, thus a melting-pot of cultures, and Libanius the rhetor: but they will be considered with regard to the extra- Antiochian context. Between the lines of Libanius’speeches emerges the primary function of the Empire, that is to say the defence of the polis – a perfect microcosm – against barbarian hordes, observed according to classical stereotypes. Much has already written about Libanius’ image deformation of barbaric peoples, influenced by literary tradition: nevertheless, a careful analysis of his works will show some ability to place them in the wake of Libanius’ coeval climate, especially when t…

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Meo iussu et auspicio… Aethiopiam… perventum est (Aug. RG 26, 5). Scenari politico-economici, echi propagandistici e suggestioni espansionistiche della spedizione di Publio Petronio

Within the constant research of symmetries between the policies of Augustus and Mussolini, although many were the merits of Augustus (the conquest of Ethiopia marked the culmination of the myth of Romanity and the highest level of consensus towards the regime), the military expedition against the ancient Ethiopia (Res Gestae 26), carried out on behalf of Augustus by the prefect of Egypt Publius Petronius : the background of this campaign was a series of events that took place in the decade 30 to 20 B.C. and that can be reconstructed through sources such as Strabo, Pliny the Elder and Cassius Dio, as well as epigraphic evidence. In this specific instance, to find out the real reason of Petro…

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Contatti di popoli ed etnogenesi delle tribù nomadi sahariane

The contribution focuses on the problem of mobility in the Roman world as a means of contact and collaboration. North Africa was in ancient times a land of cultural exchange, of passage of peoples and people. The research dwells on local identities, studies the origins of these peoples, discusses and tries to understand the ancient dynamics, which led them to clash and meet.

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Metafore animali, suoni onomatopeici e proverbi in alcune orazioni kata archonton di Libanio

The work is presented as a reading tool aimed at analysing the relationship between signifier and signified in the animal metaphors in the orations of Libanius of Antioch. Greek man in animals isolated psychological manifestations in which he recognised his own. A prominent place was occupied by animals 'symbolic' of positive or negative qualities. Several such symbolic figures appear in Libanius' writing: the wolf is an animal-symbol, which emerges above all other animal metaphors due to the variability of its referents (from the governor to members of the claque) .

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Libanios, Discours. XI. Antiochicos. - Texte établi et traduit par M. Casevitz et O. Lagacherie. Notes complémentaires de C. Saliou - Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2016

Review of the volume in the prestigious Collection des Universités de France, and which presents the first complete French translation of the Libanius' oration XI. The text is established and translated by Michel and Odile Lagacherie. Catherine Saliou wrote the complementary commentary notes and the presentation of the discourse in the introduction to the text, with the exception of the part concerning the manuscript tradition, which was edited by Casevitz.

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G. Traina (a cura di), Studi sull’XI libro dei Geographika di Strabone, Congedo ed., Galatina 2001, in Polifemo 1, 2002, 60-62.

The work is a review of the volume edited by G. Traina on the 11th book of Strabo's Geographica focusing on Asia (from the Danube to the Caucasus), Media and Armenia

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Augusto Costantino Mussolini: i ricorsi storici delle rivoluzioni tra propaganda e disegni provvidenziali

This research arises by focusing on the parallelism Augustus-Constantine, sug- gested just by the first christian emperor as a key point of his policy and an inspiring principle of his propaganda in the letter to the provincials of Palestine; after matching these two great emperors and authors of disguised revolutions, we deal with the attitudes of those intellectuals, politicians and ideologists who were involved in laying the foundations of propaganda com- municative system of fascism, with the ambitious programs of urban planning transformation, cultural and social renewal and colonial conquests. Both emperors are present as reference models within the mytography of Mussolini: behind the…

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Complessità antropologica della nozione di confine

The work pays specific attention to themes such as the desert, the limes, fortifications, populations, nomadism, peaceful or conflictual interaction between man and landscape along the borders, cultural identities, and the Roman Empire's exchanges with peoples located beyond the Sahara limes

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Elogio delle virtù nell’immagine politica di Giuliano in Libanio

Libanius’ Julianic orations play an important role to move closer to knowledge of the interior portrait of this emperor. Julian’s personality is based on four virtues: philoponia, phronesis, philanthropia, sophrosyne. These virtues are panegyrical topoi in the eulogy of the rulers (Basilikos logos), and in the Libanian context they are freely reused, adapted to the present in order to return an image of Julian politically useful; all this doesn’t necessarily imply systematic distortion of the truth. In this connection, Julian’s political image is the exact opposite of the image of his predecessor: the reader is given the conviction that Constance, unlike Julian, would have achieved only a s…

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Omaggio a Giuliano Crifò (1934-2011). A proposito del Carteggio Betti-La Pira

Chronicle to the Conference 'Homage to Giuliano Crifò (1934-2011). A proposito del Carteggio Betti-La Pira', held in Messina, in the Aula Magna of the University, on 13 November 2015, and published in the scientific journal Studia et documenta historiae et iuris 82, 2016, 671-674.

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G. Zecchini, Vercingetorige, Laterza, Bari 2002

Review of the book by G. Zecchini that reconstructs the story of Vercigetorix, the young leader of the Gallic tribe of the Averni who opposed the Roman conquest of Gaul

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La legge crudele. L’amministrazione della giustizia di Roma nel IV secolo d.C. tra amplificazione e realtà

Realism and accuracy of the testimony by the rhetor Libanius of Antioch on the arbitrary administration of justice by the governors of Syriac metropolis impress the mark of cruelty upon the judicial practice of the time. The study of the criminal justice system leads to a sociological analysis, although the juridical and social status was losing importance in light of the gravity of the crimen.

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Les sources textuelles de l’histoire urbaine d’Antioche sur l’Oronte : pour un Lexicon Topographicum Antiochenum

This chronicle is a summary of the Atelier International jeudi 21 et vendredi 22 janvier 2010, Paris-8/École Normale Les sources textuelles de l’histoire urbaine d’Antioche sur l’Oronte : pour un Lexicon Topographicum

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Storie di ordinaria corruzione. Libanio, Orazioni LVI, LVII, XLVI Introduzione, traduzione e commento storico

Il volume mira a recuperare la dimensione storica e culturale del retore Libanio di Antiochia. Attraverso l'analisi interna e comparativa di tre discorsi, storicamente legati da un tema dominante, l'iniqua amministrazione del governo provinciale, e accomunati dal medesimo registro retorico, quello dello psogos, della denuncia pubblica e della condanna morale e politica di tre consulares Syriae, vengono documentate tutte una serie d trasformazioni: il passaggio da processo accusatorio a quello inquisitorio, la ferocia dell'interrogatorio sotto tortura, la diversificazione accentuata nel milieu curiale tra honorati e semplici buleuti, la concorrenza di un nuovo modello formativo, basato sul d…

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La svolta galeriana prima e dopo l’editto di Serdica

The crisis of the third century helped to create conditions for a change in terms of relations between the Roman Empire and Christianity, whose spread resulted, in the upper echelons of the State, in an awareness of the extent of the phenomenon. The measures that Roman State authorities took against Christianity were a reaction to this dangerous threat; among them, in the specific case of this paper, we focus on the persecution triggered – according to Lactantius – by the Caesar Galerius under the senior Augustus Diocletian. The same Galerius as Augustus was responsible for the formal act that put an end to persecutions: the edict of Serdica (or of Nicomedia), issued on 30 April of year 311…

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"La ricezione antica e moderna di figure ed eventi della storia di Roma. Fra ideologia e tendenza" - Introduzione al Convegno di Studi

In the congress organised by Marilena Casella and Lietta De Salvo with the support of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, moments and themes of Roman history of great importance are presented and retraced, in relation to which the interest of the contributions of the speakers is twofold: the angle of observation is in fact placed both on the topics as such, for the weight they had in the history of a civilisation, and on their reception and reworking, which makes it possible to speak of an era that is reflected in other eras, of events that integrate their meaning by handing it down to subsequent generations and contexts, maintaining their vitality.

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Una capitale intermittente: la vicenda di Antiochia di Siria nel IV secolo d.C.

Thanks to the mass of information that can be extrapolated from Libanius of Antioch, it is possible to select the two facies of the city on the Oronte in Late Antiquity, i.e. Antioch as administrative capital (of the province of Syria; of the Diocese of the East), and Antioch as imperial capital (although not in the strict sense: but the city played the role of ‘episodic capital’). This contribution aims at focusing on Antioch as ‘imperial capital intermittently’, highlighting: the implications both at economic- logis- tical (supply related to the presence of the court) and urban-monumental level (new buildings already starting from Diocletian) as well as the relationship with the other cit…

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Gli Studi di Storia romana a Messina e la figura di Lietta De Salvo fra XX e XXI secolo

The article traces, through the scientific personality of the Professor Lietta De Salvo, the tradition of Roman History Studies at the University of Messina at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The contribution is a tribute to the 80th birthday and career of a scholar whose name is linked to the most significant studies on Late Antiquity in Italy.

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Tolemeo di Mauretania. L’ideologia politica e la morte a Roma nel settembre del 40

The paper, through the analysis of literary, numismatic and epigraphic sources, and through the contribution of statuary, aims at investigating the causes that determined first the fall into disgrace, and then the death sentence of Ptolemy of Mauretania. A set of reasons, the main of which have an ideological-political and cultural nature, and can be summarized in a self-congratulatory intention, is behind the death sentence of the king, that we propose to contextualize in Rome, after a period of imprisonment, not before September 40 BC, when Caligula went back from Campania.

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La vocazione centripeta. Una divergenza ideologica tra Libanio e Temistio di fronte alla prospettiva costantinopolitana dei buleuti di Antiochia

Questa ricerca è incentrata su due personaggi, Temistio e Libanio, che sono esempio di intellettuali orientati verso una prospettiva volta a cogliere i profili di interazione sociale che la loro attività letteraria seppe contemplare. Se i due sono assimilabili per formazione culturale e professione, restano tuttavia ben distinti l’uno dall’altro per tutte le altre rispettive scelte di vita: dal 354 d.C. Libanio si stabilisce definitivamente ad Antiochia, un anno prima di quello in cui Temistio viene nominato senatore di Costantinopoli, inaugurando di seguito la sua carriera di intellettuale organico. L’opera di Temistio e quella di Libanio sono, in realtà, due manifestazioni tra loro antipo…

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Antiochia di Siria di fronte al problema dell’immigrazione. (Lib., Or. 56, 22-23)

In the paragraphs 22-23 of the speech 56, Libanius proposes the expulsion of foreigners from the city of Antioch. The measure, in fact, is not so peremptory, as it contains rather the criterion whereby to separate the good or moderate from the bad or intemperate: having home, wife, children and work is the condition for making a good citizen. Thus emerges a subtle discrimen among the foreigners who constituted the claque, disease of the city, and which therefore deserved to be eradicated away, and the other xenoi fully incorporated into the social and citizen context within which they could safely remain.

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F. Marco Simón - F. Pina Polo- J. Remesal Rodríguez (edd.), Religión y propaganda política en el mundo romano, Barcelona 2002

Review of the volume collecting the papers of the I Colloquio de Historia Antigua held in June 2001 at the University of Zaragoza on the theme "Religión y propaganda política en el mundo romano" and the relationship between religion and political power

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Galerio. Il tetrarca infine tollerante

This volume offers a political biography of Galerius, which sets free the image of the tetrarch, too often considered a person who lived in the penumbra of Diocletian, and restores to his actions their own internal consistency and organic evolution over time. Without losing sight of realities inherent in the multiplicity of the tetrarchs and in the development of the tetrarchy as an institution, this work focuses attention on Galerius in order to restore to him an image of autonomy which is not necessarily linked to the other protagonists in the drama in order to highlight each situation in which Galerius was successful at creating his own way. The goal has been to reconstruct policies that…

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264 a.C. Lo spazio conteso tra Roma e Cartagine

Separated by an arm of the sea but brought closer by intense diplomatic relations, Rome, the city made up of a heterogeneous mix of peoples, and Carthage, founded by the Phoenicians, found themselves facing each other on the Strait of Messina. What was at stake was dominance over Sicily. The article traces the stages of the conquest of the island from 264 BC to 210 BC.

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Libanio tra attualità e tradizione. L’orazione IX

Libanius’ speech IX reveals the persistence in Libanius of the interest in the religious dimension, free from the polemical tones adopted elsewhere. A global cosmic perspective pervades the speech. The Kalendae Ianuarie festival, marking the beginning of the new year, was a parenthesis of joy and carefreeness for all the inhabitants of the empire, regardless of their religious beliefs. The relevance of this anniversary as a vehicle of imperial ideology for the unity of the empire could explain Theodosius’ rescript of 389 to the praefectus Urbis Romae Albinus on the legal calendar of Rome, which, including not only Easter, but also the Kalendae, would have surprised Libanius himself first. T…

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The essay outlines the relationship between State and Church from Constantine to Theodosius I, through the various emperors who succeeded to the throne. Particular attention is paid to the granting of legal personality to the Church, the figure of the bishop and the episcopalis audientia.

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S. Toscano, Tolle Divitem. Etica, Società e Potere nel De Divitiis, Catania, Edizioni del Prisma, 2006

Review of the monograph by S. Toscano that proposes an original interpretation of De Divitiis, a text generally linked to the environment of the Pelagian cells of Sicily.The book is divided into three parts: one focusing on the ideology of wealth; one on De Divitiis' society; the last on power dynamics.

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Abusi, terrore, violenza. Qualche esempio di ‘disfunzionamento’ nell’amministrazione della giustizia nel IV secolo d.C.

With all the rhetorical amplification of some formulas, realism and accuracy of the testimony by the rhetor Libanius of Antioch on the arbitrary administration of justice by the governors of Syriac metropolis impress the mark of cruelty upon the judicial practice of the time: tortures to wrest confessions or testimonies distinguished themselves by their unusual brutality. The study of the criminal justice system leads to a sociological analysis, although the juridical and social status was losing importance in light of the gravity of the crimen.

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La formazione dell’impero cristiano

The contribution outlines the special features of the Constantinian era from 324 A.D. until the coming to power of Theodosius, reviewing the various emperors who succeeded to the imperial throne, with a special focus on the Julian interlude. The focus is not only on eventualities, but also on political, religious, economic and social transformations.

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Augusto e la politica limitanea in Africa: Cosso Cornelio Lentulo e il bellum Gaetulicum

The present paper aims at analyzing the unrest of the tribes located in the south of the province of Africa and of the reign of Mauretania, that escaped Roman authority. In particular, the research dwells on the hostilities undertaken by the Gaetulians under the principate of Augustus, such as to determine the intervention of the proconsul of Africa Cossus Cornelius Lentulus, given the magnitude of the bellum and in view of the fact that the king of Mauretania Juba II was unable to quell the con+ict. Through the analysis of the sources (Florus, Cassius Dio, Orosius) we set ourselves the task of rebuilding the background, the phases of the war and the casus belli. The analysis stated the sig…

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Cesarea di Mauretania: la piccola Grecia di Giuba II, tra bronzi e marmi

Punic Iol, renamed Caesarea in honour of Augustus under Juba II, and promoted by the latter to the rank of capital of the kingdom of Mauretania entrusted to him by the princeps in 25 B.C., underwent a splendid phase of development on the model of Hellenistic cities precisely between the end of the 1st century B.C. and the first part of the 1st century A.D. It is very probable that Juba II, who had grown up in Rome, had provided Caesarea with a port, as the intense trade with the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul and Italy, from whose marble quarries material was extracted for architectural constructions and decorations, as well as from those in Greece, would prove. Caesarea has returned a complex of …

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Echi libaniani nell’attività normativa imperiale?

The research proceeds along the lines of the conductive thread constituted by the illegal visits to the governors which are testified in Libanius’ speeches 50 and 51, addressed to the Emperor Theodosius: Libanius makes the request for a law aimed at forbidding the scandal of such visits intended for achieving completely illicit facilities. Libanius puts on the cloths of the loyal citizen who informs the emperor about the events concerning his subjects, letting it somehow leak how many influences, pressures and conditioning factors were which the representatives of the imperial power had to contend with.

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C. Giuffrida Manmana, Alla corte dell’imperatore. Autorità civili, militari ed ecclesiastiche nella Tarda Antichità, Edizioni del Prisma, Catania 2008

Review of the monograph by C. Giuffrida, who entrusts this study with a personal interpretation of some relevant aspects that characterised the late antique world. The volume is divided into four parts: the first on the creation of a new ruling class; the second on the strategy to strengthen imperial power; the third on Theodosius I and the difficult control of the West; the fourth on the new behavioural paradigms at the court of the Theodosians and in particular on the political role of the Augustae.

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Centralità mediterranea della Palermo imperiale e tardoantica (secoli I-IV). Scenari sociopolitici

Through the discussion of sources and analysis of data and material culture, the consideration of social facts with their complex interactions, I want to make a picture of the Roman Panhormus of the imperial age, with its municipal administrators, its senators, its curials, its people; a city that could enjoy theatrical performances, gladiators and venationes thanks to the prosperity manifested by the richness of the mosaics, imbued with that pagan religion, well rooted and still persisting at least until the fourth century.

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M. Mazza, Tra Roma e Costantinopoli. Ellenismo Oriente Cristianesimo nella Tarda Antichità. Catania, Il Prisma 2009

Review of the volume that collects eleven essays distributed over a fifteen-year period of investigation into Late Antiquity and revised or unpublished. The topics range from historiography to economics, from Hellenism to ecclesiastical sources.

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Nascere diversi nell’antica Roma

The analysis is mainly concerned with the condition of infants, in particular the problem of neonatal deformity in ancient Rome. The incidence of deformed births must have been considerable, if tradition records specific provisions on the exposure of deformed infants as far back as royal times. From the narratives of the historians, it can be deduced that deformity greatly impressed the ancient Romans, who were very superstitious in this regard, as can be seen from the very terminology used (monstrum, portentum, ostentum, prodigium etc.). The entity of the deformity thus became a discriminating factor for the very purpose of considering the child born as belonging to the human species, an e…

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Un’antitesi amplificata? Aspetti di Costantino e Giuliano a partire dall’Apologia pro Zosimo di Löwenklau

The article starts from an analysis of Johannes Löwenklau's Apologia pro Zosimo adversus Evagrii, Nicephori Callisti et aliorum acerbas criminationes, Basel 1576 to show how the antithesis between Constantine and Julian is an amplified antithesis. Thinking of the two figures standardised as antithetical, Julian cannot be schematically contrasted with the new faith in the name of the Olympian faith, as he not only practises and proclaims tolerance, but is syncretist. Constantine himself can be described as a tolerant emperor, an attitude closely linked to a particularly elaborate 'pagan strategy' that can be found by simultaneously considering epigraphy, numismatics and Latin panegyrics.

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Déchiffrement historique de l’écriture libanienne. À propos de Libanios, Discours 48 et 49

The main theme, the direct relationship with the career of Libanius and the rhetorical common framework, unite at historical level the speeches 48 and 49. The evidence of these two speeches is of primary importance to know the institutional, legal, economic, and social situation in the second half of the 4th century A.D. Indeed, they document a series of transformations, or the appearance of new phenomena: the strong diversification of the curial class, and a broadening gap between the prôtoi and the mere bouleutai; the desertion of the boulai ; the rise in Antioch of new study subjects such as Latin and law. A twofold ideal can be inferred from these two Libanius’ speeches: on the one hand…

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Le colpe della cultura pagana: riflessioni sull'Epistola 69b di Giuliano

The article is a reflection starting from the epistle 89b of the emperor Julian, which is presented as an illuminating document for the reconstruction of the values of the Hellenic civilisation, based on a precise paideutic-religious programme, which takes the form of a kind of canon of praiseworthy and/or inadvisable authors

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ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΟΥΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ (Lib., Or. XXV, 72). Libertà e dignità nell’Antiochia del IV secolo

The present reflection takes its starting point from Libanius, Or. 25, 71. Through a series of concrete examples, the speaker succeeds to show the bonds of mutual dependence that bind man as a social being.

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Il ruolo di Galeria Valeria nelle dinamiche della politica tetrarchica

Il lavoro si incentra sulla figura di Galeria Valeria, figlia di Diocleziano e moglie di Galerio. Un’attenzione particolare è stata riservata a Galeria come moglie e madre: l’analisi si sofferma sulla notizia del retore Lattanzio inerente alla sterilità di Galeria Valeria e alla conseguente adozione di un figlio, Candidiano, che Galerio avrebbe avuto dall’unione con una concubina, aprendo un ampio excursus su problematiche di carattere giuridico quali l’adoptio/adrogatio, la legittimazione, il iustum matrimonium e il concubinato. Si cerca poi di affrontare la complessa questione riguardante l’adesione o meno da parte della donna al cristianesimo, anche mediante l’analisi comparativa del tes…

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FRA COSTANTINO E I VANDALI. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi per Enzo Aiello (1957-2013), Messina, 29-30 Ottobre 2014, L. De Salvo, E. Caliri, M. Casella (a cura di), MUNERA 40, Edipuglia, Bari- S.Spirito 2016.

This book brings together the papers presented at the Conference held in Messina at the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilisations on 29 and 30 October 2014 in memory of Vincenzo Aiello. On this occasion, scholars of various nationalities and scientific backgrounds remembered the young colleague who died prematurely with contributions on topics particularly close to him. The papers were divided into two sections: the first on the figure of Constantine, his Fortleben and the political and religious dynamics of the 4th century; the second on the impact of the presence of the Vandals in the Mediterranean basin in the 5th century and the new political geography determined by the conquest of…

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