Fergus Wilson
Measurement of theB0→K2*(1430)0γandB+→K2*(1430)+γbranching fractions
We have investigated the exclusive, radiative B meson decays to K2*(1430) in 89* 10^6 BBbar events with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II storage ring. We measure the branching fractions BR(B0 -> K2*(1430)0 gamma) = (1.22 +-0.25 +-0.10)*10^(-5) and BR(B+ -> K2*(1430)+ gamma) = (1.45 +-0.40 +-0.15) * 10^(-5), where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. In addition, we measure the CP-violating asymmetry ACP(B0 -> K2*(1430)0 gamma) = -0.08 +- 0.15 +- 0.01.
Evidence for the decay X(3872)→ψ(2S)γ
Evidence for the decay mode X(3872) -> psi(2S)gamma in B+ -> X(3872)K+ decays is found with a significance of 4.4 standard deviations. The analysis is based on a data sample of proton proton collisions, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb(-1), collected with the LHCb detector, at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The ratio of the branching fraction of the X(3872) -> psi(2S)gamma decay to that of the X(3872) -> J/psi gamma decay is measured to be B(X(3872) -> psi(2S)gamma)/B(X(3872) -> J/psi gamma) = 2.46 +/- 0.64 +/- 0.29, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The measured value does not support a pure D (D) over bar* molecular interpre…
Measurements of the Mass and Width of theηcMeson and of anηc(2S)Candidate
The mass m(eta(c)) and total width Gamma(eta(c))(tot) of the eta(c) meson have been measured in two-photon interactions at the SLAC e(+)e(-) asymmetric B Factory with the BABAR detector. With a sample of approximately 2500 reconstructed eta(c)-->K(0)(S)K+/-pi(-/+) decays in 88 fb(-1) of data, the results are m(eta(c))=2982.5+/-1.1(stat)+/-0.9(syst) MeV/c(2) and Gamma(eta(c))(tot)=34.3+/-2.3(stat)+/-0.9(syst) MeV/c(2). Using the same decay mode, a second resonance with 112+/-24 events is observed with a mass of 3630.8+/-3.4(stat)+/-1.0(syst) MeV/c(2) and width of 17.0+/-8.3(stat)+/-2.5(syst) MeV/c(2). This observation is consistent with expectations for the eta(c)(2S) state.
Search for the exotic Θ+ resonance in the NOMAD experiment
12 pages, 16 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 13.15.+g; 13.60.Le; 13.87.Fh; 14.40.Ev.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000243973100007.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ex/0612063.-- et al.
Study of Time-DependentCPAsymmetry in NeutralBDecays toJ/ψπ0
We present the first study of the time-dependent CP-violating asymmetry in B0-->J/psi pi(0) decays using e(+)e(-) annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector at the Upsilon(4S) resonance during the years 1999-2002 at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. Using approximately 88 x 10(6) BB; pairs, our results for the coefficients of the cosine and sine terms of the CP asymmetry are C(J/psi pi(0))=0.38+/-0.41(stat)+/-0.09(syst) and S(J/psi pi(0))=0.05+/-0.49(stat)+/-0.16(syst).
A more sensitive search for νμ→ντ oscillations in NOMAD
With additional data and improved algorithms, we have enhanced the sensitivity of our appearance search for $\numunutau$ oscillations in the NOMAD detector in the CERN-SPS wide-band neutrino beam. The search uses kinematic criteria to identify $\nutau$ charged current interactions followed by decay of the $\tau^-$ to one of several decay modes. Our ``blind'' analyses of deep-inelastic scattering data taken in 1996 and 1997, combined with consistent reanalyses of previously reported 1995 data, yield no oscillation signal. For the two-family oscillation scenario, we present the contour outlining a 90\% C.L. confidence region in the $\sin^22\theta_{\mu \tau} - \Delta m^2$ plane. At large $\Del…
First observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc+π+
The doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc+π+ is observed for the first time, with a statistical significance of 5.9σ, confirming a recent observation of the baryon in the Λc+K−π+π+ final state. The data sample used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 fb−1, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The Ξcc++ mass is measured to be 3620.6±1.5(stat)±0.4(syst)±0.3(Ξc+) MeV/c2 and is consistent with the previous result. The ratio of branching fractions between the decay modes is measured to be [B(Ξcc++→Ξc+π+)×B(Ξc+→pK−π+)]/[B(Ξcc++→Λc+K−π+π+)×B(Λc+→pK−π+)]=0.035±0.009(stat)±0.003(syst).
Model-Independent Evidence forJ/ψpContributions toΛb0→J/ψpK−Decays
The data sample of Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi pK(-) decays acquired with the LHCb detector from 7 and 8 TeV pp collisions, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb(-1), is inspected for the presence of J/psi p or J/psi K- contributions with minimal assumptions about K(-)p contributions. It is demonstrated at more than nine standard deviations that Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi pK(-) decays cannot be described with K- p contributions alone, and that J/psi K- contributions play a dominant role in this incompatibility. These model-independent results support the previously obtained model-dependent evidence for P-c(+)-> J/psi p charmonium-pentaquark states in the same data sample.
Search for the radiative decay B0→γ
We perform a search for the exclusive radiative decay B0→γ, which is dominated by b̄d annihilation, in a sample of 124×106 BB̄ events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- storage ring at SLAC. No significant signal is seen. We set an upper limit on the branching fraction of B(B0→γ)<8. 5×10-7 at the 90% confidence level. © 2005 The American Physical Society.
Search for Strange-Pentaquark Production ine+e−Annihilation ats=10.58 GeV
We search for strange-pentaquark states that have been previously reported by other experiments--the Theta (1540)(+), Xi(5)(1860)(--), and Xi(5)(1860)(0)--in 123 fb(-1) of data recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) storage ring. We find no evidence for these states and set 95% confidence level upper limits on the number of Theta(1540)(+) and Xi(5)(1860)(--) pentaquarks produced per e(+)e(-) annihilation into qq and Gamma(4S) decay. For qq events the Theta(1540)(+) [Xi(5)(1860)(--)] limit is about 8 [4] times lower than the rates measured for ordinary baryons of similar mass.
Limit on theB0→ρ0ρ0Branching Fraction and Implications for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Angleα
The authors search for the decay B{sup 0} {yields} {rho}{sup 0}{rho}{sup 0} in a data sample of about 227 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} collider at SLAC. They find no significant signal and set an upper limit of 1.1 x 10{sup -6} at 90% CL on the branching fraction. As a result, the uncertainty due to penguin contributions on the CKM unitarity angle {alpha} measured in B {yields} {rho}{rho} decays is 11{sup o} at 68% CL.
Search for νμ→νe oscillations in the NOMAD experiment
We present the results of a search for vμ → v e oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of ve in a predominantly vμ wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are Δm2 < 0.4 eV 2 for maximal mixing and sin2(2θ) < 1.4 × 10-3 for large Δm2. This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with Δm2 ≳ 10 eV2. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Measurement of the spin of the Xi(1530) resonance
The properties of the Xi(1530) resonance are investigated in the Lambdac+ --> Xi- pi+ K+ decay process. The data sample was collected with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+ e- collider operating at center of mass energies 10.58 and 10.54 GeV. The corresponding integrated luminosity is approximately 230 inverse fb. The spin of the Xi(1530) is established to be 3/2. The existence of an S-wave amplitude in the Xi- pi+ system is inferred, and its interference with the Xi(1530)0 amplitude provides the first clear demonstration of the Breit-Wigner phase motion expected for the Xi(1530). The P_1(cos[theta(Xi-)]) Legendre polynomial moment indicates the presence of a sig…
Time-dependent analysis ofB0→KS0π−π+γdecays and studies of theK+π−π+system inB+→K+π−π+γdecays
This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada), the Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique and Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules (France), the Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy), the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (Netherlands), the Research Council of Norway, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain), and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom). Indi…
Search for Long-Lived Particles ine+e−Collisions
We present a search for a neutral, long-lived particle L that is produced in e^+e^− collisions and decays at a significant distance from the e^+e^− interaction point into various flavor combinations of two oppositely charged tracks. The analysis uses an e^+e^− data sample with a luminosity of 489.1 fb^(−1) collected by the BABAR detector at the Υ(4S), Υ(3S), and Υ(2S) resonances and just below the Υ(4S). Fitting the two-track mass distribution in search of a signal peak, we do not observe a significant signal, and set 90% confidence level upper limits on the product of the L production cross section, branching fraction, and reconstruction efficiency for six possible two-body L decay modes …
A Search for Single Photon Events in Neutrino Interactions
We present a search for neutrino induced events containing a single, exclusive photon using data from the NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS where the average energy of the neutrino flux is ≃25 GeV. The search is motivated by an excess of electron-like events in the 200-475 MeV energy region as reported by the MiniBooNE experiment. In NOMAD, photons are identified via their conversion to e + e - in an active target embedded in a magnetic field. The background to the single photon signal is dominated by the asymmetric decay of neutral pions produced either in a coherent neutrino-nucleus interaction, or in a neutrino-nucleon neutral current deep inelastic scattering, or in an interaction occurr…
Time-dependent and time-integrated angular analysis ofB→φKS0π0andφK±π∓
We perform a time-dependent and time-integrated angular analysis of the B{sup 0} {yields} {psi}K*(892){sup 0}, {psi}K*{sub 2}(1430{sup 0}), and {psi}(K{pi}){sub S-wave}{sup 0} decays with the final sample of about 465 million B{bar B} pairs recorded with the BABAR detector. Overall, twelve parameters are measured for the vector-vector decay, nine parameters for the vector-tensor decay, and three parameters for the vector-scalar decay, including the branching fractions, CP-violation parameters, and parameters sensitive to final state interaction. We use the dependence on the K{pi} invariant mass of the interference between the scalar and vector or tensor components to resolve discrete ambigu…
Study of Beauty Hadron Decays into Pairs of Charm Hadrons
First observations of the decays Λ[0 over b] → Λ[+ over c]D[− over (s)] are reported using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb[superscript −1] collected at 7 and 8 TeV center-of-mass energies in proton-proton collisions with the LHCb detector. In addition, the most precise measurement of the branching fraction B(B[0 over s] → D[superscript +]D[− over s]) is made and a search is performed for the decays B[0 over (s)] → Λ[+ over c]Λ[− over c]. The results obtained are B(Λ[0 over b] → Λ[+ over c]D[superscript −])/B(Λ[0 over b] → Λ[+ over c]D[− over s]) = 0.042 ± 0.003(stat) ± 0.003(syst), ⎡⎣B(Λ[0 over b] → Λ[+ over c]D[− over s]) over B([¯ over B[superscript 0] → D[superscr…
Production properties of $K*(892)\pm$ vector mesons and their spin alignment as measured in the NOMAD experiment
First measurements of K*(892) mesons production properties and their spin alignment in nu_mu charged current (CC) and neutral current (NC) interactions are presented. The analysis of the full data sample of the NOMAD experiment is performed in different kinematic regions. For K*+ and K*- mesons produced in nu_mu CC interactions and decaying into K0 pi+/- we have found the following yields per event: (2.6 +/- 0.2 (stat.) +/- 0.2 (syst.))% and (1.6 +/- 0.1 (stat.) +/- 0.1 (syst.))% respectively, while for the K*+ and K*- mesons produced in nu NC interactions the corresponding yields per event are: (2.5 +/- 0.3 (stat.) +/- 0.3 (syst.))% and (1.0 +/- 0.3 (stat.) +/- 0.2 (syst.))%. The results o…
Measurements of Branching Fractions andCP-Violating Asymmetries inBMeson Decays to Charmless Two-Body States Containing aK0
We present measurements of branching fractions and \CP-violating asymmetries in decays of $B$ mesons to two-body final states containing a \Kz. The results are based on a data sample of approximately 88 million \upsbb decays collected with the \babar detector at the \pep2 asymmetric-energy $B$ Factory at SLAC. We measure $\BR(\Bp\to\Kz\pip) = (22.3 \pm 1.7 \pm 1.1)\times 10^{-6}$, $\BR(\Bz\to\Kz\piz) = (11.4\pm 1.7\pm 0.8)\times 10^{-6}$, $\BR(\Bp\to\Kzb\Kp) < 2.5\times 10^{-6}$, and $\BR(\Bz\to\KzKzb) < 1.8\times 10^{-6}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic, and the upper limits are at the 90% confidence level. In addition, the following \CP-violating a…
Observation of a Significant Excess ofπ0π0Events inBMeson Decays
We present a study of the decay B0 -> p0p0 based on a sample of 124 * 106 B.hivin.B pairs recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asym.-energy B Factory at SLAC. We observe 46 +- 13 +- 3 events, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic, corresponding to a significance of 4.2 std. deviations including systematic uncertainties. We measure the branching fraction B(B0 -> p0p0) = (2.1 +- 0.6 +- 0.3) * 10-6, averaged over B0 and .hivin.B0 decays. [on SciFinder (R)]
Precision measurement of scaled momentum, charge multiplicity, and thrust in νμN and interactions
By focusing on the notion of electronic document, we differentiate two evolutions which are useful to distinct titles: on the one hand are the documents, which have value of reference. Its administrator will take care to preserve its integrity and its context of production which is strongly significant. On the other hand are resources, evolutionary elements by nature, which the user must be able to appropriate and who must thus be placed at the disposal so that the production is erased, to focus on a logic of exploitation and service.
Observation ofe+e−→ρ+ρ−nears=10.58 GeV
We report the first observation of e^+e^- → ρ^+ρ^-, in a data sample of 379 fb^(-1) collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring at center-of-mass energies near √s = 10:58 GeV. We measure a cross section of σ(e^+e^- → ρ^+ρ^-)= 8:3 ± 0:7(stat)± 0:8(syst) fb within the range of │cosθ^*│ < 0:8 and │ cosθ_±│ < 0:85, where θ^* is the center-of-mass polar angle of the ρ^± meson and θ_± are the angles in the ρ^± rest frame between the direction of the boost from the laboratory frame and the direction of the π^±. Assuming production through single-photon annihilation, there are three independent helicity amplitudes. We measure the ratios of their squared moduli to be │F_(00)│^2…
Measurement of the Inclusive Charmless Semileptonic Branching Ratio ofBMesons and Determination of|Vub|
We report a measurement of the inclusive charmless semileptonic branching fraction of B mesons in a sample of 89 x 10(6) (-)BB events recorded with the BABAR detector at the Upsilon(4S) resonance. Events are selected by fully reconstructing the decay of one B meson and identifying a charged lepton from the decay of the other B meson. The number of signal events is extracted from the mass distribution of the hadronic system accompanying the lepton and is used to determine the ratio of branching fractions B((-)B-->X(u)lnu;)/B((-)B-->Xlnu;)=[2.06+/-0.25(stat)+/-0.23(syst)+/-0.36(theo)]x10(-2). Using the measured branching fraction for inclusive semileptonic B decays, we find B((-)B-->X(u)lnu;)…
Search for flavor-changing neutral current and lepton-flavor violating decays of D-0 -> l(+)l(-)
We report on a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decays $\Dz\to e^+e^-$ and $\Dz\to\mu^+\mu^-$, and the lepton-flavor violating decay $\Dz\to e^\pm\mu^\mp$. The measurement is based on $122 {fb}^{-1}$ of data collected by the \babar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric $e^+e^-$ collider. No evidence is found for any of the decays. The upper limits on the branching fractions, at the 90 % confidence level, are $1.2\times 10^{-6}$ for $\Dz\to e^+e^-$, $1.3\times 10^{-6}$ for $\Dz\to\mu^+\mu^-$, and $8.1\times 10^{-7}$ for $\Dz\to e^\pm\mu^\mp$.
Observation of the DecayB→J/ψηKand Search forX(3872)→J/ψη
We report the observation of the B meson decay B±→J/ψηK± and evidence for the decay B0→J/ψηKS0, using 90×106 BB events collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e+e- asymmetric-energy storage ring. We obtain branching fractions of B(B±→J/ψηK±)=[10.8±2.3(stat)±2.4(syst)]×10-5 and B(B0→J/ψηKS0)=[8.4±2.6(stat)±2.7(syst)]×10-5. We search for the new narrow mass state, the X(3872), recently reported by the Belle Collaboration, in the decay B±→X(3872)K±,X(3872)→J/ψη and determine an upper limit of B[B±→X(3872)K±→J/ψηK±]<7.7×10-6 at 90% confidence level.
A study of strange particle production in nu(mu) charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment
A study of strange particle production in $\nu_\mu$ charged current interactions has been performed using the data from the NOMAD experiment. Yields of neutral strange particles ($K^0_s, \Lambda, \bar{\Lambda}$) have been measured. Mean multiplicities are reported as a function of the event kinematic variables $E_\nu$, $W^2$ and $Q^2$ as well as of the variables describing particle behaviour within a hadronic jet: $x_F$, $z$ and $p_T^2$. Decays of resonances and heavy hyperons with identified $K^0_s$ and $\Lambda$ in the final state have been analyzed. Clear signals corresponding to $\rm {K^\star}^\pm$ $\rm {\Sigma^\star}^\pm$, $\rm \Xi^-$ and $\rm \Sigma^0$ have been observed. A study of s…
Updated determination of D0–D¯0 mixing and CP violation parameters with D0→K+π− decays
We report measurements of charm-mixing parameters based on the decay-time-dependent ratio of D0→K+π- to D0→K-π+ rates. The analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment from 2011 through 2016. Assuming charge-parity (CP) symmetry, the mixing parameters are determined to be x′2=(3.9±2.7)×10-5, y′=(5.28±0.52)×10-3, and RD=(3.454±0.031)×10-3. Without this assumption, the measurement is performed separately for D0 and D¯0 mesons, yielding a direct CP-violating asymmetry AD=(-0.1±9.1)×10-3, and magnitude of the ratio of mixing parameters 1.00<|q/p|<1.35 at the 68.3% confidence level. All results incl…
Evidence forB+→J/ψpΛ¯and Search forB0→J/ψpp¯
We have performed a search for the decays ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}J/\ensuremath{\psi}p\overline{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ and ${B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}J/\ensuremath{\psi}p\overline{p}$ in a data set of $(88.9\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}1.0)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{6}$ $\ensuremath{\Upsilon}(4S)$ decays collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Four charged $B$ candidates have been observed with an expected background of $0.21\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.14$ events. The corresponding branching fraction is $({12}_{\ensuremath{-}6}^{+9})\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^…
Measurement of the branching fractions for inclusiveB−andB¯0decays to flavor-taggedD,Ds, andΛc
We report on the inclusive branching fractions of $B^-$ and of ${\bar B}^0$ mesons decaying to ${D^0 X}$, ${{\bar D}^0 X}$, ${D^+ X}$, ${D^- X}$, ${D_s^+ X}$, ${D_s^- X}$, ${\Lambda_c^+ X}$, ${{\bar \Lambda}_c^- X}$, based on a sample of 88.9 million $B \bar B$ events recorded with the $BABAR$ detector at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. Events are selected by completely reconstructing one $B$ and searching for a reconstructed charmed particle in the rest of the event. We measure the number of charmed and of anti-charmed particles per $B$ decay and derive the total charm yield per $B^-$ decay, $n_c^- = 1.313 \pm 0.037 \pm 0.062 ^{+0.063}_{-0.042} $, and per ${\bar B}^0$ decay, $n_c^0 = 1.276 \…
Precision luminosity measurements at LHCb
Measuring cross-sections at the LHC requires the luminosity to be determined accurately at each centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}$. In this paper results are reported from the luminosity calibrations carried out at the LHC interaction point 8 with the LHCb detector for $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76, 7 and 8 TeV (proton-proton collisions) and for $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5 TeV (proton-lead collisions). Both the "van der Meer scan" and "beam-gas imaging" luminosity calibration methods were employed. It is observed that the beam density profile cannot always be described by a function that is factorizable in the two transverse coordinates. The introduction of a two-dimensional description of the beams improves sig…
First observation of the rareB+→D+K+π−decay
The B+→D+K+π- decay is observed in a data sample corresponding to 3.0 fb-1 of pp collision data recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The signal significance is 8σ and the branching fraction is measured to be B(B+→D+K+π-)=(5.31±0.90±0.48±0.35)×10-6, where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic and due to the normalization mode B+→D-K+π+, respectively. The Dalitz plot appears to be dominated by broad structures. Angular distributions are exploited to search for quasi-two-body contributions from B+→D2∗(2460)0K+ and B+→D+K∗(892)0 decays. No significant signals are observed and upper limits are set on their branching fractions.
Dalitz plot analysis ofBs0→D¯0K−π+decays
The resonant substructure of B-s(0) -> (D) over bar K-0(-)pi(+) decays is studied with the Dalitz plot analysis technique. The study is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb(-1) of pp collision data recorded by LHCb. A structure at m((D) over bar K-0(-)) approximate to 2.86 GeV/c(2) is found to be an admixture of spin-1 and spin-3 resonances. The masses and widths of these states and of the D-s2*(2573)(-) meson are measured, as are the complex amplitudes and fit fractions for all the (D) over bar K-0(-) and K-pi(-) components included in the amplitude model. In addition, the D-s2*(2573)(-) resonance is confirmed to be spin 2.
Search forB-meson decays to two-body final states witha0(980) mesons
We present a search for B decays to charmless final states involving charged or neutral a0 mesons. The data sample corresponds to 89 million BBbar pairs collected with the BABAR detector operating at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We find no significant signals and determine the following 90% C.L. upper limits: BR(B0 -> a0-pi+) a0-K+) a0-K0bar) a00pi+) a00K+) a00K0) a0X and a0 -> etapi, where X indicates K or pi.
Search for a Dark Photon ine+e−Collisions atBaBar
Dark sectors charged under a new Abelian interaction have recently received much attention in the context of dark matter models. These models introduce a light new mediator, the so-called dark photon (A^{'}), connecting the dark sector to the standard model. We present a search for a dark photon in the reaction e^{+}e^{-}→γA^{'}, A^{'}→e^{+}e^{-}, μ^{+}μ^{-} using 514 fb^{-1} of data collected with the BABAR detector. We observe no statistically significant deviations from the standard model predictions, and we set 90% confidence level upper limits on the mixing strength between the photon and dark photon at the level of 10^{-4}-10^{-3} for dark photon masses in the range 0.02-10.2 GeV. W…
Search for the Radiative DecaysB→ργandB0→ωγ
A search for the exclusive radiative decays B {yields} {rho}(770){gamma} and B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}(782){gamma} is performed on a sample of about 84 million B{bar B} events collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} storage ring. No significant signal is seen in any of the channels. We set upper limits on the branching fractions {Beta} of {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {rho}{sup 0}{gamma}) < 1.2 x 10{sup -6}, {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} {rho}{sup +}{gamma}) < 2.1 x 10{sup -6}, and {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}{gamma}) < 1.0 x 10{sup -6} at 90% confidence level (C.L.). Using the assumption that {Lambda}(B {yields} {rho}{gamma}) = {Lambda}(B{sup +} {yields} …
Branching fraction measurements ofB→ηcKdecays
We study the decays B{sup +} {yields} {eta}{sub c}K{sup +} and B{sup 0} {yields} {eta}{sub c}K{sup 0}, where the {eta}{sub c} is reconstructed in the K{sub S}{sup 0} K{sup {+-}} {pi}{sup {-+}} and K{sup +}K{sup -} {pi}{sup 0} decay modes. Results are based on a sample of 86 million B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC e{sup +}e{sup -} B Factory. We measure the branching fractions {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} {eta}{sub c}K{sup +}) = (1.34 {+-} 0.09 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.41) x 10{sup -3} and {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {eta}{sub c}K{sup 0}) = (1.18 {+-} 0.16 {+-} 0.13 {+-} 0.37) x 10{sup -3}, where the first error is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third reflects th…
Measurement of theB→Xsℓ+ℓ−Branching Fraction with a Sum over Exclusive Modes
We present a preliminary measurement of time-dependent We measure the branching fraction for the flavor-changing neutral-current process B -> Xs l+ l- with a sample of 89 x 10^6 Upsilon(4S) -> BBbar events recorded with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring. The final state is reconstructed from e+e- or mu+mu- pairs and a hadronic system consisting of one K or K0s and up to two pions, with at most one pi0. We observe a signal of 40 +/- 10(stat) +/- 2(syst) events and extract the inclusive branching fraction B(B -> Xs l+ l-) = (5.6 +/- 1.5(stat) +/- 0.6(exp syst) +/- 1.1(model syst)) x 10^-6 for mll > 0.2 GeV/c^2.
First Evidence for cos2β>0 and Resolution of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Quark-Mixing Unitarity Triangle Ambiguity
We present first evidence that the cosine of the CP-violating weak phase 2β is positive, and hence exclude trigonometric multifold solutions of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) Unitarity Triangle using a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} with D→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} decays, where h^{0}∈{π^{0},η,ω} denotes a light unflavored and neutral hadron. The measurement is performed combining the final data sets of the BABAR and Belle experiments collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance at the asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC and KEKB at KEK, respectively. The data samples contain (471±3)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] pairs recorded by the BABAR detector and (772±11)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] p…
Search for Radiative Penguin DecaysB+→ρ+γ,B0→ρ0γ, andB0→ωγ
A search for the decays B {yields} {rho}(770){gamma} and B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}(782) is performed on a sample of 211 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} events collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e{sup +}e{sup -} storage ring. No evidence for the decays is seen. We set the following limits on the individual branching fractions {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} {rho}{sup +}{gamma}) < 1.8 x 10{sup -6}, {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {rho}{sup 0}{gamma}) < 0.4 x 10{sup -6}, and {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}{gamma}) < 1.0 x 10{sup -6} at the 90% confidence level (C.L.). We use the quark model to limit the combined branching fraction {bar {Beta}}[B {yields} ({rho}/{omega})…
Improved Measurement ofCPAsymmetries inB0→(cc¯)K0(*)Decays
We present results on time-dependent $CP$ asymmetries in neutral $B$ decays to several $CP$ eigenstates. The measurements use a data sample of about 227 million $\Upsilon$(4S) $\rightarrow B\overline{B}$ decays collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy $B$ Factory at SLAC. The amplitude of the CP asymmetry, sin2$\Beta$ in the Standard Model, is derived from decay-time distributions from events in which one neutral $B$ meson is fully reconstructed in a final state containing a charmonium meson and the other $B$ meson is determined to be either a $B^0$ or $\overline{B}^0$ from its decay products. We measure sin2$\Beta$ = 0.722 $\pm$ 0.040 (stat.) $\pm$ 0.23 (syst.) in ag…
First experimental study of photon polarization in radiative B0s decays.
The polarization of photons produced in radiative $B^{0}_{s}$ decays is studied for the first time. The data are recorded by the LHCb experiment in $pp$ collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3fb$^{-1}$ at center-of-mass energies of $7$ and $8$TeV. A time-dependent analysis of the $B^{0}_{s} \to \phi \gamma$ decay rate is conducted to determine the parameter ${\mathcal{A}}^\Delta$, which is related to the ratio of right- over left-handed photon polarization amplitudes in $b \to s \gamma$ transitions. A value of ${\mathcal{A}}^\Delta=-0.98^{\,+0.46\,+0.23}_{\,-0.52\,-0.20}$ is measured. This result is consistent with the Standard Model prediction within two standard deviatio…
Measurement ofCPviolation parameters inB0→DK*0decays
An analysis of B0→DK*0 decays is presented, where D represents an admixture of D0 and D¯0 mesons reconstructed in four separate final states: K−π+, π−K+, K+K− and π+π−. The data sample corresponds to 3.0 fb−1 of proton-proton collision, collected by the LHCb experiment. Measurements of several observables are performed, including CP asymmetries. The most precise determination is presented of rB(DK*0), the magnitude of the ratio of the amplitudes of the decay B0→DK+π− with a b→u or a b→c transition, in a Kπ mass region of ±50 MeV/c2 around the K∗(892) mass and for an absolute value of the cosine of the K*0 helicity angle larger than 0.4.
Search for CP violation inD0→π−π+π0decays with the energy test
A search for time-integrated CP violation in the Cabibbo-suppressed decay D-0 -> pi(-)pi(+)pi(0) ir is performed using for the first time an unbinned model-independent technique known as the energy test. Using proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.0 fb(-1) collected by the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV, the world's best sensitivity to CP violation in this decay is obtained. The data are found to be consistent with the hypothesis of CP symmetry with a p-value of (2.6 +/- 0.5)%. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Measurement of Branching Fractions and Charge Asymmetries inB±→ρ±π0andB±→ρ0π±Decays, and Search forB0→ρ0π0
We present measurements of branching fractions and charge asymmetries in $B$-meson decays to ${\ensuremath{\rho}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$, ${\ensuremath{\rho}}^{0}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, and ${\ensuremath{\rho}}^{0}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$. The data sample comprises $89\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{6}$ $\ensuremath{\Upsilon}(4S)\ensuremath{\rightarrow}B\overline{B}$ decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy $B$ Factory at SLAC. We find the charge-averaged branching fractions $\mathcal{B}({B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\rho}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0})=[10.9\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}1.9\mathrm{(}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{…
Updated Results from the $\nu_{\tau}$ Appearance Search in NOMAD
Updated results from the appearance searches for $\numunutau$ and $\nuenutau$ oscillations in the full NOMAD data sample are reported. The increased data and the use of more refined kinematic schemes for the $\nutau$ CC selection allow a significant improvement of the overall sensitivity. The ``blind analysis" of both the deep-inelastic and the low multiplicity samples yields no evidence for an oscillation signal. In the two-family oscillation scenario, this sets a 90\% C.L. region in the $\sin^22\theta_{\mu\tau} - \Delta m^2$ plane which includes $\sin^22\theta_{\mu\tau}\ <\ 4.4\times10^{-4}$ at large $\Delta m^2$ and $\Delta m^2 < 0.8$ eV$^2$/$c^4$ at $\sin^22\theta_{\mu \tau}=1$. The cor…
Study ofB±→J/ψπ±andB±→J/ψK±Decays: Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions and Search for DirectCPViolation
Decays that measure the ratio of branching fractions and searches for direct CP violations were analyzed. The decays were collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B factory at SLAC. The fitted asymmetries for the small observed differences in the tracking efficiency were corrected between positively and negatively charged track. It was found that the uncertainty in the fixed parameters of the PDFs, determined by fits to stimulated or nonsignal data sets, contributed 0.001 to the systematic errors.
e+e−→π+π−π+π−,K+K−π+π−, andK+K−K+K−cross sections at center-of-mass energies 0.5–4.5 GeV measured with initial-state radiation
We study the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-\gamma$, with a hard photon radiated from the initial state. About 60,000 fully reconstructed events have been selected from 89 $fb^{-1}$ of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective \epem center-of-mass energy, so that these data can be compared with the corresponding direct $e^+e^-$ measurements. From the $4\pi$-mass spectrum, the cross section for the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ is measured for center-of-mass energies from 0.6 to 4.5 $GeV/c^2$. The uncertainty in the cross section measurement is typically 5%. We also measure the cross sections for the final states $K^+ K^- \pi^+\pi^-$ an…
Limits on the decay-rate difference of neutralBmesons and onCP,T, andCPTviolation inB0B0oscillations
Using events in which one of two neutral-B mesons from the decay of an {Upsilon}(4S) resonance is fully reconstructed, we set limits on the difference between the decay rates of the two neutral-B mass eigenstates and on CP, T, and CPT violation in B{sup 0}{bar B}{sup 0} mixing. The reconstructed decays, comprising both CP and flavor eigenstates, are obtained from 88 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We determine six independent parameters governing oscillations ({Delta}m, {Delta}{Lambda}/{Lambda}), CPT and CP violation (Re z, Im z), and CP and T violation (Im {lambda}{sub CP}, |q/p|), where {la…
Observation of the baryonic decayB¯0→Λc+p¯K−K+
We report the observation of the baryonic decay B^0 → Λ^+_c pK^−K^+ using a data sample of 471×10^6 BB pairs produced in e^+e^− annihilations at √s = 10.58 GeV. This data sample was recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring at SLAC. We find B(B^0 → Λ^+_c pK^−K^+)=(2.5±0.4_((stat))±0.2_((syst))± 0.6_(B(Λ^+_c)))×10^(−5), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and due to the uncertainty of the Λ^+_c →p K^−π^+ branching fraction, respectively. The result has a significance corresponding to 5.0 standard deviations, including all uncertainties. For the resonant decay B^0 → Λ^+_c pϕ, we determine the upper limit B(B^0 → Λ^+_c pϕ) <1.2 × 10^(−5) at 90% confidence le…
Time-integrated and time-dependent angular analyses ofB→J/ψKπ: A measurement ofcos2βwith no sign ambiguity from strong phases
We present results on B -> J/yKp decays using e+e-annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector at the U(4S) resonance. The detector is located at the PEP-II asym.-energy storage ring facility at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Using approx. 88*106 B-B pairs, we measure the decay amplitudes for the flavor eigenmodes and observe strong-phase differences indicative of final-state interactions with a significance of 7.6 std. deviations. We use the interference between the Kp S-wave and P-wave amplitudes in the region of the K*(892) to resolve the ambiguity in the detn. of these strong phases. We then perform an ambiguity-free measurement of cos2b using the angular and time-depend…
Measurement of theI=1/2Kπ S-wave amplitude from Dalitz plot analyses ofηc→KK¯πin two-photon interactions
We study the processes γγ→K^0_SK^±π^∓ and γγ→K^+K^−π^0 using a data sample of 519 fb^(−1) recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e− collider at center-of-mass energies at and near the Υ(nS) (n=2, 3, 4) resonances. We observe ηc decays to both final states and perform Dalitz plot analyses using a model-independent partial wave analysis technique. This allows a model-independent measurement of the mass-dependence of the I=1/2 Kπ S-wave amplitude and phase. A comparison between the present measurement and those from previous experiments indicates similar behavior for the phase up to a mass of 1.5 GeV/c^2. In contrast, the amplitudes show very marked…
Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in the Decayτ±→μ±γ
A search for the nonconservation of lepton flavor number in the decay tau(+/-)->mu(+/-)gamma has been performed using 2.07 x 10(8) e(+)e(-)->tau(+)tau(-) events produced at a center-of-mass energy near 10.58 GeV with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring. We find no evidence for a signal and set an upper limit on the branching ratio of B(tau(+/-)->mu(+/-)gamma) < 6.8 x 10(-8) at 90% confidence level.
Search for lepton-number violatingB+→X−ℓ+ℓ′+decays
We report on a search for eleven lepton-number violating processes B^+→X^−l^+l'^+ with X^−=K^−, π^−, ρ^−, K^(*−), or D^− and l^+/l'^+=e^+ or μ^+, using a sample of 471±3 million BB events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e^+e^− collider at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. We find no evidence for any of these modes and place 90% confidence level upper limits on their branching fractions in the range (1.5–26)×10_(−7).
Study of the rare Bs0 and B0 decays into the π+π−μ+μ− final state
A search for the rare decays B0s→π+π−μ+μ− and B0→π+π−μ+μ− is performed in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 collected by the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. Decay candidates with pion pairs that have invariant mass in the range 0.5-1.3 GeV/c2 and with muon pairs that do not originate from a resonance are considered. The first observation of the decay B0s→π+π−μ+μ− and the first evidence of the decay B0→π+π−μ+μ− are obtained and the branching fractions are measured to be B(B0s→π+π−μ+μ−)=(8.6±1.5(stat)±0.7(syst)±0.7(norm))×10−8 and B(B0→π+π−μ+μ−)=(2.11±0.51(stat)±0.15(syst)±0.16(norm))×10−8, where the third unc…
Study of thee+e−→K+K−reaction in the energy range from 2.6 to 8.0 GeV
The e^+e^− → K^+K^− cross section and charged-kaon electromagnetic form factor are measured in the e^+e^− center-of-mass energy range (E) from 2.6 to 8.0 GeV using the initial-state radiation technique with an undetected photon. The study is performed using 469 fb^(−1) of data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II2 e^+e^− collider at center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV. The form factor is found to decrease with energy faster than 1/E^2 and approaches the asymptotic QCD prediction. Production of the K^+K^− final state through the J/ψ and ψ(2S) intermediate states is observed. The results for the kaon form factor are used together with data from other experiments to perform a mod…
Limit on νe→ντ oscillations from the NOMAD experiment
Abstract In the context of a two-flavour approximation we reinterpret the published NOMAD limit on ν μ → ν τ oscillations in terms of ν e → ν τ oscillations. At 90% C.L. we obtain sin 2 2θ eτ 5.2×10 −2 for large Δm 2 , while for sin 2 2 θ eτ =1 the confidence region includes Δm 2 2 / c 4 .
Studies of the resonance structure inD0→KS0K±π∓decays
Amplitude models are constructed to describe the resonance structure of D0→ K-π+π+π- and D0→ K+π-π-π+ decays using pp collision data collected at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb- 1. The largest contributions to both decay amplitudes are found to come from axial resonances, with decay modes D0→ a1(1260) +K- and D0→ K1(1270 / 1400) +π- being prominent in D0→ K-π+π+π- and D0→ K+π-π-π+, respectively. Precise measurements of the lineshape parameters and couplings of the a1(1260) +, K1(1270) - and K(1460) - resonances are made, and a quasi model-independent study of the K(1460) - resonance is performed. The coher…
New results on a search for a 33.9 MeV/c2 neutral particle from π+ decay in the NOMAD experiment
We report on a direct search in NOMAD for a new 33.9 MeV/c^2 neutral particle (X) produced in pion decay in flight, pi-->mu_X followed by the decay X -->nu e^+e^-. Both decays are postulated to occur to explain the time anomaly observed by the KARMEN experiment. From the analysis of the data collected during the 1996?1998 runs with 4.1×10^19 protons on target, a single candidate event consistent with background expectations was found. The search is sensitive to a pion branching ratio BR(pi-->muX >3.7×10^-15, significantly smaller than previous experimental limits.
Dalitz plot analyses ofB0→D−D0K+andB+→D¯0D0K+decays
We present Dalitz plot analyses for the decays of B mesons to D^−D^0K^+ and D^0D^0K^+. We report the observation of the D^∗_(s1)(2700)^+ resonance in these two channels and obtain measurements of the mass M(D^∗_(s1)(2700)+)=2699^(+14)_(−7) MeV/c^2 and of the width Γ(D^∗_(s1)(2700)+)=127^(+24)_(−19) MeV, including statistical and systematic uncertainties. In addition, we observe an enhancement in the D^0K^+ invariant mass around 2350–2500 MeV/c^2 in both decays B^0→D^−D^0K^+ and B^+→D^0D^0K^+, which we are not able to interpret. The results are based on 429 fb^(−1) of data containing 471×10^6BB pairs collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the SLAC National Accelerato…
Search for the DecayB+→K+νν¯
We search for the rare flavor-changing neutral-current decay ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{+}\ensuremath{\nu}\overline{\ensuremath{\nu}}$ in a data sample of $82\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{fb}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II $B$-factory. Signal events are selected by examining the properties of the system recoiling against either a reconstructed hadronic or semileptonic charged-$B$ decay. Using these two independent samples we obtain a combined limit of $\mathcal{B}({B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{+}\ensuremath{\nu}\overline{\ensuremath{\nu}})l5.2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}5}$ at the 90% confidence level. In addition, by…
Study of theB−→J/ψK−π+π−decay and measurement of theB−→X(3872)K−branching fraction
The authors study the decay B{sup -} {yields} J/{psi}K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} using 117 million B{bar B} events collected at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II e{sup +}e{sup -} asymmetric-energy storage ring. They measure the branching fractions {Beta}(B{sup -} {yields} J/{psi}K{sup -} {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}) = (116 {+-} 7(stat.) {+-} 9(syst.)) x 10{sup -5} and {Beta}(B{sup -} {yields} X(3872)K{sup -}) x {Beta}(X(3872) {yields} J/{psi}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}) = (1.28 {+-} 0.41) x 10{sup -5} and find the mass of the X(3872) to be 3873.4 {+-} 1.4MeV/c{sup 2}. They search for the h{sub c} narrow state in the decay B{sup -} {yields} h{sub c} K{sup -}, h{sub c…
Study of the decayB¯0→Λc+p¯π+π−and its intermediate states
We study the decay B^0→Λ_c^+p π^+π^-, reconstructing the Λ_c^+ baryon in the pK^-π^+ mode, using a data sample of 467×10^6 BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings at SLAC. We measure branching fractions for decays with intermediate Σ_c baryons to be B[B^0→Σ_c(2455)^(++)pπ^-]=(21.3±1.0±1.0±5.5)×10^(-5), B[B^0→Σ_c(2520)^(++)pπ^-]=(11.5±1.0±0.5±3.0)×10^(-5), B[B^0→Σ_c(2455)^0pπ^+]=(9.1±0.7±0.4±2.4)×10^(-5), and B[B^0→Σ_c(2520)^0pπ^+]=(2.2±0.7±0.1±0.6)×10^(-5), where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and due to the uncertainty on the Λ_c^+→pK^-π^+ branching fraction, respectively. For decays without Σ_c(2455) or Σ_c(2520) resonances, we measure B[B^0→…
Measurement of the Ratio of Branching FractionsB(B¯0→D*+τ−ν¯τ)/B(B¯0→D*+μ−ν¯μ)
The branching fraction ratio R(D-*) = B((B) over bar (0) -> D-*(+)tau(-)(nu) over bar (tau))/B((B) over bar (0) -> D-*(+)mu(-)(nu) over bar (mu)) is measured using a sample of proton-proton collision data corresponding to 3.0 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The tau lepton is identified in the decay mode tau(-) -> mu(-)(nu) over bar (mu)nu(tau). The semitauonic decay is sensitive to contributions from non-standard-model particles that preferentially couple to the third generation of fermions, in particular, Higgs-like charged scalars. A multidimensional fit to kinematic distributions of the candidate (B) over bar (0) decays gives R(D-*) =…
Search for B+→K+τ+τ− at the BaBar Experiment
We search for the rare flavor-changing neutral current process B^{+}→K^{+}τ^{+}τ^{-} using data from the BABAR experiment. The data sample, collected at the center-of-mass energy of the ϒ(4S) resonance, corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 424 fb^{-1} and to 471×10^{6} BB[over ¯] pairs. We reconstruct one B meson, produced in the ϒ(4S)→B^{+}B^{-} decay, in one of many hadronic decay modes and search for activity compatible with a B^{+}→K^{+}τ^{+}τ^{-} decay in the rest of the event. Each τ lepton is required to decay leptonically into an electron or muon and neutrinos. Comparing the expected number of background events with the data sample after applying the selection criteria,…
Search for weakly decaying b -flavored pentaquarks
Investigations of the existence of pentaquark states containing a single $b$ (anti)quark decaying weakly into four specific final states J/$\psi K^+\pi^- p$, J/$\psi K^- \pi^- p$, J/$\psi K^- \pi^+ p$, and $J/\psi \phi (1020) p$ are reported. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.0/fb in 7 and 8 TeV pp collisions acquired with the LHCb detector. Signals are not observed and upper limits are set on the product of the production cross section times branching fraction with respect to that of the $\Lambda_b$.
Measurement of the B0→D*−π+π−π+ branching fraction
Using a sample of (470.9 +- 2.8) x 10^6 BB-bar pairs, we measure the decay branching fraction B(B^0 -> D^*- pi^+ pi^- pi^+) = (7.26 +- 0.11 +- 0.31) x 10^-3, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. Our measurement will be helpful in studies of lepton universality by measuring B(B^0 -> D^*- tau^+ nu_tau) using tau^+ -> pi^+ pi^- pi^+ nu-bar_tau decays, normalized to B(B^0 -> D^*- pi^+ pi^- pi^+.
Study ofB±,0→J/ψK+K−K±,0and search forB0→J/ψϕatBaBar
We study the rare B meson decays B{+-,0} --> J/\psi\ K^+ K^- K{+-,0}, B{+-,0} --> J/\psi\ \phi\ K{+-,0}, and search for B0 --> J/\psi\ \phi, using 469 million BBbar events collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e- asymmetric-energy collider. We present new measurements of branching fractions and a study of the J/\psi\phi mass distribution in search of new charmonium-like states. In addition, we search for the decay B0 --> J/\psi\ \phi, and find no evidence of a signal.
Search forD0−D¯0mixing using semileptonic decay modes
Based on an 87-fb{sup -1} data set collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory, a search for D{sup 0}-D-bar{sup 0} mixing has been made using the semileptonic decay modes D*{sup +}{yields}{pi}{sup +}D{sup 0}, D{sup 0}{yields}K{sup (}*{sup )}e{nu} (+c.c.). The use of these modes allows unambiguous flavor tagging and a combined fit of the D{sup 0} decay time and D*{sup +}-D{sup 0} mass difference ({delta}M) distributions. The high-statistics sample of unmixed semileptonic D{sup 0} decays is used to model the {delta}M distribution and time dependence of mixed events directly from the data. Neural networks are used to select events and reconstruct the D{sup 0}. A r…
Measurement of branching fractions and charge asymmetries for exclusive B decays to charmonium
We report measurements of branching fractions and charge asymmetries of exclusive decays of neutral and charged B mesons into two-body final states containing a charmonium state and a light strange meson. The charmonium mesons considered are J/Psi, Psi(2S) and Chi_c1, and the light meson is either K or K*. We use a sample of about 124 million BBbar events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
Evidence for the baryonic decayB¯0→D0ΛΛ¯
Evidence is presented for the baryonic $B$ meson decay $\bar{B}\rightarrow D^0 \Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$ based on a data sample of $471 \times 10^6$ $B\bar{B}$ pairs collected with the {\it BABAR} detector at the PEP2 asymmetric $e^+e^-$ collider located at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The branching fraction is determined to be $\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}\rightarrow D^0 \Lambda \bar{\Lambda}) = (9.8^{+2.9}_{-2.6} \pm 1.9)\times 10^{-6}$, corresponding to a significance of $3.4$ standard deviations including systematic uncertainties. A search for the related baryonic $B$ meson decay $\bar{B}\rightarrow D^0 \Sigma^0 \bar{\Lambda}$ with $\Sigma^0\rightarrow\Lambda\gamma$ is performed and an…
Measurement of the polarization in νμ charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment
The Λ polarization in νμ charged current interactions has been measured in the NOMAD experiment. The event sample (8087 reconstructed Λ 's) is more than an order of magnitude larger than that of previous bubble chamber experiments, while the quality of event reconstruction is comparable. We observe negative polarization along the W -boson direction which is enhanced in the target fragmentation region: Px(xF 0)=−0.09±0.06(stat)±0.03(sys) . These results provide a test of different models describing the nucleon spin composition and the spin transfer mechanisms. A significant transverse polarization (in the direction orthogonal to the Λ production plane) has been observed for the first time in…
Measurement of CP asymmetries in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons
The time-dependent CP asymmetries in B0→π+π− and B0s→K+K− decays are measured using a data sample of p p collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1, collected with the LHCb detector at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The same data sample is used to measure the time-integrated CP asymmetries in B0→K+π− and B0s→π+K− decays. The results are Cπ+π−=−0.34±0.06±0.01, Sπ+π−=−0.63±0.05±0.01, CK+K−=0.20±0.06±0.02, SK+K−=0.18±0.06±0.02, AΔΓK+K−=−0.79±0.07±0.10, AB0CP=−0.084±0.004±0.003, and AB0sCP=0.213±0.015±0.007, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. Evidence for CP violation is found in the B0s→K+K− decay for the first time.
Evidence for the Rare DecayB→K*ℓ+ℓ−and Measurement of theB→Kℓ+ℓ−Branching Fraction
We present evidence for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-->K-*.(+).(-) and a measurement of the branching fraction for the related process B-->K.(+).(-), where .(+).(-) is either an e(+)e(-) or a mu(+)mu(-) pair. These decays are highly suppressed in the standard model, and they are sensitive to contributions from new particles in the intermediate state. The data sample comprises 123x10(6) Y(4S)-->B (B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e(+)e(-) storage ring. Averaging over K-(*) isospin and lepton flavor, we obtain the branching fractions B(B-->Kl(+)l(-))=(0.65(-0.13)(+0.14)+/-0.04)x10(-6) and B(B-->K(*)l(+)l(-))=(0.88(-0.29)(+0.33)+/-0.10)x10(…
Limits onD0−D¯0Mixing andCPViolation from the Ratio of Lifetimes for Decay toK−π+,K−K+, andπ−π+
We present a measurement of D0-macro D0 mixing parameters using the ratios of lifetimes extracted from samples of D0 mesons decaying to K-pi(+), K-K+, and pi(-)pi(+). Using 91 fb(-1) of data collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory, we obtain a value Y=[0.8+/-0.4(stat.)(+0.5)(-0.4)(syst.)]%, which, in the limit of CP conservation, corresponds to the mixing parameter y=Delta Gamma/2 Gamma. Using the difference in lifetimes of D0 and macro D0 mesons, we obtain the CP-violation parameter Delta Y=[-0.8+/-0.6(stat.)+/-0.2(syst.)]%.
Measurement of Time-DependentCPAsymmetries and Constraints onsin(2β+γ)with Partial Reconstruction ofB0→D*∓π±Decays
We present a preliminary measurement of the time-dependent CP-violating asymmetry in decays of neutral B mesons to the final states D*-+ pi+- using approximately 178 million BB events recorded by the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring. Events containing these decays are selected with a partial reconstruction technique, in which only the high-momentum pi+- from the B decay and the low-momentum pi-+ from the D*-+ decay are used. % We measure the amplitude of the asymmetry to be $-0.041 \pm 0.016 (stat.) \pm 0.010 (syst.)$ and determine bounds on $|\sin(2 \beta + \gamma)|$.
Search for a light Higgs resonance in radiative decays of theϒ(1S)with a charm tag
A search is presented for the decay Υ(1S)→ γA^0, A^0 → cc[bar], where A^0 is a candidate for the CP-odd Higgs boson of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. The search is based on data collected with the BABAR detector at the Υ(2S) resonance. A sample of Υ(1S) mesons is selected via the decay Υ(2S)→π + π − Υ(1S). The A^0 → cc[bar] decay is identified through the reconstruction of hadronic D^0, D^+, and D^∗ (2010)^+ meson decays. No significant signal is observed. The measured 90% confidence-level upper limits on the product branching fraction B(Υ(1S) → γA^0 ) × B(A^0 → cc[bar] ) range from 7.4×10^(−5) to 2.4×10^(−3) for A^0 masses from 4.00 to 8.95 GeV/c^2 and 9.10 to 9.25 Ge…
Search for the decayB0→J/ψγ
We present the results of a search for the radiative decay B0 --> J/psi gamma in a data set containing 123 million Y(4S)--> B B-bar decays, collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- storage ring at SLAC. We find no evidence for a signal and place an upper limit of B(B0 --> J/psi gamma) < 1.6 x 10^-6 at 90% confidence level.
Search forCPviolation and a measurement of the relative branching fraction inD+→K−K+π+decays
We report on a search for the CP asymmetry in the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decays $D^+ \to K^-K^+\pi^+$ and in the resonant decays $D^+ \to \phi\pi^+$ and $D^+ \to \overline{K}^{\star0}K^+$ based on a data sample of 79.9 fb$^{-1}$ recorded by the BABAR detector. We use the Cabibbo-favored $D_s^+ \to K^-K^+\pi^+$ branching fraction as normalization in the measurements to reduce systematic uncertainties. The CP asymmetries obtained are $A_{CP}(K^-K^+\pi^{\pm}) = (1.4 \pm 1.0 (stat.) \pm 0.8 (syst.) \times 10^{-2}, A_{CP}(phi pi) = (0.2 +/- 1.5 (stat.) +/- 0.6 (syst.) x 10^-2$, and $A_{CP}(\overline{K}^{\star0} K^{\pm}) = (0.9 \pm 1.7 (stat.) \pm 0.7 (syst.) \times 10^{-2}$. The relative bran…
Study of D*+ production in nu_mu charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment
A search was made among $\nu_\mu$ charged current events collected in the NOMAD experiment for the reaction: $\nu_\mu + N \rightarrow \mu^- + D^{\star+} + hadrons \hookrightarrow D^0 + \pi^+ \hookrightarrow K^- + \pi^+ A $D^{\star+}$ sample composed of 47 events, with 90% purity, was extracted. The $D^{\star+}$ yield in $\nu_\mu$ charged current interactions was measured to be $T = (0.99 \pm 0.15(stat.) \pm 0.11(syst.))$%. The mean fraction of the hadronic jet energy taken by the $D^{\star+}$ is $0.67 \pm 0.02(stat) \pm 0.02(syst.)$. The distributions of the fragmentation variables $z$, ${P_{T}}^2$ and $x_F$ for $D^{\star+}$ are also presented.
Measurement of branching fractions andCPand isospin asymmetries forB→K*γ
We present a preliminary analysis of the decays B{sup 0} {yields} K*{sup 0}{gamma} and B{sup +} {yields} K*{sup +}{gamma} using a sample of 383 million B{bar B} events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric energy B factory. We measure the branching fractions {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} K*{sup 0}{gamma}) = (4.58 {+-} 0.10 {+-} 0.16) x 10{sup -5} and {Beta}(B{sup +} {yields} K*{sup +}{gamma}) = (4.73 {+-} 0.15 {+-} 0.17) x 10{sup -5}. We measure the direct CP asymmetry to be -0.043 < {Alpha}(B {yields} K*{gamma}) < 0.025 and the isospin asymmetry to be -0.021 < {Delta}{sub 0-} < 0.079, where the limits are determined at the 90% confidence interval and include both the statis…
Neutrino production of opposite sign dimuons in the NOMAD experiment
The NOMAD Collaboration presents a study of opposite sign dimuon events in the framework of Leading Order QCD. A total of 2714 neutrino- and 115 antineutrino-induced opposite sign dimuon events with $E_{\mu 1}, E_{\mu 2} > 4.5$ GeV, $15 1\;(\mbox{GeV}/\mbox{c})^{2}$ are observed %in the data from the 1995 and 1996 runs. in the Front-Calorimeter of NOMAD during the 1995 and 1996 runs. The analysis yields a value for the charm quark mass of $m_{c} = 1.3^{+0.3\;+0.3}_{-0.3\;-0.3}\;\mbox{GeV}/\m box{c}^{2}$ and for the average semileptonic branching ratio of $B_{c} = 0.095^{+0.007\;+0.014}_{-0.007\;-0.013}$. The ratio of the strange to non-strange sea in the nucleon is measured to be $\kappa = …
Study of thee+e−→π+π−π0process using initial state radiation withBABAR
The process e+e- --> pi+ pi- pi0 gamma has been studied at a center-of-mass energy near the Y(4S) resonance using a 89.3 fb-1 data sample collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II collider. From the measured 3pi mass spectrum we have obtained the products of branching fractions for the omega and phi mesons, B(omega --> e+e-)B(omega --> 3pi)=(6.70 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.27)10-5 and B(phi --> e+e-)B(phi --> 3pi)=(4.30 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.21)10-5, and evaluated the e+e- --> pi+ pi- pi0 cross section for the e+e- center-of-mass energy range 1.05 to 3.00 GeV. About 900 e+e- --> J/psi gamma --> pi+ pi- pi0 gamma events have been selected and the branching fraction B(J/psi --> pi+ pi- pi0)=(2.18 +/- 0.19…
Prediction of neutrino fluxes in the NOMAD experiment
The method developed for the calculation of the flux and composition of the West Area Neutrino Beam used by NOMAD in its search for neutrino oscillations is described. The calculation is based on particle production rates computed using a recent version of FLUKA and modified to take into account the cross sections measured by the SPY and NA20 experiments. These particles are propagated through the beam line taking into account the material and magnetic fields they traverse. The neutrinos produced through their decays are tracked to the NOMAD detector. The fluxes of the four neutrino flavours at NOMAD are predicted with an uncertainty of about 8% for nu(mu) and nu(e), 10% for antinu(mu), and…
Observation ofB0→ωK0,B+→ηπ+, andB+→ηK+and Study of Related Decays
We present measurements of branching fractions and charge asymmetries for seven B-meson decays with an eta, eta', or omega meson in the final state. The data sample corresponds to 89x10(6) BB pairs produced from e(+)e(-) annihilation at the Upsilon(4S) resonance. We measure the following branching fractions in units of 10(-6): B(B+-->eta pi(+))=5.3+/-1.0+/-0.3, B(B+-->eta K+)=3.4+/-0.8+/-0.2, B(B0-->eta K0)=2.9+/-1.0+/-0.2 ( eta(')pi(+))=2.7+/-1.2+/-0.3 ( omega pi(+))=5.5+/-0.9+/-0.5, B(B+-->omega K+)=4.8+/-0.8+/-0.4, and B(B0-->omega K0)=5.9(+1.6)(-1.3)+/-0.5. The charge asymmetries are A(ch)(B+-->eta pi(+))=-0.44+/-0.18+/-0.01, A(ch)(B+-->eta K+)=-0.52+/-0.24+/-0.01, A(ch)(B+-->omega pi(+…
Measurement of the c0 Baryon Lifetime
We report a measurement of the lifetime of the $��_c^0$ baryon using proton-proton collision data at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8~TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the LHCb experiment. The sample consists of about 1000 $��_b^-\to��_c^0��^-\bar��_�� X$ signal decays, where the $��_c^0$ baryon is detected in the $pK^-K^-��^+$ final state and $X$ represents possible additional undetected particles in the decay. The $��_c^0$ lifetime is measured to be $��_{��_c^0} = 268\pm24\pm10\pm2$ fs, where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and from the uncertainty in the $D^+$ lifetime, respectively. This value is nearly four times larger than, …
Study ofCPviolation inB∓→Dh∓(h=K,π) with the modesD→K∓π±π0,D→π+π−π0andD→K+K−π0
An analysis of the decays of B--/+ -> DK -/+ and B--/+ -> D pi(-/+) is presented in which the D meson is reconstructed in the three-body final states K--/+pi(+/-)pi(0), pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) and K+K-pi(0). Using data from LHCb corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb(-1) of pp collisions, measurements of several CP observables are performed. First observations are obtained of the suppressed Atwood-Dunietz-Soni decay B--/+ -> [pi K-+(+/-)pi(0)](D)pi(-/+) and the quasi-Gronau-London-Wyler decay B--/+ -> [K+K-pi(0)](D)pi(-/+). The results are interpreted in the context of the unitarity triangle angle gamma and related parameters.
Search forB±→[K∓π±]DK±and Upper Limit on theb→uAmplitude inB±→DK±
We search for B±→[K∓π±]DK± decays, where [K∓π±]D indicates that the K∓π± pair originates from the decay of a D0 or D 0. Results are based on 120×106 Υ(4S)→BB decays collected with the BABAR detector at SLAC. We set an upper limit on the ratio RKπ≡ [Γ(B+→[K-π+]DK+)+Γ(B-→[K+π-]DK-)]/[Γ(B+→[K+π-]DK+)+Γ(B-→[K-π+]DK-)]<0.026 (90% C.L.). This constrains the amplitude ratio rB≡ |A(B-→D 0K-)/A(B-→D0K-)|<0.22 (90% C.L.), consistent with expectations. The small value of rB favored by our analysis suggests that the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa phase γ from B→DK will be difficult.
First measurement of the charge asymmetry in beauty-quark pair production.
The difference in the angular distributions between beauty quarks and antiquarks, referred to as the charge asymmetry, is measured for the first time in b[bar over b] pair production at a hadron collider. The data used correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb[superscript −1] collected at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy in proton-proton collisions with the LHCb detector. The measurement is performed in three regions of the invariant mass of the b[bar over b] system. The results obtained are A[b[bar over b] over C](40 105 GeV/c[superscript 2]) = 1.6 ± 1.7 ± 0.6%, where A[b[bar over b] over C] is defined as the asymmetry in the difference in rapidity between jets formed from the beauty q…
Bose-Einstein correlations in charged current muon-neutrino interactions in the NOMAD experiment at CERN
Bose-Einstein Correlations in one and two dimensions have been studied, with high statistics, in charged current muon-neutrino interaction events collected with the NOMAD detector at CERN. In one dimension the Bose-Einstein effect has been analyzed with the Goldhaber and the Kopylov-Podgoretskii phenomenological parametrizations. The Goldhaber parametrization gives the radius of the pion emission region R_G = 1.01+/-0.05(stat)+0.09-0.06(sys) fm and for the chaoticity parameter the value lambda = 0.40+/-0.03(stat)+0.01-0.06(sys). Using the Kopylov-Podgoretskii parametrization yields R_KP = 2.07+/-0.04(stat)+0.01-0.14(sys) fm and lambda_KP = 0.29+/-0.06(stat)+0.01-0.04(sys). Different paramet…
Measurement of theB¯0→D*+ℓ−ν¯ℓdecay rate and|Vcb|
We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{cb}|$ based on a sample of about 53,700 \mbox{$\Bzb \rightarrow D^{*+} \ell^- \bar{\nu}_{\ell}$} decays observed by the \babar\ detector. We obtain the branching fraction averaged over $\ell = e,\mu$, ${\cal B}(\Bzb \rightarrow D^{*+} \ell^- \bar{\nu}_{\ell}) = (4.90 \pm 0.07\mathrm{(stat.)}^{+0.36}_{-0.35}\mathrm{(syst.)})\%$. We measure the differential decay rate as a function of $w$, the relativistic boost $\gamma$ of the $D^{*+}$ in the ${\Bzb}$ rest frame. By extrapolating $d\Gamma/dw$ to the kinematic limit $w \rightarrow 1$, we extract the product of $|V_{cb}|$ and the axial form factor ${\cal A}_1(w=1)$. …
First Observation ofCPViolation inB¯0→DCP(*)h0Decays by a Combined Time-Dependent Analysis ofBABARand Belle Data
We report a measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B0->D(*)CP h0 decays, where the light neutral hadron h0 is a pi0, eta or omega meson, and the neutral D meson is reconstructed in the CP eigenstates K+ K-, K0S pi0 or K0S omega. The measurement is performed combining the final data samples collected at the Y(4S) resonance by the BaBar and Belle experiments at the asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC and KEKB at KEK, respectively. The data samples contain ( 471 +/- 3 ) x 10^6 BB pairs recorded by the BaBar detector and ( 772 +/- 11 ) x 10^6, BB pairs recorded by the Belle detector. We measure the CP asymmetry parameters -eta_f S = +0.66 +/- 0.10 (stat.) +/- 0.06 (syst.) an…
Time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis ofB0→D∓K0π±decays
We present for the first time a measurement of the weak phase 2 beta+gamma obtained from a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B-0 ->(DK0)-K--/+pi(+/-) decays. Using a sample of approximately 347x10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy storage rings and assuming the ratio r of the b -> u and b -> c decay amplitudes to be 0.3, we obtain 2 beta+gamma=(83 +/- 53 +/- 20)degrees and the equivalent solution at +180 degrees. The magnitudes and phases for the resonances associated with the b -> c transitions are also extracted from the fit.
Observation of the rare B(s)(0) + decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence.-- et al.
A precision measurement of charm dimuon production in neutrino interactions from the NOMAD experiment
We present our new measurement of the cross-section for charm dimuon production in neutrino iron interactions based upon the full statistics collected by the NOMAD experiment. After background subtraction we observe 15 344 charm dimuon events, providing the largest sample currently available. The analysis exploits the large inclusive charged current sample - about 9 x 10(6) events after all analysis cuts - and the high resolution NOMAD detector to constrain the total systematic uncertainty on the ratio of charm dimuon to inclusive Charged Current (CC) cross-sections to similar to 2%. We also perform a fit to the NOMAD data to extract the charm production parameters and the strange quark sea…
Study of High Momentumη′Production inB→η′Xs
We measure the branching fraction for the charmless semi-inclusive process B --> eta'Xs, where the eta' meson has a momentum in the range 2.0 to 2.7 GeV/c in the upsilon4S center-of-mass frame and Xs represents a system comprising a kaon and zero to four pions. We find B(B --> eta'Xs) = [3.9 +/- 0.8(stat) +/- 0.5(syst) +/- 0.8(model)] x 10(-4). We also obtain the Xs mass spectrum and find that it fits models predicting high masses.
Search for the Rare Leptonic Decay B+→μ+νμ
A search for the rare leptonic decay with data collected at the resonance by the BABAR experiment was carried out. The decay rate was sensitive to the product of the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix element (Vub and the B decay constant fb, which was propotional to the wave function for zero separation between the quarks. The data used in the analysis was collectd with BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring and the sample consisted of an integrity luminosity of 81.4 fb-1. The systematic uncertainty in the signal efficiency was evaluated which included the muon candidate selection and the reconstruction efficiency of the companion B.
Amplitude analysis ofB+→J/ψϕK+decays
The first full amplitude analysis of B+→J/ψϕK+ with J/ψ→μ+μ−, ϕ→K+K− decays is performed with a data sample of 3 fb−1 of pp collision data collected at s√=7 and 8 TeV with the LHCb detector. The data cannot be described by a model that contains only excited kaon states decaying into ϕK+, and four J/ψϕ structures are observed, each with significance over 5 standard deviations. The quantum numbers of these structures are determined with significance of at least 4 standard deviations. The lightest is best described as a D±sD∗∓s cusp, but a resonant interpretation is also possible with mass consistent with, but width much larger than, previous measurements of the claimed X(4140) state. The mode…
Measurements ofCP-Violating Asymmetries inB0→Ks0π0Decays
The authors present measurements of CP-violating asymmetries in the decay B{sup 0} {yields} a{sub 1}{sup {+-}}(1260){pi}{sup {-+}} with a{sub 1}{sup {+-}}(1260) {yields} {pi}{sup {-+}}{pi}{sup {+-}}{pi}{sup {+-}}. The data sample corresponds to 384 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B-factory at SLAC. They measure the CP-violating asymmetry {Alpha}{sub CP}{sup a{sub 1}{pi}} = -0.07 {+-} 0.07 {+-} 0.02, the mixing-induced CP violation parameter S{sub a{sub 1}{pi}} = 0.37 {+-} 0.21 {+-} 0.07, the direct Cp violation parameter C{sub a{sub 1}{pi}} = -0.10 {+-} 0.15 {+-} 0.09, and the parameters {Delta}C{sub a{sub 1}{pi}} = 0.26 {+-} 0.15 {+-} 0…
Measurement of the Difference of Time-IntegratedCPAsymmetries inD0→K−K+andD0→π−π+Decays
A search for CP violation in $D^0 \rightarrow K^{-} K^{+} $ and $D^0 \rightarrow \pi^{-} \pi^{+} $ decays is performed using $pp$ collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $3~fb^{-1}$, collected using the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and $8~$TeV. The flavour of the charm meson is inferred from the charge of the pion in $D^{*+}\rightarrow D^0\pi^+$ and $D^{*-}\rightarrow \bar{D^0}\pi^{-}$ decays. The difference between the CP asymmetries in $D^0 \rightarrow K^{-} K^{+} $ and $D^0 \rightarrow \pi^{-} \pi^{+} $ decays, $\Delta A_{CP} \equiv A_{CP}(K^{-} K^{+}) - A_{CP}(\pi^{-} \pi^{+})$, is measured to be $\left( -0.10 \pm 0.08(stat) \pm 0.03(syst) \right) \…
Measurements of the branching fractions and bounds on the charge asymmetries of charmless three-body charged B decays.
We present measurements of branching fractions and charge asymmetries for charmless B-meson decays to three-body final states of charged pions and kaons. The analysis uses 81.8 fb^-1 of data collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric B Factory. We measure the branching fractions B(B+ -> pi+ pi- pi+) = (10.9 +/- 3.3 +/- 1.6) x 10^-6, B(B+ -> K+ pi- pi+) = (59.1 +/- 3.8 +/- 3.2) x 10^-6, and B(B+ -> K+ K- K+) = (29.6 +/- 2.1 +/- 1.6) x 10^-6, and provide 90% C.L. upper limits for other decays. We observe no charge asymmetries for these modes.
Search for the decayB¯0→Λc+p¯pp¯
We report a search for the decay B^0 → Λ^+_cppp. Using a data sample of 471×10^6 BB pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II2 storage ring at SLAC, we find no events and set an upper limit on the branching fraction B(B^0 → Λ^+_cppp)×^(B(Λ^+_c→pK^−π^+))_(0.050) <2.8×10^(−6) at 90% C.L., where we have normalized B(Λ^+_c → pK^−π^+) to the world average value.
Measurement of the W boson mass
The W boson mass is measured using proton-proton collision data at root s = 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7fb(-1) recorded during 2016 by the LHCb experiment. With a simultaneous fit of the muon q/p(T) distribution of a sample of W ->mu y decays and the phi* distribution of a sample of Z -> mu mu decays the W boson mass is determined to be
A precise measurement of the muon neutrino nucleon inclusive charged current cross section off an isoscalar target in the energy range 2.5
Abstract We present a measurement of the muon neutrino–nucleon inclusive charged current cross section, off an isoscalar target, in the neutrino energy range 2.5 ⩽ E ν ⩽ 40 GeV . The significance of this measurement is its precision, ±4% in 2.5 ⩽ E ν ⩽ 10 GeV , and ±2.6% in 10 ⩽ E ν ⩽ 40 GeV regions, where significant uncertainties in previous experiments still exist, and its importance to the current and proposed long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.
Measurement of Time-DependentCP-Violating Asymmetries inB0→ϕKS0,K+K−KS0, andη′KS0Decays
We present an improved measurement of $CP$-violation parameters in ${B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\phi}{K}_{S}^{0}$, ${K}^{+}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}_{S}^{0}$, and ${\ensuremath{\eta}}^{\ensuremath{'}}{K}_{S}^{0}$ decays based on a $140\text{ }{\mathrm{f}\mathrm{b}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ data sample collected at the $\ensuremath{\Upsilon}(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB energy-asymmetric ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ collider. One neutral $B$ meson is fully reconstructed in one of the specified decay channels, and the flavor of the accompanying $B$ meson is identified from its decay products. $CP$-violation parameters for each of the three modes are obtained from…
Observation of a Narrow Meson State Decaying toDs+π0at a Mass of2.32 GeV/c2
We have observed a narrow state near 2.32 GeV/c(2) in the inclusive D(+)(s)pi(0) invariant mass distribution from e(+)e(-) annihilation data at energies near 10.6 GeV. The observed width is consistent with the experimental resolution. The small intrinsic width and the quantum numbers of the final state indicate that the decay violates isospin conservation. The state has natural spin-parity and the low mass suggests a J(P)=0(+) assignment. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 91 fb(-1) recorded by the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) storage ring.
Amplitude analysis ofB−→D+π−π−decays
The Dalitz plot analysis technique is used to study the resonant substructures of $B^{-} \to D^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{-}$ decays in a data sample corresponding to 3.0 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. A model-independent analysis of the angular moments demonstrates the presence of resonances with spins 1, 2 and 3 at high $D^{+}\pi^{-}$ mass. The data are fitted with an amplitude model composed of a quasi-model-independent function to describe the $D^{+}\pi^{-}$ S-wave together with virtual contributions from the $D^{*}(2007)^{0}$ and $B^{*0}$ states, and components corresponding to the $D^{*}_{2}(2460)^{0}$, $D^{*}_{1}(2680)^{0}$, $D^{*}_…
DirectCPViolating Asymmetry inB0→K+π−Decays
We present an updated search for direct CP violation in the decay B0 -> K+pi-. Using 227 million Y(4S) -> BBbar decays collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- collider at SLAC, we observe a total signal yield of n(K-pi+) + n(K+pi-) = 1606 +- 51 decays and measure the asymmetry [n(K-pi+)-n(K+pi-)]/[n(K-p+-)+n(K+pi-)] = -0.133+-0.030 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst). This measurement establishes direct CP violation in the B0 meson system at the level of 4.2 standard deviations.
A study of strange particles produced in neutrino neutral current interactions in the NOMAD experiment
Results of a detailed study of strange particle production in neutrino neutral current interactions are presented using the data from the NOMAD experiment. Integral yields of neutral strange particles (K0s, Lambda, Lambda-bar) have been measured. Decays of resonances and heavy hyperons with an identified K0s or Lambda in the final state have been analyzed. Clear signals corresponding to K* and Sigma(1385) have been observed. First results on the measurements of the Lambda polarization in neutral current interactions have been obtained.
Time-integrated luminosity recorded by the BABARdetector at the PEP-IIe+e- collider
We describe a measurement of the time-integrated luminosity of the data collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e^+e^- collider at the ϒ(4S), ϒ(3S), and ϒ(2S) resonances and in a continuum region below each resonance. We measure the time-integrated luminosity by counting e^+e^-→e^+e^- and (for the ϒ(4S) only) e^+e^-→μ^+μ^- candidate events, allowing additional photons in the final state. We use data-corrected simulation to determine the cross-sections and reconstruction efficiencies for these processes, as well as the major backgrounds. Due to the large cross-sections of e^+e^-→e^+e^- and e^+e^-→μ^+μ^-, the statistical uncertainties of the measurement are substanti…
Determination of the Branching Fraction forB→XcℓνDecays and of|Vcb|from Hadronic-Mass and Lepton-Energy Moments
We determine the inclusive B --> Xc l nu branching fraction, the CKM matrix element |Vcb|, and other heavy-quark parameters from a simultaneous fit to moments of the hadronic-mass and lepton-energy distributions in semileptonic B-meson decays, measured as a function of the lower limit on the lepton energy, using data recorded with the BABAR detector. Using Heavy Quark Expansions (HQEs) to order 1/mb^3, we extract BR_cenu=(10.61 +- 0.16(exp) +- 0.06(HQE))% and |Vcb| = (41.4 +- 0.4(exp) +- 0.4(HQE) +- 0.6(th)) 10^-3. The stated errors refer to the experimental, HQE, and additional theoretical uncertainties.
Search forB0Decays to Invisible Final States and toνν¯γ
We establish upper limits on branching fractions for B0 decays to final states where the decay products are purely invisible (i.e., no observable final state particles) and for B0 decays to nunugamma. Within the standard model, these decays have branching fractions that are below current experimental sensitivity, but various models of physics beyond the standard model predict significant contributions from these channels. Using 88.5 x 10(6) BB pairs collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II e(+)e- storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, we establish upper limits at the 90% confidence level of 22 x 10(-5) for the branching fraction of B0-->i…
Measurement of the Time-DependentCPAsymmetry in theB0→ϕK0Decay
The authors present a measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry for the neutral B-meson decay B{sup 0} {yields} {phi} K{sup 0}. They use a sample of approximately 114 million B-meson pairs taken at the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B-meson Factory at SLAC. They reconstruct the CP eigenstates {phi}K{sub S}{sup 0} and {phi}K{sub L}{sup 0} where {phi} {yields} K{sup +}K{sup -}, K{sub S}{sup 0} {yields} {pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -}, and K{sub L}{sup 0} is observed via its hadronic interactions. The other B meson in the event is tagged as either a B{sup 0} or {bar B}{sup 0} from its decay products. The values of the CP-violation parameters are S{sub {phi}K} = 0.47 …
Observation of the Resonant Character of theZ(4430)−State
Resonant structures in B-0 -> psi'pi K--(+) decays are analyzed by performing a four-dimensional fit of the decay amplitude, using pp collision data corresponding to 3 fb(-1) collected with the LHCb detector. The data cannot be described with K+pi(-) resonances alone, which is confirmed with a model-independent approach. A highly significant Z(4430)(-) -> psi'pi(-) component is required, thus confirming the existence of this state. The observed evolution of the Z(4430)(-) amplitude with the psi'pi(-) mass establishes the resonant nature of this particle. The mass and width measurements are substantially improved. The spin parity is determined unambiguously to be 1(+).
A measurement of coherent neutral pion production in neutrino neutral current interactions in the NOMAD experiment
We present a study of exclusive neutral pion production in neutrino-nucleus Neutral Current interactions using data from the NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS. The data correspond to $1.44 \times 10^6$ muon-neutrino Charged Current interactions in the energy range $2.5 \leq E_{\nu} \leq 300$ GeV. Neutrino events with only one visible $\pi^0$ in the final state are expected to result from two Neutral Current processes: coherent $\pi^0$ production, {\boldmath $\nu + {\cal A} \to \nu + {\cal A} + \pi^0$} and single $\pi^0$ production in neutrino-nucleon scattering. The signature of coherent $\pi^0$ production is an emergent $\pi^0$ almost collinear with the incident neutrino while $\pi^0$'s pro…
Observation of Bc+→J/ψD(*)K(*) decays
A search for the decays B + c → J / ψ D ( * ) 0 K + and B + c → J / ψ D ( * ) + K * 0 is performed with data collected at the LHCb experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb − 1 . The decays B + c → J / ψ D 0 K + and B + c → J / ψ D * 0 K + are observed for the first time, while first evidence is reported for the B + c → J / ψ D * + K * 0 and B + c → J / ψ D + K * 0 decays. The branching fractions of these decays are determined relative to the B + c → J / ψ π + decay. The B + c mass is measured, using the J / ψ D 0 K + final state, to be 6274.28 ± 1.40 ( stat ) ± 0.32 ( syst ) MeV / c 2 . This is the most precise single measurement of the B + c mass to date.
Study of J/ψ Production in Jets
The production of $J/\psi$ mesons in jets is studied in the forward region of proton-proton collisions using data collected with the LHCb detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The fraction of the jet transverse momentum carried by the $J/\psi$ meson, $z \equiv p_{\rm T}(J/\psi)/p_{\rm T}({\rm jet})$, is measured using jets with $p_{\rm T}({\rm jet}) > 20$ GeV in the pseudorapidity range $2.5 < \eta({\rm jet}) < 4.0$. The observed $z$ distribution for $J/\psi$ mesons produced in $b$-hadron decays is consistent with expectations. However, the results for prompt $J/\psi$ production do not agree with predictions based on fixed-order non-relativistic QCD. This is the first measurement o…
Study ofCPAsymmetry inB0−B¯0Mixing with Inclusive Dilepton Events
We present a measurement of the asymmetry A_{CP} between same-sign inclusive dilepton samples l^{+}l^{+} and l^{-}l^{-} (l=e, μ) from semileptonic B decays in ϒ(4S)→BB[over ¯] events, using the complete data set recorded by the BABAR experiment near the ϒ(4S) resonance, corresponding to 471×10^{6} BB[over ¯] pairs. The asymmetry A_{CP} allows comparison between the mixing probabilities P(B[over ¯]^{0}→B^{0}) and P(B^{0}→B[over ¯]^{0}), and therefore probes CP and T violation. The result, A_{CP}=[-3.9±3.5(stat)±1.9(syst)]×10^{-3}, is consistent with the standard model expectation.
Vector-Tensor and Vector-Vector Decay Amplitude Analysis ofB0→φK*0
We perform an amplitude analysis of the decays B(0)-->phiK*(2)(1430)(0), phiK*(892)(0), and phi(Kpi)(0)(S-wave) with a sample of about 384x10(6) BB[over ] pairs recorded with the BABAR detector. The fractions of longitudinal polarization f(L) of the vector-tensor and vector-vector decay modes are measured to be 0.853(-0.069+0.061)+/-0.036 and 0.506+/-0.040+/-0.015, respectively. Overall, twelve parameters are measured for the vector-vector decay and seven parameters for the vector-tensor decay, including the branching fractions and parameters sensitive to CP violation.
Study ofB→DsJ(*)+D¯(*)Decays
We report a study of D-sJ(*)(2317)(+) and D-sJ(2460)(+) meson production in B decays. We observe the decays B+--> D-sJ((*)+)(D) over bar ((*)0) and B-0 --> DsJ(*)+D(*)- with the subsequent decays D-sJ(*)(2317)(+)-->D(s)(+)pi(0), D-sJ(2460)(+)-->D(s)(+)gamma, and D-sJ(2460)(+)-->D(s)(*+)pi(0). Based on a data sample of 122.1x10(6) B(B) over bar pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B factory, we obtain branching fractions for these modes, including the previously unseen decays B-->(DsJ(*)+D*). In addition, we perform an angular analysis of D-sJ(2460)(+)-->D(s)(+)gamma decays to test the different D-sJ(2460)(+) spin hypotheses.
Measurement of the ratioB(B+→Xeν)/B(B0→Xeν)
We report measurements of the inclusive electron momentum spectra in decays of charged and neutral B mesons, and of the ratio of semileptonic branching fractions B(B+-> Xe nu) and B(B-0 -> Xe nu). These were performed on a sample of 231x10(6) B (B) over bar events recorded with the BABAR detector at the Upsilon(4S) resonance. Events are selected by fully reconstructing a hadronic decay of one B meson and identifying an electron among the decay products of the recoiling (B) over bar meson. We obtain B(B+-> Xe nu)/B(B-0 -> Xe nu)=1.074 +/- 0.041((stat))+/- 0.026((syst)).
Observation of the DecayB±→π±π0, Study ofB±→K±π0, and Search forB0→π0π0
We present results for the branching fractions and charge asymmetries in B+/--->h(+/-)pi(0) (where h(+/-)=pi(+/-),K+/-) and a search for the decay B0-->pi(0)pi(0) using a sample of approximately 88 x 10(6) BBmacr; pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We measure B(B+/--->pi(+/-)pi(0))=(5.5(+1.0)(-0.9)+/-0.6)x10(-6), where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. The B+/--->pi(+/-)pi(0) signal has a significance of 7.7sigma including systematic uncertainties. We simultaneously measure the K+/-pi(0) branching fraction to be B(B+/--->K+/-pi(0))=(12.8(+1.2)(-1.1)+/-1.0)x10(-6). The charge asymmetries are Api(+/-)(pi(0))=-0.0…
Measurement of the Branching Fraction and Polarization for the DecayB−→D*0K*−
We present a study of the decay B- --> D*K-0*(-) based on a sample of 86 X 10(6) Y(4S) --> B (B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We measure the branching fraction 23(B- --> D*K-0*(-)) = (8.3 +/- 1.1(stat) +/- 1.0(syst)) X 10(-4), and the fraction of longitudinal polarization in this decay to be Gamma(L)/Gamma = 0.86 +/- 0.06(stat) --> +/- 0.03(syst).
Measurement of initial-state–final-state radiation interference in the processese+e−→μ+μ−γande+e−→π+π−γ
Charge asymmetry in processes e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma and e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma is measured using 232 fb-1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at center-of-mass energies near 10.58 GeV. An observable is introduced and shown to be very robust against detector asymmetries while keeping a large sensitivity to the physical charge asymmetry that results from the interference between initial and final state radiation. The asymmetry is determined as afunction of the invariant mass of the final-state tracks from production threshold to a few GeV/c2. It is compared to the expectation from QED for e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma and from theoretical models for e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma. A clear interfe…
Bound on the Ratio of Decay Amplitudes forB¯0→J/ψK*0andB0→J/ψK*0
We have measured the time-dependent decay rate for the process B→J/ψK*0(892) in a sample of about 88×106 Υ(4S)→BB decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory at SLAC. In this sample we study flavor-tagged events in which one neutral B meson is reconstructed in the J/ψK*0 or J/ψK *0 final state. We measure the coefficients of the cosine and sine terms in the time-dependent asymmetries for J/ψK*0 and J/ψK *0, find them to be consistent with the standard model expectations, and set upper limits at 90% confidence level (C.L.) on the decay amplitude ratios |A(B 0→J/ψK*0)|/|A(B0→J/ψK*0)|<0.26 and |A(B0→J/ψK *0)|/|A(B 0→J/ψK *0)|<0.32. For a single ratio of w…
Search for Lepton-Flavor Violation in the Decayτ−→ℓ−ℓ+ℓ−
A search for the lepton-flavor-violating decay of the tau into three charged leptons has been performed using 91.5 fb(-1) of data collected at an e(+)e(-)center-of-mass energy around 10.58 GeV with the BABAR detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP-II. In all six decay modes considered, the numbers of events found in data are compatible with the background expectations. Upper limits on the branching fractions are set in the range (1-3)x10(-7) at 90% confidence level.
Measurements of the branching fractions of chargedBdecays toK±π∓π±final states
We present results of searches for B-meson decays to K+ pi- pi+ with the BaBar detector. With a data sample of 61.6 million BBbar pairs, we measure the branching fractions and 90% confidence-level upper limits averaged over charge-conjugate states (the first error is statistical and the second is systematic): B+ --> K*0 pi+ = (15.5 +/- 1.8 +1.5 -4.0) x 10^-6, B+ --> f0 K+, f_0 --> pi+ pi- = (9.2 +/- 1.2 +2.1 -2.6) x 10^-6, B+ --> D0bar pi+, D0bar --> K+ pi- = (184.6 +/- 3.2 +/- 9.7) x 10^-6. B+ --> rho K+ K+ pi- pi+ non-resonant < 17 x 10^-6.
Search for a charged partner of theX(3872)in theBmeson decayB→X−K,X−→J/ψπ−π0
We search for a charged partner of the X(3872) in the decay B --> X- K, X- --> J/psi pi- pi0, using 234 million BBbar events collected at the Y(4S) resonance with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II e+e- asymmetric-energy storage ring. The resulting product branching fraction upper limits are BR(B0 --> X- K+, X- --> J/psi pi- pi0) X- K0bar,X- --> J/psi pi- pi0) < 22 x 10(-6) at the 90% confidence level.