J.j. Martínez-pla
Biopartitioning micellar separation methods: modelling drug absorption
The search for new pharmacologically active compounds in drug discovery programmes often neglects biopharmaceutical properties as drug absorption. As a result, poor biopharmaceutical characteristics constitute a major reason for the low success rate for candidates in clinical development. Since the cost of drug development is many times larger than the cost of drug discovery, predictive methodologies aiding the selection of bioavailable drug candidates are of profound significance. This paper has been focussed on recent developments and applications of chromatographic systems, particularly those systems based on amphiphilic structures, in the frame of alternative approaches for estimating t…
Retention–property relationships of anticonvulsant drugs by biopartitioning micellar chromatography
Epilepsy may be considered as a group of disorders with only one thing in common: the fact that recurrent anomalous electrochemical phenomena appear in the central nervous system. Different classes of drugs are included under the generic term of anticonvulsant drugs. All of them work by decreasing discharge propagation in different ways. Biopartitioning micellar chromatography (BMC) is a mode of reversed-phase liquid chromatography, which can be used as an in vitro system to model the biopartitioning process of drugs when there are no active processes. In this paper, relationships between the BMC retention data of anticonvulsant drugs, their pharmacokinetics (oral absorption, protein bindin…
Determination of Anticonvulsant Drugs in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Micellar Liquid Chromatography
A micellar liquid chromatographic method for quality control of pharmaceutical preparations (capsules, pills, tablets, injections, drops, and suppositories) containing the anticonvulsant drugs acetazolamide, carbamacepine, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, ethosuximide, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and zopiclone has been developed. This methodology involves the use of micellar solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as mobile phases and UV detection. The proposed approach is rapid and reproducible. Sample preparation only requires dissolution with micellar solvent and adequate dilution with the mobile phase before injection into the chromatographic system.
Biopartitioning micellar chromatography to predict skin permeability
Dermal absorption of chemicals is an area of increasing interest to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as in dermal exposure and risk assessment processes. In this paper the capability of biopartitioning micellar chromatography (BMC) as an in vitro technique to describe compound percutaneous absorption is evaluated. A multivariate study (principal component analysis, partial least squares) is performed in order to evaluate the importance of some physicochemical variables on the skin permeability constant values. From these results, a quantitative retention-activity relationship model for predicting the skin permeability constants that uses the BMC retention data and melting…
Fast enantiomeric separation of propranolol by affinity capillary electrophoresis using human serum albumin as chiral selector: application to quality control of pharmaceuticals
Abstract In the last years, capillary electrophoresis (CE) has gained considerable interest in pharmaceutical laboratories for controlling the chiral purity of drugs. This paper describes a simple and fast method for resolution of propranolol enantiomers by affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) using human serum albumin (HSA) as chiral selector. The effect of several experimental variables such as HSA concentration, temperature, chiral selector plug length and addition of organic modifiers, on the separation is evaluated. Complete enantioresolution of R- and S-propranolol was achieved in less than 5 min when the capillary was completely filled with 100 μM HSA solution and the electrophor…
High-throughput capillary electrophoresis frontal analysis method for the study of drug interactions with human serum albumin at near-physiological conditions.
The application of the short-end capillary injection to capillary electrophoresis frontal analysis (CE-FA) to study the interaction between basic, neutral and acid drugs towards human serum albumin (HSA) at near-physiological conditions is presented. The compounds selected display a wide range of binding affinities and the results obtained were in good agreement with those reported in the literature. An equation for the estimation of the number of primary binding sites and their corresponding affinity constants is developed isolating the experimentally measured variables in just one axis. The proposed CE-FA method to screen drug interactions with HSA under physiological conditions is simple…
Evaluation of the pH effect of formulations on the skin permeability of drugs by biopartitioning micellar chromatography☆
Dermal absorption of chemicals is an area of increasing interest for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as in dermal exposure and risk assessment processes. Biopartitioning micellar chromatography (BMC) is a mode of reversed phase micellar chromatography that has proved to be useful in the description and prediction of several pharmacological properties of xenobiotics including oral drug absorption, ocular and skin drug permeability. The present paper deals with the application of biopartitionig micellar chromatography to evaluate the pH effect on the skin permeability of twelve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and lidocaine. For this purpose the BMC retention of the w…
Chiral separation of bupivacaine enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis partial-filling technique with human serum albumin as chiral selector
Abstract Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful technique for enantiomer separations due to its intrinsic high separation efficiencies, speed of analysis, low reagent consumption and small sample requirements. However, some chiral selectors present strong background UV absorption providing high detection limits. The present paper deals with the application of the partial-filling technique to the separation of bupivacaine enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis using human serum albumin (HSA) as chiral selector. In this procedure the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was used as a dinamic capillary coating in order to reduce the electro-osmotic flow and detect …
QRAR models for central nervous system drugs using biopartitioning micellar chromatography.
The capability of biopartitioning Micellar Chromatography, BMC, to describe and estimate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of central nervous system drugs is reviewed in this article. BMC is a mode of micellar liquid chromatography, MLC, that uses micellar mobile phases of Brij35 (polyoxyethilene(23) lauryl ether) prepared in physiological conditions (pH, ionic strength). The retention of a drug in this system depends on its hydrophobic, electronic and steric properties, which also determine its biological activity. The results of BMC studies suggest that this in vitro approach is an attractive useful tool to be implemented into the lead optimization step of drug development sc…
Chiral separation of oxprenolol by affinity electrokinetic chromatography-partial filling technique using human serum albumin as chiral selector
The intrinsic characteristics of capillary electrophoresis have made this technique a powerful tool in the chiral separation field. The present paper deals with the enantiomeric separation of oxprenolol enantiomers by affinity electrokinetic chromatography-partial filling technique using human serum albumin (HSA) as chiral selector. Several experimental conditions and variables affecting the separation such as pH, HSA concentration and plug length, background electrolyte concentration, temperature and voltage were studied. Baseline separation of oxprenolol enantiomers was obtained in less than 8 min under the following selected conditions: electrophoretic buffer composed of 50 mM Tris-(hydr…