M Koskinen

Rotating quantum liquids crystallize

Small crystallites form when finite quantal systems are set highly rotating. This crystallization is independent of the statistics of the particles, and occurs for both trapped bosons and fermions. The spin degree of freedom does not change the tendency for localization. In a highly rotating state, the strongly correlated bosonic and fermionic systems approach to that of classical particles.

research product

Spontaneous magnetism of quantum dot lattices.

The magnetism of square lattices of quantum dots with up to 12 electrons per dot is studied using the spin-density functional formalism. At small values of the lattice constant, all lattices are nonmagnetic and gapless. When the lattice constant is increased, the shell structure of the single dots governs the magnetism of the lattice. At closed shells, the lattices are nonmagnetic and have a gap at the Fermi level. At the beginning and at the end of a shell, they become ferromagnetic and stay gapless up to large values of the lattice constant. Antiferromagnetism was observed only at midshell after a band gap was opened.

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Magnetic properties of quantum dots and rings

Exact many-body methods as well as current-spin-density functional theory are used to study the magnetism and electron localization in two-dimensional quantum dots and quasi-one-dimensional quantum rings. Predictions of broken-symmetry solutions within the density functional model are confirmed by exact configuration interaction (CI) calculations: In a quantum ring the electrons localize to form an antiferromagnetic chain which can be described with a simple model Hamiltonian. In a quantum dot the magnetic field localizes the electrons as predicted with the density functional approach.

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Universal vortex formation in rotating traps with bosons and fermions.

When a system consisting of many interacting particles is set rotating, it may form vortices. This is familiar to us from every-day life: you can observe vortices while stirring your coffee or watching a hurricane. In the world of quantum mechanics, famous examples of vortices are superconducting films and rotating bosonic $^4$He or fermionic $^3$He liquids. Vortices are also observed in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in atomic traps and are predicted to exist for paired fermionic atoms. Here we show that the rotation of trapped particles with a repulsive interaction leads to a similar vortex formation, regardless of whether the particles are bosons or (unpaired) fermions. The exact, qu…

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Electron-hole bilayer quantum dots: Phase diagram and exciton localization

We studied a vertical ``quantum dot molecule'', where one of the dots is occupied with electrons and the other with holes. We find that different phases occur in the ground state, depending on the carrier density and the interdot distance. When the system is dominated by shell structure, orbital degeneracies can be removed either by Hund's rule, or by Jahn-Teller deformation. Both mechanisms can lead to a maximum of the addition energy at mid-shell. At low densities and large interdot distances, bound electron-hole pairs are formed.

research product

Density Functional Theory of Multicomponent Quantum Dots

Quantum dots with conduction electrons or holes originating from several bands are considered. We assume the particles are confined in a harmonic potential and assume the electrons (or holes) belonging to different bands to be different types of fermions with isotropic effective masses. The density functional method with the local density approximation is used. The increased number of internal (Kohn-Sham) states leads to a generalisation of Hund's first rule at high densities. At low densitites the formation of Wigner molecules is favored by the increased internal freedom.

research product

Exchange-correlation energy of a multicomponent two-dimensional electron gas

We discuss the exchange-correlation energy of a multicomponent (multi-valley) two-dimensional electron gas and show that an extension of the recent parametrisation of the exchange-correlation energy by Attacalite et al (Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 256601 (2002)) describes well also the multicomponent system. We suggest a simple mass dependence of the correlation energy and apply it to study the phase diagram of the multicomponent 2D electron (or hole) gas. The results show that even a small mass difference of the components (e.g. heavy and light holes) decreases the concentration of the lighter components already at relatively high densities.

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Correlation and spin polarization in quantum dots: Local spin density functional theory revisited

Using quantum dot artificial atoms as a simple toy model, we reflect on the question of whether spin density functional theory (SDFT) can accurately describe correlation effects in low-dimensional fermion systems. Different expressions for the local density approximation of the exchange-correlation energy for the two-dimensional electron gas, such as the much-used functional of Tanatar and Ceperley, and the recent suggestion by Attaccalite et al., are compared with the results of a numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian matrix in the limit of small electron numbers. For systems with degeneracies, as shown in the present work for the example of a spin triplet with S = 1, the …

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