Gerrit Groenhof
Is ATP Hydrolysis the Power Stroke in ABC Transporters?
New QM/MM implementation of the DFTB3 method in the gromacs package.
The approximate density-functional tight-binding theory method DFTB3 has been implemented in the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) framework of the Gromacs molecular simulation package. We show that the efficient smooth particle–mesh Ewald implementation of Gromacs extends to the calculation of QM/MM electrostatic interactions. Further, we make use of the various free-energy functionalities provided by Gromacs and the PLUMED plugin. We exploit the versatility and performance of the current framework in three typical applications of QM/MM methods to solve biophysical problems: (i) ultrafast proton transfer in malonaldehyde, (ii) conformation of the alanine dipeptide, and (iii) el…
Observe while it happens : catching photoactive proteins in the act with non-adiabatic molecular dynamics simulations
Organisms use photo-receptors to react to light. The first step is usually the absorption of a photon by a prosthetic group embedded inside the photo-receptor, often a conjugated chromophore. The electronic changes in the chromophore induced by photo-absorption can trigger a cascade of structural or chemical transformations that culminate into a response to light. Understanding how these proteins have evolved to mediate their activation process has remained challenging because the required time and spacial resolutions are notoriously difficult to achieve experimentally. Therefore, mechanistic insights into photoreceptor activation have been predominantly obtained with computer simulations. …
Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore: energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing
Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…
The Low Barrier Hydrogen Bond in the Photoactive Yellow Protein: A Vacuum Artifact Absent in the Crystal and Solution
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(51), 16620 - 16631 (2016). doi:10.1021/jacs.6b05609
Coherent Light Harvesting through Strong Coupling to Confined Light
When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes, new hybrid light-matter states may form: the polaritons. These polaritons are coherent superpositions of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon. Recently, polaritons were shown to mediate energy transfer between chromophores at distances beyond the Förster limit. Here we explore the potential of strong coupling for light-harvesting applications by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of photoreactive and non-photo-reactive molecules strongly coupled to a single confined light mode. These molecules are spatially separated and present at different concentrations. Our simulations sug…
A Unified AMBER-Compatible Molecular Mechanics Force Field for Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters.
We present transferable AMBER-compatible force field parameters for thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters. Five different sized clusters containing both organo-soluble and water-soluble thiolate ligands served as test systems in MD simulations, and parameters were validated against DFT and experimental results. The cluster geometries remain intact during the MD simulations in various solvents, and structural fluctuations and energetics showed agreement with DFT calculations. Experimental diffusion coefficients and crystal structures were also reproduced with sufficient accuracy. The presented parameter set contains the minimum number of cluster-specific parameters enabling the use of these p…
Visualizing a protein quake with time-resolved X-ray scattering at a free-electron laser
We describe a method to measure ultrafast protein structural changes using time-resolved wide-angle X-ray scattering at an X-ray free-electron laser. We demonstrated this approach using multiphoton excitation of the Blastochloris viridis photosynthetic reaction center, observing an ultrafast global conformational change that arises within picoseconds and precedes the propagation of heat through the protein. This provides direct structural evidence for a 'protein quake': the hypothesis that proteins rapidly dissipate energy through quake-like structural motions. peerReviewed
Femtosecond structural dynamics drives the trans/cis isomerization in photoactive yellow protein
Many biological processes depend on detecting and responding to light. The response is often mediated by a structural change in a protein that begins when absorption of a photon causes isomerization of a chromophore bound to the protein. Pande et al. used x-ray pulses emitted by a free electron laser source to conduct time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography in the time range of 100 fs to 3 ms. This allowed for the real-time tracking of the trans-cis isomerization of the chromophore in photoactive yellow protein and the associated structural changes in the protein.Science, this issue p. 725A variety of organisms have evolved mechanisms to detect and respond to light, in which the re…
Core hole screening and decay rates of double core ionized first row hydrides.
Because of the high intensity, X-ray free electron lasers allow one to create and probe double core ionized states in molecules. The decay of these multiple core ionized states crucially determines the evolution of radiation damage in single molecule diffractive imaging experiments. Here we have studied the Auger decay in hydrides of first row elements after single and double core ionization by quantum mechanical ab initio calculations. In our approach the continuum wave function of the emitted Auger electron is expanded into spherical harmonics on a radial grid. The obtained decay rates of double K-shell vacancies were found to be systematically larger than those for the respective single …
Protonation of the Biliverdin IXα Chromophore in the Red and Far-Red Photoactive States of a Bacteriophytochrome
The tetrapyrrole chromophore biliverdin IXα (BV) in the bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrBphP) is usually assumed to be fully protonated, but this assumption has not been systematically validated by experiments or extensive computations. Here, we use force field molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations with density functional theory and XMCQDPT2 methods to investigate the effect of the five most probable protonation forms of BV on structural stability, binding pocket interactions, and absorption spectra in the two photochromic states of DrBphP. While agreement with X-ray structural data and measured UV/vis spectra suggest that …
Best Practices in Constant pH MD Simulations: Accuracy and Sampling
Various approaches have been proposed to include the effect of pH in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Among these, the λ-dynamics approach proposed by Brooks and co-workers [Kong, X.; Brooks III, C. L. J. Chem. Phys.1996, 105, 2414−2423] can be performed with little computational overhead and hfor each typeence be used to routinely perform MD simulations at microsecond time scales, as shown in the accompanying paper [Aho, N. et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput.2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00516]. At such time scales, however, the accuracy of the molecular mechanics force field and the parametrization becomes critical. Here, we address these issues and provide the community with guidelines on…
Thermodynamics of hydronium and hydroxide surface solvation.
[Introduction] The concentration of hydronium and hydroxide at the water-air interface has been under debate for a long time. Recent evidence from a range of experiments and theoretical calculations strongly suggests the water surface is somewhat acidic. Using novel polarizable models we have performed potential of mean force calculations of a hydronium ion, a hydroxide ion and a water molecule in a water droplet and a water slab and we were able to rationalize that hydronium, but not hydroxide, is slightly enriched at the surface for two reasons. First, because the hydrogen-bond acceptance capacity of hydronium is weaker than water it is more favorable to have the hydronium oxygen on the s…
The primary structural photoresponse of phytochrome proteins captured by a femtosecond X-ray laser
Phytochrome proteins control the growth, reproduction, and photosynthesis of plants, fungi, and bacteria. Light is detected by a bilin cofactor, but it remains elusive how this leads to activation of the protein through structural changes. We present serial femtosecond X-ray crystallographic data of the chromophore-binding domains of a bacterial phytochrome at delay times of 1 ps and 10 ps after photoexcitation. The data reveal a twist of the D-ring, which leads to partial detachment of the chromophore from the protein. Unexpectedly, the conserved so-called pyrrole water is photodissociated from the chromophore, concomitant with movement of the A-ring and a key signaling aspartate. The chan…
Weak intermolecular interactions promote blue luminescence of protonated 2,2′-dipyridylamine salts
In this work we demonstrate that protonation and π-stacking can be exploited to convert non-luminescent 2,2′-dipyridylamine into blue-emitting derivatives. We have synthesized a series of luminescent 2,2′-dipyridylamine (dpa) salts, i.e., (dpaH)X·nSolv (dpa = 2,2′-dipyridylamine, X = HF2, n = 0.5, Solv = H2O 1; X = Cl, n = 2, Solv = H2O 2; X = Br, n = 2, Solv = H2O 3; X = I n = 1, Solv = H2O 4a; X = I n = 1, Solv = CHCl34b), (dpaH)2[SiF6]·H2O 5 and (dpaH)X (X = I36; SbF67; BF48) and characterized their emission properties, both in the solid-state and in solution. To rationalize our observations and relate the luminescence properties to the structure in the solid state and in solution, we ha…
The lineshape of the electronic spectrum of the green fluorescent protein chromophore, part I: gas phase.
The vibronic spectra of the green fluorescent protein chromophore analogues p-hydroxybenzylidene-2,3-dimethylimidazolinone (HBDI) and 3,5-tert-butyl-HBDI (35Bu) are similar in the vacuum, but very different in water or ethanol. To understand this difference, we have computed the vibrationally resolved solution spectra of these chromophores, using the polarizable continuum model (PCM) to account for solvent effects on the (harmonic) potential energy surfaces (PES). In agreement with experiment, we found that the vibrational progression increases with the polarity of the solvent, but we could neither reproduce the broadening, nor the large difference between the absorption spectra of HBDI and…
Charge-Neutral Constant pH Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using a Parsimonious Proton Buffer
In constant pH molecular dynamics simulations, the protonation states of titratable sites can respond to changes of the pH and of their electrostatic environment. Consequently, the number of protons bound to the biomolecule, and therefore the overall charge of the system, fluctuates during the simulation. To avoid artifacts associated with a non-neutral simulation system, we introduce an approach to maintain neutrality of the simulation box in constant pH molecular dynamics simulations, while maintaining an accurate description of all protonation fluctuations. Specifically, we introduce a proton buffer that, like a buffer in experiment, can exchange protons with the biomolecule enabling its…
Force Distribution Analysis of Mechanochemically Reactive Dimethylcyclobutene
Internal molecular forces can guide chemical reactions, yet are not straightforwardly accessible within a quantum mechanical description of the reacting molecules. Here, we present a force-matching force distribution analysis (FM-FDA) to analyze internal forces in molecules. We simulated the ring opening of trans-3,4-dimethylcyclobutene (tDCB) with on-the-fly semiempirical molecular dynamics. The self-consistent density functional tight binding (SCC-DFTB) method accurately described the force-dependent ring-opening kinetics of tDCB, showing quantitative agreement with both experimental and computational data at higher levels. Mechanical force was applied in two different ways, namely, exter…
Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Modes between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Photoactive Molecules: The Effect of the Stokes Shift
We have investigated the dynamics of strongly coupled modes of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and fluorescent molecules by analyzing their scattered emission polarization. While the scattered emission of SPPs is purely transverse magnetic (TM) polarized, the strong coupling with molecules induces transverse electric (TE) polarized emission via the partial molecular nature of the formed SPP–molecule polariton mode. We observe that the TM/TE ratio of the polariton emission follows the contribution of the molecular excited states in this hybrid mode. By using several types of molecules, we observe that, in addition to the coupling strength, which determines the contribution of the molecular…
Theory for the stationary polariton response in the presence of vibrations
We construct a model describing the response of a hybrid system where the electromagnetic field - in particular, surface plasmon polaritons - couples strongly with electronic excitations of atoms or molecules. Our approach is based on the input-output theory of quantum optics, and in particular it takes into account the thermal and quantum vibrations of the molecules. The latter is described within the $P(E)$ theory analogous to that used in the theory of dynamical Coulomb blockade. As a result, we are able to include the effect of the molecular Stokes shift on the strongly coupled response of the system. Our model then accounts for the asymmetric emission from upper and lower polariton mod…
Molecular Mechanism of ATP Hydrolysis in an ABC Transporter
Hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) plays a key role for the function of many biomolecular systems. However, the chemistry of the catalytic reaction in terms of an atomic-level understanding of the structural, dynamic, and free energy changes associated with it often remains unknown. Here, we report the molecular mechanism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis in the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter BtuCD-F. Free energy profiles obtained from hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations show that the hydrolysis reaction proceeds in a stepwise manner. First, nucleophilic attack of an activated lytic water molecule at the ATP γ-…
Aluminum Plasmonics: Fabrication and Characterization of Broadly Tunable Plasmonic Surfaces for Plasmon Molecule Strong-Coupling and Fluorescence Enhancement
Our work based on previous studies [1, 2] confirms, that simple aluminum nanostructures can be utilized as effective plasmonic resonators over a broad range of frequencies and wavelengths. The nanostructured surfaces, fabricated by electron-beam lithography demonstrated relatively narrow-band resonances and are suitable for various plasmonic applications ranging from metal enhanced fluorescence to strong-coupling [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] experiments. We represent data for molecule-plasmon coupling near the strong coupling limit and demonstrate that these aluminum structures do act as fluorescence increasing substrates. In this work, we used two different types of dyes. We studied the narrow band j-a…
Anomalous surface diffusion of protons on lipid membranes.
AbstractThe cellular energy machinery depends on the presence and properties of protons at or in the vicinity of lipid membranes. To asses the energetics and mobility of a proton near a membrane, we simulated an excess proton near a solvated DMPC bilayer at 323 K, using a recently developed method to include the Grotthuss proton shuttling mechanism in classical molecular dynamics simulations. We obtained a proton surface affinity of −13.0 ± 0.5 kJ mol−1. The proton interacted strongly with both lipid headgroup and linker carbonyl oxygens. Furthermore, the surface diffusion of the proton was anomalous, with a subdiffusive regime over the first few nanoseconds, followed by a superdiffusive re…
Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore : energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing
Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…
Solving Chemical Problems with a Mixture of Quantum-Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Calculations: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013
Author response: The primary structural photoresponse of phytochrome proteins captured by a femtosecond X-ray laser
Scalable Constant pH Molecular Dynamics in GROMACS
Molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations are used routinely to compute atomistic trajectories of complex systems. Systems are simulated in various ensembles, depending on the experimental conditions one aims to mimic. While constant energy, temperature, volume, and pressure are rather straightforward to model, pH, which is an equally important parameter in experiments, is more difficult to account for in simulations. Although a constant pH algorithm based on the λ-dynamics approach by Brooks and co-workers [Kong, X.; Brooks III, C. L. J. Chem. Phys.1996, 105, 2414–2423] was implemented in a fork of the GROMACS molecular dynamics program, uptake has been rather limited, presumably due to…
Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent Photocycle Initiation Dynamics Resolve Heterogeneity in the Photoactive Yellow Protein from Halorhodospira halophila
Photoactive yellow proteins (PYPs) make up a diverse class of blue-light-absorbing bacterial photoreceptors. Electronic excitation of the p-coumaric acid chromophore covalently bound within PYP results in triphasic quenching kinetics; however, the molecular basis of this behavior remains unresolved. Here we explore this question by examining the excitation-wavelength dependence of the photodynamics of the PYP from Halorhodospira halophila via a combined experimental and computational approach. The fluorescence quantum yield, steady-state fluorescence emission maximum, and cryotrapping spectra are demonstrated to depend on excitation wavelength. We also compare the femtosecond photodynamics …
Multi-scale dynamics simulations of molecular polaritons: The effect of multiple cavity modes on polariton relaxation
It is included two versions of this item: the Accepted Version which is already Open Access and the Published Version which is under an embargo period till 2022-03-09.
Quantenmechanische und molekülmechanische Rechnungen zur Lösung chemischer Probleme - der Chemie-Nobelpreis 2013
Excitation-Wavelength Dependent Photocycle Initiation Dynamics Resolve Heterogeneity in the Photoactive Yellow Protein from Halorhodospira halophila
Photoactive yellow proteins (PYPs) make up a diverse class of blue-light-absorbing bacterial photoreceptors. Electronic excitation of the p-coumaric acid chromophore covalently bound within PYP results in triphasic quenching kinetics; however, the molecular basis of this behavior remains unresolved. Here we explore this question by examining the excitation-wavelength dependence of the photodynamics of the PYP from Halorhodospira halophila via a combined experimental and computational approach. The fluorescence quantum yield, steady-state fluorescence emission maximum, and cryotrapping spectra are demonstrated to depend on excitation wavelength. We also compare the femtosecond photodynamics …
On the use of reduced active space in CASSCF calculations
Abstract The complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) method is one of the most used approaches to explore theoretically non-adiabatic photochemical processes in medium-size molecular systems. It is also frequently utilized in direct dynamics studies because this method offers a reliable description of the electronic state mixing in the regions of surface crossings (conical intersections). In this context, however, the large computational demand required to perform such on-the-fly molecular dynamics simulations using CASSCF as the electronic structure method means that only relatively small active space can be handled (typically not more than 10 electrons distributed in 10 orbit…
Enhanced Excitation Energy Transfer under Strong Light-Matter Coupling: Insights from Multi-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Exciton transport can be enhanced in the strong coupling regime where excitons hybridise with confined light modes to form polaritons. Because polaritons have group velocity, their propagation should be ballistic and long-ranged. However, experiments indicate that organic polaritons propagate in a diffusive manner and more slowly than their group velocity. Here, we resolve this controversy by means of molecular dynamics simulations of Rhodamine molecules in a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity. Our results suggest that polariton propagation is limited by the cavity lifetime and appears diffusive due to reversible population transfers between polaritonic states that propagate ballistically at their grou…
Effect of molecular Stokes shift on polariton dynamics
When the enhanced electromagnetic field of a confined light mode interacts with photoactive molecules, the system can be driven into the regime of strong coupling, where new hybrid light-matter states, polaritons, are formed. Polaritons, manifested by the Rabi split in the dispersion, have shown potential for controlling the chemistry of the coupled molecules. Here, we show by angle-resolved steady-state experiments accompanied by multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations that the molecular Stokes shift plays a significant role in the relaxation of polaritons formed by organic molecules embedded in a polymer matrix within metallic Fabry-Pérot cavities. Our results suggest that in the case …
Exploring Strategies for Labeling Viruses with Gold Nanoclusters through Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Biocompatible gold nanoclusters can be utilized as contrast agents in virus imaging. The labeling of viruses can be achieved noncovalently but site-specifically by linking the cluster to the hydrophobic pocket of a virus via a lipid-like pocket factor. We have estimated the binding affinities of three different pocket factors of echovirus 1 (EV1) in molecular dynamics simulations combined with non-equilibrium free-energy calculations. We have also studied the effects on binding affinities with a pocket factor linked to the Au102pMBA44 nanocluster in different protonation states. Although the absolute binding affinities are over-estimated for all the systems, the trend is in agreement with r…
Structure‐ and Interaction‐Based Design of Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 Aptamers
Aptamer selection against novel infections is a complicated and time-consuming approach. Synergy can be achieved by using computational methods together with experimental procedures. This study aims to develop a reliable methodology for a rational aptamer in silico et vitro design. The new approach combines multiple steps: (1) Molecular design, based on screening in a DNA aptamer library and directed mutagenesis to fit the protein tertiary structure; (2) 3D molecular modeling of the target; (3) Molecular docking of an aptamer with the protein; (4) Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the complexes; (5) Quantum-mechanical (QM) evaluation of the interactions between aptamer and target with …
Combined QM/MM investigation on the light-driven electron-induced repair of the (6-4) thymine dimer catalyzed by DNA photolyase.
The (6-4) photolyases are blue-light-activated enzymes that selectively bind to DNA and initiate splitting of mutagenic thymine (6-4) thymine photoproducts (T(6-4)T-PP) via photoinduced electron transfer from flavin adenine dinucleotide anion (FADH(-)) to the lesion triggering repair. In the present work, the repair mechanism after the initial electron transfer and the effect of the protein/DNA environment are investigated theoretically by means of hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) simulations using X-ray structure of the enzyme-DNA complex. By comparison of three previously proposed repair mechanisms, we found that the lowest activation free energy is required for the …
Tracking Polariton Relaxation with Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations
When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes in optical cavities, new hybrid light–matter states form. They are known as polaritons and correspond to coherent superpositions of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon. The polariton energies and thus potential energy surfaces are changed with respect to the bare molecules, such that polariton formation is considered a promising paradigm for controlling photochemical reactions. To effectively manipulate photochemistry with confined light, the molecules need to remain in the polaritonic state long enough for the reaction on the modified potential energy surface to take place. To understand what determine…
Serial femtosecond crystallography reveals that photoactivation in a fluorescent protein proceeds via the hula twist mechanism
Chromophore cis/trans photoisomerization is a fundamental process in chemistry and in the activation of many photosensitive proteins. A major task is understanding the effect of the protein environment on the efficiency and direction of this reaction compared to what is observed in the gas and solution phases. In this study, we set out to visualize the hula twist (HT) mechanism in a fluorescent protein, which is hypothesized to be the preferred mechanism in a spatially constrained binding pocket. We use a chlorine substituent to break the twofold symmetry of the embedded phenolic group of the chromophore and unambiguously identify the HT primary photoproduct. Through serial femtosecond crys…
Cationic and Anionic Impact on the Electronic Structure of Liquid Water
Hydration shells around ions are crucial for many fundamental biological and chemical processes. Their local physicochemical properties are quite different from those of bulk water and hard to probe experimentally. We address this problem by combining soft X-ray spectroscopy using a liquid jet and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations together with ab initio electronic structure calculations to elucidate the water–ion interaction in a MgCl2 solution at the molecular level. Our results reveal that salt ions mainly affect the electronic properties of water molecules in close vicinity and that the oxygen K-edge X-ray emission spectrum of water molecules in the first solvation shell differs signi…
Protonation of the Biliverdin IXα Chromophore in the Red and Far-Red Photoactive States of Bacteriophytochrome
The tetrapyrrole chromophore biliverdin IXα (BV) in the bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrBphP) is usually assumed to be fully protonated, but this assumption has not been systematically validated by experiments or extensive computations. Here, we use force field molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations with density functional theory and XMCQDPT2 methods to investigate the effect of the five most probable protonation forms of BV on structural stability, binding pocket interactions, and absorption spectra in the two photochromic states of DrBphP. While agreement with X-ray structural data and measured UV/vis spectra suggest that …
Hydrogen Bond Fluctuations Control Photochromism in a Reversibly Photo-Switchable Fluorescent Protein
Reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs) are essential for high-resolution microscopy of biological samples, but the reason why these proteins are photochromic is still poorly understood. To address this problem, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the fast switching Met159Thr mutant of the RSFP Dronpa. Our simulations revealed a ground state structural heterogeneity in the chromophore pocket that consists of three populations with one, two, or three hydrogen bonds to the phenolate moiety of the chromophore. By means of non-adiabatic quantum mechanics/molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrated that the subpopulation with a single hydrogen bond is responsible for of…
Correction to "Probing the Accuracy of Explicit Solvent Constant pH Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Peptides".
Steering the excited state dynamics of a photoactive yellow protein chromophore analogue with external electric fields
Abstract The first excited state of the Photoactive Yellow Protein chromophore exhibits a strong charge transfer character and the dipole moments of the excited and ground states differ significantly. Furthermore, the excited state charge distribution changes during the isomerization of this chromophore. These observations suggest that external electric fields can be used to control photo-isomerization, providing a new concept for developing photochromic devices, such as e-paper or optical memory. To test this idea, we performed excited state dynamics simulations and static calculations of a PYP chromophore analogue (pCK − ) in an external electric field. By adjusting direction and strength…
Dynamic Stabilization of the Ligand-Metal Interface in Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters Au68 and Au144 Protected by meta-Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Ligand-stabilized, atomically precise gold nanoclusters with a metal core of a uniform size of just 1–3 nm constitute an interesting class of nanomaterials with versatile possibilities for applications due to their size-dependent properties and modifiable ligand layers. The key to extending the usability of the clusters in applications is to understand the chemical bonding in the ligand layer as a function of cluster size and ligand structure. Previously, it has been shown that monodispersed gold nanoclusters, stabilized by meta-mercaptobenzoic acid (m-MBA or 3-MBA) ligands and with sizes of 68–144 gold atoms, show ambient stability. Here we show that a combination of nuclear magnetic reson…
Photoactive Yellow Protein Chromophore Photoisomerizes around a Single Bond if the Double Bond Is Locked
Photoactivation in the Photoactive Yellow Protein, a bacterial blue light photoreceptor, proceeds via photo-isomerization of the double C=C bond in the covalently attached chromophore. Quantum chemistry calculations, however, have suggested that in addition to double bond photo-isomerization, the isolated chromophore and many of its analogues, can isomerize around a single C-C bond as well. Whereas double bond photo-isomerization has been observed with x-ray crystallography, experimental evidence for single bond photo-isomerization is currently lacking. Therefore, we have synthesized a chromophore analogue, in which the formal double bond is covalently locked in a cyclopentenone ring and ca…
Identifying Vibrations that Control Non-adiabatic Relaxation of Polaritons in Strongly Coupled Molecule-Cavity Systems
The strong light–matter coupling regime, in which excitations of materials hybridize with excitations of confined light modes into polaritons, holds great promise in various areas of science and technology. A key aspect for all applications of polaritonic chemistry is the relaxation into the lower polaritonic states. Polariton relaxation is speculated to involve two separate processes: vibrationally assisted scattering (VAS) and radiative pumping (RP), but the driving forces underlying these two mechanisms are not fully understood. To provide mechanistic insights, we performed multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of tetracene molecules strongly coupled to the confined light modes of an…
Quantifying Artifacts in Ewald Simulations of Inhomogeneous Systems with a Net Charge
Ewald summation, which has become the de facto standard for computing electrostatic interactions in biomolecular simulations, formally requires that the simulation box is neutral. For non-neutral systems the Ewald algorithm implicitly introduces a uniform background charge distribution that e ectively neutralizes the simulation box. Because a uniform distribution of counter charges typically deviates from the spatial distribution of counterions in real systems, artifacts may arise, in particular in systems with an inhomogeneous dielectric constant. Here we derive an analytical expression for the e ect of using an implicit background charge instead of explicit counterions, on the chemical po…
GROMEX: A Scalable and Versatile Fast Multipole Method for Biomolecular Simulation
Atomistic simulations of large biomolecular systems with chemical variability such as constant pH dynamic protonation offer multiple challenges in high performance computing. One of them is the correct treatment of the involved electrostatics in an efficient and highly scalable way. Here we review and assess two of the main building blocks that will permit such simulations: (1) An electrostatics library based on the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) that treats local alternative charge distributions with minimal overhead, and (2) A $λ$-dynamics module working in tandem with the FMM that enables various types of chemical transitions during the simulation. Our $λ$-dynamics and FMM implementations d…
Acid–Base Properties and Surface Charge Distribution of the Water-Soluble Au102(pMBA)44 Nanocluster
The pKa of the p-mercaptobenzoic acid (pMBA) ligands in the Au102(pMBA)44 nanocluster was measured by using acid–base and IR titration. The observed macroscopic pKa = 6.18 ± 0.05 is significantly more basic than that of free pMBA (pKa = 4.16), and the protonation behavior is anticooperative according to the Hill coefficient n = 0.64 ± 0.04. The cluster is truly water-soluble when more than 22 and insoluble when fewer than 7 ligands are in the deprotonated state. In order to obtain more insight into the anticooperative character, the cluster was modeled at pH ∼6.2 using constant pH molecular dynamics simulations. The pKa values of the individual pMBAs are in the range of 5.18–7.58, depending…
The Photocycle of Bacteriophytochrome Is Initiated by Counterclockwise Chromophore Isomerization.
Photoactivation of bacteriophytochrome involves a cis–trans photoisomerization of a biliverdin chromophore, but neither the precise sequence of events nor the direction of the isomerization is known. Here, we used nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations on the photosensory protein dimer to resolve the isomerization mechanism in atomic detail. In our simulations the photoisomerization of the D ring occurs in the counterclockwise direction. On a subpicosecond time scale, the photoexcited chromophore adopts a short-lived intermediate with a highly twisted configuration stabilized by an extended hydrogen-bonding network. Within tens of picoseconds, these hydrogen bonds break, allowing the c…
Room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching M159T mutant of the fluorescent protein dronpa
The fluorescent protein Dronpa undergoes reversible photoswitching reactions between the bright ‘on’ and dark ‘off’ states via photoisomerisation and proton transfer reactions. We report the room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching Met159Thr mutant of Dronpa at 2.0 A resolution in the bright on state. Structural differences with the wild type include shifted backbone positions of strand β8 containing Thr159 as well as an altered A-C dimer interface involving strands β7, β8, β10, and β11. The Met159Thr mutation increases the cavity volume for the p-hydroxybenzylidene-imidazolinone chromophore as a result of both the side chain difference and the backbone positional difference…
Ultrafast structural changes within a photosynthetic reaction centre
Nature <London> / Physical science 589, 310 - 314 (2021). doi:10.1038/s41586-020-3000-7
Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polaritonic Chemistry.
When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes as found in plasmonic structures or optical cavities, new hybrid light-matter states can form, the so-called polaritons. These polaritons are coherent superpositions (in the quantum mechanical sense) of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon or surface plasmon. Recent experimental and theoretical works suggest that access to these polaritons in cavities could provide a totally new and attractive paradigm for controlling chemical reactions that falls in between traditional chemical catalysis and coherent laser control. However, designing cavity parameters to control chemistry requires a theoretical model wi…
Dynamic Stabilization of the Ligand-Metal Interface in Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters Au68 and Au144 Protected by meta-Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Ligand-stabilized, atomically precise gold nanoclusters with a metal core of a uniform size of just 1-3 nm constitute an interesting class of nanomaterials with versatile possibilities for applications due to their size-dependent properties and modifiable ligand layers. The key to extending the usability of the clusters in applications is to understand the chemical bonding in the ligand layer as a function of cluster size and ligand structure. Previously, it has been shown that monodispersed gold nanoclusters, stabilized by meta-mercaptobenzoic acid (m-MBA or 3-MBA) ligands and with sizes of 68-144 gold atoms, show ambient stability. Here we show that a combination of nuclear magnetic reson…
Controlling Exciton Propagation in Organic Crystals through Strong Coupling to Plasmonic Nanoparticle Arrays.
Exciton transport in most organic materials is based on an incoherent hopping process between neighboring molecules. This process is very slow, setting a limit to the performance of organic optoelectronic devices. In this Article, we overcome the incoherent exciton transport by strongly coupling localized singlet excitations in a tetracene crystal to confined light modes in an array of plasmonic nanoparticles. We image the transport of the resulting exciton–polaritons in Fourier space at various distances from the excitation to directly probe their propagation length as a function of the exciton to photon fraction. Exciton–polaritons with an exciton fraction of 50% show a propagation length…
Tracking Changes in Protonation and Conformation during Photoactivation of a Phytochrome Protein
Phytochromes are photosensor proteins in plants and bacteria. The biological response is mediated by structural changes that follow photon absorption in the protein complex. The initial step is the photoisomerization of the biliverdin chromophore. How this leads to large-scale structural changes of the whole complex is, however, poorly understood. In this work, we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the structural changes after isomerization. In particular, we perform MD simulations at constant pH, using a recently developed method, to explore the effect of chromophore isomerization on the protonation (pKa) of nearby residues. In addition, we use a hybrid quantum mechanic…
Coherent Light Harvesting through Strong Coupling to Confined Light
When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes, new hybrid light–matter states may form: the polaritons. These polaritons are coherent superpositions of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon. Recently, polaritons were shown to mediate energy transfer between chromophores at distances beyond the Forster limit. Here we explore the potential of strong coupling for light-harvesting applications by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of mixtures of photoreactive and non-photo-reactive molecules strongly coupled to a single confined light mode. These molecules are spatially separated and present at different concentrations. Our simulations sug…
Fatty Acid Aggregates Simulated using Constant pH Molecular Dynamics with a Coarse-Grained Model
Fatty acids are crucial biomolecules, important for lipid metabolism, signaling, models for protocell membranes, soaps, industrial applications, and drug delivery. Oleic acid has complex phase behavior with respect to the protonation state of the carboxylic head group, which depends on the pH of the solution. Oils form at low pHs, vesicles at intermediate pHs, and micelles at high pHs. We use constant pH molecular dynamics with the MARTINI coarse-grained model to investigate oleic acid aggregates at different pH conditions. We determine titration curves for the oleic acid monomers in different aggregates, and observe a shift in the microscopic pKa. In agreement with experimental results, th…
Effect of molecular Stokes shift on polariton dynamics
When the enhanced electromagnetic field of a confined light mode interacts with photoactive molecules, the system can be driven into the regime of strong coupling, where new hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, are formed. Polaritons, manifested by the Rabi split in the dispersion, have shown potential for controlling the chemistry of the coupled molecules. Here, we show by angle-resolved steady-state experiments accompanied by multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations that the molecular Stokes shift plays a significant role in the relaxation of polaritons formed by organic molecules embedded in a polymer matrix within metallic Fabry–Pérot cavities. Our results suggest that in the case …
Exploring fast proton transfer events associated with lateral proton diffusion on the surface of membranes
Proton diffusion (PD) across biological membranes is a fundamental process in many biological systems, and much experimental and theoretical effort has been employed for deciphering it. Here, we report on a spectroscopic probe, which can be tightly tethered to the membrane, for following fast (nanosecond) proton transfer events on the surface of membranes. Our probe is composed of a photoacid that serves as our light-induced proton source for the initiation of the PD process. We use our probe to follow PD, and its pH dependence, on the surface of lipid vesicles composed of a zwitterionic headgroup, a negative headgroup, a headgroup that is composed only from the negative phosphate group, or…
Explicit proton transfer in classical molecular dynamics simulations.
We present Hydrogen Dynamics (HYDYN), a method that allows explicit proton transfer in classical force field molecular dynamics simulations at thermodynamic equilibrium. HYDYN reproduces the characteristic properties of the excess proton in water, from the special pair dance, to the continuous fluctuation between the limiting Eigen and Zundel complexes, and the water reorientation beyond the first solvation layer. Advantages of HYDYN with respect to existing methods are computational efficiency, microscopic reversibility, and easy parameterization for any force field peerReviewed
CCDC 1004968: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004967: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004972: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004969: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004974: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004971: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004975: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004970: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004973: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A
CCDC 1004976: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Alexander N. Chernyshev, Dmitry Morozov, Jarkko Mutanen, Vadim Yu Kukushkin, Gerrit Groenhof, Matti Haukka|2014|J.Mater.Chem.C|2|8285|doi:10.1039/C4TC01165A