Amparo Escartí

The influence of the physical education teacher on intrinsic motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, and pre-and post-competition mood states

One of the fundamental problems facing teachers of physical education (PE) is how to increase pupils' motivation. From the point of view of goal achievement, guidelines need to be established so that information may be used to greater effect in classes. This study examined the relationship between the motivational climate created by the PE teacher and the intrinsic motivation of the preparatory sessions together with self-confidence and anxiety prior to competition and pre- and post-competition mood states. The sample was made up of school children (M age = 11.7) from a state school (N = 115), who, after an introduction to an athletics course of 12 sessions, took part in a sports competitio…

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Estudio piloto sobre el estrés y la resiliencia familiar en recién nacidos prematuros

Resumen: Introducción: La prematuridad se acompaña de patología severa, estancias prolongadas en el hospital e incertidumbre acerca del futuro de los pacientes. Estas circunstancias suponen un estrés que puede afectar al funcionamiento de la familia. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar los factores de riesgo y de protección del funcionamiento familiar en prematuros comparados con neonatos sanos a término. Población y métodos: Se reclutó a prematuros que cursaron el periodo neonatal con y sin patología (n = 40) a los 24 meses de edad posconcepcional y un grupo control de nacidos a término sanos (n = 31) según datos de la historia clínica. El progenitor cuidador habitual respondió al…

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Effects of a Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model Intervention in Competitive Youth Sport

The aim of this study was to implement the teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model in a competitive context analyzing the differences between the intervention and the control group on personal and social responsibility, prosocial behaviors, and self-efficacy in youth soccer players. Participants were 34 youth soccer players between the ages of 14 and 16 years old (15.18 ± 0.72) divided into two different soccer teams of 17 members, corresponding to the control and intervention groups. The implementation of the TPSR model took place during 9 months, including initial and ongoing coach training (3 months), program implementation (three sessions per week lasting 90 min during …

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Application of Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model in physical education to improve self-efficacy for adolescents at risk of dropping-out of school.

This study evaluated improvement in self-efficacy and personal and social responsibility among at-risk of dropping-out of school adolescents participating in a program in which Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model was applied in physical education classes during the course of an academic year. Thirty at-risk adolescents aged 13-14 years old (23 boys, 7 girls) were assigned to an intervention group (12 boys and 3 girls) or a comparison group (11 boys, 4 girls), the latter of which did not participate in the program. Quantitative results showed a significant improvement in the students' self-efficacy for enlisting social resources and in self-efficacy for self-regulate…

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Pilot study on stress and resilience in families with premature newborns

Introduction: Prematurity is associated with severe clinical conditions, long hospital stays, and uncertainty about patient outcomes. These circumstances lead to a stressful situation that may affect family functioning. The aim of this study was to study risk and protection factors affecting family functioning in preterm as compared to healthy term infants. Population and methods: Preterm infants with and without pathological conditions (n = 40) were recruited at 24 months post-conception age, together with a control group of healthy term newborn infants (n = 31). Parents or usual caregivers responded to the Inventory of Family Protection Factors and Parental Stress scales. The results were…

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Implementation Fidelity of a Program Designed to Promote Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Education

The purpose of this qualitative comparative case study was to examine the implementation fidelity of a program designed to deliver the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model (Hellison, 2003) through physical education and its relationship with short-term outcomes for elementary school students. The research questions were: (a) was the program implemented with fidelity, and (b) did better fidelity yield better student outcomes. Thus, we conducted a study on the implementation process used by two teachers who delivered the same program in two physical education classes in two different elementary schools in Spain. Data sources included observations and interviews with teache…

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Relaciones entre la orientación de meta disposicional y la satisfacción con los resultados deportivos, las creencias sobre las causas de éxito en deporte y la diversión con la práctica

Este trabajo analizó las propiedades psicométricas de una batería de cuestionarios utilizados previamente en contextos deportivos británicos y norteamericanos para medir: la orientación de metas disposicional, las creencias sobre las causas de éxito en deporte, la satisfacción con los resultados deportivos y la diversión con la práctica deportiva y las relaciones entre la orientación de meta personal y las variables estudiadas. 90 chicos y 40 chicas practicantes de atletismo o tenis participaron en el estudio. Los resultados han mostrado una distribución factorial semejantes a las obtenidas con los instrumentos originales. La consistencia interna de todas las escalas se ha mostrado aceptabl…

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Emotional education program for adolescents (PREDEMA): evaluation from the perspective of students and effects on socio-affective competences / Programa de educación emocional para adolescentes (PREDEMA): valoración desde la perspectiva de los participantes y sus efectos en las competencias socio-afectivas

AbstractThe literature reveals multiple benefits of emotional education in adolescents’ development. This study examines the effects perceived by participants in the Emotional Education Programme f...

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Effects of feedback on self-efficacy, performance, and choice in an athletic task

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of feedback on self-efficacy, performance, and task choice, and the mediating effects of self-efficacy in the feedback-performance and task choice relationships. Participants were 69 Spanish students, 46 males and 23 females, between 18 and 24 years. The experimental paradigm consisted of three sessions. In the first, participants performed on the hurdles. In the second, manipulated feedback referring to the previous performance was provided. Participants then estimated their self-efficacy for a second task which they later performed. In the third session, participants were presented with three tasks involving clearing hurdles of p…

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The relationship between out-of-school sport participation and positive youth development

Carreres-Ponsoda F, Escarti A, Cortell-Tormo JM, Fuster-Lloret V, Andreu-Cabrera E. The relationship between out-of-school sport participation and positive youth development. J. Hum. Sport Exerc. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 671-683, 2012. Despite growing evidence that participation in out-of-school activities and especially physical activity and sport programs facilitates positive development, little developmental research has been conducted on out-of-school sports programs compared with no participation in these activities or participation in other activities. Our study examined the participation of youth in out of school sport activities compared with participation in other out-of-school activitie…

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Influence of the motivational climate in physical education on the intention to practice physical activity or sport

This study is based on the achievement goal theory and intended to verify the effects of the motivational climate of the physical education (PE) on students' motivation, interest, and intention to practice physical activity or sport. In order to meet these objectives, 975 participants, from 13 to 18 years of age, completed the following instruments: PECCS, TEOSQ, IMI, Satisfaction Scale, and the Intention to Practice Physical Activity or Sport. The data were analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results confirmed that the mastery dimension of motivational climate has an influence, directly or indirectly, on task orientation, the three dimensions of intrinsic motivatio…

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Fortalezas, dificultades y aspectos susceptibles de mejora en la aplicación de un Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social en Educación Física. Una evaluación a partir de las percepciones de sus implementadores

ResumenEste articulo se centra en la implementation del Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social (PRPS) a traves de las clases de Educacion Fisica (EF) en cinco centros de Educacion Primaria. Se ha realizado una utilization-focused evaluation dirigida a evaluar sus fortalezas, limitaciones y aspectos susceptibles de mejora. La obtencion de datos se llevo a cabo mediante la realizacion de una doble entrevista semiestructurada y un grupo de discusion con los profesores que implementaron el PRPS. El trabajo concluye que los principales puntos fuertes del PRPS son su aplicabilidad al contexto escolar y la capacidad de promover su desarrollo profesional. Entre las limitaciones se senala la …

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